HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-06-06, Page 7.� ...- �.be idirt TO MAKE CHANGES IN POINT SYSTEM JUNE 6, 19112 3'11 (U/tM ONf.ti O WEDNESDAY, d CongregationSees Records. Fro Church h st ne A rare e':p(•1'ie'ue e tete; .hell r"t be the melee nation of Myth (lest) el Church a peek kgs, when 1he y were able to sec the contents of the fcuntta.tton :lone of their for)uer ehurelt building. ,Many people have witnessed the Dittoing of dortunei;Le in a cornerstone of a new building, but not No many have been able to see the documents that for many years have been stored in such a f1 In 1877, st'hen the former hreiIaing was erected, copies of newspaper i of the co atrty, coins and church documents were phren( in It hall- o gallon jar, which was lhlc'n phrcoci in a Cavity that hal ill been chiselled out of the foundation stone. A week ago Sunday, ,James Lawrie, seeretary of tate hoard of trustees and Rae Madill, chairman of the eonunittee 01 stewards, each re- moved -a tightly -rolled document * from the jar, Included was what appears to he a .historical account of the church, but the document was almost completely pulverized with the effects of age and mois- bure. A scroll was still legible on which were written the names of the various building contractors, • the names of the first village coun- cil, county representatives to the parliaments, a list of the papers en- closed in the jar, and the names of those who had contributed 50c for ad alt$ and 5c for children to the building fund for the privilege of having their names recorded, I Tightly Packed Papers included were 1877 edi- tions of The Globe, The Maul, Sea - forth Expositor, (loderieh Star, Goderich Signal, Wingham Times, Wingham Advance, Brussels Post, Clinton New Era, Blyth Review, ATTEND PICNIC LAKL+LbJT Those from tIii:; (Its..l Wel, attending the Lutheran picnic i of the Clifford Church which was held in the Hanover Memorial park on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vin .Dickert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dettman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Honstein and family. i 1.'1)ltl'ilr Anivrivan I'1'e"..11y'lel'1s111, 1"ries l)vl erne 11 i4(•(• i'L if you i:•ta imagine all ti1114 cailtaftu"i in )t half gallon jar you will vi,ualiz( how tightly each doeumeirt was folIJe d rolled and p.etkcd. Coin:; which hard been pewee ill the t. were a farthing +1700). ie Ittr„c copper 11)(70), a small 5•cent Weer. (li711, rt Veiled plee(e (1871), tt 20.('L•n1. nl. ('1e)' 1181(15) (10d it 25 cent. pieta. (1+4711. As the congrvgatlon gathered around the area whore the new brick and ledge:done building will be eree1: 'd, i1 ( cserster, represent - Ing the construction company, handed a spade to James Lawrie, who dug it into the soil. R. Madill turned the 3o1l syrnbolivally, com- pleting the excavation. The basic contract for the new structure to bo completed by the end of September Is $73,186, With furnishings and heating equipment the complete cost will be less than $90,000. The new church will Pro- vide seating in the chancel -type sanctuary for 300, a spacious nar. thea, 11 classrooms, nursery, church parlor, study, (their room, a com- plete kitchen and assembly hall, Enaap DAY AT ST AUGUSTINE 1 WHITECHIJRCH- • West Wawa - nosh field day was held at St. Au. gustlne school grounds Friday and ,appreciation is extended to the St. Augustine ladies for the hospitality shown the children by serving lunch. The sport results for the program were: Junior girls, Lynda Jefferson, 1st S,S, No. 3; tie for runner-up, Val- erie ,Stuthers, No. 17 and Verna Aiteheson, No. 4. Junior boys; Joe De Bruyne, No, 1; runner-up, John Martin, No. 12, Intermediate girls: Wanda Wil. son, No. 3; runner-up, Margo De Bruyne, No, 1. Intermediate boys: Jenard De Bruyne, No. 1: runner-up, Murray. McWhinney, No. 17. Senior girl: Lynda Martin, No, 12. • 6-.60:6..6 w.. ---Photo by McDowell (1OIWON Jft, ibt:t'C1I, eon of Mr, and Mrs, Charles C. Smith, l3elgrave, and graduate of WD`HS, 1957, receivers a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honors Mathe- matics), at University of Western Ontario, convocation May 25th, He was awarded $1500 Dupont 01 Can- aria scholarship to attend On- tario Collage of Education in pre- paration of a secondary school teaching career, Auxiliary Initiates Mrs. Rathman Mrs. Rathman was installed at Wednesday night's meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Ca- nadian Legion, held in the Legion Home. Mrs. George Brooks, presi- dent, conducted the meeting. Capt, G. S. Newnan of the Wing - harp Corps Salvation Army ad- ATTENDn dressed the gathering in regard RALLY to the Red Shield campaign, The Fri- day 'IN BRUSSELS 1 Transport Minister' Rowntree hats announced that a number of FORMER GORRIE GIRO important eharlgcs wlll be made to the d'oint System efk'ectivCr July FETED AT SHOWERS Miss' Lois Dodds, BrusscT, whose marriage will take place upon the 1 return of Pte, Forrest Whittard from U,N,L.F,, Middle Nast, JD ypt, was the guest of honor at 'two, showers, In Brussels Saturday night a kit- chen and pantry shower was glv en by Mrs. William $ale, London Mrs, Willie Vanderwoude, Wing ham and Mrs. George Wheeler, of Brussels, at the home of Mrs. Re bert Gemmell. The gifts were pre- sented to the bride-to-be from un dor an arrangement of white ani Pink bells and streamers, An ad- dress was read by Mrs, Cieorgr Wheeler. Contests were enjoyed by 15 guests. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, On Wednesday night, May 30 Mrs. George Wheeler, Brussels, and 'Mrs, Bill Nay, Corrie, were host esses at a shower held In St. John'. Church basement when over RC attended, A. mock wedding wa1,.4 presented and a clothespin game was held Mrs. George Wheeler read an ad- dress and Lois was presented with two table lamps' and tri -lite tc snatch, an 'adjustable ironing hoard two blankets and an envelope o1 money. The chitrch basement was decor ated with a lace -covered table cloth and .baskets of 'flowers, The bride's chair was deuorated with pink and white hells. and stream- ers. A delicious lunch -was served by the hostesses and several friends ladies canvassed the town on evening. Captain Newman thanked the Auxiliary for its as- sistance this year and in the past. He explained that anything col- lected above the set quota would be put into the building fund for a new citadel. Mrs. V. Ducharme reported that one of the Wingham teams had won a trophy for Zone C1 at the Walkerton bowling lanes. It was also announced that a pot luck supper will be held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6.30. 44111, • Twenty-four ladies of the local Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion attended the Zone 01 rally in Brussels, when Mrs, Wm. Me. Cann was again elected Zone .Com - mender for a two-year period. Mrs McCann is just completing four years in that capacity, The ladies paraded to the'eeno. taph for a short ceremony, led by the Brussels .Pipe Band. Mrs. Reeves, provincial officer of Windsor, was the guest speaker. • HOW MANY FAY THEIR BILLS BY CHEQUE? Nowadays most people do—because almost everybody has ., bank account/Writing a cheque Is safer than carrying cash and a tune -saving and Convenient way to pay bills / +very banking clay Canadians write three million cheques, an increase in the past 10 ,years of more than a million a day in the slumber flowing through the banking syeiternPrti!s Up-to-date cheque handling service Makes possible the convenience you command every time you Use your cheque book. THE CHARTERED BANKS ;; 1aftVING rerun COMM Y`ii '' 1 1 to make It a More effective Means 0f improving driving behaviour, "As was promised when the De merit Point System was first in trodugec1 in May, 1959, we hay( made a complete study of the sys tem and the results obtained with a view to improving And streng- thening the System and making it even more effective. As a result of these studies a tsumher of Changes and additions have been made which I shall now outline,” rvlr. Rowantree stated, These were the highlights of the Changes announced, Nine new offences which will mean loss of points have been add. ed, Points have been increased for 12 of the present offences, Instead of wiping off all the Mints as at present the suspended driver comes back on the road with 7 points, The first violation will bring him back In for an inter- view at which time he may be again ssupended, A conviction for failing to remain under the Criminal Code which new is assessed 9 points is remov- ed from the Point System and carries with it an automatic 3 months suspension. All other Crim- inal . Code offences such as ability impaired, dangerous driving, cri. minas negligence, etc,, also have been removed and will carry man- datory suspensions of from 3 months to 2 years. The suspension levelhas been p raised from 12 to 15 points so as to extend the opportunity to send ad- visory letters and conduct inter- views.These actions have proved clearly effective in improving driver performance, since less than 1% of, drivers warned and inter- viewed 'proceeded to suspension level. All motorists reaching the 15 point level will be off the road for 1 month from the date the driver's licence is surrendered. If a driver accumulates 15 points a second time within 2 years he will be sus- pended for 6 months, "It is not the purpose of the Point System to suspend drivers," Mr. Rowantree added, "hut rather to get at and improve the small minority of motorists who seem to .fall to appreciate the need for good safe operating habits behind the wheel, I am _confident that the changes which are announced will assist us in our efforts and will benefit all users of the streets and highways." GRADUATES— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, Miss Carol Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robinson, Linda and Brian of Gorrie attended the graduation exercises at Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital on Saturday when Miss Marion Robinson graduated. Completes Course Miss Patricia Heywood has re- ceived her certificate of qualifica- tion for hairdressing from the Brunos Hairdressing School in London. She has been practising in London but has now accepted a position in Goderich at the Mod- ern Beauty Salon and will coin.. Moine work there shortly, ST. HELENS • Mm. Lorne 'Durnin is a patient in. Wingham Hospital this past • week, where she is under observa- tion. Mr. 'Fred 1VtcQulllin visited Mrs.l McQufllin in Victoria Hospital, at London, on Sanday, where she un- derwent surgery last Monday. She is progressing favorably. • :Mr. and Mrs, Irvin McCabe and skean .of Windsor visited relatives the community and were guests at the 'MeGavin-Johnston wedding at Bluevale on Saturday. Little Vera McDonald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Angus McDonald, underwent surgery In London on, Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Rose and Da- vid df Newmarket spent the week- end' with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Webb, Mrs.Rose and David are spending this week here while Dan is attending a cenfer•eeee at Gu- elph. FALLOUT REPORTING STATION—The Depart- ment of National Defence is constructing this shelter building as a reporting station for fall- out in case of emergency. The structure, made of steel sections, will be covered with fine gravel when completed, to a depth of two feet. it is understood it will be stocked with food and oth- er supplies and equipped with an automatic (i radiation counter, telegraph and telephone The building is being erected on CNR pro!;:rt.yl beside the tracks just to the west of JowCi,F;it((i St., by the Owen King Construction Wingham, whose employees, Don Kroeplio alit Bob Doerr are shown putting the steel togritit r! Similar stations are being built in many c,A4,4 munities in the area.—A-T photo. IN THE LIBRARY BY DORIS G. McleIBBON There .has appeared on the shelves of our library recently a book tha t may be of interest er st t p many Wingham readers, It is THE VALLEY OF VISION Peter 1'. Ji'isher. Peter Francis Fisher was Head of the Department of English at I the Royal Military College, King. stop, A promising career in the field of letters was cut short by a tragic sailing accident, September 2, 1958, Dr. Fisher had made a profound study of Oriental philoso- phy, Plato and the Neo-Platonists. With this background this book was written. It is highly original and valuable contribution to the study of William Blake, some of whose poetry many of us are fam- iliar with and enjoy. The book was never completed, although notes indicated that twelve chapters were planned. Dr; Northrop Frye, of by WESTMINSTER COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Westminster College, the - new United. Church residence and stu- dent centre at the University of. Western Ontario, will be open on Sunday, 3 to 6 p.m. when family groups are encouraged to attend. This fall the new buildings will provide residential accommodation for 116 men and 116 women, A church sponsored program will serve many more of the United Church students who make up a third of tha enrolment at Western. There are 88 double roosts in the new residence with individual tem, perature controls and a semi-prie vete bathroom between every pair of double rooms. Each student has a comfortable bed, a desk and matching dresser, a good chair, a desk lamp, bookshelves, a tack board and adequate closet space ' One of the distinctive features of the new residence is the provision of a quiet study room and rt pri- vate sitting room for the residents of each floor. In the basement o- eachwing there is a large lounge and rooms for laundry, typing, mu. sic, food vending machines and storage. There will be 22 students from Huron at the college for next term. GORR1E Ivlr. and Mrs. Ken Thistle visiles recently with Mr. and Mrs. Miltor Smith at Lake Simcoe and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blyth(` at Mil- ton, Mrs. DeWitt Adams, Mrs. W. C King, Mrs. Murray Edgar, Mrs Fred Taylor, and Mrs. Glad Edgar attended the Huron Fresbyteria In Bluevale. Mr, and Mrs, Ewart Whitfield at- tended the grad+tation exorcises 0; the Kitchener - Waterloo Hospita on Satureley, Mr. and Mrs. led Newton visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Lake tet, on Sunday and also called of Mr, Wm. Welr, Con. 17, Howick, Best wishes to Mrs. Mabel Stew- art, who celebrated her R9th birth day on May 31st. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Robinson and Rev. J. VV, Hird attended grad - nation church service in 'bion Ev• angelical Church, Kitchener, on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar vis- ited Sunday with their aunt, Mrs Robson in Durham Hospital and also called on other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Telford Montgom- ery, London, spent the weekend With Mr, and Mrs, Wellesley Strong, Mr. and Mrs, glen Will and fa. roily, Kingsville, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. gild Mrs. Justin Will. Mr, Karry Gowdy attended the coal convention at lintel London on Monday, Mr. William Beyer and Miss Entine, Wahl. Mr, George Timm and Miss Enna Betka, all of Wal- lace Township, called on Mr. and Mrs (yj1((5 X(oeil nil Sttnda'7.. Victoria University, Toronto. him- self a Blake scholar, added a pre- face opening an chapter and an eleventh chapter from the notes sent to him after Dr, Fisher's death. It is thus virtually complete save for the last chapter on "Jeru- salem", Peter Fisher was the son of Peter Fisher, in his lift; the owner of the Eagle's Nest in the Alps; the grandson of one of the original settlers in Wingham. Those who have known his family will know of him. He also spent many vaca- tions in and around Wingham. There wil be many persons who remember him with kindly and lively interest. For these folk and others, "The Valley of Vision" awaits their perusal. It is a very erudite volume and thus not easy to read, bat there is much of vatue to be. found for the seeking. Entertains Author Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, of i'"r:m, ces Street, entertained at a tele• vision luncheon in her h:nur 1. honor of Mrs. Beatrice Phillip Furdal, who was interviewed t e d (r, M'La:dy's Matinee, CKNX and ,:,) a poem from her new book, "Res:. dale on Parade and The Kawartl7 District," Mrs, >♦'urdal, a deseendnelfe pioneer families of the Line ;t, area and the Kawartha Dre,''. , came to Ripley bo finish wr,tir(• her all Canadian novel, "No oft, Hell," which is now in leolbreete. California. Other guests from lay were Mrs. Walter Culbe-rt Mrs. McCharles. Wins Vacation In L:aurentians The Singer Sewing Mael'it-r. ( of Canada has run a natio,.:. contest for the past 13 we" ke t the prize a five -clay. all eee,, paid trip to St, Jovite• in the rentians. Manager W. G, Henderson 'e: Goderich store took top from this district. Mr. ane Henderson begin their holt+..•t- middle of June. In home insurance WE FOUND THE DEC': COSTS LESS! Our Homeowners Policy covers not only fire and a Iong lit of other perils, it includes theft and liability insurance, too' All this protection in one policy ... one premium ... and we save money as well! Every homeowner; should get the facts on, this excellent insurance.. W. B. CONRON, CLU, INSURANCE AG N': - JOHN ST., WINGHAM, PHONE 722W Agent for Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. S. A. SCOTT, Salesman NJd%%' YORK (UNDERWRITERS M JIEAD FOR THE SIGHTS...THE LAKES...THE F.7:1 • Onterie Department of Travel and Publicity 4e'. 8n'4o C, (.dwarf, j ,At,n,stor F ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURL Mail to: Ontario Travel, A7Di Parliament 8idgi., Termite, World 1 NAME - ''' ' (piea�fl print) AObRESS P,0