The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-30, Page 101Ces len. The IN'ingliaau Ads,;utee-Titrtc•s, tY 1flestlt►y, MN :30, IHat MTs, C. I.awrenve, 111'4 t,urden> Underwood, Mrs 1t:43t+atd Ne%sttut Mrs. Normtrn Wade, Mrs. Harry Icing, Mrs, Jos Bennett. Mr:: 1•;d Ward David anti Mrs. t''r:tilt 1)avitl attended the annual Ilurtirl Dean cry Woniarr's Ausili:iry meeting is [+ordwieh 1:isl avot•k Miss Thelma l:e tatt•tt reeeit't•il her B.A. degree. 1ruru the islett•r•.s,t• of Western (Jrctariu tin 'P1iiiis l;tv' in London. Mr and 11r:,. Bennett were ill Lt„ , tuns leer til, convocation exercises Thelma is spending a l'e•ta vte•t•k•i' holiday at her home here. Those from a distal:rt• attendi':: the funeral of the late Mrs Jame:: Armstrong were Mr. Ronald Arm strong, Clarkson: Mrs. Eric Spar ling, Winona: Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Prout, 13othwetl 1Us. ltaviti 1,i1 hie and Mrs. Goodfellow of Tees water; Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Jack son, Clinton: and Mr. and M1:, Laurie Scott, Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs Jos. Tiffin. Joan and S .Shirley, all of \Vlutechurc•1i, visit ed Mr :urAt Mrs. l'hotruts McInnes on Sunday. :4.1r and 4.1rs Anil, i' i:;t tt't'0111ir :inti 1,1we1i tii t)alcville s;pent the fifth t•I>at :'. lire M and :141•, .Huts. 1t'inlay. Mr :old Me. l're•tI tiov,h41. Hiss 4.'arol:eh t;trtlett tet St rattail. MI' cues ails. .lt•r ry I'rtt•c•, .linuny and 1- it'Itt•y. :Iarni:c, :1t'rt• dental etit•4ls ul hi.r, and VW-, liatry 1Ja tit• on Suoday 111:t. .Unice: :!ht la spent til the week end with Mrs. Piero t`uup foul. \\'ittstl>:uu 11. all Nolo, 71 lit Al I. 1'11uatts 1'u'ri,•I' t;1 '1ir'IJittr, teoleil 51 tilt• burnt• ut \1r. :teal 1rr.,, t'letrIcs Bich on :Sunday. 11LSS Sital,s Bennett, 'i'uruuto, spent the wed, eu,i with her par- ents, :Mr•. avid Sirs Chester Bennett. 11r. :is.t Mrs i- i.1 r Halliday, \\'ee;h:tut ti:. 1. d \lr. ;inti 11r's. ltuy t ioe. dy in Sunday. Mr. :old Sirs. 1lart,:.1 .\litehell :tett 1i:t .vi tit l nsutitt:t. vaned on 1lr'. and 111'4 1'i 11. strong on Sun. d sty, I Gki 33 ;'a l to I'll l'agi' 9 10 15 The Healthy Hog Laboratory in Stratford POW has available their facilities for production of S.P.P. Pies. Advanced booking required. CONSUI;1' y'Ot'it %1:'1'isltiNAME AN OR \\'1,1','1'1•:: HEALTHY HOG ENTERPRISES Ltd. Pd( 15 15 lig' 15 Myltirr•b ` ;111;1111ili 11 111112111111. How do you stop a child who is inquisitive ? You don't. You see that he gets a top-drawer education — ]w so obviously has the mind for it. And it's not too difficult to get the money. If you can invest just a few cents a day, you can afford an Investors Syndicate Educational Plan. Let this flexible and profitable plan help you pay your child's way through University. Talk to the man from Investors about it very soon. lust call or write: THOMAS JARDIN Wingham, Ont. Box 394 Phone 147 BRUCE McFAUL Listowel, Ont. Box (393 Phone 979 Box EMERSON IWEL Harris,ton, Ont. G Phone 334% Investors Of C A N A D A, L I M I r e 0 Heed Of ice. Winnipeg . Offices In Principal Cider HURON COUNTY CHAPTER of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario Thursday night gathered for an organizational meeting in Wing - ham and approved officers for the coming year. Left to right are Mrs. Margaret Platt, R.R. 3, Seaforth, second vice-president; Miss Doris Haw- thorne, Goderich, secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Rae, Clinton, president; Mrs. Doran Thornton, R.R. 2, Gorrie, first vice-president,—Photo by Cantelon. God's Love IsEverrAthere } iniversary Servic They C;ORRIE The congregation of the United (hoter here was priv- ileged to participate with the mem-' bers of -tree church school' id their annual anniversary and flower ser-{ vire, which was held on Sunday ' ntorning. The church was filled to capacity with many corning early to enjoy the prelude. of familiar hymns on the organ and piano, pre- sented by Miss Carol Robinson, and Miss Corinne Rhame. The theme of this year's service was "God's Love" ;end this thought wets carried throughout in the floral decorations, The entry car- rity1 the message that clod's love is 1 everywhere. and God's love is for all, in English script and with Ilarge pictures set in a floral back- ! ground depicting e:h11(111i of all I races to the embracing arias of Jesus. 1+)aclr window held a drawing done by little Linda Robinson, an eight-year-old pupil ;if the :Sunday shows her own School 'c• 1 h in- terpretation t 1 ,w of clod's love expres- sed in the sunshine, the stars, the attitude of prayer :and above all in the Cross. The front of the church was transformed into a terraced hill- side with a fern. bordered pool, and flowers blooming in a statural stet- ting. In the background of the choir loft, two white trellises filled with lilacs, carried the eyes to the blue ribbon banner un which the thence stood out in white floral letters. The Sunday School pupils enter - err the church in a floral proces- sional, to the theme hymn, "God's Love Is Everywhere." Each child earried flowers and as they took their place they formed a living flower garden. The call to worship was given by Barry O'Krafka, fol- lowed by the theme hymn in chorus by members of the junior choir and the Sunday School. A poem "Trust Him" by Cherub Tompkins, and a chorus of eight members of the primary depart- ment, Peggy (.'arson, Brian Robin- son, .Linda Watson, Linda .Robin - 0 son, Clarke IIydnutn, Paula Felk- er, sows Carson and Elizabeth Massey, "No Child Is Too Little for ,Jesus to Love," prececde'd the Scripture recited by Joyce and Carman flaamilton. Linda Johnsbon, continuing the thought expressed in the Scripture lesson, recited 11 poem entitled "How Much More." During the singing of the hymn, "Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love," the children retired to the Pews reserved for them. A poem "The Love of Christ", by Donald Watson was followed by a musical number on the violin by Sing Chung, guest musician from Lis- towel, wlie, contributed greatly to the inspiration of the service with his violin st'lectduu and also a vocal solo, „The Lord Is My Shepherd." The junior choir, which had been trained by Mr's. Norman ('arson, sang as ars anthem "Keep the Bible in Your Heart." The singing of the junior chair quid the speeial leeial music on the organ and piano, were features of the service that the congregation greatly appreciated, Rev. Taylor thanked all who had contributed to the efforts which were responsible for the success of the service and introduced Lloyd Hutton of Kincardine, who address- ed the congregation on the subject "Things That Make Us Happy." Mr. Hutton held th-e undivided atten- tion of the children, and the inter- est of the adults with his inocula. ating talk, based on "The Beati- tudes." Substituting the phrase "happy are ye" for "blessed are I ye," and using a model house as I an illustration, "Mr. Hutton show- ed the children the things God does for all of us. At first the windows of the house were dark and board- ed up, just as people are often not right inside. Then, as we try to apply the way of life taught by the beatitudes to our own life, a change takes place. A light radiated from within shines forth that those around can see the difference. As each beatitude was expanded, a boarded up window was opened showing the light within and giving the house a' more attractive ap- pearance. Just so the light of God's love brightens up the dark places in our life. The hymn "The Wise May Bring Their Learning' and the benedic- tion brought the service to a close. During the afternoon many visit- ors called to enjoy the floral dec- orations and organ music supplied by Rev. Hird. .tom 1 s's t • Breaks Ankle (,ORRIS Mrs. Carl Dinsmore, R.R. i, (kalif., had the misfortune' to break a hone in her ankle on Wednesday. She returned from hospital en Saturday, Surprise Party for 25th Anniversary (IORRIE --Friends and neighbors gathered at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Petrie on May 24th for a surprise party on the occasion of r. . their ..5th wedding anniver. say , t The evening was spent playing' progressive euchre, with 30 attend- ' ing. Miss Leone Harris read the address and Ernest Harris made the presentation of an eleetrie tea kettle, lamp and casserole. Third Minister From Ireland l To 1VIo esvvorth (IORRI]j --Rev, Samuel James Stewart, Newtonstewart, County Tyrone, Irelatnd, has arrived to ac- cept a call to the joint charges of Molesworth and Gorrie Presbyter- ian Churches. Rev. and Mrs. Stewart have two children, Allis -- ter, 3 and 10 months -old Patricia. By happy coincidence Rev. W. J. Morrison, a college friend in me hent in Toronto and troland, t l is also the interim moderator for the Molesi'vo•th - Gorrie charge which has been vacant since last. fall, Then Rev, W. J'. S. McClure, also of the emerald isle, accepted a call to the Whitby Presbyterian Church. His predecessor, Rev. Ro- bin Boggs was from Ireland too, The induction service will be held on Friday, June 1st al Moles- worth Presbyterian Church. Rev. G. L. Royal, Guest Speaker The regulnr meeting of the Couples' Club met 1•tst Tuesaay evening in the parlors of St. And- rew's Church with a good atten- dance. Mr. and Mrs, Terry Smith, the presidents, gave the call to worship. A hymn was sung, followed by the Scripture and, meditations by Mrs. John Isaac. Mrs, Free'. McGee gave the offertory prayer. Fred McGee introdu'ed the guest speaker, Rev. L. G. Royal of Knox Presbyterian Church in Goderich. He spoke on "Armagh, a Presby- terian Home for Unwed Mothers" and used by all denominations. Ile shared his experience as 1 chaplain at the home during his ministry at Norval. He was thanked by Mrs. John Isaac and presented with a gift on behalf of the Couples' Cali. A contest was conductsd which proved both humorous and eluca- tional, Mrs. Reuben Appleby had the most correct answers and re- c'eived a small gift. The meeting closed with prayer and lunch followed. Mr. and Mts. John Isaac and Mr, ano Mrs. bred McGee were in charge for the eve- ning. AMONG THOSE ATTENDING the organizational meeting of the Huron County Chapter of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario at Winghalri were, from the left, Mrs. Clayton Shackleton, Wingham; Miss Eileen Minty, of Brantford, president of district 2, R.N.A,O.; Mrs. Walter Pocock, Wingham; Mrs. Mona Enzen- herger, Goderich; Miss Lila Younghlut, Goder- ich.-'Photo by Cantelon, BRIE Mrs. Frances Strong, Mr. Roy Strong, Mr, and Mrs, 1s). H, Strong, Misses Marian Adams and Carol Ring attended Miss Donna Marie Strong's birthday party on Fri- day. 141r sThomas f . and M1.. ()'I{t a. Isa and Barry and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Hastie were supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Loss Mann, Illuevalc, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Erling Arthurs, of Drew, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart ,Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Beamsville, were Sunday visitors at the sante home. Mrs. Phomas Douglas returned hone from Palmerston Hospital on Sa tu rday. The Gorrie Wonen's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Rus- sell Adams on Tuesday, June fith, Mrs, Harry 1th11ne will he the con- vener. iteill call, bring a friend. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Petrie spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley fle!mpel, Wroxeter, and on Sunday visited with Mr, anti Mrs. Stanley l+abort of Lis. towel. Mr. ;trial Mrs. Ernest Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart tenthly of Bel - more, visited Wit11 M. F. and Mrs. joint Boyd ui' hordtrich on Sun- day. 14.1:r, (;isles' Edgar and Mr. Har- ry Templeman aa•ompanied Harold Townsei a.l, Gordon Gibson, William Mei)onald and Mot Edgar of the Howick Lions (Jab to attend the first day of the Lions convention in Hatrt!lton. A parade of 100 floats started at Victoria Park, A service was held in the evening at the arena, where the Buy Scouts displayed the flags of all coun- tries. Rev, and Mrs, George C. Mitchell visited Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Helen Stephens. Reports Given on D'istric't Annual International Day, featuring Aus- tralia, was the theme for the re- gular May meeting of the Wing - ham Women's Institute, with Mrs. G. Hastie, president, in the chair. Program conveners were Mrs, H; Burrell, and Mrs, H. Aitchison. The roll call was "Fiction or Fact about Australia". The motto, "Though we wander or roam, there's no place like home", was given by Mrs. H. Ait- chison. Five members attended the district anneal in Clinton on May llth and Mrs, N. McLaughlin gave a report of the district offi- cers, Mrs. L. Fortune gave a re- port of the morning session and Mrs. E. Parrish reported for the afternoon, Mrs. H. Burrell conducted at con- test which was won by Mrs. Lloyd -Hingston. Three short films were shown on Australia. Hostesses were Mrs. Frank Ed- gar, Mrs, 1'. McCormack, Mrs, C. Hopper, Mrs. T. Weir and Mrs. John Walker. CATCH MORE "All PREMIUMS WITH THESE NEW Sl1U1 -GAIN SWINE FEEDS New Shnr-(lain Sidebarn :;tarter Trate been developed by Shn1'- Gain Nutritionists '10 get those newly purchased ttet+ncr pig on to Pttl.1 feed sooner—with no diges,tii a upsets, New Shur-fiinin Super Pig Starter •-• n highly palatable, high energy feed to be rased followiang'. Shur --Gains Creep Feed 'Ihi'ougl► to 10 weeks of age. Call us for full details of these new feeds., and the complete Sllttii-(,iai.n. Six Step Hog heeding Program, Do your best to catch MOfU, "A" PREMIUMS with your RR ET Tr(1OS. SHUR.GAIN puts thft (MN ii1 IIt�ii FEE,DIN( Wingha PHONE 142 SI'-HJR=GAIN puts the IIAIN in 1IOI' FEEDING METAL WORK done by high school students is of Uelgrave during the open house on Friday 1 inspected by Shirley Snell of Blyth and Lila Black e\ J ning. —Advance -Times photo. FORDWICH Margaret and Mrs. Eunice Ilerr>'t attended the capping ceremony at • the Wingham Hospital on Friday afternoon when :Miss Pauline So. thorn was among the nurses who received her cap. Mr. and Mrs. I3111 1"tueli of 'Poison - to were WOO( -end visitors Willi Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson. Isli'. and ':Mrs. Hugh Frew, Shar- on and Valerie of Preston were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore. The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Adorn Zurbrigg in the passing 01 her husband in the Lis- towel. Hospital on Sunday night. Mr. William T. Sothern returned .home Saturday from Palmerst-m Hospital. He will celebrate his 100th birthday on Saturday, June 2nd. Mrs. James Vittie and Mrs. Carl s -Stewartspent daylast week in one Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Murray Kirkby of Port Credit spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Carroll John son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Demerling of Fenelon Falls visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Anson Demerling, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Browne vis- ited over the week-encl with rela- tives in Willowdale. Mrs, Jessie O'Gorman of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. E, A, Schaefer spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Schaefer in London. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Chiomey and Janey of Port Colborne Were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mid, Alex Keith. Mrs. Albert ,Johnson returned to the home of her son, Mr. Glenn Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, Miss Ruth .Tohson also visited here the past week. Congratulations to Mr. annd Mrs, Carl Dareey, the former Florence Leppington, who were: married Sat. u rd ay. Mrs. William Wilson and Miss Phyllis Wilson and Mrs. Jack Wil- son spent Saturday in Kitchener. A number of ladies from here at- tended the zone rally of the Legion Auxiliary last Wednesday night in Brussels. Zone Commander Mrs, Wm. McCann was re-elected for another year. The •sympathy of the community goes to Holger Espensen who re- ceived word last week of the sud- den passing of his father in Dr'n. nark. Mr. and Mrs, James Vittie and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sothern and Gary, Miss Brenda Hilson and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mulvey visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Car! Stewart in Listowel. Friends of Mr. Harold Doig will be glad to hear he was able to re- turn home last week from the Lis- towel Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Sothern, if You'reTi ED Now and tl>on everybody guts a "lIinbout" feeling and may be bothered by b;tekdChes. Perhaps nothing serotusly wrung, lust it temper - n or bladderCondition diecemfurt IIThat'srinarthey eye to take Oodd•s KidneyPills. nudd't help eamutate the kidneys to relieve lir, cendthun which may erten cause backache dud tired reete>g, Then you feel better, rust bettor, work butter. 81 eo 4 e 4 �I1l MS >A� r1lty{y �yJ�y/1 /\�J({� it � Optometrist Patrick St., Wingharn Phone 770 _ N ask your DRUGo"/ST for_ r,781661 NIXON'S PELLAG"'EX ZAGS"• ✓ STOPS SCOURS le PREVENTS IRON DIEFICIENCY ✓ coNTRors SCtRFINFSS ✓ INSURES' TOP ssTrrGnT GAINS PELLAGREX PASTE Tints/we WAY TorsoN TOLR Piss. , NIXON LABORATORIES LTD. ORA:ia.V1LLL'. ONT. McKibbons Pharmacy PHONE 133 - GVIN('tTTATT VOTE FRED L 1 B E R A L CK 1 U N 1 8 ti it F111ED BEC'IC. For Sane Responsible Gove'rnmeni A NATIONAL MEDICAL PLAN A CONTRIBUTORY PENSION PLAN (Minimum $75.00 a month) A COMPREHENSIVE AID -TO -EDUCATION PLAN A SOUND FISCAL POLICY TO RESTORE CONFIDENCE IN OUR DOLLAR AND TO BALANCE OUR 1 uDGE'T INCREASED EXPORTS TO MI) THE FARMER S ri iI M er. 4 n