The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-30, Page 8,aR nab TliiN 1''hngi;lani Ailvaoee.lrimes, Wedi1estlsy, i ray 1)R, 191N -04 heh.ilnl for LlL i.�.74'CTrat'15 •)ri),fJ • cv Ado, aYe.,,.«:.. t 111 .1:0 11111 - rt:: i:iEAi u�I1 NNLLLY a -4d1 i.4ch Lawyer 7 -•4)`y CHANNEL 8 DAY ar-- - ii :10 to 6:15 c'%74 lst••sta.lf of Elston Golden, Circle 'Teacher r Sipe; At c(l'F l'.Ia_iigr.u. t and *duration of retardrd. we recognize Li01ne t•ltll6es for rt•- tttrdation• none (unneeted wit.'! heredity. Mrs. I -fusser said that the pri nary goal is to c'nauge public op inion in regard to the retarded child. It is necessary that such. children be aeeepted with tender " 141•,5 and tolerance, but ethic att G the public. is no mean. undrr'tak lug. It. is the deer' that counts, a..d not there words.. Aeceptaalce Aid; Cause Mrs. Husser said that accept- ance leads to a change in our n loosens Q uv Prll- country's laws and loo, g mental purse strings; it gclickens interest and recruits new and deed- ed workers; it lessens the hostility of parentts themselves and en ables them to create a better horny feeling for the child. Above all, Mrs. Husser begged that children be taught not t.o belittle the re- tardeds but to instill in them tol- erance and tenderness toward such children and a thankfulness that they tl,etllrelver; have been spared frorn such a handicap. The speaker then described a s ' : IUI1IFF X 1 t,ron P(` Assn n.s ?i J 111ill:ail!11111111•lllr1111 s r � 4 Y p r V THEATRE Limited ". Z1'I'ON - ONTARIO :'1.,,:'.:: Nightly, Rain •or Clear c rt•, 111411** 12 in. cars Free 'ii'y;ft tit .-FRI. MAY 31 -JUNE 1 •.- Double Bill — "TALL STORY" (Adult Entertainment) • :_inthonv Perkins - Jane Fonda "('ASH McCALL" (Colour) Jam Corner - Natalie Wood (Cartoon) Mrs '1'. G. Iin',st 1'. j'' (lteifi•il iii the 11uhit'tl Circle School, wit's at the 1'.11.1'1.'. Nl inset 141111 imago tt-r banquet ill Itt'•3R 1111 111`1 stmt where site had IL'e•lt ashett to ',,,t'.It oh retitedcttA,il at .1 the .,u*I' .+t t'+t sellout. VVfrs. ,Q•,id that it by ehanee that *torula• the past do ead7, thoughts 111)11 energies IPt11 bL '71 e011et'titlated 1,A the *'eta, t'.r.'. "tli an all,. ttheti wit litrl.e•.7 .'un Vieth/HS !late tit -en • Intlhm 1 .1 1,> war and 114(* 4ts -.f , septet,. as. )ll'liltit1.sit, sliest tonna,. lif,• and values 1111• :,wept •*',:til• 78111:Butt: 4.411 1'eleittle1.:;1•, tt 1,1 . ••141• .. ,e' e :any to it-a11itllt 1„1c. i Ott, 4 tli•' tlltlnlatec tit 11,x, , = hale :1.11 atatii'l titin 71. our 1 t•ltet its tLt• lneaitini't't1h,1•'P* tit' !: d tit,• tianetity of 1111 itvi:rl Il4i1 °1 11ua'a'1' asked whist ].'Qle r was could he elwStn than 141 :;til p•`t•t *111' fight to better t•rintlitlute:, 114 tilt• 141uat 1l4!'1esse..1 p 11'1 til •7141' popalatilnt Although nn•otal t"'•fieit•ne'• ttu beet! loons 74 to ltt11..4(711 almost front Ila. Maya (4P ei'. sel1•tititie study 141,11 the means of !, dealing with it have been fairly )el•e(1t- Vol. the first 15 (erltll:.es retarded were eunf 1 cl,1 With. the '1114, One and were treated as if they did not belong to the human race The first teal step lor\:•:o•t was the receg..:t:on that It mentally re tarlieal perr,01 belt lis,ed to the fa may o1 malt. 171 the lath eentn ry advance:: were trade in medicine, psythulogy JUNE 2-4 — Double Bill, — "G,,. BLUES" (Colour) Elvis Presley " nr � l WHO STOLE Li✓ A ..� MILLION" Virgilio Texera (Cartoon) 5.171.%„ -WED. d7ITNE 0-6 "CINDEP.FELLA" (Colour) ,Terry Lewis Anna. Marie Aiberghetti (Cartoon) Compton , Bondi Wedding vows were exchanged tit 11 double -ring ceremony by Ther- esa Marie Bondi and Donald Bruce Compton in Sacred Heart Ronan Catholic Church when Rev. G. .1. Is'rt•kcr officiated. The soloist, Mrs. Carl T3ondi, sang "On This Day, 0 Beautiful Mather” and ) ' "( Perfect Low?'. Pn Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bondi, of Wingham, are the bride's parents, and the groom's parents are Mr, and Mrs. James Compton, London. The bride wore a floor -length gown of sparkling white: satin with a bustle -effect back which extend- ed to a chapel train. Her finger- tip veil of nylon net was embroid- ered with sequins and held by a tiara of pearls. She carried a etas-, cede of red roses and stephanotis. Miss earl Steuernol, her only therapy is carried out three times 11 week. A break for lunch, served by the children, allows a time for plea- sant table conversation and then the children carry on with various occupations which include man- ipulation of fingers in mathemat- ical precision work. Each child has a reading period in which in- dividual attention is given to pro- gress. 'l'he afternoon is devoted to edueatiorlal crafts, especially sew - day at the school. Morning open- Mg and woodcrafts. ing exereists include a prayer anal Mss. Husser said there is still so the national anthem. Each child is greeted individually by the tea• cher, and responds in a gracious manner, at which time stress is put on speech therapy. This is fol- lowed by such things as telling time, numbers and simple arith meth,. Exercise and singing are in- cluded in this period., and physical the wind. :411III1.11111illtillliilil11111111114I111T61111111111111111111111111111111A11111!1111111iglil®Ill111illi lilrelll liIII till WHEN PRESENTED AT TIM BOX O s +ICE OF {91 much to be done and so little time. I,actt day and hour that passes without progress toward the goal, is a clay or an hour lost in the lives of many children. Teachers have chosen 10 fulfill a role and If they do not continue these "little ones" ma;Y be left to inherit only Ei t Knee 'rfekets June 5 from. any .et1.lnher Clinton Hospital Auxiliary — Proeeed', for Hospital Addition t BROWNIE'S DDRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON This Coupon A.dtnit.s the DRIVER of the (.ar Only FREE Any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday Nights for the Month of June Only (except on June 5, Hospital Auxiliary Theatre Night) __'*Stn'sII:�IIIl111(Ii11ifIlY111�111IIIlliiihlllT91111VIII�IIIYilllliilllllflll�111111111111111111rlllrlh�lll�lll�lll�l` .' 'i(a3IseliM11111111'11®111111tII111111111111111111hi1111111h0111elitt•11511,!til1111!11110191,11E11111111'11W1101111Y11111111ll11lll111111tlllll1lllltllll111lllal �r ;rR 16'1 36� TH CROWN ()pen Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday (•:r it week — Closed Monday and 'Tuesday throughout ,Trine- 4t1i to dime 26111. LSI Rs1.' l'R1.-SAT. MAY 31-.TLiN'E: 1-2 "COLOSSUS OF RHODES" in 'i'tchnicolor ••-- Starring Rory Calhoun .t 1,11*r4r,1Pr statue of bronze—twenty stories tall Lt: tri le the great harbor off Rhodes—it towers over every screen spectacle Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 p.m, WEJ). T1nlu,,-ERT.-swr, Tt'.NT: 0.7 -ti -9 "THE SERGEANT THREE" an 'ft•ehnicolor, starring Frank Sinatra, Dean Mutat, Eammy T)a.vis Jr., Peter Lawford and .Joey fishop ;.inatra and his friends turning the West upside (town with action and laugh, Man, it's the wildest, Showa at '7.15 and 9,15 ES RIVE -IN 'i'}rr1"tSDAY-FitIDAY MAY 31 -JUNE 1 "TEN WHO DARED" Saga of conquest over the mighty Colorado River. "MR. SARD'ONICUS" Guilty or innocent—the decision is in your hands Recommended. Adult'Entertaiment 11.141- SA.TURDA.Y ONLY JUN1t. 2 "MARINES LET'S GO" This is romecly and action all the way, with those funlovin' Marines "NO KIDDING" Another one of those funny English comedies ✓J•�w..w./.Mw..�v✓,n,..bt+,.nw.w.nrnn.vvn.vwwHMMn SUNDAY LATE SHOW ,1UN.*, 3rd "CRY BABY KILLER" plus "HOT CAR GIRL" Ftaeommended as Adult Entertainment - Adm. 75e PJ..✓V✓.Mn.I•IVh/\/•1,uunNW,IV lVV'.ayt/,nl,hN'•I!.^l.h/NIV W WDM/ MON.-TUES.-WED. i1UNE 4-5-0 "THE SECOND TIME A'ROUND" Starring Debbie Reynolds �e nmlds Plus rht g bb "ALL HANDS O -N DECK" Starring :Bing Crosby, Fabian and Tuesday 'Weld F3oth in CiriethaScope and Color 1'!'tt to by Connell attendant. wore a ballerina length gown of blush pink silk taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink ear nations. Sam Bondi, ',ratter of the ln'i(le, Wit • groulnsrnan. For a wedding trip to the 1Jul 1: ed States the bride wore n white satire sequin sheath with a lull. length coat, pink hat and aec'(:.s sories. Red roses cOlnph'ted her ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Compton will re-. side in Wingham, • YOUR KITCHEN IS ATATTLE 'ME RAID', AY HISSION llii ‘ITR[NCE HERE .\ 1„71.i\1 av Slla:inn ti \t'., , livid at WIlett:o 1 11 tplist Ituroh ::1111r11,ty told 111114.11)' wit 11 ::u,WAN711.',( trate. 1,,114410, punier ,1.11 1,3.klwt•4, '!'4111147141, . 1s1(i smart :out 1 al!eplled. The 1:741l'.'d; Mission. l,eyrlir. in 14:OJ a•1 •t null—Lod 4. 1*, t1 lIl1, 111 c.:.1 luta* who t ere !*tinted 111 lt•git- ar 1111111':1 ,lull it1(1.i.ty:s .t.:a had lavuvr7a in usher cities. In tine rittlWa'. et Mt e ahem Owl''' are 11 great 1,111ttbe•r of y'ar11 and maintenance Olen \oho 11(1(7141 find 47 th1714110 to :at, utt ('\11.1•:1, '1'Ite Mi:.::nit 41110 it 1Ouutltly 1111. pr•t. t'rtltv*t the lirtlatI0717itel' 1111d c lirtstaaa Railroader. s4tert o1' ail denominaticnit, Imre 11th•**dod Che N1.ir.4011'8 141111!1 (11).111 hunt 'u tints. nlunthly l:ihle dully in railway 'IC/MOM ;tial noun 111.1 t'.411711g pea e(' 1,x''11”- 8111o7' I9ti0. with other hletlus of LIaVeI I,' Ott; (4:041 more fretpleut.ly, have been i11e11.de''1 ill tae 1i:aiou 'l'tse soluast ttt the etniferenee \5'lts Karl .1olltulsen of '1'orotlln. Speak.- tr.. were Rudy 1'etel0011, /eu'ldtl1- tor of Nev.' Yor)t (lentl'Itl from De. host; John Cla:Isis C'.1'.1•( , 'I ernnu,; Lambert Wilson, N.Y.C. engineer, Detroit; 1, M.7'Jit:drtol, sesre•taiss Fish Sticks With Spanish Rice rI4•AT'o t9Y NEW NEiGMBOP. GOIIrO iNTO VA.N C E.' DRUG STORE • SMAt41' (AR4, 1%1.W ATS, PIN EpEN4OASIUTY ti' ,1 i3 . .. ANO PROMPT ANO COURT COOS secsvice roo ry An hnportant reason for the popularity of fish sticks is that they combine well with other goods, It's easy to plan a menu around them, specially when you're In a hurry, Open a can of tomatoes, add a little sliced onion and heat, while the fish sticks are heating, Or prepare frozen peas ancl carrots according to package directions Or fry thinly sliced potatoes. These are just a few of the many foods which combine well with golden Grown fish sticks and make attract. tive luncheon or dinner plates. Still )0,illt'•7ly 4tussi',l 'rurontl, and , another good idea 18 to let fish .loin, Lowrie,C.N. Telegraphs, 'I'o- I sticks accompany leftovers. If mato. '11. „e WW1 .tlru Sunt.*• ati you've two or three cups of left - services in the Unite.' met !'res- 1 over cooked rice in the refrigerator bytt•1'ian ('harries and the' this suggestion, combines economy tics, Army tit o1) ]tuulay.':'lu'y I with a flavorful meal. No leftover ;,ere billeted in homes of members I rice? Then use packaged pre-cook- s of the 17;tl;list (9nir,.li ed Spanish rice. It's fast and easy too. • 1 onion, finely chopped 1 green pepper, finely chopped 'ra. (•up diced celery 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 cups canned tomatoes 2 teaspoons salt 7/E teaspoon pepper 2 or 9 cups cooked rice Cook onion, pepper and celery in butter until vegetables are soft. Add tomatoes seasonings and cook What does your kitchen tell about you? Make no mistake. . To the expert who can read the signs, your kitchen tells quite a story! Do you have a refrigerator—and freezer- - t indifferentu to a a b It are dishwasher? Then you. take pride in the meals you serve and you rarely begrudge the hours you in- vest fussing with your family's food. Perhaps you can do without a freezer. --but you do yearn for al dishwasher. You're not lazy, but you tend to feel trapped doing kitchen clean-up jobs. Possibly you like to .he free to share the activities and hobbies of your hus- band and children or you have a creative talent that pulls you awtly from the kitchen. Recently T visited three model kitchens, all exactly the same size, all equipped with the same basic appliances. But what a difference in mood and theme! One was sunny, one was soothing and the last of the tell-tale trio was so- phisticated. Only th.e woman who was a trete sophisticate would feel at home in the third kitchen. It was sleek and stylish. The walls were oyster white, the ceramic tile around the sink area was cocoa brown and so were the cupboards. The floor was off-white with occasional, hold stripes in emerald green and saphire blue. The work area was a "floating island" in the centre of the kitchen with the masaic tile table top in emerald green. This area was shaded by a hood, suspended from the ceiling, and painted an astonishing mustard yellow! The window sported a Dali-type print with wild slashes of mustard, emerald and saphire. Off beat colours? Yes, indeed, is s s t :► Kit III 111 1111 IIla's i!+9Mif illiiilLiGlIi it1hit te ih iiliillii illi iG iiiidiiiiil iliiiiHill Ham 'n Egg Canapes Peel hard coulv•d egta: and eta in half. lteltuve ,,1ks and mash well with very finely ground left -over leoolte,U liana Moisten with dress- ing and season to taste with dry mustard (1r a few chaps of 1t hot flavored meat sauce. 1111 yolks with mixture told )varnish with a pickle, elie 1, Ar,uun ty 11,ulIlia.n ranleI ,a:.IpF1J)J 0-4-0 ilani 'n l;ejg 4Stalatd, 'fuss together 2 cups diced coolc- ('71 ham, 2 (hopped hard (oOlced eggs, "s (Ill, cuulied peas, '., 0114) chopped lilokle with 't yup salad dressing anal seasonings to taste. slowly about 15 minutes. Stir in rice. Heat through. In the mean- time, arrange 1 package frozen fish sticks on a baking sheet and follow directions on package. Heat platter or serving dish and serve rice and fish in same dish, • • Coaching on Poaching A. hint of lemon is always an asset -'1 ter11 ', l l: ,111 I I *,leeGarnish. for fish filletso r steaks.And Servos it. poaching -- simmering in a small. amount of seasoned liquid ---assures moist fillets. So, when you poach and only the oecasiona.l. woman fillets with lemon slices, the finest it: elft Would be conte nt w h them, flavor is guaranteed. To present a But the first kitchen wilts sunny party -pretty platter of poached side up with .natural, fruit wood fillets, top them with a sauce that teams the tomato and cheese, pep - pily seasoned. Poached fillets with tomato rarebit sauce are sufficient- ly satisfying that they're hound to become a family favorite you can also serve to company, with equal pride. Panchen millets with Tomato Rare- bit Sauce. For six servings, allow about two pounds of fish fillets. If they're thaw let them t aw r inrefriger- ator e r.fri ger- ator just until they can he separat- ed easily. Put half a cup of water in a large frying pan with a lid. Add half a teaspoon of salt and two or three lemon slices. Bring to boil; turn down heat; carefully slip in fish fillets. Cover pan, simmer over very low heat, about five to eight mintues, just until fish flakes eas- 1 cupboards nicely cornpietnented by golden. yellow walls, yellow ceramic tile • amara] the sidle, yellow stove and refrigerator, Mosaic tile coun- ter tops were spanking white—and the singe decorative feature was a massive bowl of bronze chrys- anthemums. This kitchen had built-in gaiety, tailor made for the motherly woman who loves to fuss and cook the hours away in a com- panionable atmosphere. And whatat of the tense, always -in -a -rush wo- man? The second kitchen. was de- signed for her. Blue •most sooth- ing of all—was the pivot colour. A. hooded barheque, built into a white painted brick wall, was the focal point, Ceramic tile in palest blue protected the three working walls. The ceiling was beamed --a cozy touch—and the beams painted a darker blue than the tile, Coun- ter tops were the same darker blue and the cupboards were light, honey blond wood. White, two tones of blue, softened with natur- al wood, surrounded the tense woman with cool, constant colour. What about your kitchen? Is it spanking white? It would be con- sidered austere and clinical by one woman, but efficient and spotless by another. Whatever the colors' choice, 'this is your room: it telly more about you than .any other room in the house, ily when tested with a fork. Care- fully remove fish with slotted lift» er, place on warm platter, Serve with tomato rarebit sauce. Makes (' f servings. Tlomato Rarebit Sauce 1 10 -oz. can condensed tomato soup 1 tablespoon finely minced onion 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup �• teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce 'I teaspoon dry mustard Salt and pepper Dash of cayenne pepper 'R• pound cheddar cheese shredded (approx. 2 cups) 1 egg, beaten Heat soup, stirring, in top of double boiler over direct heat, Then place over boiling water. Blend in onion, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, salt and pepper• to taste, cayenne. Gradually add cheese, stirring until melted, Slow- ly blend mixture, a little at a time, double boiler and cook, stirring, about five minutes. Serve over into beaten egg. Returnto top of poached fish. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS put on a very trim fashion show during the open house, proving to the large audience that they have pick- ed up some useful skills in the home economics classes. In the picture at the left is Catherine Harkness in a dress which she made. Right is Sandra Cameron in her suit.A-T photo. A new farm hand from the city was told to harness a mule one winter morning in the early hours. In the darkhe tackled a cow in- stead of the mule. The farmer shouted from the house, "Say there, 'o what's keeping you s long?" "I can't get the collar over the mule's head," shouted the new man, "both his ears are frozen. so11d." •F M Huron County Comm. cil June Session The June Session of Hur- on County Council will commence o n Monday, June 11, 1962, at 10 a.m. Notice of any documents or depu-I" tatiolls niiist he in the hands of the Clerk .no later than 12:00 noon, Friday, ,Tune 8(11. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, (xoderieh, Ontario. 3011 VOLKSWAGEN Cornpare Price and VALUE Wingham Body Shop SII) ADAMS Your Volkswagen Dealer in Wingham & District PHONE 746 WINGHAM M YOU CAN'T WEAR BETTER FITTING SHOES Your dreams have been realized. WHITE CROSS now brings you amazing comfort with the intriguing difference—fashion. You'll feel marvelous in.these smart styles any time of the day and wherever you go. �I HY-GE-NIC t„ti Nu, Ale F, AN All CANADlAi1 COMPANY SHERRY black, brown, white, hone black, brown, bone, white (" . CRESCENT TOE l.I1ST black, white, boas $12.95 to $13.95 WHITE CROSS- FOR FASHION AND FIT unlop Shoe Store .: PHONE 23 — WINGHAM M