The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-09, Page 11IE iving e for ,milt' ER I'. 111111111 ( ATE A agmaganw T • 4WD.. au, Y nani.u.1.1n4404.11.044,s1.14.. CGa 04.40r..1144a014ima a..aminona"pas nam oaaommunema. no=44.mmo.ao The Wiil,glialu, Adva ce, ht7es, W'edueml y, 11:10 .i2, 19OH , 'Ago )1111Qvfli CORDUROY TENNIS SHOES GROWING GIRLS' 1.98 and $2.98 COli.(O M — White, Illneic, Ilrcen, (IOW Summer Assistant Named, for Huron Morris A. Huff, Bloomfield, Ont., has beeen appointed summer assis- tant ngr•ieultrual representative for Huron County and commencer] his duties on May ist, Mr, Huff was raised on a dairy and orchard farm in Prince Ed- ward County, where he was active; in 4-H and unior Farmer work. De has.rceently completes his third year at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, .as a student in the Agricultural Economics. Option, The last two summers he was em. played at the Economies Depart- ment, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. ol,1ege. Mr, Huff's main responsibilities hi Huron County this summer will he with the 4.1-1 Agricultural Club program. The reason most women pay more attention to beauty than to brains is that no Matter how stupid a man may be, he is seldom blind, We'II take .that insurance : , homework. off your hands! WINGHAM H YOUR. .FAMILIt SHOE STOWS We've made it our life's work helping folks with their insurance problems. If you're interested in a. program for your family ... home ... car .. let `us know. We'll be glad to give you all the help you need! W. B. CONRON, CLU, INSURANCE AGEN,GY JOHN .ST.r WINGHAM, PHONE 722W Agent far Manufacturers Life itrsnrancie. ('o. S. A, sco'rr, Salesmani NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS RS ttt amu..-^ncvrail. nsucnc nrliiioc ni.n 4.11,ao1.0nQrn4014nca® 0•14.744.444411! 4:416IWOn q WINGHAM KINSMEN Paper rive Wednesday, May 16th. HAVE YOUR PAPER BUNDLED AND TIED AND ON THE STREET FOR , PICK-UP STARTING AT 2:30 P.M. PAPER WILL ALSO BE PICKED UP IN BELGRAVE, BLUEVALE A N D WHITECHURCH DURING THE DAY. 2-9-lGb v w • • PLAYOFF CHAMPIONS who received prizes et the annual banquet of the Ladies' Wednesday Night bowlers are pictured above, including Ruth Thompson, Bea Shropshall, Sharon Sang- ster and Joan Coyle. Velma Balser and Marlene Purdon were absent.—A-T photo. THE SEASON CHAMPIONS of the Ladies' Wed- nesday Night Bowling Club are pictured here af- ter receiving their trophies at the organization's annual banquet in the Legion Home last Thurs- PHONE 12 BLUEVALE Mrs, Bert -Garniss, Mrs, George Hetherington and Miss Ruby Duff visited at Clinton on Sunday. A. "Family Day" service will be held in the United, Church on Sts - day next, including a ,baptismal service, A. shower and dance In honor of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Brewer (formerly Joan 1Vteharlane), held in the community hall on Friday evening had a large attendance. A purse of money was presented to T4aciies' Auxiliary to Wingharn .General !/o:snital will hold their spring RUMMAGE SALE THIS SATURDAY, MAY l2t11 al Wincjharn Arena the bride and groom by Miss Car- ol Greig and. Jim. Johnston Jr. read an address, Tiffin's orchestra provided music for dancing. Mr, and Mrs. Alan White motor• ed to Mildmay on Sunday. Mission Band I3LU1VALE -The Mission Balm met in Knox Church .on Sunday morning and was well attended with several visitors present. Mrs Glen McKereher and Mrs, John Brent were in charge. The theme of the meeting was "Mothers' Day". planted. Crop Report By D. G. Grieve, .Assoc, Ag, Rep,' Heavy rains early last week stopped seeding operations in the County. However, combined with warm weather we have had excel- lent growing conditions for the crops, Hay and pastures especially have made rapid growth during the past week, Some corn is being c�lllrlll�ll I■!IIrIIIrIII�IIIrIO�lllrill■III�I Ilrlllrlll�lllrlll�lll�lll�rlll�lll�lllrill�lll�lll■!Il�llillll■II I�IIIrIIIKlllrlllrlll�lllrlll�lll� H 00 V E R i ■ It Clearance Sale • ■ • • • r HOOVER (Dunne • VLAATS ON AIR—No pulling or tuggint,. • POVVERVuL Si1C.T.ION--i ic.p, motor COMPLETE LET'i SET SURE -LOCKING TOOLS - BIC TIi tOW-A.WA,-V DIRT BAR I • Reg. $79.95, ONLY, . day. The group includes, hack row from the ■_ left, Gwen MacLaurin, Grace Hodgkinson, Ruth • Ronson; front, Nona Elliott, Louise Welwoocl, j captain, and Eva Brownlee.—A-T photo. sr :MD IS THE ENGINEERED BEAVER FARM BUILDINGS A farm building today leas one job and one job only ---to help get better proiduction at the lowest, cost. ]leaver buildings are engineered to do the job, EVERY TYPE OF .BUILDING Even( type of building tenni pole frame t:(1 steel frame are included in t'he Beaver Ilan book , .. there's an engineered building that: can he custom fitted to any prograin. O -UR REPUTATION--- A Guarantee Dui' ecputhtion for building good builtling* is a repiitai.ioit the Intend to keep With engineeteg resjioitsibi.lity and honest dealing's. See the Italia and Wilding for yourself ora• "]Farm Rep" M; M. yoiir service . , . pliant" tOan.y ba- ron* the sprint( rush. DEPENDABLE BEAVER LUMBER Galvanized Roofing $8.95 SQUARE 40 squares or more PHONE WINGHAM 66 END SEASON LADIES' LEAGUE IFAS BANQUET, ELECTION The Wingham Ladies' Bowling League brought their season to a close with a banquet at the Legion Home on Wednesday night, Seated at the head table were the executive and captains with president Joyce Langridge acting as master of ceremonies. Following a delicious dinner was the presentation of trophies. Troph- ies for high team went to the Ram- blers, consisting of Louise Welwood, Capt.; Eva Brownlee, Gwen Mac- Laurin, Nona Elliott, Ruth Ronson and Grace Hodgkinson. ATTEND TOURNEY so i F. A team, of Wingham. bowlers, Gwen MacLaurin, Ruth Lott, Dor- othy Templeman, June Hafermehl, I Dorothy Krug and Joyce Langridge were in Walkerton last Tuesday e night to play in the ladies' tourna- ment which was held there dur- ing the entire week, Argentina Church Started by Family u • . BLUEVALE---The Explorers met s in Knox Presbyterian Church on c Sunday morning with a good at- tendance and the president, Gordon CI Wright, presiding. The meeting opened with the motto, and the roll Play-off call was answered by giving a trophies wont to the Falcons with symbol of Faster. All joined in a Joan Coyle, eapt,; Marlene Purdon, unison prayer. Sharon Sangster, Bea Shropshall,_ Velma. Balser and Ruth Thompson, The story of "Esther of Argen- _ High average trophy for the sea- son went to Gwen MacLaurin with 193, high single trophy to Mary Campbell with 300 and high triple trophy to Dorothy Krug with 734. Trophies for the most improved players for the season went to Kay Macintosh and Dorothy Mink. r a._w High single and triple pins for UNIr1 TIHIL,L IIOLIIS the play-offs were presented to Irene Perrott and Sharon Sangster, DIRTIIDAY TEA. P.h-e two doors prizes were won by Roberta Seddon and Barbara Stainton, 0 N ting" was told by the leader, Mrs, Ross Gray. It was the story of a 1 i1 family of Buenos Aires, who work- ed to strut a church in their r neighborhood and the planning and labor' required to make it n. tine r cess. r BLUEVALE Unit Three, United Chureh Women, held a successful. birthday ten in the United Church Next year's executive will be on Wednesday afternoon. President, Jean Bing; secretary, Gwen 7tfaeLaurin; treasurer, Dor- een Wylie, and press reporter, Shirley Storey. Captains will lee Pat Renwick, erail, Edwards, Grace 'FTorlgicinson, Mary Cummings, shyilis Smith and 111/ 01 Tiffin. The iadies then played (t rousing game of euchre and a delicious lunch, supplied by the captains, was served. Prige winner's at euchre were Elva Brownlee, travelling prize; Verna O'Hara, high lady; tfilda'Gordon, high lady playing as a, man; Nora Finnigan, most lene hands; Hilda Gordon, most lone hands, lady as a man; .Sharon Sangster, low lady; Nona Elliott, low lady as a pian. Mrs. a-, lvtitelt el1 was leader of n, birthday pageant, presented in the auditorium when hymns, Scripture readings and prayers were given. `twelve Bundles, rep resenting the months or the year, were lighted by twelve choir nrern hers, with appropriate quotations, -Solos were sung by Mrs. Alan White and Mrs. Walter Willits and a. duet by Mrs. White and lvtr;s. Corrigan, il'rs. Alex Corrigan played the n.eeernlrrniments. Mrs., Mitchell gave 1he rnnehuiing nd dress. in the school room were 12 tables decorated to represent the months -and guests were seated m'tording to their birthdays. In the centre a decorated) table displayed the birtlday cake. •_ a a fit J1.WVWV'•..A.A W'WV�nAN r..=.ar. 5 HOOVER Upright Cleaner It BEATS as it SWEEPS as it CLEANS ONLY HOOVER TRIPLE -ACTION cleaning can, rernovc deep embedded dirt and, grit from rags that other cleaners miss. Suction cleaning attachments optional ONLY $ 7 9.95 HOOVER POLISHER You'll bring your floors to fL richt .lasting- lustre with the POWER- rrTf, hoover •I'olis(her. Waxes and polishes with one set of firm hut gentle brushes ONLY /'de.V,M/,MMA s 3 2 Limited Quantity HOOVER ELECTRIC FLOOR WASHER Ii: wets, sernbs and vacuums dry all bare floors $59.95 HOOVER SHAMPOO -POLISHER It Rennet, applies wax, polishes and shampoos rags $69.95 HOOVER "LARK" CLEANER Use as a hand, vacuum or upriglr:l for rugs or bare floors $44.95 HOOVER "PIXIE" HAND , CLEANER Complete with nttarinnetii•s $44.95 RKE ELECT Industrial, Commercial, Home and Farm Wiring IC PHONE 474 Motor Re -wind and Repair WINGHAM