HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-06-06, Page 3tuberculin test determines whether or not a person has been infected by tuberculosis germs, but It hoes not show if infection has advanced to disease. Chest xray and other tests are needed to de- "Lermiue the presence of disease, Examiner, "Why do you think.;r yogi are fitted fora .dipbantatia ea• MRs, M .LAUGIILIN reer?"�'CONDU Applicant.' ""Wall, I've been antis CTS ME ETIN riecl six years and my wife still WROX1:;l'ER The meeting of thinks .1 have a sick friend." the Unit U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Pon Mcfaaughiin. with 16 members present, Mrs, Doug Statin was eonvencr. 'T'he meeting opened with the theme hymn, followers by prayer. Mrs, Don Irwin read the Scripture. Mrs, G. L. Dobson gave a very in. teresting topic, "Ohl and New Can- adians". She also read a'dory ft'r•m on the evacuation of the ,Japanese from British Columbia during the war. The business was conducted by the vice-president Mrs, McLaugh- lin, Secretary Mrs John Clarke Notice re Kindergarten Registration Mothers will please bring their children to the Kindergarten at the Public School for registra- tion on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 12, between 3.30 and 5.00 o'clock. Only children who are five years of age before January lst, 1963, are eligible to register in Kindergarten in September. If not convenient to come on the above date, contact the Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. William Elliott, or the principal, Mr. T. S. Beattie. WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD ►'1111111101■IIIAIIImllipl II/IIIiIIIiBlililillpillillhil!IInIIIIwiIIEIIIEIIIEIIiwill/IIIEIIImIIIEIII! • • ■ ii iii 0 tJr• i _ ONE • _- r • 0 ii• i il Standardize "R`''`•• `'' i ti • ° 3'> � i . 4 on us for " e''' S y s A ii • all service heeds ! .:�- '!s R iii • . Iv i s • • iii ` It's good to know V there's one place iii ii • you eau do dol' anything .from a A i• tankful of gels to an engine tune-up ij ii and be sure of heals -up service! i III • '.Chat's here ! w ■ 0 w s i ■ . i filmfING AM • PHONE 139 — WINGHAM 4llinimilai 19111A111mlllulli#illlAlllieil!1mII'ie Ii!1&IIIiiRllAllllwlllnlllmlLOIIiriIsIIinahl THAT KEEPS' YOU GOING WRUXETER Mrs. Eliot ("ranch of Rochester, N.X a teonnpanied by Mrs. W. 1"?. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush vis. lted with Mrs. Allister Green in Godcrich .on Wednesday. Mrs, George Gibson and daugh ter, Miss vinnle, were in Baltimore for n few days with Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Peck and the latter couple returned home with them for a few days' visit here, Miss Nancy Newton, London, was home for the week -end with her mother, Mrs. R. Newton, the study book, "Hasten the Day" Mz' ,and Mrs, George Gibson, Murray and Clients, Mrs, W. Weir, Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs. El. iott Cranch were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir, To. ronto, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Coates spent read the minutes of the la„t meet- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lu- ing and roll call wns answered by cos, Listowel, a penny an inch for your waist measurement. The June meeting will be held at Mr, and Mrs, James Doig, ac- companied by Mrs, Harry Gowdy, Corrie, attended the final services Mrs. Don Irwin's home. It was de., held in Zion United Church near tided to discontinue nursery school Drayton on .Sunday when Rev. M. until September. The correspon. H, Aiken, a former minister of the dente included a nice letter from Dr, and Mrs. Bruce Palmer, thank- ing the group for the bale which church, was guest speaker, assist- ed by four other ministers. Guest organist and choir, also soloist, had been received and was being Mrs. Charles Tarnan, were from put to good use, Arthur United Church, The Un- ited Church Women of Zion served IIII�III■III�IIIAlIIl1111wIl IIIMIIIAIIIA!IINIII■ lunch at the close of the service, Mr. and Mrs, Burke Dyson, Ux- bridge, visited with Mrs. Herb Patterson and Mr, and Mrs, Alex Corrigan on Sunday. Mr. Dyson. also caller! on Mr, and Mrs, Pere Henley. Mrs. Eliot Cranch, Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs, W. Weir, Miss Gert- rude Lush and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, Orange Hill, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, T. V. Edgar and family in St. Thomas, Miss Hazel Sparling spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ter Eaton, Seaforth, where she was called on Saturday due to the critical illness of their mother, Mrs. Alonzo Sparling, who is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. We are hap. py to say Mrs. Sparling was slight. ly improved on Sunda.•. Mr. and Mrs, John Sheppard and family, Agincourt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark over the weekend. SEE —HEAR J. Carl Hemingwa3 New Democratic Party Candidate Huron Riding CKNX=TV June 8 -- 11.25 p.m. CKNX Radio June 9 — 7 p.m. June 13 -- 7.25 a.m. June 15 —11.55 a.m. Published by the Huron New Democratic Party Association I III I IPI I III I IUI I Iul I Iui l lrl I I/I I III I III I IuI I IEI Shower Held for Miss .Joyce Crothers Hostesses on Monday evening for a shower in honor of Miss Joyce Crothers were Marion Farrier, Marilyn Ritchie and Mary Lee Hol- lenbeck. Over 30 friends and relatives were present for the social time in the council chambers, where three contests were held. The bride -elect was seated in a decorated chair and her friends presented her with an ironing board and cover, steam iron and electric kettle. She also received a bride's book. Lunch was served by the host- esses Including a cake with "Best Wishes to Joyce". The recipient thanked her many friends. 90% of all oil company product`research in Canada' is done by Imperial' At imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, Another 130 scientists and technicians are work. more than 200 scientists and technicians are ing at imperial's Calgary laboratories on ways working to improve present petroleum products to find and produce more Canadian crude oil —and to develop new ones. Their research covers and natural gas. Imperial does more research than manyfields,fromgasolines'tohouseholddetergents. all other oil companies in Canada combined. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST xn okbial sax ; ..3�,• _ ce �'� t x`�x` ; ............. ...:..... Practically anywhere you look today you'll find things that are made from oil. Chemicals from petroleum are the building blocks for hundreds of things from plastic toys to automobile tires. Imperial Oil research chemists and teohniciansareworking.to develop more of these basic chemicals for Canada. Wed at St. Paul's Photo by Connell Rev, C. F. Johnson performed a marriage. She chose a street -length double -ring wedding ceremony in dress of pure silk on a honan weave St, Paul's Anglican Church on Sat- with rounded neckline and elbow_ urday afternoon, uniting in mar- length sleeves. She carried a vas- a rra Janet c Ja et Maris Saintn I Ar- a c Cade of white shasta mums. with thur Thomas Hubbard The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saint of Wingham and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard of R.R. 1, CIIf- ford. red roses down the centre of the hoaquet. Her wedding veil was finger. -tip length. The bride's sister. Miss Jsu•eiue._ lino Saint, was bridesmaid awl wore a street -length tr'rylot,c ha. Bouquets of peonies were on the tist.o dross with sprays of yellow altar, Mrs, Gordon Davidson, or. and orange flowers. iter he:ud- ganist, played traditional wedding dress was a white flower handl music. with a tulle veil and she carried Mr. Saint gave iris daughter in yellow and bronze mums. Robert McArthur of Brussels was n nORRIE the best man. G • A buffet supper was served :ct. the 111 f�Illlll L bride's home. Mr. Pd McCallum, Mr, Clarence Mrs. Saint was attired in a beige ' i\IcCallum and Mrs. M, Jackson sheath dress with beige :weer.>;nr•- des. The groom's mother ware a flowered arnel and jersey dres.: with elbow -length sleeve:; and soft. Mrs. Ethel Buchanan of Ke1ow- pleats at the waist. They each had • na, B.C., visited at the homes of Aar. and Mrs, Robert Hastic and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Simpson. Mr and Mrs Robert Harrison were guests on Saturday at the Guidolin - Simpson wedding in Gu- elph. Mrs, Bertha Plant accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Plant, Al- lanford, to visit relatives in Ham- ilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bennett spent the week -end at Rosseau Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bounsall and Andy, Mr, Charles Bounsall of Milton visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Burns Stewart. visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Frank Brown, of Tecswatcr, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Metcalfe of Paisley visited Satunday at the home of Miss Beatrice Potter. Mrs. John Metcalfe returned home with them after spending the winter here. Rev. E. C. and Mrs. Attwell were in London on Thursday and at. tended the ordination service of Huron College graduates at St. James' Westminster Anglican Chu rch, Members of Howiek Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary attended service in St. Stephen's Anglican Church on Sunday morning. Mr, Bert Hubbard and Miss Sharon Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Underwood attended the Jacques reunion in Moorefield on Saturday. Mr; and Mrs. John Spears and family of Palmerston enllctd at the home of Mr, Ed McCallum on Sun- tip day. Mrs. Mary Shittam and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham of Durham 1 visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. frank King. _ NIr. and Mrs. tl('hacl Telhus, Toronto, spent the week -end at M their farm home. Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Kocll attend- cd the 50th wedding anniversary of Wi IVir, and Mrs. ,John c edeke held at • the E.TT,L, Church in Listowel on Saturday evening. Mr. Jack King, son of Mr, and . ■ Mrs. Frank King, has successfully passed his third year of Forestry Engineering al the Toronto Uni- !toil versity. 111 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coulterand • family of Con. 1, Wallace, visited Oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coulter. Miss Gladys Coulter and Miss Catharine :F3arnnrd of Kitchener spent the week -end at their respec- tive homes. Mr. Tack Idusgrnvc, Walkerton. spent the weekendwith his moth. er, Mrs. Mabel Gillcinsnn. Mrs, Edward 13olandcr has re.. f1A turned home from visiting hi the - hometown of her childhood, c)ak j River, Man. This Is her first visit back in 60 years, since she elude to Ontario at the age of foal'. Mrs. Bolandcr saw n great many cluing es although she was able to locate the old candy store which by happy WI coincidence is still n eonfectioner'y store. She also visited relatives at a pink carnation corsage. For thcr wedding trip to Niagara Falls and points south, the bride wore a turquoise polka dot dress with white accessories and a cor- sage of rod roses, Mr. and Mrs, 1 Hubbard will live in Belgrave, The wino -min A(iva.nee truer, W.dne asy, One 1, lA 'r. 0 For the Finest in JEWELLERY CRYSTAL. ENGLISH CHINA 1°1 ll'EI'u""� `,�r1l�a tw~" F PHONE., 200 E YY E L L E R Y WINGHAM. ONTARIO P\:OGRESSIVE NSERVATIVE 'd ittee Rooms are located al the Wingham Curling Rink Phone 843 Drop in — or telephone — for any • required information t111111111111I1ld111!Ilrlllllniiimili i I! 'Clip! I1 1 11 lliill;i:llnIaunitP1C9!I!AiiIICB;IIM;IIPIw!IlEllllll{IINIII■itintIoIIIEIIIEIII/LIIAIiIEIIIEIIiri, 9 9 9 9 ICI 9 9 9 ip i11 9 tris u 9 iv �J9 9 E ill 9 A �If 9 Brandon, Verdun, Roblin , and Maryfield, Sask. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Cudmore, of Brussels, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nay. • F Mrs. Richard Jcfft'a;y, Belmore, visited ]Miss Etta Burns reeently, Mrs. Frank Kemp of Listowel pl called on Miss Annie Murray on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Stokes and Doris, Belmore, visited Mrs. An- pi son Thornton on Sunday. -� A number attended the induction service of Rev. Samuel James all Stewart at the Molesworth Pres byterian Church on "Friday evening I tl to the Molesworth (lorrie charge Ill of the Maitland Presbytery. 9 VISIT WALKER'S BOOTH AT THE air FOR A FINE SELECTION OF I( OEDLED FURNITURE AT MG SAVINGS Here is One Group You Can't Afford to Miss EHLERO 2, -PIECE KR(.)1.1II,I:R SUITE reieze cove, - Different colors - 1"tiuru cushions 18950 WITH YOUR 'i'R:11)T;-:l.' OTHER KROEHLER SUITES AT SIMILAR LOW PRICES OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, TV SWIVELS 38 •Q Q PLATFORM ROCKERS — STARTING A.T. (,�(, Trade Fair Time is Saving Tim al , Wa,1.er PHONE 106 1 "'d11i111I' U *ll (wMiI 9il lliif116i ani` !tit l69'I,L9.1;� I oneurnisg hin• .s S. J. Walker WINGHAM 19 I IR I MiIM1J:Ni11,11iid.i!fMlIli!1111PIbWEII'IIT®IU1111!!!I!®ll!!p!®Illrll ithiI ,1