The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-23, Page 7111
abbancr Zimrs
1VIN(rillA,51, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, :17A.Y 33, 1962
THE FAMILIES of Rev. John D. Congram and Rev, Peter D. Mc-
Kague watched with pride as the two young men were ordained
into the Presbyterian ministry last Thursday evening, The group
I31! LCRAVIii - The directors .of
I the Morris Federation of Aggricui-
' turf, met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Wiillam Balston on 'Thursday
l evening with 12 present, The presi-
dent, Stanley Hopper, gave a re -
i port of the county meeting at Olin-
: ton, This was followed by discus-
' Walter Woods, president of the
Turnberry Federation of Agricul-
ture, gave an illustrated talk of
his trips to South America., Mr.
Woods has gene with shipments of
Holstein cattle which were export-
ed t'•1 countries there,
Ted Fear expressed thanks to
the speaker, Stanley Hopper thank-
ed Mr. and Mrs. 'Elston for tate use
of their home, also to Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Garniss, who had assist-
ed. I.,unch was served and the
meeting adjourned,
Little Cheryl Lynne Jefferson, of
(;linton, visited this past week
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Noble and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves, of
Toronto, spent the holiday week-
' end with the latter's sister, Mrs.
James Loddy, Mr. Leddy and other
' rc'.ati ver.
above includes from the left, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Congram, par- Miss Lucy Thompson, of Bronte.
ents of John, Mrs. John Congram, Rev. John Congram, Rev. and was at her home here over the
Mrs. Peter McKague; his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. D. McKague, wick -end and also visited with
Miss Josephine and Mr, David
REV. FRED H. CROMEY, moderator, left, was in
charge of the ordination of John Congram and
Peter McKague at the Presbyterian Church here
last Thursday evening. Others in the group
are Mr. Congram, Rev. Douglas Fry, who was
ordained in the same church four years ago, Mr.
McKague and Rev. Gordon L. Fish, minister of
St. Andrew's Church. -A -T photo.
Filled for
.,.. A ■ I Double trio, open: S.S. 6 E.W.,
81, • Mrs. Robertson; S.S. 9 E.W.
80 Mrs. Fisher,��� ��1 �a�� AMuic
1 Morris 84 Mrs. Harold Vincent;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson
SLIDES OF HOLY LAND visited Tsday with her brother,
Mr, Henry McClinchey, of Auburn.
I Mr. and Mrs, Sam Jefferson and
'HEN i( A IT UoINT 1,1EET ! John ,of Newmarket, and Larry
.and Kenneth Reeves, of Toronto,
visited over the week -end with Mr.
The Afternoon and Evening Mis-1 anis Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and
sion Circles held a joint meeting
at the Baptist Church on Wednes- i A carload of Donnybrook United
day evening. Mrs. M. Cantelon Church Women attended a special
meeting at Calvin -Brick United
presided. After the opening hymn Church Monday evening.
Mrs. Alex Rintoul led in prayer.l (Intended for last week)
' The Scripture lesson was read by! Mr. Hugh Jefferson of Port Ar.
Mrs. M. Barite and the group sang thur, who is on the staff of the
the chorus "Saved, Saved to Tell ; Canadian General Electric Co„ re -
Others". Gently returned from Andimeshk.
I Youngblut 80, S.S. 16 E.W.
Unison Chorus over 25: S,S. 11
Morris, 83, Mrs, Margaret Robert-
son; S.S. 6 E,W., 80, Mrs, Margaret
BELGRAVE The two -,clay. Bel.
grave music festival, which includ-
es 19 schools, commenced last
d Monday morning with five classes
in competition in the morning and
four in the afternoon. The festi-
val committer chose this year as
their adjudicator Lloyd G. Queen.
Music supervisors for the schools
are, Morris, Mrs. Nora Moffatt.,
end East Wawanosh, Mrs. Phyllis
Rodgers. The festival is under the
control and management of the
Belgrave School Fair Association..
of which Stanley Black is presi-
dent and Stanley Hopper secretary_
treasurer, Harvey McDowell is
chairman of the festival committee
and Mrs. N. H. Coultes is secretary
of the festival.
The following schools and teach.
ers take part in the event: Morris
1, Mrs. ,roan Griffith; Morris 2
Ronald Uhler; Morris 4, Mrs. Elsie
Miller; Morris 5, Mrs. Ruth Wil-
son; Morris 6, Mr's. Edith Vincent;
Morris 7, Miss Beverly Evans;
Morris 8, Clem Stefflcr; Morris 10,
Miss Karen Schmidt; Union 11,
Mrs. Margaret Robertson; Union 12
Mrs. Edna Hackwell; East Wawa -
nosh, Union 6, Mrs. Margaret Rob-
ertson; 16, Mrs. Beth Laming; 17,
Belgrave, Mrs. Mary Chamney and
Mis, Isabelle Henry; 7, Mr.:, Louise
Bosman; 9, Mrs, Rena b"isher; 10,
Mrs, Marie Toll; 13, Mrs. Mary
These schools compete annually
for the Wingham Lions Cltib 'Tro-
phy, held now by IT S.S. 12, Mor-
ris; Belgrave Woolen': Institute
Trophy, held by S.S. 5, Morris;
Belgrave Women's Institute 'Tro-
phy, iJ.S,S, 11, Morriss; Betio eve
Co-operative Association trouhy.
by U.S.S. 6, Mast Wawanosh; C1'CNX
Radio and 'I'V trophy, by 1 T S ;:;..12,
Morris; School Area t.rtpny, U.S.S.
6, .111, Wawanosh and 1 -hunt Area
trophy, U,S,S. 12, Mnrtr:;.
• All classes had si weld nenthl'r• nC
entries and compared pretty well
with .last year's itr,snrrim. (hu'
ciao that nlw'nys 0)11.1••.;i; the noel
fence is the 'Boys' ('111ngt"I Valets
and It was noted that there were
several mote entries in Lois Arun;
this year. The inr .t'., el.aee this
Year was Girls 14 ;ears gnu tindt'r,
with 15 entries. Thr rest nn tiv•
solo Classes had rtr•.nt'1,1 30 entrt t5.,
Boys 7 and under: Lill Sellers, S.S, 10 Morris, Miss Karen
83, SS 8, Morris; Douglas Brigham, Unison Chorus under 25: S.S, 6
82, SS 12, Morris; Duane Currie, 83.
79, SS 9, E.W.; Bill. Shortreed, 78, Two -Part (over 25)
SS 11, Morris; Donnie Edgar, 76, S.S. 6, B.W., 83, Mrs, Robertson;
SS 7, Morris; Barry Gillespie, 74, S.S. 16, E.W., 81, Mrs, Lansing.
SS 8, Morris; Glen Whitehead, 74, Trophies Presented
SS 7, Morris; David Campbell, 71,' The following trophies were pre_
SS7, Morris. I stinted d-.tring the evening concert
Open Duet ' in the Wingham District High Li•
ttle Girl Dle$,
Lynda and Brenda C( inter, 85,• School, of which 3, H. Kinkead
Chumps ,,veep hr'irl 1111 day Mon
dev attd '1'ne8day in ilia Foresters'
P • 11 rid under• 11•'••t'i ('o••• ; et^'1('1 Ieeeelet a! ()ree, "1111d• I Mrs. Richard Procter gavea t'r'- be followed by four other figure's
1:1:x11,. J;elgrave, ;Intl a Tuesday
pVr11111 �' 17r'rtm War: belel'1 Ow
\Vtirgl:iaan District 'High 5('11:101. Thr
evening classes inel'i 1i' i mitre),
seal two-part (Monis foe efcrolment
over 25.
Mrs, G. Naylor
Hostess to U.C.W.
(Intended for last week)
DONNYBROOK • Mrs. (;lordon
Naylor was hostess for the Piny
meeting of the United Church Wo.
men, which was held Tues -.lay af-
ternoon in the Donnybrook United
church. Mrs. Tom Armstrong hau
charge of the program.
Mrs. Armstrong led in prayer
Mrs. Edward Robinson read the
Scripture lesson and Mrs. Arm.
strong gave another prayer. Af-
ter singing a hymn Judy Robin-
son received the offering.
Mrs, Stuart Cleamney gave tiro
minutes of the previous mccting
It was decided to accept the lnvi
talion to the special meeting at
Calvin -Brick Church on May 21st
Delegates were annointed to at
tend the Presbyterial meeting at
Blake's Church on May 29th. Som(
thank you notes were read gnu
plans were made to pack a bale to,
Mrs. Hardy had charge of tit
study book. After the singing of i
hymn Mrs, Armstrong closed the
meeting with the benediction
Lunch was served by the hostess
assisted by Mrs. Edward Robinson
and Mrs. Ernest Snowden.
The Goforth Auxiliary met last
Tuesday evening in the parlors of
St, Andrew's Church for the May
meeting, which had Mother's Day
for a theme. The president, Mrs.
J. Day, opened with a poem, "Mo-
ther". "Faith of our Mothers" was
a hymn introduced by Mrs, Ken
McKague, sung by the group. Mrs.
Malda led In prayer and recited
a thought-provoking poem, "Some-
one Had Prayeed.". Mrs. C. Per-
rott read the Scripture, and Mrs.
A letter from Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Iran, where he has been working Jenkins gave the meditation on.
Cairns, missionaries to Africa, was spent a few days with his uncle Naomi. I
read by Mrs. Bruce MacLean, and j Charles Jefferson, Mrs. Jefferson An interesting feature of the
one from Mr. and Mrs, H. Thibi.1 and family and also visited with -evening was a panel discussion by
deau was read by Mrs. J. Hilde•-1 other relatives. Mrs,-Malda, Mrs. Chopin and Mrs.
brand. Prayer was offered for the 1 Mrs. Wesley Jefferson, Debbie G. Tervit, the subject being "The
missionaries. 1 Brian and Gerald visited Sunday greatest threats of today, such as
Mrs, Frank Collar introduced i communism and atheism". Com-
munism is making great strides
among youth, especially the stu-
dents of higher than average in-
:elligence, and science is used to
intrigue them. Communists pro-
phesy that they will be in control
by the year 1973. What can we I
do to prevent this situation? Wei
must teach our childdren, in aur
schools, to love God above all oth-
ers, and we must keep the faith
of our fathers. alive. Ln .t a lives
of our children.
the special guest for the evening,
Rev, Mr. Hutchinson, principal. of
Berea Bible College, Calgary, and
former missionary to Africa, Scv.
en years ago Mr. Hutchinson tra-
velled around the world visiting
mission fields. He also visited Pal.
estine In his travels and showed
some very interesting slides taken
there. Pictures of the ancient wall
of Jerusalem, the Pool of Siloam,
the Inn of the Good Samaritan,
and the Garden of Gethsemane
made these familiar names more
real and also stressed the truth of
the Bible.
Mrs. Cantelon thanked Mr. Hut-
chinson for his very interesting
anti inspiring talk. An offering
was taken and a hymn sung. Mrs.
Glenn Sehiefele closed the meeting
with prayer.
SS 9, E.W.; Janice Walsh an,/ was the chairman: tl h Wingham Lions
Buried in Markdale
Rhonda Fear, 84, Belgrave; AnnClub Trophy to S.S. 6, Morris, tca-
NIcKrrcher and David', 83, eller Mrs. Harold Vincent -for wii- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Montgomery
SS 10, Morris; Jim .Robertson trees son chorus (under 25), and was were in Markdale on Saturday at-
e; Bel -
Ronald McBurney, 82, SS ft, L.W. �rrtvenWonn ted n's Ins tuteuTrophyy to tending the funeral of Wendy
David and Janice Walsh, 1 ), Lel- 'Nicholson, two-year-old daughter
S S. 5, Morris, teacher Mrs. Ruth
grave; Linda and Diane Casemore,of Mr, and Mrs, Melville Nicholson,
Wilson, for rhythm band for small Former residents of Wingham.
80, SS 7, Morris. i school, presented by Mrs. Richard
Boys' Changed Voices Mr, Nicholson was employed with
Procter; Belgrave Women's Insti-
Schiefele, 84, Bctlgrwe; Neil ' the Rural Fydro and Mrs. Nichol -
Ed Rayr 8 SS 7, Morris; NTurray tali. Trophy to S.S. 1-9, Past \Va- vice will also be introduced n
Edgar, ,son the former Jeanette Irwin,
w•anosh, teacher Mrs, Marie Toll, Lucknow at about the same time.
Elston, 82, SS 7, Morrie; John for rhythm band for large school, was on the staff at the Toronto- Construction of modern dial tele.
81, SS 1.J, 1'for1 , :John presented by Mrs. Richard Procter;
Montgomery here,ewas a pallbear- Phone buildings in both cdiet t e.
79, SS 1 3'Iorri.,; John I3t1 rave Co -o etative Association
Nesbitt, 78, SS 1, Morris; l;rhIn h p I er. Interment was in the Markdale ties Is well under way. The Wing -
MacDonald, 78, SS 12, Morels. cis, Trophy to S.S. 1'l, teacher Mrs. Cemetery, ham building is expected to be
Robertson, presented by Ross Rob- the women of the Bible, which
Girls CO and wider: sloven Currie, insmi, I - completed about July 1st: the one j tested the memory of the ladies.
87, S,S. 9 E, 4V.; Mary Passchirl' CIiNX Radio and TV Trophy to DONATE TO SCOUTS in Luc{cn about Junell8th, I The meeting closed with prayer
5h t 1 81 - - - P tt buildings toil] be single -
Tart chorus (un- storey structures. ares. • __
der 25) lino I was, presented by John • betiding site is on the north
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El-
gin Josling and family of Loneles.
Mr. and Mrs, Sam Thompson and
family visited their parents, Mr
and Mrs. Norman Thompson and
Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingharc
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Chamnry
visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Chamnry of Auburn and
Mr, and Mrs. William Webster of
St. Helens on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Hilliard Jefferson
and Linda visited Sunday evening
with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wlckstead
of Blucvale,
Dial Building Will
Be Completed Soon
Dial telephone service and "dir-
ect distance dialing" will he intro-
duced in Wingham late this year.
DDD is the service which enables
telephone users to dial their own
station -to -station long distance
H. H. P. Johnston, Bell Tele-
phone manager for this territory,
said that the cost of bringing these
services to Wingham will be about
11475,000. He added that dial ser -
Two guests, Miss Mary Haugh
and Miss Mary -Phillips, accompan-
ied by Mrs. Faegan, pleased the
audience with a diet, "Sweet
Peace". Mrs, G. Tervit offered
During the business session it
was decided to have a supper at
the June meeting, which would be
prepared by the committee in
charge. It was voted that Mrs. J.
Day should be appointed as dele-
gate to the Belleville training
school in July.
The topic, given by Mrs, Chopin,
was on the subject, "The Best
Things in Life". A number of quo.'
tations from the Bible proved the ,
point that wealth lessens rather
than contributes to happiness. Mrs,
C Perrott gave a poem entitled
"Keep Sweet, Keep Me Sweet at
The members were divided into
two sides and Mrs. Ken McKague
conducted a Bible quiz, naming
LLOYD G. QUEEN, assistant director of music for Ontario, adjudi-
cator at the Belgrave Music Festival, talks with Ray Scheifele after
his win in the changed voices class last Tuesday. -Photo by Can-
Miss Ruby Walker
Addresses Meetings
Of Presbyterial WMS
The Maitland Presbyterial of the
W,M.S. of the Presbyterian Church
in -Canada was held in Lucknow
Presbyterian Church on. Wednes-
day. The executive met at 10 a.m.
with Miss Ruby Walker, regional
secretary, and profitable discus-
sions were held on organization
and business procedures in W.M.S.
In the afternoon Mrs. Farish
Moffat, president of Maitland Pres-
byterial W.M.S., presided. The de-
votions were taken by Mrs. Hor-
ace Aitcheson, Mrs. Leslie Fortune
and Miss Christine Isbister of the
Wingham Auxiliary, using thoughts
of Pentecost to explain the theme,
"Witness, Service and Unity",
thinking particularly of our ex-
t ample to children and young people,
Mrs. A. C. Agnew, president of
Lucknow AtixiliarY, welcomed diose
A highlight of the afternoon ser -
i vice was the presentation by Mrs.
Frank Maulden of Kinlough, of all
honorary membership certificate
to Miss Emma Richardson, Lang.
side, who has given many years
of faithful service' to the W.M.S.
Mrs, Philip Steer of South Kinloss
was soloist and Mrs. Russell Mar-
tin, Molesworth, gave the siedica-
tory prayer.
Just Scratched Surface
Miss Ruby Waiker, guest speak.
er, said we have only scratched the
surface in our W.M.S, work. She
gave the aims in view in ceiebrat.
ing anniversaries, told how Fel-
lowship House in Winnipeg is in-
fluencing the work, and how the
W.M.S. meets the needs of many
in mission homes and clubs, not
contacted otherwise),
Rev, F, Cromey of Kincardine,
in bringing greetings as Morl,'rator
of Presbytery, felt the members
should check up on themeeives and
increase their avarenct: of th.'
power of prayer in their work, Mr:,
William King of Braeseis, Mrs.
Bessie Steele of Teesa-11.'r, Mrs.
Robert TIcNTu_tay of t3,u•• . r ant
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt of Whitechurch
gave reports of the Synu,l� more-
ing at Hamilton.
Mt:' Dean MacLeod ,•f :oats)
I 'nloss, eonduetel nn •'1n Mein -
orlem" service 111I \2r.;. i'erank
C'r, alter, \i'hitt'ch,t:r It, elute c: La
meeting with pr twee,
Mrs, Moffat presided in the eve
nine, when the ,i: vur: el, wets giv
85, Belgrave; Emma . ao ecce r. S.S. 11 Morris, teacher Mrs, Edna .,o i " and a social hour followed.
S.S. 11 Morris; Nancy Crowing, R3 Hnc kwc 1l for two I t t TheLucknow
'en it
Rosemary I -I n h
• •i. OSt Y T
SS. 10Morris; s R AER
r R PR
MR Al, of
82, S.S. 10 Morris; Doris Coulter, 82, ; Cruickshank; School Area Trophy
of Campbell Street, The Wing -
5.5. 9 E. W.; Charlotte Nesbitt, R3,' to S.S 6, teacher Mrs. Robertson, ham site is at the intersection of
E. Yottng- Wilfred
16 I3. W.; Margaret o
.I• Streets. �
5.5, PRESIDES AT 11 Shute( and John S r
BELGRAVE The grandmothers' White of Wingham is the contl•ac-
mecting of the Belgrave Women's tor for t
Institute was held on Thursday
afternoon in the community centre
with the president, Mrs. Richard
Procter in charge of the business
period, Plans were discussed for a
birthday party to he at Huronview
in August. A donation of $15.00
was made to the Boy Scouts, and tion of the complex altal switching
it was announced that the Wolf equipment and associated lappa(;t.
('ahs would again take care of the
cemetery flower beds.
Arrangements are being planned Meanwhile, Bell Tedenlioni' crew's
:_arrange `li.
blit, 81, S.S. 16, E. W.
Boys 9 and under: Wayne Hop-
per, 85, S.S, 7 Morris; Keith Elston
84, S.S. 7 Morris; Neil Lockhart 83,
S.S. 16 B. W.; Jimmy Beecroft, 82,
S.S. 7 E.W,; Henry Fidom, 81, SS.
13 E.W; Wayne Gillespie, 80, SS.
8 Morris; Nell T3ieman, 80, S.S. 7
Two-part chorus, enrolment un.
der 25: S.S. 12 Morris, Mrs. Hark -
well, 86; S.S. 8, Morris, Mr, Stet'.
flet', 79; S.S. 5 Mortis, Mrs, WI'.
son, 77; S,S. 10 Morris, ea .4'' V1 r, tool Mis. (4rl 1Fni'Iliu runes
5r htoidt, 75; S•5, 7 M011i' Mk,fitinlly, of 110wnsvirw, anal Mi', and
Evans 75. Mrs. Ted iTnn!(int, anis family. of for she annual bus trip in ,fnly, will construct and rt.
Rhythm Bahr( ent•oltnent. moire
t Auburn, visited over the) week -end likcay to Brantford this Year, outside cable and wire network
21i: ;>.?. ;e Mo 115 81. fYirs, Wilson; t Bradburn twat e011V(e_
with Mr: and Mrs. Merl Anderson. �. r.• which distributes telephone' calls
t15. 12 \fol•r•1'4 82, Mrs, Tinricwril; , Mr. sod Mrs. .jack Armstrong, of
or nl' the program with the roll call throughout the exchange. Other
'- ', In Morris til„ Miss Schmidt; 11 ii ttltnn, 41r, soul I','Ti Cecil Alm being answered by An Incident Bell workmen will Install new dial
i.5, 1- vii iiIs, tin, Mrs. atiTillrr.
r1ir1S I1 tend under: Mary Bey.. 1'trbn;,, *Rot and Kenneth, oft of Arm -
pioneer days.' Mrs. Edgar telephones or convert existing
re e)'1 tie•, and ?Tr, told T'ft's, N. •A• t Wightman gave the address, "The
equipment for dial use.
It•v, ell 5.5. 11 1'I(i 4 W.; e "h: cribsrnt, of Listowel, spent the
time to learn to grow old is when
Dowell, 8'1 ei 5 1;1 H; W.; elope, l I 'I l M mid Mrs David Coincident 'vitt, the introduction
for dotthlt' trio, presented by Jim
Elston, chairman of the Morris
board; School Area Trophy to S.S.
6, East Wawanosh, teacher Mrs.
Robertson for two-part chorus (ov-
er 25) presented by Howard
The chairman of Cllr music fes-
tival closed the concert; with a few
r•e ora rkn,
he construction of the
Lucknow building while Oscar
Wiles and Sons Ltd., Kitchener,
has the contract for the
telephone building.
After these buildings have been
completed, Northern Electric., Co.
craftsmen will begin the initalla-
creates, tris i.t;, Si l'3 \"✓.; ISrr ries w•ee (-rnr wr t I•, i' r Iwo arc' 51111 young." Mrs, Walter
Coultrs;, 82, SS. 9 1.1.W ; t.;rr" let+'+ Armstrnrt-1. 1 Pocock sting a Peke accompanied of dial servlet, new seven -figure
, •• tt yr l;cif-I Mt. 'int ti1r•s /'te'r• 5tvlr's Tilly by Mrs T M Coulter Mrs. Leslie telephone numbers will be intro -
Lost„ s1, S.S, re Moi I )t, (11wen
1 1 v, f 1 Jolt gave two rea.dinirs, "There Ts decoct in both Lucknow and Wing.
wrdc-rn1 with MrS, (01 1. Mi(r 11 NnPhhig tit0 Matter With Mp," And
harm The Winglian numbers wll
•,•,. '•''' n lathlike) t lint the
fitha, so, SS. 12 Morris.
'lighted in i''l t vni r1 on Smithey with Mrs, "Nothing to Do," baCh begin with the figures '157, to
Melo Vhini'r.i
Boy- 11 and under: f'1e Semlers,
85, ,t.14. 5 M.orri.s; T3itly Pent, 84,
Belgrave; 8111 1•telling.1, 83, S.S. 11,
Morns; Jeff Thornton, 81, S.S. 10,
Morris; Larry Lockhart, `Al 5S 16,
1',W.; Douglas Smith, 80, SS ii,
Girls 7 and under: Patsy Badley,
85, SS 12, Morris; Katliy Bone, 83,
SS (1, Morris; Judy Cools:, 82, SS 13,
I3.W,; Brenda ,Johnston, 81, Bel -
grave; Gail Traviss, 80, SS 1, Mor
ris; Sharon Marks, 19, SS 11, Mor.-
tt,i,eb88, S.S. 1(1 MalilS (highest. In Mr. 111111 Mrs. Leslie Shaw and port of the Conference for \V,1,
fr•:tiivel) Larry la'stl11rs, 87, )4.S. J2 family, of 1 o idnn 'pant the week- presidents held recently in Guelph,
es -orris; 1.'eyd Mirltie, 85, S,t4, ;i r'ed with her pvrn1st, \4r. snarl Mrs. which site had attended
32nrris; Terry ,Johnston 84, S.S. 8 John 1'1i k'rvmi. I The group has picked the short
:Mauls; Larry Bolger, 8,3, S.S. i 1 "� n •, n �r,"• r;•'.,'••r • .1• ,,.•v n"'1 manse, "Se.fety in the Home" and
is/orris; Waiter \Vhitehrtrd, 81, S.S. family, of London, sprat the week -the advance course will be "F'rrtis-
7 Morris.^1r, and Mrs, John E. ,'1n Finishes."
Rhythm Banti over 25: S.S. 10 Mr, and Mrs, Alan MacKay and Lunch was serves by Mrs, ,1' M.
1:.W., Mrs, 'Toll, 83; T elgrave, Mrs. family. of \Viughnui, visitprl nn eeitet(8 •Mrs. (",ora, McGill and Mrs.
1 -leery and Mrs. Charrincy, t;3; 55• Sunda1VtcC�tti rr, y with Mr, and Mrs, Harry ('lark Tolinston,
11 Morris, Mrs, Ttobcrtson, 81: S.S. -ea._ "-
it E. W„ Mrs. Robertson, 80, p?t eel 3er•• ;pa,' Ter mi"e"n Mi•. Les Heylas, 'of Guelph, and Mr.
Girls 14 and under; Elaine Snit.- and family, of 13luevale, and Mr. sea Mre Ross Prnnter and fnnlity
dery 85 S.S. 5 Morris; ,Till Thorn- and Mrs Harry ('*arniss and letar- of I3rirlington, spent the Week -end
The Lucknow numbers will e
begin with 528.
As all telephone' calls will be. c'ol-
nected automatically, there will be
no .Bell operators located In ei1he
Lucknow or Wingham following
the change to dial service, How-
ever the company says every ef-
fort will be made to ensure that
the introduction of dial service
causes a minimum of disruption t.e
Bell employees. Most optratore
who wish to continue working af
ton 84 S.S. 10 Morris; Linda, Case tin, of 'tJt11Llisirn, vtSttrd nn 5tu1- with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Procter.
ter the changeover will be o fere,
more 83, SS, 7 Morris, Ann Me -a••,• ewth Tal'' tied Ms, William Mir( Alice.T,iuinstnn and Mise Ira employment in 13e11 offices In ether
Kocher, 83, S.S. 10 Morris; Lyn. Mcl'ihll a.nd. Michael.,Tolinsten, of London, spent the r P
rt 1 Coultes, 82, 63,9 MW,; Klaske Mr. and Mrs, Fred Noble, of week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Rich- Communities. Sonic will ho leaving
Koopman, 81, 8,S, 6 13,W,; Marjorie StreeLSVIIJc, Mr. Le Day. of Ottawa, and Procter and Joyce, the working force,
A West Texan pulled In front of
a plush Houston hotel in a cruiser -
length car. He fished a ten- dollar
bill out of his pocket and handed
it to the doorman,
"Take good care of the cru'," he
said patronizingly.
"I sure will," Answered the door
man. "I own one myself."
er by Mrs, William 31'•(,'rt.:cth. Mr 7.
Bette MacLeod and M. •:.
MacAuley, all from Rip "y e,lmeii•
iary. Welcome sv a;; vet -s : i• 1 1,rr ,
Mrs.. R. C. MacKenz'.', pee•ele,o of
Lucknow Evening Auxiliary.
Miss Walker spoke again. me -hie 1
that all should strive to be lig-nor'
witnesses of Christ. Theme 1:; i
place of service for every interested
woman. She told of many pi 1.+
of work carried on in, the (kV..
ments of the
Mrs. John Day gave highlieeie
of the Synodical at 1-I trni!i::rt. r
Members of Lucknow Jewel: - s
Auxiliary presented a lristseee' l
pageant, depicting the histor, of
the W.M.S. in Maitland Presbyters -
Mrs. Ken Leitch of Wingham ?"•.l
in the dedicatory prayer. %...-
Sadie Johnston, Ashfield, reported
for the courtesy committee. ee.
pressing gratitude on behalf of ter•
ladies to all who had curtribut •.l
to the, success of the meeting.
Mrs. William Spier, Be -issele, 're..
vited the Presbyterial to Brussese
Church for the 1963 meeting. M e.
Moffat's closing remarks were
teachings from Psalm 1, and Mr.:.
F. H. Cromcy of Kincardine e'en, -
ed the meeting with prayer.
graduated from Victoria Hospital
School of Nursing. London. n1'
i Friday, May 11i. Dorothy le the
:daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Eheyn
' Chamnry, of Wingham.
Ho: "1 admit it's a pretty vt rats
eatery to get married 011, d t,
Ibut T might get a job myself w','•n
I our honeymoon's eves'."
Ann Coulter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Coultes, was baptized by Rev. George Mitchell
on Mother's Day in Whitechurch United Church,
Back row are the grandparents, Mr.aalld Mrs.
Albert Coultes and Mr, and Mrs. Mnrv'.•ti
Front row, the great-grandparents, Mr. :,•••'.
Mrs. George Coultes, the parents and Mr.s' -J
Mrs. E. J. Pollard,s