The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-06-20, Page 4Urge Four The WI ug•hant Ativanuee-Tinel;, i\'(�tl►tei�(luy, :I'uue 20, 1062 $ FZ E M1901FIND 1 c? u N l I fi e Foltt SALE TAXI SERVICE QUANTITY of used lumber for sale, Phone 220. 20b HOUSE TRAILER, 8'x30' for axle, furnished. John R. VanCamp, :)hone 707J21. 20* CLARE oil furnace for sale, with Esso burner, all in good repair. Can he seen. W. T. Cruickshank, phone 275. 20b USED LOCKER BOXES for sale, door type $2.00; drawer type, $4,00 each, with locks $1,00 extra, Make .excellent storage for your old records. Gay -Lea Cheese House. 13-20b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners, Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K, Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 69682. l6rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE INSTIL BRICK house for sale on the county road, hydro, water taps. Full price $1,000.00. Lloyd Whytock, phone 715W3. 20b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Attractive 2 -storey white brick house, 4 bedrooms, fully modern, oil furnace, extra wash room, ex- cellent location, choice lot, immedi- ate possession. Terms. 41 -acre of land in Bluevale, 6 -room house with oil furnace and bath, barn and hen house, close to school. Full price $4,500.00 with terms. 2 -storey solid red brick house, well situated, furnace, extra wash room. Very easy to duplex. Full price $7,500.00. For your real estate require- ments contact— 'WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 292M - Wingham 20h CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1956 VOLKSWAGEN for sale. Good condition. Apply Box 67, Ad- vance -Times. 20* '51 GMC ?j -ton truck for sale. Good condition, Phone 290W. 20h LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 10 SMALL CHUNKS pigs for sale. Phone Teeswater 392-6125. 20* HAY FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE -20 acres, Sell by acre or bale. Ready to cut. Phone 326, Roy Adair. 20* 17 ACRES of hay for sale, first cut. John MacNaughton, phone 104W. 20b FOR SALE or take off on shares - 20 acres of first cutting clover hay. Wellesley Strong, phone Fordwich 26-111. 20h 6 A- CRES or hay for sale. Will trade 1953 Chev. %-ton truck on a small Ford tractor. Phone 709 J21. 20h POULTRY FOR SALE 400 FISHER'S 301 Chickens for s.ale, 2 months old. Phone 721J4, Wingham. 20h FOR RENT COTTAGE for rent at Pt. Clark, inside conveniences, screened porch. Phone 632,12. 20`•' SMALL heated apartment for rent, Immediate possession. Cen- trally located on Shuter Street. Private entrance. Phone 436J. Doug. Foxton, 20b IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE — A first-class one -bedroom apart- ment, suitable for a married couple or two business people. Private bathroom and separate entrance. Heating and hydro supplied. For more information please write to the Advance - Times, Box 61, 20b WANTED MALE BOARDER wanted; central location. Apply Box 68, Advance- Ttmes, 20b WA- NTED—Rock elm for timbers over 14 in, in diameter, Also goad elm, soft maple and hard maple hush lots. Les Morley, R. R. 2, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. Je20-Dc26b EMPLOYMENT WANTED RESPONSIBLE high school girl desires work In store, housework or taking care of children. Phone 392-6459, Teeswater, 20h LOST LOST — Last Friday between Vance 's and a parcel arcel con- taining tablets on prescription. Finder please leave at Vance's Drug Store. 20b FOR ALL OCCASIONS' tail Taxi, for long or short Phone 185. Lee's trips, 4rrb APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be ree 'ived by the undersigned for the position of secretary -treasurer of the `':'est Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company until 12 o'(•lock noon, June 28th, 1962. Initial salary $3,- 300 with rent free dwclhn{,, State qualifications. Mark "Application" on envelope. Applications will be opened Thursday evening, June 38, at 8.30 p,m, Durnin Phillips. See. Treas., Dungannon, Ont. 13-20b NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZA- BETH ANN ARMSTRONG. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Corrie, in the County of Huron. Widow, who died on 19th day of May, 1962, are required to file praof of same with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of June, A.D. 1962. After that -date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the cliams of which he shall then have .had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 8th day of June, A.D. 1962, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTCON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 13-20-27h CARDS OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank my friends and neighbours for cards and letters received while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital.- Mrs, Art Wilson. 20* I would like to thank my friends and neighbours, Ladies of Sacred Heart parish, Father Freker artd children of Sacred Heart School for all their kindness while 1 was a patient in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to 1)r. McKihhon an,d the nurses who were so kind. -- Mrs. H. Reijerink, 20h IN MEMORIAM BAIRD — In Ioving memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Robert Baird, passed away June 21st, 1934. Cherished memories woven in gold, Framing the picture we so tenderly hold. —Dorothy and family: 2011 DEADSTOCK WANTED REMOVAL SERVICE -- We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an inspected renderin plant. FREE REMOVAL ---Phone No charge to ZENITH 88540 e Wingham 378 or Palmerston 123W GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, TOit ONTO - BARRII. - ELMIRA. Li cense No. 14 & 15R02 - 143 & 144-C-62. rrb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALI DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham 561J Dead Animal Lie. No. 175-C-68 Jny3rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses aceord ing to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 193-C-022, 121-R.P, 02 Top Quality COMMERCIAL PRINTING * Booklets * Stationery • Office loans * Circulate Let us quote nae estimat+'el price on your next john • THE W INOIIAM LOST -- Two yearling steers, one Holstein, one Hereford, from E% ADVANCE TIMES lot 32, con, 14, East Wawanosh. Ewart arlttrr McPherson, phone 43Iz , Phone 890 Wirtghani x a.. ('O3IINU EVENTS I,10(UON BINGO every Thursday in I.ucicnow Legion Hall, $.4e ;l.m. sharp. 12 regular game:, for $10, 3 share the wealth and one spee- nil for $50.00 inu:.t go (110 limi€ for ealls). C1(117rrb • MONSTER BINGO to be held at Walkerton Curling Club (next to Aretur), \Vedneselny, June 20th, 9 p.m.. and every seemed week thereafter, sponsored by Walker- ton Kinsmen Club in aid of the Swimming fool Fund. $1,200.00 in prizes. 20-27; J11-25; A8-22 FREE ADMISSION BINGO - Teeswater Lions Club Will hold its first big cash bingo of the euson this Friday evening, June 22nd, , commenting at 9 o'clock, $1,400 in cash prizes --must all go, Co kick .,ff the season with a "bang." there will he no admis- sion charge at the door„ CE20b MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING DONE: Interior or ex- terior. Free estimation. Call after 6 p,m., I)ungannan 18R2. NOTICE If you -are thinking of financing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first, Reuben Appleby, R. R, 2, Wingham, phone 703W3. Je13-Sp26* SEPTIC 'TANK; ('LEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. 1\111.7-A29* FOR YOT'R Tnsurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sie•k- ness I-ioute Protection --- Call your ('I'A Agent—Lloyd. Montgomery Wingham, R. It. 5, :'hone 743J1 21rrb MILK COOLERS For no more sour or gas in the milk, use a Stainless Steel Kylo (.Cooler. Cools a.11 your milk in 11 extra minutes, is washed in less than five seconds, far only $39.75 ROB. Brunner. John S. Nafzigei', R. R, 1, Brunner, Distributor for Ontario. M23-Jy1811 PLAY GOLF Relax and enjoy the best sum- mer game, Wingham, Golf ("lob welcomes now players. You rlon't need equipment --- clubs, hags and tarts can be rented for a modest fee. New and used equipment for sato at (faddy House, 20-27-6-13-20-27e o, :^'RAC Vl►ANTA0.S!' 174v1 . AUCTION SALE of modern household furniture will be held for Mrs. W. J. Bushfield, corner of Patrick and Shuter Ste., Wingham, on Saturday, June 23rd, at 1 p.111., such items as: Norge refrigerator; Westinghouse electric stove; chronic kitchen suite; GE clothes dryer; Westinghouse wash- ing -machine; 24" RCA Victor TV set; radio; book ease; dining room set including 6 chairs, table, china cabinet and buffet; writing .desk; hall table; chesterfield suite; large writing desk; large mirrors; ktteh- en dishes and pans; 3 bedroom suites; numerous small art•is les. This is a good offering of modern household furniture, selling with- out reserve as the property is sold. Terms - Cash, Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, 20b R -- CLEARING AUCTION SALE. of Finance Co. Repossessions, Bank- rupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures and Personal Consignments, consisting of MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TVs, APPLIANCES and BRAND NEW CLOTHING at THE BELGR.AVI:CENTRECOMMUNITY 4 utiles south of Wingham, on No, 4 Highway SATURDAY, JUNE 23, at 1.30 p.m. Consisting of the following: Two 5 -pee, bedroom suites, complete with bookcase beds, box springs and mattresses; 2 -pee. foam rubber zippered cushion chesterfield suite; deep freeze; large console model chord organ; 6 television sets; two 39" continental beds; two 2 -pee. davenport suites; 3 chrome kitchen suites; radio and record player; refrigerators; washers and, dryers; electic ranges; coffee and step tables; tri -light an,d table lamps; platform rockers; hostess and arm chairs! .other odd pieces of furni- ture; quantity of new clothing. plus many more items which were not available for publication. Note ---This is an outstanding sale of new and nearly new merchan- dise.. TERMS—CASH, CHEQUES accented: 3e1 sales tax in effect. FRANKLIN BUIJCK, Amt. 20b IIII®1111111191(IIS61111ll111111 11;1181111111111Il(illllllll TENDERS FOR TRUCK Sealed tenders an forms and in envelopes avnilnhle :from the under- signed will he received until 5:00 11.nn: E.D.T. on. Monday, July 9, 1962 CURa RIE E ".,".",,,. for the supply of one 27000 AMBULANCE I G.V.W. truck (cab anti chassis). WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ANNETTE'S HAIR STYLINHi Colcl Waving Cutting, Styling, Tinting Tel. 21 = Josephine St. CLOSED MONDAYS J24rrb HOUSEWIVES Use free time to earn with Avon. Neighborhood territories now available. Townships open Turn - berry, Morris, East Wawanosh and HowicJc, Write: MRS. M. MILLSON 960 Wellington Rd. S. London, Ont. OR (%AIL, COLLECT GE 2-9019 between 7 - 8 p.m, THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. road ()Mee, Diuegannon I',stablished 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R. R. 2, Auburie; Vice -Pres., Pierson Irwin, I3elgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, It. 11. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Godr't'ich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; :Donald MacKay, John F. MacLennan, ill, R. e z 1Z Ripley, , 3, (ioderieh; Frank Thompson, R. Il, 1, Ilolyrood; William Wiggins, It, It, 3, Auburn. For information on your. In,ur- anee, call your nearest direetor who Is also an agent, or the secretary, Durnin Phillips, Dungannon, phone Dungannon 48. Jne15%62• J. W. Britnell, County Engineer, Court House, (1oderieh, Ontario. 20h 1111111111111111N111111111118111111111111111111111•1111111111 TV ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs to all makes ''ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS SELF-SUPPORTING TOWERS Antenna Repairs FREE ESTIMATES :.'hone your local dealer or Hanover 728 Collect J17rrb IIILRAY ABBATOIR Phone Lucknow 122W Horne of Choice FRESH MEATS Guaranteed no Hormone or Concentrate fed to Beef TRY OUR HOMEMADE SAUSAGE Choice 1-lereford Beef All meats Government Inspected and Approved Custom Killing CATTLE — Daily HOGS ----- Tuesday RAYNAIID ACKERT Will Speak at St. Andrew's If your husband said, "It is all right for you to he a Christian he. cause you 'al'e a woman. But as for the and my sons, we will always be Buddhists," would yod have the faith to pray for his salvation for five years? Hear the story of this woman and other Christians in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India and Nepal on Sunday, June 21st at 7 p.m, when Dorothy C, Haskin tells of her adventures at the reg- ular evening service at St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church. Dorothy C. Haskin, Christian author, has recently returnee from an eight and one-half month tour of the Orient, where her firsthand encounter with the mission field left an indelible stamp upon her heart, From the material gathered for missionary articles and stories, she will be sharing some of the colorful experiences of the East -- poignant stories .of Oriental flavor, as she lived it with the people. Mrs. Haskin is considered the most proflific religious writer in the United States. An Anglican, her articles and stories have been printed by Baptist, Lutheran, Meth- odist, Pilgrim Holiness, as well as by interdenominational magazines. Over 4,168 manuscripts have been published since 1940. BIRTHS WEBER—Warren and Mary (Gib- bons) Weber wish to anno.ince the birth of their daughter, Den- ise Anne, on Thursday, June 14, 1962, at the Listowel Memorial Hospital. MURRAY--In University of Al- berta Hospital, Edmonton, on Thursday, June 7th, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, Ronald S. Murray, a son, a brother for Stephanie and Shane, MORGAN --Mr, and Mrs, ,Toe Mor- gan (Lois Kelly) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kevin Clifford, on June 12, 1962, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a. brother for Judy and Bonnie .lean. ,JORRITSMA--At the Wingham. General Hospital, on Wednesday, June 1.3, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Jorritsma, Wingham, a son. ELPHICK—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, June 15, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold bllphiclt, R.R. 3, Lucknow, a son, DICKSON—At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on 1ertclay, June 15,. 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, Ralph .Dickson, R,R. 2, Wingham, a daughter, COOL( --At, the Wingham General Hospital, on l('riday, June 15, 1962 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook, R.R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. THOMPSON—A t the Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, Jane 18, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert G, Thompson, Teeswater, a son. GUESTS_PRESENT HONOR OES MEMBERS BEFORE DEPARTURE Mrs. Clara Nobbs, of Tillsonburg, Grand Organist of the Grand Chap- ter of Ontario, Order of the 'East- ern Star, was present at the June meeting of Huron Chapter No. 89, Wingham. Mrs. Nobbs addressed the members after which a trio composed of Mrs. Claire Corner, Mrs. Dulcie Fotheringham and Mrs. Nobbs, all of Tillsonburg, sang several beautiful numbers. During the evening the Rev, T. Garnett Husser, Worthy Patron, was presented with his Past Pa- tron's jewel upon his imminent de- parture for Terrace Bay. The jewel is a gift of the Chapter and was presented by his wife. Mr, and Mrs. Hussar were then presented with a gift from the officers in appreciation of their untiring ef- forts as members and offcers in Huron Chapter. Mr, Husser ex- pressed thanks on behalf of his wife and himself, The Past Matrons and Past Pa- trons of Huron Chapter were honoured by Mrs. Marjorie Guest, Worthy Matron. Mrs, ealorence Reavie, D.D.G.M. of District No 8, expressed her hest wishes for success in their new homes to Mr, and Mrs. Husser and to Mrs, Wilda Bushfield, who is moving to Calgary. Mrs. Bushfield was presented with a gift by Mrs. Doris MacLennan, on behalf of the Past Matrons. IIII■IIIlIIi$III■IIilIIIUlllrlIIUIIINullulUl►1r CABBAGE PLANTS AND STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE SATURDAY LAST PAY FOR CLEARING -OUT ,SALE OF BOXED PLANTS Three boxes for $1.00 . .. JOUWSMA :MARKET GARDENS HOLYROOD WINGHAM, PI -HONE 583 F28beow 20* '111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111A11111110it GUEST SPEAKER 1 People Who Shop In Wingham Read Tho Advanoe.Timos ST. PAUL'S MARKS 1- 95''' ANNIVERSARY Rev. C. 1+', Johnson c0nduetecl the service in St. l'.aul's .Angiicali Cheire.h .an Sunday morning when the congregation marked its 95th anniversary. The speaker was Ca - 0011 J. G. Lethbridge of London. Canon Lethbridge said it was his first chance to worship Iii St, Paul's. He extended a greeting to all who were present in the spirit, though not In body, through the :facilities of CKNX. The theme of his discotu'Se was "The Gift of Appreciation", a gift which makes the humdrum thing's of life shine forth in full glory and quality. It is a great gift of God. The speaker stated that it is ix tragedy to let artificial things such as color of skin, or which side of the tracks one comes from spoil our appreciation of other people. Bickering and back-biting, which often creep into even the church, stop us from exercising this God- given gift of appreciating others. We must stop judging and hegira understanding, The present-day trend of hurry- ing through work to seek selfish pleasures has become, to some, a purpose in life. Canon Lethbridge said that in his five years of hospi- tal chaplaincy he has learned that this actually makes people sick, emotionally and physically. There are many useful and fulfilling things to be done in our spare time, Appreciation of work bright- ens daily living, but unfortunately this realization does not come t4 many until they reach retirement age :and find there is no real en- joyment in idleness. Our Heritage On this special day in the history of St. Paul's, he suggested that people seldom deeply appreciate the devotion and concern of those who made possible the things we take for granted. The church. should not be taken for granted; its beauty is not accidental, but the result of the labours of a large number who have gone before and should he particularly remembered on this anniversary. In diagnosing the lack of ap- preciation in our lives, of people, work, nature, our heritage, he sug- gested that the basis for this fail- ure 18 in not having a deep enough appreciation of God, As an ex- ample he used the first and last verses of "When T Survey the Wondrous Cross", and said that he felt anyone who could write words with such feeling must appreciate all things. Canon Lethbridge said he had met many who had stated they would like to know the powerful feeling of the presence of God, but they could not understand 51101 things as why the good must stif- fer, etc, It was St. Paul wlio said we must sec through a glass dark- ly, and while we may not under- stand all things, God has revealed Himself to us through His Son. Even the disciples, who had not yet come to know Christ's relation- ship to God, were amazed when He stilled the storm and they ask- ed, "What manner of man is this?" "We must open our hearts that we may receive the gift of appre- ciation, most of all today, the great heritage of our churches and es- pecially this church in Wingham," was the speaker's closing remark. The choir sang "Near to the Heart of God", with Miss Barbara Hall taking the solo part. Mrs. G. L. Davidson was organist and choir leader, Mrs. F. H. Porter Funeral Monday Mrs, Frederick H. Porter, of RR. 2, Wingham, died in the Wingham General Hospital on Saturday af- ter a lengthy illness. She was 42 years of age. . The former Annie Marie Jacklin, she was a daughter of the late Jo- seph and Annie Jaoklin, and was born in Grey Township. On April 20, 1940, she was married at the Wingham United Church manse to Frederick Porter, who survives, Sho was a member of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church and of the Wing - ham Curling Ciab. Surviving besides her husband are one son, Gene, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Alex (Lily) Hall, of Atwood; Mrs. Melvin (Edith) Shiels of Detroit; Mrs. Tom (Laura) Reid, Toronto; and three brothers, Andrew Jacklin, London; Clifford and Sheldon, Grey Township. Funeral service was held at the R, A, Currie & Sons funeral home at two o'clock Monday afternoon, with her minister, Rev, G, L, Fish, in charge. Interment was in the Wingham cemetery, pallbearers be- ing Thomas Metcalfe, Elgie Bryce, Donald Wallace, Arthur Bryce, John Sproat and Alex Sproat, The floral tributes were carried by Re Bert. McKagute and Elgin Johnston. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate and Business Broker For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties, ii'ARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Ph. Wingham 292M J31rrb REFRIGERATORS, RANTES, WASHIERS, FRCERR RS NO DOWN PAYMENT OR TRADE-INS NECESSARY TO PURCHASE AT 'MESE • LOW PRICES Example --9.3 cu. ft. REFRIGERATOR $184.87— $10.00 monthly Immediate delivery from our floor display OF EATON'S CANADA WINCHAM PHONE CAO 0 840 20-27-4 7 Nommimmillamonsasname BUSINESS OPPORTUNITV Major rubber company requires a young and aggressive loan, preferably with busi- ness and mechanical experience, to supply and service the local area. You will be established as a major dealer and we are prepared to assist you in financ- ing, stock, equipment and continuous sales training. Reply giving full particulars on your background,- stating your age, financial in- formation and references. All replies will be held in strict confidence aind each one will be acknowledged. Write :Box 65, Advance=Tinges. RIOTICE TO Water Consumers The hours for watering - lawns and gardens are from 6 a.rn. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced An ANNUAL, charge of $4.44 gross, Tess prompt payment discount of 10 per cent is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE 106 Day — 189 Night BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 NORTH ST. JA. 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO A. H. MCTAViSH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TLrESWATER - ONTARIO Tel. 392-7873, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesd., afternoon, 2-4 p.m,, or by appointment, Frederick F. Homuth Phni,B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola It Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRiS7'S PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario I Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner J. 10. Kennedy, (!.A. Bell Telephone Building 1 PHONI, 033 WALKtat'TON J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Dr. of Chiropractic X -Ray el iROX IO TI1ER Phone 120 Flours: Monday to Friday, 10-4.30 Evenings: Mon., Tues. and Thurs., 7-9 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Eta. Wfnghnni, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R, S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. T. GOODAi.L BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Elm. Office—Meyer Block, Wing nim,, PHONE 14