The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-16, Page 12'arts •fiwelw+ The W10014111 AdVanet►-Tin s, Wodnead'a r) May is, 1962
Robert van lid o r'm a n
Dies in Sudbury
A tor'iner member of the Ontario
Provincial Polive. in Sudbury W.
tract, Hobert N. vrtn Norman, of
Webbtvoori, died Monday. May 7th
irz Sudbury Memorial Hospital in
LYCEUM Theatre
Wingham, Ontario
Two Shows Each Night
Commencing at: 7.15 p,nt.
A.INVIISSION--05e - 45e - 30e
x`HUR.-I.1U.-SAT. MAY 17 -i8 -It)
(Adult Entertainment)
Starring Susan Strasberg, Ronald
Lewis and Ann Todcl, co-starring
Christopher Lee
The notion picture shocker of
the year
his Cr2nd year. The body rested at
the Jackson Barnard funeral
]tome until Wednesday morning
and was uteri taken to the United
Chervil in Webbwood, where tun.
evil service wog held.
13orn and educated in Webbwood,
he attended business college in
VVingharn. He worked for a short
time 'for the department of ]ands
and forests. Later he joined the
staff of the provincial police and
was stationed at Oba, Gogama, Sud.
bury and in 1940 t'niisted in the
RCAF. He served during the Sec -
end World War and after the war
returned to Webbwood, and has
been employed as a bookkeeper
with the Ontario Department of
Public 'Works. He was of 'United
Church faith.
He is survived by four brothers,
Van R. van Norman, of Sudbury;
Donald and b'rederick of Webb -
wood: and Harry of Espanola: and
one sister, Mrs. Gladys Hartwick,
o1' Sudbury, Interment was in the
Webbwood cemetery,
Deceased was a nephew of C, F.
immiammiimummumpounmr van Norman of town.
Lawn _
Designed to make your Summer Care -free
e l t ..-•i°4.-. ALL 4 -CYCLE MOTORS
When you need service on power lawn mowers
l anysmall motor oI ARMSTRONG'S is the
place to go --- Complete stock of parts and skill-
' ed xnechanics to get your motor humming in
short order,
Bert Armstrong
THE CADET BAND put on a top -rate demonstration et the an-
nual cadet inspection held at the school grounds on Wednesday
of last week and received the congratulations of the inspecting
officers. The band was trained by Robert Vivian, a member of
the high school staff. The picture shows the band as it paraded
for inspection,--Advance-Times photo.
Special Services
At St. Andrew's
For Ordination
The congregation of St. And-
rew's Presbyterian Church looks
forward to special events this
week. On Thursday evening at
eight o'clock John Cangram and
Peter MeKague will be ordained
by the Presbytery of I•IuronMait-
land. The public is cordially in,
vited to attend this significant ser-
vice for these t'vu young men of
this community, as they enter the
Christian ministry.
St. Andrew's congregation is
also observing its 100th year since
corning into being as a Presbyter-
ian congregation le Wingham. The
first of four special services will be
the Ordination Sunday, in which
the two newly -ordained men will
bring messages for the day.
If You're TIRED
Now and then ever; body gets a "tired -out"
feeling and may be bothered by backaches.
Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, lust a tempor-
ary condition caused by urinary irritation or
bladder discomfort. That's tho time to take
Dod 's Kidney Pills. Doddshqip
stimulate the
kidneys to relieve this condition which may
often cause backache and tired fooling. Then you
feel better, rest better, work better. 81
as is ICES'
• As
; I1Ia.y be donated through your local I
t/p ,
funeral nl ciir'eetor
P • Lt. i' x' ° •'Fr
Contract for
Harbor Dredging
At Goderich
A 8424,013 vontract has been
awarded by the Department of
Public Works to the Ontario Ma-
rine and Dredging Limited of To.
ronto for dredging work in the
harbor at Goderich, it was an-
nounced by L, Elston Cardiff, M.P.
for Huron, on behalf of the Hon.
David J. Walker, Minister of Pub-
lic Works.
The firm submitted the lowest
bid of seven in response to adver-
tising for public tenders which
closed April 11. The highest bid
was $515,327. The work is scheduled
for. completion. in,. six.. loriths,.,
Work consists of redredging the
whole of the inner harbor including
the removal of Skip Island, a shall
obstruction which has presented
a menace to navigation and hamp-
ered the full use of the port. The
removal of the island wilt greatly
increase the space available in the
inner t harbor for the movement of
facilities for a large number of
boats. The dredging will be to a
depth of 23 feet, Line drilling for
13,80(1 feet will also be carried out
along the faces of the north east
harbor structures to prevent un-
dercutting and to present a smooth
face for future reconstruction
Do not wear high. open top rub-
ber boots in a boat. This is an un-
safe practice at any time and es-
pecially so on spring fishing trips
when the water is cold. For a "man
overboard" this could be a fatal
Many suitable older and handicapped children:
are available for adoption. Happily married
• couples who are interested in any of the boys
and girls below should apply to the Minister of
Public Welfare, Parliament .Buildings, Toronto.
The majority of Children's Aid Societies are
making a determined effort to provide perma-
nent homes for some of their wards. Every
attention will be given to requests for these
or other children.
RODNEY is a healthy affectionate 3
year old Protestant boy of English origin.
He is or average intelligence, has a stocky
build with blue eyes and blond hair.
Rodney has a hair lip which has received
treatment. A Protestant home is desired
where parents will be contented with the
know/edge that surgical treatment and
speech tem
therapy will be necessity in the
lag parents when facing up to this ordeal,
* *
DENNIS is 2 years old and his racial
otiwelml dnevelns pedibaby Negro.
h blue eyes, blond
hair, fight brown
featug a n wmplexion and negraid
res. fie responds well add is a placid
and happy baby. Dennis would be happy
with white or coloured Protestant parents.
* •who
J$ANETTH is a healthy 10 year old
Protestant girl of Ukrainian and English
origin. She is of slight physique with
brown eyes and black hair, Jeanette is
looking for warm, understanding Protes-
tant parents who will not expect 100 much
from her academically.
* * *
EDGAR is an active year old Roman
Catholic boy of -French and English origin
and is bilingual. He has an average physi-
e with
u th blue eyes and H
q y blond hair. Thisehool
averageered.r agreeable
isadii asehi h
health, Edgar needs a. home where he
could get emotional stimulation and be
guided according to his ability,
* * *
tent half-brothers who have never been
se arateti attd wish to remain tngettier,
1 ndalt is n well-built 2ta ycarold with
nns einti fair complexion brown tlolti-tu happyuD
friendly and Mischievous wee laddif
Scottish add English descent. Warren is a
likeable pleasing 43'; year old who quickly
comprehends a situation, acc_epts discip-
line and is anxious to please. He Is lelka-
His ancestry is French -Canadine and
English. Warren had club feet, but has
received good correction. These boys will
be happiest with Protestant parents who
wifhaverealpleasure bringing uptwosons,
* r *
LISA is a sweet natured 10 year old
Roman Catholic girl of French Canadian
and lndiari background, This pretty girl
(las a staid Y physique with brown eyes
and dark brown hair. Lisa Is in good
health and would be a charming daughter
for older Roman Catholic parents.
* * *
LANNY is a born leader. 'He is a hand.
bo well it manner
Y ed and doing
excellent work at school. Lanny is
interested in music and takes piano
lessons. He gets along well with boys his
ownago and lid fs 0 normal o a Protestant t
1ad of
I1 oars and of North American Indian
heritage. Older Protestant parents could
open up the future for this boy by welcome.
ing him into their lives and accepting bite
as their son,
* * *
KAY has not had real childhood in
Iter 13 years or life due to great family
responsibility. She has fair complexion,
brown eyes and light brown hair. Kay is
pe-iks rap dly and lids iist+g)lif' bulb t�
trials stn
C comer. This i
+ ' is been d In
n Anglo Snron P otestan� ne1neetlYof
parents with patience and understanding
who will accept her poor past school
achievement and love and encourage her
—giving her some fun and my which she
has yet to experience,
* * *
MICHAEL is a dear wee Catholic hoa of
3 with an appealing manner and extremely
bright ford `y a atte. ractively slanted light
hair and*
which are tris heritage from his grade-
father, who is partly Chinese. Warm
understanding Catholic parentsarenceded
for this bright attractive boy.
* r *
SANDY is a pretty 8 year old Roman
Catholic girl with fair curly
hair and blue eyes. This little girl is a
bright alert child with above average in-
telligence and is artistically gifted. Sandy
needs a Roman Catholic home where she
Will be stimulated and accepted, Her
patents should be capable of keeping up
with lets determined child Who has a
strong personality and much charm, as
well as certain definite emotional and
psychological needs. Sandylikes fun and
standing in a family with older children.
* *
oldssome a also tis a Da Guidance an I slike all 11 urck
Hess of parents love and aperanent
Place in a 'am' Y, Derek is p!' Polish-
English parentage and has the fair colour-
ing you would CXPcCI. He is small but fn
ox e c
e II nt health. Y
You would find him shy
knowort first meeting but not once he got to
you, .Derek is repeating Crude iv
this year and feels badly about it. Psycho-
logists think his work would likely im-
prove if you didn't pressure httn about it,
Derek needs Roman Catholic parents to
givehimsecurity and aticclionUtroughllla,
* ,i *
inSANDRA needs infinitely patient adopt-
This healthts y lookinse g G yeffier ar old ecial has poor
muscul r
a and motor co-ordination and
there is to historyor epilepsy in her family.
Sandra is very ctive and talkative and
tries hard to please. She is
b quite tall, fair-
hatred and brown -eyed. we're looking
Por warm-hearted people who could get
happiness from watching her develop—!t
will be at a slower pace than the average
child. Sandra would get along best in a
well -organized Roman Catholic home,
ARCHIE is a f3 year old Canadian
Protestant boy with brown eyes, tight
brown hair and a fair complexion. He is a
healthysGrade 6 ds 11 di. inclined tobe
adults Archie finds it difficultveto talk to
tiadults and becomes tense over own with
pons. This boya wants to settle down n
permanent parents and have nts own
identity. Older Protestant parents who
have no intellectual pretensions, and who
can help a son to a satisfactory tlfe, not
necessarily an academic one, will behappy
with this boy. * * *
VICTOR & W are C—Victor, 5, and
his sister Wilma, 7. are Canadian Indians.
Each is of slim build with brown eyes and
black hair. They are soonmaitre, and Intel•
ligent, Victor is highly strung and Wilma
a placid, poised, very pretty child with a
Pleasing per• neltty. Protestant parents,
capable of giving these children a loving
home, will acquire an interesting son and
a most attractive daughter.
* * *
- & JUNE—Teenagers need a tre-
everyerad It knots. Dia and guidance as
adult knows, Diane and June aro
two such youngsters—sisters of 13 and 15
cu to into the care
Aid Society asolder petmaenchildren. t 01cy
They could
sail become a permanent port of your
family through adoption. June is a tall,
fair, athletic girl and tends to be dom ineer-
Eng but this is Offen the case when a
youngster isn't certain someone cares,
Diane has blue eyes. light brown holland
good features. She tends to be quiet and
reserved and depends a lot on June. These
home now. Wou*Id vs u µ e interested?
att„tF1ANIt needs b lot of individual
child. This fi year old is sturdy, blue-eyed
child. Thibutshroud is avcryr blue-eyg
and fair -complexioned. She has round,
even features and is decidedly attractive.
Stephanie needs Roman Catholic parents
who will be extremely patient and able to
understand her deep need for affection.
She is highly sensitive, cries easily and
finds new situations very frightening. 'in
atischool,bluStephnwill have ditCt-
of t) is a 4 year old Protestant boy
of Scottish and Australian descent. fig is
or slight r. Hi has blue eyes and light
brown int His health 1 good and he has
intelligence. This are
affectionate easy
lad wants
lad wants parents vvhn ate rdnxed, easy
going and capable of handling an active
4 veer old boy.
T aeea. 2t�ya�fezeirprc�r,�rci tents uah piraesial
`and cueaelycl
ilao/a alo4€ owed.
/hddims h h ' !t¢dotVtotI'�Gflret4444.494.1 alie•dieft ihAo49.4 Nese at&eittaeindid4e
RONOtlltABLE thins P. Cacn.2, Q,c,
Mitiisie •
Deputy Mittis'iev
:�"yR s 3f !” �,�'::aY�ra��w`'��"al�.r(;a'�'�,M�,a�:ta�:� r':�,r .,. `,r yea?��•s, ".
.o ei"a,,,t.\W.,OSerne+•..r . ee.a a
-Mr, and Mrs. E. V. Monahan of
Grosse Point, Mich., visited with
Mrs. Joseph Brophy and other
Wingham and Whitechurch friends
and relatives on Tuesday, .
--Mr, and Mrs. .1, H. Crawford
and Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Hethering-
ton left last Friday for a ten-day
vacation in Williamsburg, Virginia.
--•Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wenger
and family spent Mother's Day at
the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, James Waddell, in Listowel.
—Mr, Calvin Cerson of Guelph
was a visitor at the week -end at
the hozsre -of •hiss soil •Mt ands Mrs,-
Ken Cerson and farnily.
---Mr, and Mrs. Norman Elliott
and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Elliott were in Kitchener on Sun-
day, where they visited with Mrs.
Norman Elliott's mother, :Mrs, Ada
—Mr, and Mrs. Allan Small and
Penny of Toronto spent the week-
end with his sisters, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Mundell and Mr, and Mrs.
Chas. Davidson.
—Mrs. Ross Wormworth left h'
air for England early this week,s
where she will spend several week
with relatives.
- W.O, Stan Hastings and Mrs
Hastings of Stratford were in town
on Friday night and attended the
spring dance at the armouries,
--Mr, and Mrs. 1Vilifarn Carroli.
of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs, .wit
linin Westney of West Hill visited'
on Monday afternoon with Mrs
Robert Wenger in Wingham Hos.
--Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. David Horwood were his par-
ents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Horwood and James of Toronto,
and his •thele and aunt, Mr. ant
Mrs. William Webster of Hunts
--Mrs, Fred Ohm returned home
on Saturday after spending two
weeks as a patient in Wingham
—Mrs. George Skinn and Mrs.
Keith Montgomery and Miss .Anna
McDonald attended the Catholic.
Women's League Division conven-
tion in London on Tuesday.
Mr, Douglas McDonald. of To.
ronto spent the week -end withhis
uncle and aunt, Mr, and. Mrs. Wil-
liam Young, ;Victoria. Street.• Sun.
day visitors: at the same:horrie'tverc
their son, Mr., Robert Young of
Sarnia, and Miss Bonnie Bell of
Rae Hetherington, engineering
student at the University of West.
ern Ontario, spent last week tv]tn
his parents, Mayor and Mrs, R, S
'Hetherington. Rae is spending the
summer at .1 -MICS Royal Roads.
Victoria, BC., with the Naval Ca_.
--Mrs. Roy MacDonald has been
in 'Victoria Hospital, London, for
over a week and was operated on
last Friday, She will be there VI,'
some time. Her room is No, 217
—Mrs. J. 3, Rankin of Toronto
Mrs. C. E, Gabel and Mr, John Ga.
betof Newmarket, and Miss Gladys
Kemp of Listowel, visited over the
week -end with Mrs R. A. Currie,
—Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Burgina.n
of Kirkland Lake spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs:
W. F. Bergman,,
a d Mrs, Don Hawthorne
andSusan of Toronto, spent. the
week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael
--Mr. and .Mrs, McLean of Col-
lingwood spent the week -end with
their daughters, Mrs. Don Adanis
Mr, Addams and 'amity and Mrs.
Helen Casemore.
---Mr, OWBIi King, i local contrite -
tor, underwent an appendectomy at
the Wingham Hospital ail Tuesday
• Mr. and Mrs, Harry Spry- and
Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Conroe have
spent the past week in New Yorut
---Miss Mary Skinn, St, Joseph's
Iospitai, Guelph, visited at the
week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Skinn,
Ivan, and Mrs. Don Deimage of
London spent Moher's bay with
Mt. and Mrs. Mercy Harris.
Mrs, E. M. -Snell has returned
and relatives in Chicago the Bast
threehome weeks.after visiting with friends
•--Mr. acid Mrs. Lioyd Walker of
Blyth, Mr. and Mrs, .lames Harper
of Mildmay and Mr, arid Mrs. Har-
vey Ritchie and family of Lack -
now visited with Mr. Wesley Rain-
es Cin t'SUn.
•L -•Mr. and Mrs, Jack Corrie and
family spent Sunday in Woodstock
visiting Mrs. C. M. Gorrie.
Noss Elizabeth Sutherland of
Detroit spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs, Tames Sell. Sunday
visitors at the same home were
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford S'eli and
Mitzi Lee of Orangeville,
—Mr, and Mrs, Barry Wenger
and family visited with Mr. and
Mrs, 4..3. Litt, London, on Sun-
--Miss Barbara Pickford of
Orangeville was a visitor at the
week -end with Miss Penny Gerrie.
—Mr, and Mrs, James Gibbons,
Mrs. Joseph • Brophy and other
Wingham relatives attended the
funeral of Miss Margaret Desmond,
Pinkerton, aunt of Mrs, Brophy
and Mrs. Gibbons,
Employee's ' • R'ece'ive
First Company Stock
In Stock Bonus Plan
Approximately 400 employees of
Campbell Soup Company Ltd„ re-
cently received the first distribu-
tion Of company stock, government
bonds and cash under the com-
pany's Employee Savings and Stoela
Bonus Plan,
5• The distribution represents the
"payout" from funds saved by ef-
ploy'ees _and supplemented by the
-company for the First Plan Year
11958-59). Of the $222,000 in eash.
and -securities which Was distrib-
ut'ed, employees contributed near-
ly; $69,000 ih savings and the corn.
jiany contributed $40 for every $100
saved. Both employee savings and
corapany contributions have in-
creased ens d nl. value during the period.
On the average, every $40 contrih-
tited by the company and Invested
i)t company stock has grown in
value to over $124,
The "payout" to employees in -
',dudes 1,193 shares of Cairipbel
Soup Company capital stock, 507
Canadian Savings Bonds having a
current redemption value of $32,.
125 and approximately $44,000 • in
'In addition to those receiving the
distribution, a number of employees
who ,participated. in the First Plan
Yeh.r, designated their funds for
'the- 'Retiz'ement Savings Plan ant,
their, eonttibutions will rernain.;in.
'vested - In that PIan. . .
A rookie passing the mess hall
asked the cook: "What's nn tet
Menu 'tonight?"
"Oh, we have thousands of thing;
to eat tonight."
"What are they?"
a'k '11 i fl l 11 7i t i 11ts61
• • deserves cmnpli?le,
Let our proles.
atonal camera
preserve the
memory of this
/ ,pleasedeventlisWe'11 explahein
Om' complete
wedding service.
Whipharn Photo
PitONg tils
r.el•baim,eeia;nnoial.ukn.t, tip...dmi:ioe..ulgoboesi4
Our Prices Are Lower Free
We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery
INSTANT COFFEE, 15e off, 8 -oz. 89c
(Two 111 -oz, {teal I'aelrl r
Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 2/99c
TJij WEiii1C-48,oz,
Choice KERNEL CORN, 14 -oz. 8/$1.00
Clive, Sandwich, Aiaple Create, Vattilla Cream or Asst. Cream
Fireside Filled COOKIES, l4 -oz, 2/47c
Vitamized APPLE JUICE, 48 -oz. 29c
GOLDS t.i.,
Fancy SOCKEYE SALMON, 7% -oz. 57c
KAM Luncheon Meat, 12 -oz. 43c
Sifto IODIZED SALT, 2 -lbs. Z/31c
French Cut GREEN BEANS, 10 -oz, 2/45c
Macaroni and Cheese PIES, 8 -oz. 19c
Smoked Cryovac COTTAGE ROLL , . , .lb. 65c
Tenderized HAM, (ready to serve) lb. 89c
MIME ..LEAF__ ..
WIENERS 1-1b. cello 45c
Hot House No. 1 TOMATOES - lb. 41c
Florida White NEW POTATOES ..5 lbs. 45c
FLORIDA --90's
White Seedless GRAPEFRUIT
Sweet and Juicy ORANGES 2 doz. 69c
Packed Carton Iiiigltt It -oz. -You pay for Six 11. -oz. --Plus deposit
Wishing Well Juicy ORANGE POP 41c
Store Closed Monday, May 21st
.qieadiret ' 7it lac
ae Saw
Come, see us first!
T'rinl two tone effects; stripes and novelty patterns in regu-
lar or boat neck design, . Price ---$2.98 and $3.98
]4Ia41e frogood uality tercloth with targe colorful •
patteiris, from q.terry •
Price -$1.98'"
A rnix and match selection of Sportswear
in She smartest checks you could wish for
The shades are lovely pastels.
A delightful selection has just arrived.
Price—$6.95 to $9.95
NOVELTY SPORTS HATS with comic motifs
fol• golfing, fishing or any other sport --they're trirlt and neat
—$4.95 to $6.95
"T" Sl -I J R.TS--
A real
• selection U
loa7s n
.lu f smart styles, c
s, itto6triIt
knits andd
r'Iitul Lon" Price ---$2,95, $3.95, .$5.00 and $7.95
selection in re. iodar or tapered
Price --44.00 and $5.00
Here is another handsome
Netiwest styles aiu) shades.
Price—$2.98 and $3,95
Plain, checks or plaids: $4,955 and $595
loot real demi to earth retaxiitioti.
(Wingham) Limited