The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-16, Page 4{i t Vow Tho Winghatn Ad\'1rra,eeeT,imo , %'lredneSchl', Maty 113, 1962 T (R 1: FQR STRAWBERRY PLANTS nor sane, $1,75 u hundred, Phone 6773, 166 BARN FOR SALE in Blyth. Muy be bought with lot, or torn down and removed from property. Ap- ply Box 164, Blyth, or phone Wingham 396, 166 KENNEBEC SEED POTATOES for sale at Good's Coffee Shop. No, 1 commercial seed grown from certified stock. 19ie best we have ever used .and we use a lot of kinds. 2-9-166 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum, cleaners, Used cleaners of all makes for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensalt 696R2. lerrb STRAWBERRY PLANTS — Im- proved Senator Dunlop, Healthy plants, $2,00 per 100. Phone 469R. Percy Biggs, Lower Wingham. 2-9-16b FOUNDATION GRADE certified seed potatoes, Irish Cobbler .and Sebago. Hoosier Brand organic lawn and garden fertilizer. Gar- den ploughing, A. Sehefter, phone 40333, former Glousher farm, 2-9.16' FOR SALE, Purebred Holstein cow,• due June 14; No. 44 Massey - Harris row crop tractor in excel- lent condition; 4 -bar Massey- j-iarris siderake; 6 -ft. Massey - Harris mower; Allis Chalmers combine, 6 -ft„ rubber tired wag- on with good rack; International 45 hater; plywood rack for une ton. truck. Priced righ•L for quick sale. Apply Donald IVIeMurray, R, R. 4, Wingham, phone 507 TWt?. 16h REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUIiL.DTNG LOT for sale, on Water St, Phone 487R, 9.16e SEVEN -ROOM, oil heated, reel brick house for sale on Leopold St., with three bedrooms, Mrs. Jack Higgins, Wingham 140 day- time, Brussels 33236 evenings. 9-16b REAL -ESTATE FOR SAL` 8(1 acre farm, Teeswater district, 116 -storey house, bank barn, 30 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. Building require some re- pair; Full price $1,800.00 with good terns. 2 -storey white brick house 3 bed- rooms, handy to shopping district. Full: price $8,300, with terms, i% -storey stucco house, 3 bed- rooms, oil furnace, nicely decorat- ed, Priced to sell with terms. Contact: WILLIAM S. RICET) Real Estate Broker Phone 292M - LVing:ham 161) OARS FOIE SALE '53 CHRYSLER for sale, See Jack Orvis, Diagonal Road Service Station. 1611 1949 METEOR CAR for sale. In good condition. Phone 93W, 16h LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO 2 -year-old HOLSTEIN heif- ers for sale, due to calf in May. Sired by and bred to Waterloo Unit sire's;'JohnA.' Currie; 'phone 219W. 166 FOR RENT TO RENT — May 15, modern one bedroom apartment. Heat and hydro supplied. Apply Box 51, Advance -Times. 9-16b 4 -ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Available b at once. Phone 0213. J. 1.66 4 -ROOM APARTMENT for rent over McKibbon's Drug Store. Phone 1069R or 53. 16h 100 -ACRE GRASS farm for rent or will grass cattle. Lots of water, Good fences. Very reasonable. Phone 632W4. 0-16 HELP WANTED TWO FIREMEN WANTED Apply In writing to Secretary Wingharn Fire Dept. 9-16-23-30h HEMP WANTET7 on poultry farm, Phone 640W4 after six (Admit. 16* APPLICATIONS WANTED THE WINGI'AM & DISTRICT As- sociation for Retat'ded Children Invites appleations for the posi- tion of teacher at the "(;olden Circle School", Wingham. Some teaching experience is desirable but not essential, The sn('('essful applleant should, however, be pre- pared to undertake a speelat five week course In Toronto, Salary is to he negotiated. Apply in writing by May 26, to Mrs. Hazel (`'amp - bell, ':i?'c,x 432, Wingham, Ont, 9-Ili-2sh ACI VMS of JOB `PRINTING WTNGI Az t ADVANGrF.'-'TMS' `A`1[ FOR At,.L OCCAy1ONs r;dl 1., t•':; Taxi, for long or -,hurt t Phone 086. WANTED OlIS( ELLAINEA/1/S COMING EVENTS -,.., NOOK', T() (IIIEDLTORS t) t 1 person tiu , t BINGO TO. CILT'.1iDrroRs \\ t a.l the J e 1 n tutu i,i {i t 1,1 1.,1• G/J.3N l,lNGO every Thursday ANn .OTHERS IN THE IVTATTER OF THE '1' S TATE; OF WINNIFRET) NASH late of the 'newt" of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, ape ceased. NQT1CL 1S B1 R1)BY GIVE IN to the Trustee Act, tha all creditors atnd others having elain)s against the Estate of the late Winnifred Nash, are required to send particulars of their claims, :luly verified, to 3, T. GOODALL, Solicitor' for the •Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 31st day of May, A.D„ 1962, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 1st day of May, A,D., 1902. J. T. GOODALL, IVINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 9-16-23b tide 1? Wyllie hulk) !ittraic•r al in T,u,•kh„aa t,' lain 11x11, 8.40 p•nr„ 4001) \\rexe'tr,• '.11'1':,1 P+':,anal Illy wis tau' Jdr:lse ekeh:utp;e, 1'1111111• 1011 1.1('I';N5bi11 1)Itl\ rat i.Ns,C1ttit' 1'O11 ,\n)vur 1111,11,:: dritity•, Jr':,ztnai p1loo, ll:, ;1v:111.011, 11I,11 :;1111th, 1'Ity' :;evtue ?'Leben. it 11;1' GIRL'S BICYCLE WANTED. in good condition. Reasonable Phone 980W, 16 ROOMER WANTED with cooking privileges. Apply Box 2a, Atl- vance-Times, 10 REAL ESTATE WANTED Re- quire building lot. State size, lo- cation and pricy to Box 32. Ad- vance -Times: 9-166 REAL ESTATE WANTED 3-4 bedroom home in \\ inghatn. Possession August. (food down payment, Particulars to Box 34, Advance -Times, to WANTED TO BUY -- Small beef type calves. Contact Harry Brydges, phone 1118\'4':.', Wingham. lelh WANTED TO RENT • Three or four bedroom house by July 1st. References on request. P. (). Box 418, Wingham,16-23 WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished house or apartment in good con- dition with minimum of two bed- rooms, for oceupa ney Au);ust :to. Apply Box 48, Adv:thea-'i'ilnas, 2.10.341,11:Ih CARDS O1'' THANKS I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbours for letters, card:, and visits :uI for the many acts of lsineh,e:;r; shown to me avhilc I was a pa- tient in the Wingham (;enerai Hospital, Nellie Doig. Ire' My sincere thanks and appreci- ation to neighbours, relative:, :and friends who so kindly remembered Me with cards, visits and ti.eate while a patient in Wingham Ho',- pital. Special thanks to t')• t''raw- ford and Ur. Merlin and to the nursing staff on third floor Al':, speelal thanks to the nt'ighhoul•; John and Fred Brewer and t'har,. les and Rob Mathers far helping with the seeding. All this wt,• vett' inue.h appreciated,-- Clarence i loll. I wish to thank my friend rut neighbors and the nllrhele for :ail their kindness to mP white in Wingham Hospital Ala nanny thanks to Dr. McKim and fa. Crawford.—Mrs. W. MontFrnnel'v 16b I wish to thank .my neighbors, friends and relatives for earls and gifts white a patient in Wingham General Hospital and 5t, Joseph's Hospital, London. Spteial th^1111• to Mrs. Edgar and the nursing staff of the 3t'd floor annex, Wing - ham, also Drs. McKim and Enter- ford.—Mrs. Chas, Me4uteheon, 166 I would like to express t,y 11!31 • eere thanks to friends and neigh- bors for cards, visits and treats while I was a patient in \Vingham General Hospital, Also to the staff and nurses of the hospital, Special thanks to Drs. Crawford clad Me. Kim, and to Rev. K. Griffiths. Russell 3. Bone. 166 1''t)1t AL1, your C'arpe'ntry need:; van 'Irina. D. :Icicle! dd. Gen, ural 1'uut.trtr,r. Irl+na• "0, I'+rt't IN'1'1'71t1O1'1 iii':Rt i\'A'P1uNS and fluorin,;, linoleum and eurah'n sheet::, linoleum tile:;, \inyt as- bestos tilt. :tx1 eer;uaie avail 'tile installed and revered. 11''!, t' e:.1' enure, 1411u1er =t., plieee :7211. 2errh ~^ _ NO'TUU'F I1' you :ire thinking of financing a ear, l,,' sure to ee,ataet yv,nl :hate Harm Agent 1;r -,t. itenbelt Apple by, N. R. 2. AV'o:l:hann phone jus\\'3, Nies elyit;l, 5!':.l"I'1(' '1'ANi(^4 ('1,1':ANi;1D Modern c'claltphaet,t. used, Alt woo( guaranteed. \\ rear' 1.uui:e 111:1110, it. lt, 2,1:013:;:.el•,, phone 41".\\•0, Brussels. M r1 •.;:';,” 1"l)it %'Ol i;. 7u'aura nee Need.; in Automobile 1"arrii laah,l,l , .\et i.ir'at :111.1 nt•:;v Ilona- Protection c'.,ll ;neer CIA ;agent -•1,10a d \11 art emile re 1%'inghula, i:. it. ,., ]'horn' 71E11 21 rl'I' • Art;'1'Aleihi1;, t',\f: 1l yeu .Ire a t,,Ld alh:.laiart roc r;u, ptarelsc;,• e:33 ltc,,lf:tate, ;t1 a reclu,-,•d l,l,'num„ I,,, l,a'nlh:•r. ::hip e,0 :9tl.ln liar; It t••. re•tluirr•,I ,' rrllent ,-lnio, :.t.3',,, t• ,a, hull, t ':11194:4 :Ind 111,• 1'::it' 1 +late•:. \\ r• 31: 1, :r•ll ;alt el lel 17 pc:: , d iicmr tar',', iurlwlite lily civc•a twenty 11)4' y+:U'.' e':I441t•nee• k 1:o•ititit••. lot Irtatlhat , ithrt' fire' or' tlee•l:. Apply' lu Aar'-:. is 111, I ,e;ur- 111'11,:011 r 1I,tr tu,rt11', f.0 '..0 � eeeteit ie phone Itee , 13%? !i -Jail, CURRIE AMBULANCE W1NGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 •:harp 1•' re'7t t:et' p:etnel3 for' $40, : ;,hare the wealth and one spec!. 'al t't.1' 8`41.1)0 33 1t 1 go trio limit tor' calla). ('1;17rrb TENDERS ti'ANTEI) Tl'.NI »'.Its Tenders will be received by the 13tuier•signed tip till May 21 for the e ee:t:'atiu„ of earth, removing toilets and building a fire -proof t'uruaet• room lee: feet long, 8 feet wide and 7 feet nigh with a 10 inch reanem wail with a complete cov- k'!11 t,ttttiirle elttralu'e in 5. S. No, 9, Kir,io' . \\'uric to be completed in holiday • period. Mussell (;:runt, Sec. -Treats., t) 1011 R. It, 11, Luvknow'. _.. 'FENDERS Tenders will also be received by the undersigned up till May 21: (1) for t1.,' installation of two toilets, 1 urinal. 1 11011-g;4llolr septic tank, and drains; I deep well pump and tank: 1 watch basin with drinking faucet; ;Ile() building •t dry well, (2) Also a i!Lon BTU oil f u•nace with 10 hot air :13341 2 cold air registers. One unci tare, ('1.113 be tendered separately if ,le:;lied, 1111 e '11 (;aunt, Sec,-Treas„ 0-111) It. It, 5, Lawton/Av. ton/'W, TENDERS WANTED 'VENEERS' will la' received by ire• undersigned up to ,lune 4 for the• 13 ,I at or.talion of the pupils nom No, •1 :Elite)) trey T.S. A, No, 1 le the N. n 'rtehool, Operator to eeppl own vehicle to meat the re- r3u-r„ntatlts of 1he Board of Trans- pc.,'t. 'ny 6r no 141! 11')' neet'ssat'ily nreepted, For further particulars void:let any member of the Board Normae S. Hoover, It it `3, Rt ns::('l;,, Seey' Grey 'P 5 A. R,, 1. 1.6 -;?311 t'('ITOOT. TT':NDERS REQUESTED en,rri•3 t 11001 hoar,! will accept' t,•1,,),•r:I to .,+•:1l,o1 envelopes mark- rcr •['ender” until May 31st', for the follow 10• vont raids: 1—Painting all exterior wood .1-•:,1.13., Ilio coat:, first grade paint, ref : ,. No •1 and !1, 5. No, 8, also No, er Ille�l rd r.1 . s, e :New en ventrctielling with nP- t r :: Iry' euaductol' piping lit. S. S. 4 and , 'w. No. 7. ". i�,n'naoe nil for four furnaces, ter ','boor year e'nnunenetng In "rpf,-0114,•0, • 4 h'urn-Ire coal for Se•laools 4, 5, 5, 111 and 12. Tender for any or all 01 these schools. PleavP slate AJ�lo$ umiahea ni u'bo"! 31113 prier 411' coal hl lr�rir,•rerl. E, 1111 T1. 5. Shaw, Brussels, C)nt, HAI S Y ,U [ Cold Waving Cutting, Styling, Tintint' TeL 21 = Josephine St, CLOSED MONDAYS Mina J24rrb I would like to thank all my ----- - neighbou.rs and friends for their get -well cards, flowers and treats, • and all those who visited me: also Dr. Crawford and Dr, McKim and the nurses and ministers, during my stay in the Wingharn General Hospital. Mrs, W. le. Burgnlan. 1(1: D1.ADS'roc3l( WANTED REMOVAL SERVICE; , W are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an inspected ren,lw'in plant. FRET. REMOVAL Phone No charge to ?3INT'r'II sx(,do (. Wingham 378 or Palmerston le3Itie GORDON YOUNG LIMITED, TOR ONTO - BARRIN: - I':I,MIRA. Li cense No, 14 & 15R62 - 143 & 144-C-62, rrb DEMO ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR UTMABf.111 ANIMALS ('ALL— DARLING & Company mo CANADA !MIFFED Wingham 561.J Dead Animal Lie, No. 1.18-(1-(12 ,Jnr 11000 MARLATT'S ,D._� Dead. Stook Service Highest Cash Prices Pain for Dead Crows and Horses over 6tt9 lha. More for Eel( and P 4 disabled Cows and r1 'c u Horses ac r r sa s rd ing to size and condition, FOR FItOMI"T SERVICE PLEASE C1AI.I, C.OT,1'.!.(ir1' Bruce .Marlatt $russets Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE Lileense Ido, 193-0-62, 121 -IT 1', 62 FOR :NI�,\1' AND 1':+1',i) WELDERS ('ON'1'A('T: JACK WOOLCOCK Iiorrae,t tl0'1llere .1:• supplies R. R. 2, WINGHAM 1�'or reel! 810,031 stead', r 10 -:' Become an Avon Representative Working part dale, Start iu), rllediately. Ascot (oautelii' has cols' elllenl neighhnrhosel tem forie'1 :amiable 141 '1'rarnlrerre, .8 Tories, l;, \S'a iontelt, Dotted, i'1•Itl'1'1: MRS. M. Ml1,.l,SON 960 Wellington li(I:, S., London, tint. OR ('.1:I.D, 4 01,1.1,1'1' (iE 2_9919 hetnr'1 tr � - 3 rail; WEST WAWANOSII MLJTLJM. FIRE INK(IRANCI: ('0. ITea(I ()ttu'e, Dnu anttun I':.t.iLtened 1 ii()AI(.D ()i` T're:;i,hatt, Brown EmetH. Il. It, 2. Auburn; t'a•r••I'tr:.., 11,1 -cal IieIgrava; 7 )u e,•t',t' , 1':3131 0`11.0:310, lt. 1,'. 1, 11a,l0:lt1)t'/n; George C. hes t:3 ('e e'1r :t, a ce J r t ,• \T 'hl n. 1 3 1 1 1 It- It. . , ,\„},,,,',,; 1)(111,3131 alas ls.lr, it1l,Ir••. ; .1+,htr r., : i•3e1,e mem, I: It. 3. f;nderi'•Ik; Erin]. 'I'harter.otl, 11. it. 1, 1lolyturnl: \\"Illi'altt W11 gne„ R. R. :;, Auburn. leer ittfortnallen ran Cent' hitter - 11/11.1., ,'al v c •1 n 1 your ,31x•:,3 ,lar ,fur who is also an agent. or the ..erre Vary. iIlulidn I'iu11Ihs, 1)insgaltnon♦, 1,hl,330 Dunganno;t 4d. Jr3e15,•b:L T)i;T'.\RTHENT OF PTTBT.TC i \' O I t 1 e S, O'I''1'A IV A 11.4 14AI ,T'111 '1'h,NI)i+;RS addressed to Secretary, Department of Pub- lic \\'orks, Room 13-322, Sit' Charles 'Tupper Puilding, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, rind endorsed "TENDER i� (.,l t SUPPLY OF COAL, FUEL 011. ANL) PROPANE GAS FOR i TIE FEDERAL BUILDINGS l'IIlIODUI11)11'1' 'J'i1le PROVINCE OI" ONTARIO, 1902-63." will ho received until 3.110 P.M. (1',.I ).17.'1'.', TUP:SDA Y, .1 UNE 5, l bels. Speelfieations and forms of ten- der can be obtained at the office o1' the Chief of Purchasing and :,tore,, Boom ('-459, Sir Charles T',opt'r Building. Riverside Drive, (Wawa; :)thee M1nagers at: 225 Jarvis St., Toronto; 457 Richmond Laudon; Post Office Building, I1 t; t William, Ont, Tenders must be made on the pr'inte'd fn1•113 supplied by the De- p:u•tm' of and i1) aeeord)lnre with the rnuditious set forth therein. The lowest 01' any tender' not uce,•:,sarily aaerepled. 1'. (31 thll:'l' ("OR 1'Ih7R, relief a1' A,hniuietrati.vc' Sefvieos 1(114! Secretary. 1011 WII,LIAM S. .1111 Rtiai F,state and Business Broker For prompt 091'01X(' in haying In' (Wihrtg 1111 real Pilate' properties, 1''ARA' 4 il(DI'rIE S 111 Nle.i44le^.1 Ph, Winghann 292M. J herb ",DSL.. 'I V ANTENNA I,RVI R4"Pairs to all makes ANTENNA r N'T'A ' t.A: T T. T. D(D 'V Nit ST;LE-:'slii'D'ORTIN0 TOWER Antenna Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Phone your local dealer Wor Hanover 728 Collect J17rrh t NOTICE TO OI 1C+11(itTQRS IN THE ESTATE i OF 13ERI)ITA 1. ,ROGPR.S. ALI, PERSONAS having chants a8uinst the ,'state of the above tnt'Jltiuned, tate of the \'ilrat;e of Farelwich, County of Huron, Widow, who died un the 4111 day of April, 1962, tree required to file proof of sante with the undersigned on or before the 211th clary of May, 1962, After .that elate the administra- tor with will annexed will pro('eecl to distribute the estate having re- gard only to the ciaUm5 of winch - he sauna then lutvt' 111131 notlee. L(ATF.l) at Wingham, this 7th (lay of May, 19(12. - CRAWFORD & .1 -Il Tr"IEit.INGTON VVIIIgham, t)ntario, N Solielto):•i fur the Athuinistrator, t with will annexed. 11.16-231, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1N THE ESTATE Ole JOHN WILLIAM HANNA. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on the 2311;1 day of March, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 19th clay of May, A.D. 1902, After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims or which they :thrall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 300 clay of April, A,D, 1962, s 'R A WFORD & HETI-IERTNGTON Wingharn, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix, 2-9-1011 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN 'l 7TE 'ESTATE OF RICHARD EDWARD SMALL, ALL PF,RSONS leaving realms against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, In the County of Huron, Foreman, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 19111 day of May, A.D. 1962, After that date the Ex- ocutors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 30th day of April, A.D, 1962. CRAWFORD & HET'H'ERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 2-9-16b NOTICE TC CREDITORS TN THE ESTATE OF STANLIOY ADAM DARLING, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the 21st day of Ani'il, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 26th day of May, 1962. After that date the administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 7th day of May, A,D. 1962. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Adninstrator, 9-16-23b v NorLc,l. Tc CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE MRG A AR - 1')'P JANE 1VIeKERCHER, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 1.0th day of February, 1962, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 26th day of May, 1902. After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had nntee, DATPt) at Wingham, this 7111 day of May, 1962,p_ f'RA WFORD & ITFTHICR1NGTON Wingham, Ontario, fSolieitors for the Exeeutoi's. 0-18.231 _ u NOWT, ',PC CREDITORS ^� IN TTTP ESTA.Ti(1 OF ELIZA- RI6P1T :PD1 LOCK, ALL PERSONS having claims again:it the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, County of I-fornn, Wid- mv, who died on the 11th: day of Mare», 1002, are required to file proof of stone with the undersign- ed on or before the 26111 day of May, 1962, After that date the executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the ela.lms of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 711t day of May, 1902, CRAWFORD & i•LTaTIL'CRINC`t'ON Wingham, ()nterlo, .e 1 Soii.hors for t tot x 1~xetrct i 9-18-23h NOT'ICE '1'O C'ht1(DlTOf;1 IN '1'TIIL MATTER of the t state of LAURA VERA GREGG, late of the Township of Howitec in the County of Huron, Widow, deceas- ed, TAKE NOTICE, that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said LAIJRA VERA GREGG deceased, are re- q',tired to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned 00 or before the second day of June, A.D, 1962, and that after the said date the Executor will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of whieh he will then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, Ontario, this fourteenth day of May, A.U. 1062. A. II, McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario 5013(1tor for the Executor, 16:23:30b, t:LP,AItING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements, Hay and Grain, Tlousehold. Effects Lot 21, Con. 10, Turnberry Twp. 3 miles north of Wingham, Hwy. 4 FRIDAY, MAY :1.8, at 1 o'k'locic Cattle ---• Durham cow, 7• yrs., fresh; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., fresh; black cow, 4 yrs., bred Oct, 25; Hol- sten.) cow, 3 yrs., bred Nov. 8; Dur- ham cow, 4 yrs., bred Dec, 111; Dur- ham cow, 4 yrs., bred [Inc-. 29; black cow, (3 yrs„ bred Nov. 15; Holstein cow, (! yrs., bred I''eh, 20; Holstein cow, 4 yrs„ bred April 28; Meek heifer, 2 yrs., bred Dec, 2(3; three 2 -yr. -old steers t fat l ; 1 baby beef three yr -old steers; one yr, -013 heifer; 4 fall calves; 2 spring calves. Pigs --1 sow with niter. Implements. "I'wo Massey -Harris tractors; Mildmay thresher (like new); Massey -Harris binder Hirci' new); Massey -Harris tills'); ,TF1(' tenders, disc; (I10 2 -furrow plow; IT -R1 13 -run drill; Massey -Mut t is 4 - bar sale' lake C mower; rt 111.0 ha loader' Massey -Harris tractor spreader; spring tooth harrows; 2 hay racks; steel tired wagon; rubber tired wagon; electric oar roller with motor; Surge 2-111111 milker (new); TEP(' cream separa- tor (electric); 2(100-1b. settle;. emery. stand; leg vice and pipe vise; power elippe0S 1)11(1 wire stretchers; number of posts and step ladder; quantity lumber; l4• -in. drill (stew). Hay and Grain Apprux, 000 bus. Garry oats; approx. 5 tons of hay. Forks, chains, shovels, many other useful articles. Numerous household effects, Terms—Cash. Terms can be ar- ranged on thresher, Fred Porter, Proprietor; 1,, (1 Bryce, Auctioneer. 10b BUILDING, PLUMB- ING and HEATING Remodelling Bathrooms and Kitchens a Specialty Plumbing and Heating Supplies GEORGE A. CARTER MYTH, ONTARIO Phone Biy'th 47 or Wingham HET Real Gardening 0 Li CHORE y MASTER SUPER DUTY POWER TILLER Pull 1 Year Warranty • Easy Pay Pian No matter how big your garden, ler CHOREMAStER do the work: ground breaking, hitting, furrowing, cultivating, weeding. CHe7REMA3IER gives you more lobor•saving, frouble.tree ftoturet, Ex- tta•hordehed steel rover:Etc tines gVarunteed 10r a Ir ye art Direct drive r no beth( Geared reverse Kansan. Sion. Ask for demonsaraltefe today! STAI NTOhI 'HARDWARE Phone 30 Wingharn �..� IN MEMORIAM -, I):A7"I"FJRSON" in loving inentor'y of nay clear husband, Herbert H. Patterson, who passed /May 0)00 year ago May 10, 1961. As 1 loved you. so I miss you In my memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for al- ways, 't'r'easured with 0 love sincere. You are 'whe'r'e 1 ean001 see y011 Your voice t cannot heal', Yet I know you walk beside tale Never absent, always near. -Lovingly remembered and Sad- ly missed by his Wife, Pearl, 1611 11 7 NOBLE, JOSE'I'}. ROBERT ROY, 73, of R. R. '2, Garvie, Saturday, at home, Lifelong district farmer. Survivors: Wife, the former Mar- garet Childs; son, Russell, ,How - ick Township; brother, Ernest, Regina; Nelson, Palmerston, Al- vin, Brussels; sisters, Mrs, Wil- liam Marsh, Listowel; Mra, Her- vey Witmere, Toronto; five grandchildren„ Service was from Reed funeral .home Listowel, with burial ha Fairview Cemetery, Listowel, KOENIG, HENRY, JR„ 83, of Han- over, last week at Hanover Mem- orial Hospital. Native of Nor- manby. .Farmed in Normanby, Carrick and Brant Townships. Survivors; Daughter, Mrs, Mich- ae1 (Wilma) Furst, Hanover; brothers, Samuel, of Durham; Roy, of Hamilton; sister, Mrs, Ezra (Adeline) Zurbrigg, Wing - ham; one grandchild, Service was at Salem. Evangelical United Brethren Church, Richardson funeral home, Hanover, in charge 01 arrangements. Burial 0-1 Han- over Cemetery. MIIIVIIIMIIIi (IIvaIIslaIMIlIlrlIIrll( IllUlllltlII Plumbing & Heating COMPLETELY MODERNIZED: SPARKLING NEW BATHROOMS Coloured or platin fixtures PUMPS and SOFTENERS HOT WATER OR. WARM ATR HEATING- SYSTEMS Coal or oil fired Also T!.AVESPROTT(1TUNO Free estimalr's, Contact's L. WHI a F EI,D, phone 180 or It, WHIT1'!i1LD, phone 51-23 BT.YPfl, ONTARIO 9-16-236 11111111 lit I11811l111l 1111111111 hail l IN1l 11l11111I1ii1110 MaeINTYR14• At the Winghanl General I7uspital, on .Sonllab5 May 13, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. ,. llrtuat 1110efnty)'e, a1. soar. ;111.111•11111111.1111011110111190.1111111111111•11111 EXTRA BEDS.. titJNT( BEDS, '('0niplete with gnttli- ty spring tttatt's, specilla $H3.95 TDIIN REDS, Sealy box Spring and • mattress, only $48.$0 4-PIc:t71c CONmcNLNp tr. twos, quilt mattress, box spring, head- r, hoard and legs, clearing $57.75 6.•PII ('%; UNEP — Panel bed steel spring and spring mattress, only $48.75 (WE SAVE VOu. MONEY) R. A3R U & SONS 9-16» 0111011111(11011111111111111111.111111111N111111111111111111111111 FOR SALE RASPBERRY CANES LATHAM ANI) VIKING STRAWBERRY PLANTS SENATOR DUNLOP RED AND BLACK CURRANT BUSHES RI'IUBARB ROOTS PERENNIALS — AT — O[ W, J1SMA MARKET GARDENS WINGI-IAM, PHONE 583 .1. V O 1. 1 C .I'.. T (, Water The hours for watering lawns and gardens are from 6 ant to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m, to 9 p.m. This will be strictly enforced An ANNUAL charge of '$4.44 gross, less prompt payment discount of 10 per cent is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering fawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public' Utilities Commission C, E. SHERA, Superintendent AMBULANCE Service CALL --' S. J. WALKER P HONE 106 Day --- 189 Night BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE OHARTERiID' ACO.OI1NPAN'I\S '1'rliSLee in Bankruptcy Licensed RTanieipat Auditor 44 NORTH ST, ,.1A. 4.8258 0ODI!:RIC11H, ONTARIO A. N. MCTAVISII 13AIt11tISTER, SOLICITOR and N(TARV PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tet, 392-7878, Teeswater Wr(rxtetere-.Every Wednesetwe afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appoltttn)ant, Frederick F. ] ItDrlrut It Pllin'.B,) R,O. Carol E. Hornuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola 11. l'lornlith,. r ., OI"k'O LT lar Rrsr S PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Db'. of Ohlropractie X..Ray WRO)LETFR Phone .120 Hnrn's: Monday to Friday, 10-4,80 Cve)Nngs: Mon., Tues. and Thum, 7-9 CRAWFORD HETHERINGTON1 Barristerb, f!olleltors, Leto, Wingharn, Phnne 45 Ir. ft. CRAWFORU, Q.O. It, S. HE'EUUEli1NOTON, Q.O. J. T. (WOOOALL f1AiOut.STER, SOLICITOR, NOTAIT•V, I;t.e, Trr11 e --A e„r Melt, Vi ri 3 h sm) PHONE, 1.10 NT: 14 4 b 'f