The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-09, Page 51d Jdt dui 1�. ALAN Nf 1.�alAMtJ 11 � i Optometrist { Patrick St,, Wingbam Phone 770 A. wurits 1'urelnrtrl .eongratulaled one of his men on his new Sunday suit, but suggested the use of a coat hanger to melte the jacket keep its shape. On meeting the foreman the fol- lowing Sunday, the workman said: I've 'ad to give up that coat 'angor. It was very trying across the sbculders, are when I stooped clown the 'o.,k pushed my 'at off." GAY - LEA CHEESE 1IOUISE NOW OPEN Come in and buy your CHEESE requirements at the GAY -LEA CHEESE HOUSE Buy it either Mild, Medium or Old, If you like something t•eaI nippy, try our special GAY-I.EA. CURED OI.1) Wflfl'E: CHEDDAR. You cern buy it either ready packaged or have it Out off the round 90's or the 40-11). block. MI our GAY -LFA Cheese is )blade at our ;Myth Cheese. Factory. COME IN AND SAMPLE OUR CHEESE For the convenience oi' our (ream acid Egg Patrons we are open at Noon -hour, .604,.0„0.,. United Oairj & Pooltri Co-operative PHONE 271 WINGHAM PETER CUTTER, Manager As of May 1st Creamery Butter '12c below the regular price. TWO VISITORS AI NU fiOr HARMONY ROUP WROXiY1'1 R The „roup met at the home of Mrs. Ira, Nielsen' with 18 members and two visitors pre.. sent. The meeting was In charge of Mrs. Everett Gathers and MA'S. Harvey ReIdt with Master ars the theme. Mrs. (lathers opened the meeting with the worship period, followed by the theme song. A hymn was sung and. Scripture and meditation were taken by ivlr:. Andrew Gibson, The tome War wo Any Government i>el'icieney Pay. item; will apply only on properly graded wools. Seenre the utmost by patronizing the organisation tliat made this possible. SHiP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from MORLEY McMICHAEL R. it, 2, WROXETER NORMAN McDOWELL AUBURN or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMI'1ED 40 St. Clair Ave. East Toronto 7. Ontario given ,. •Yeoman. !, fr try .Mfr's, Cecil Ye rxr The meeting was tilcn taken ov. er by the executive with Mrs• Ver.. nowt Hupfer acting es leader. The minutes were read and Mrs. ,lames Wylie gave the treasurer's report. The roll call was answered hy a do- nation of soeks, ;mitts, etc, and the meeting closed with the Ml7.p•th benediction. MRS. JACK REAM SPEAKS TO U.C.W W12OXE'.r uR-•Mrs. Stan Galla. her opened the meeting with the call to worship and first hymn was "O Spirit of the Living God," fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Gallaher. Mrs..Archle Miller gave the Secre- tary's report and Mrs, Wm. Wright the treasurer's report, The next meeting will be on July 4th with 'The Willing Workers" and "The Friendship Group" in charge of the meeting, The Seriputure was taken by Mrs, G. L .Dobson, who also gave the meditation, Mrs, McLean of- fered prayer and guest speaker, Mrs. Jack Reavie, of •Wingham, spoke on "The Family, in the Church." Cites of the CGIT, Lynr,e;Wright, Connie Clarke, Lo.uisc Edgar* and Leone Chambers, sang 'Trust and Obey." This was followed hy a hymn, "His Praise," to. 'close the meeting, Lunch wasserved by the "Harmony Group." Mrs, Louis Hayes and grand- daughter, Tanya Ramirez,, both of Elyria., Obio, are spending several weeks with the former's son-l.n-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanCamp and family. Members of the 13elgrave Wo men's Institute please note the ehange of date .of the May meet- ing, to May 17 in the comunity centre, with Mrs, Mel Bradburn as convener, Roll (tail will be ans- werers with "An Incident of pioneer days". Mrs. Edgar Wightman. will give the address at this, the Grand. mothers' meeting. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Johnston TRQUSER CUFFS Ever wonder why men wear cuffs. on their trousers? Turn -ups began in the nineteenth century, accord. ing to an authority on men's tail. oring. Before going out in the streets, men folded back the hems of their trousers so that if they became splashed with mud, it would be the inside of the trousers rather than the outside which would he marked. The marks would not show when the hems were turned clown, About the beginning of this cen- tury, there was a demand for suite with ready.made tura.ups. In making a fashionable feature of a sensible custom, the original point has been lost. The turn -up still gets muddy, but nowadays 11 cannot be turned down. >77 r•' Honest to goodness.. new Pepsi's the most for sa lin s! NEW THREE -GLASS SIZE PEP ATA MONEYSAVING PRICE! Hem's the biggest refreshment value in town! Save with it best quality buy in town! Think` of it— 3 servings from every new 16 oz. Pepsi bottle t; Enjoy meals with it —1 or 2 bottles serve the entire family! Party with it 'get 18 servings from one handy carton! Shop easy with it! Now it's Pepsi.., for those who think young! 1 6 bottle "Family Pack" 53 New lc -oz. Pepsi, naw available Dr the ar¢a tera-ieet hr Ttidkey Beverage!, Exeter. and daughters of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clare VanCatrrp sane! taxniiy. Mr. and Mrs. 1 d Ansley of Punta Clorda, Florida, are spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell and other relative, in the district, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family of 131uevalo visited With Mr. and Mrs, 'William McNall and Michael on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. X3111 Tideswell of Oarnlachic and Mr. Bort Eradburxi of Lucan spent the week -end with the latter"s sister, Mrs, Neil Me- Crea. Misses Pearl and Marie Penny, Mrs, Gladys May and Mrs. Mar- garet Field, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Miss Annie Baker and Charles Wilkinson, Mr. Howard Wilkinson left on the week -end for :Sault Ste. Marie, where he will be working for the next six months, Mrs. Margaret Lowry and Fred Lowry, of Dundas, spent the week- end with Mrs. Cora McGill. Make Corsages For Mother's Day WROXETER—The CGIT met in the church school room on May 1st with 11 members answering the roll call. The meeting opened with the call to worship, followed by the purpose and the national anthem, The Scripture was read and prayer offered. A• hymn was sung before the business session. It was decided that a Mother and Daughter ban- quet would be held on May 15th and a decision was made on a contrlbtt tion toward covering the floor cif the kitchen in the church. Follow' ng ,the meeting corsages were muck- for Mother's ])ay and Il"e ev,'ning closed with Taps. Tank Device Saves Money for Fanners Now farmers can cut down on their fuel deterioration and loss with IL new, simply designed de vire called the T"iiel Saver Fill Cap. Replacing the regular fill cap on a farms storage tank, its operation is simple but effeet lye • Ou a storage tank, evaporation inns usually eeenr5 when the gado ling vapour escape$ through the conventional fill cap. Wind blow• ing over the tank will pull some of it out. The greatest losses occur when the sten expands •the vapour and. drives it .out. '!'hen, it con. tracts again in the cool of the ni;ht 1 find this draws in more fresh air - which absorbs gasoline vapor- to be blown off again next day. 'I'hc• new -fill eap rs designed with' a special tight -fitting gasket and spring mechanism that retains the fumes within the tank up to rt safety point and then allows them to.escape, cutting evaporation dow,t to a minimum, It all started as an idra.•an idea in the mind .of Jack Vellenoweth, supervisor of locals Petroleum Equipment at Federated Co-op in Saskatoon. Jack, like many others at the Co-op, works in close assoc- iation with farmers . and their ec,uipment, and constantly. strives to And ways that: will assist mein - hers to reap greater profits from their farms. With .a full under- standing of the fuel deterioration problem that constantly plagues the farmer, Jack realized that al- though painting the storage tanks did cut losses, it was only by a small percentage -something fur- ther was needed to prevent even more fuel loss. His idea soon took shape --in the form of a specially designed pressure valve to replace regular fill caps and can be adapt- ed to fit any faun storage tank. After testing the device for occur. acy, he preat'nLad it to his Co op for even further research and Last ing with very effective results, A. farmer, rasing 1200 galions of gasoline u year by actual scale tests, is shown to have lest 07 gal- lons n year through evaporation When using the fuel save fill cap this is rerfuce'd to only 17 gallons. This simple, but vary effective de vice is now a.vailabie through the Belgrave Co op and other en -op - (enliven in Ontario. Eyes Damaged Most ncciden'ty that happen to twee in factories and workshops ran be avoided if f)rnper prevail - lions are taken and cvorher:v re• i;pect the safety rales. Simply wearing protective glasses, for in. ••ranee, would save huindreciv of eyes from injury in work. aneidenia, Burns of molten metal are espe- cially dangerous. Burns caused by 1 alkalis are tvorse than those from renis, Contact with quicklime often causes blindness, and in this case the eye 8110111(1.1)e washed copiously in clean water, and the injured person taken immediately to an eye doctor. Governments, employers, doctors in industries, and the workers themselves all have responsibilities in preventing unnecessary damage to eight froi:i * etdenta. l i I � t► 1' ane•• c ► (tela 1 114� rage The SVrnl,lfam Actva toe "a'i... �, it'V t 1 ( a, May . , 1 � �. ,...�.....�.,.. ,<.�.,�.,�,.. �: '"I love your daughter very dear. ly, sir," .said the young man earn. estly. "I would suffer deeply if 1 ever caused her a moment of un- happiness." 'You certainly would," grunted loci' father, "That girl is her mo ther all over again and I knout." The lady next door says that after ra day's shopping her prohlealt is not .to balance the budget, tut to budget 'the halarw0. Iillllilil1111 IIIIIIIl UIIll11111 Ili1111111$111iilll*dile!Ifii11IUill illlni11011Ylhulll 1141ll tlll11 it• SYI,CON r Look G for the r Flower ■ Trade=Mark ire Truly Gives Yino! Greater tom` fort 1 The Syleon Smooth top cannot sfiift or become lumpy.'No infill!! to catch dirt, no buttons to puttli our. No other mattress is made thiri patented. way. The Mightr-S$riton innerspring unit with Ortho•iusticl center assures proper bode support ... sounder sleep • Awarded the • Certificate of Merit ✓ of the N. Y. litusertm P. of Science and industry ■ • M ma t� bVJ', SAVE: YOU MONEY! oto Furniture le WINGHAM PHONE 51 iil llal141111 dell11111! I419111111118111111111ii111111111lI1111i111181111 111111111111II I1JIi l' Lel (Is Help 10 Make Your Summer Motoring M6re Enjoyable W , g.toclt: a complete- selection of the finest AUTO' ACCESSORIES • Si:A.'C ItEI,Ti'; — The proven way to travelling safely -- var- iety of colors — INS'1'AL1:ED, $8.75 per person • 1+.1'-OOR MATS — '1'1) fit all Standard American 4'11:5 -- ONLY $4.49 • AIR-COOLED D CUSHIONS — meed from $2.99 • SEAT COVERS — Citation Universal $6.99 Terry Cloth $4.98 • WII'ITr; WALI,.S FOR YOUR .TIRES—Portawalls $3.98 set 'I'oppor $6.95 set `AUTO CC'SEIIONS—Priced From $1.49 • OUTSIDE REAR-VIEW MIRRORS from $1.99 .oao411111„r.a.1rn.1•earo11.,.o.r04..0.ro4•11.0 own+nau.ro..+.o.rn+w+o..rn.ano4. 'I'II1S W EEIC. 'S SI' E.('1 A1, LAWN CHAIRS Web and $5i99 I Aluminum 0 omen.ro.wn.r.a.w.1 .ro�n*(1-ansiiiill oc.aa+c,r.6=nen*oma„*n n.111 Readman's TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 84 - WINGHAM 11111111I11III1r11111111111111!1111111111elliailliel deli!Stirtitielellepeeptiellltpeeielteime Hodgins 'cDonaId (WINCH 4Ml) LTD. LUMBER ANA 11111L111;it5' S!II1PLILS FARMERS Get more for your money when you buy a POLE BARN BUILDING — FRoif --- iloclgins - McDonald (Wingldar) Ltd. LUMBiR. AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lel Us Quote) You on All Your P(7r•rn Building J equironl('rlis FREE PLANS — FREE ESTIMATES Compare our Quality and Prices Before You Buy Phone 656 Wirirgharn � I lit! itl�ril wlr��li lriiiiild�%IIiiM"IiIMI111�11iItYiliMll.Mltlihr:nMlbrirl;l rlbMti�nln�ilMll�rhi�111