The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-09, Page 1,Y1
By The Pedestrian
Comicillor Alan Williams staled
that the Centrarelortgage & Hous-
ing Corporation was going to spot
cheek a survey made by the Kins-
men Club on the west for an apart-
ment for senior citizens, and that
a resolution would be required in•
Wonting that the town would be
willing to provide the land ae sub-
gested last fall, which was the site
of the old tenni e court on Edward
Bt. After some discussion council
* agreed to pass the resolution.
0 -0 -0
Perhaps the 'buskd. man in the
town is .DcWItt Miller, who has not
yet completed the returns from. the, and is already deep
ed Shield campaign. In
' course ]ie has hospital,
;e and a .dozenor two
an his hands. Also, he
JO ,
1950 a few off moments n
make a liVing.
laic of weeks ago The Ad -
elms sttated that certain
lections In the Township of
Y01.*rry had been released to
pi.; part of a proposed central
and area at Belmore, along with
.-achool assessments in Culross mut
Carrick. Clerk J. V. Fischer of
Turnberry tells us that no school
assessment in his township has
been released for Rile 0011)0(1"
0 .0 -0
011, SO RIGHT --
A couple of vedette sigu we made
nasty editorial remarks our
,brand ir Cunaditin saving, and
some readers began to rub IL In
Whein the weather tttrilt8,1 80 Warm
and halm' last week. We hope
they noted the presence of snow
In the air on Tuesday morning.
0 -0 • 0
With which is amalgamated Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter Newt
SINGLE COPIES -- 10 coma
ewage Disposal
"LI," •t'
. • .
tured above as depicted in the architect's sketch. The building,
it is hoped, will be built in the immediate future and will be
ready some time this summer. The local Kinsmen Club has corn-
mitted itself to the tune of $4,000 to assist in the erection of the
building which will be built by the Riverside Parks Board on
land just north of the transformer station on Minnie St. Ac-
curate figures are not available, but it is expected the building
will cost between $6,000 and $8,000. Ft will contain change
rooms, lockers and toilet facilities.
nismen Commit $4,000.00 to Building Fund
111e Winghtun Kinsmen club de-
cided at its regular meeting Inst
week Lo tale on Lhe chore of ra18-1
ing $4,000.00 to be donated towards
the proposed bath 110148e M. the
Riverside Park.
The club has already set aside
$3,100.00 for s at the Golden
Circle School, and may put money
lido the Senior Citizens' Apart-
ment ir it beeneme a reality. 'WW1
these rwo projects In the works,
ilio eervice tweeted, Dr the 0.111-,
$41000 1,0fliini iment "Deana
that he $4.,000 commitment imam;
that the clubwill be out to raise
1110 01000y o 8 5000. 118 possible.
First efforts in this direction will
he the annual Trade Fair which is
Mattel Cor ,1 11111' 7, 8 and 9.
The bath Imuse project will ;Atla-
ntis/ be handiest by .the Itivermide
Parks Board .whieh ham at present
tentative plans drawn up for the
strunture to be built beside tilw.
swimming area. The donation "'mil
the Kinsmen rllub win llow the
Parks Bherd to carry on its other
develonment projeet, whieb would
otherwise be slowed up bee:Anse of
lack of hinde.
Parks Board chairman Harry
McArthur has expressed the grail
Ludo of the Beard to the Kinemen
for their interest In the park.
wiliell is 11141*- 1'40.
Trunk Lines and Lagoons
o Cost Quarter of a Million
needs rebuilding would be financed.
However, Mayor Hetherington
pointed out that it was time for
oouneil to make up its mind on the
plan, and said he was in favor of
gporoinpgerlay.llahead and doing the job
Councillor Callan staled that the
town is faced with sewage prob-
lems all over town. Councillor 1.01-
chanan said that the conned was
getting a push from the public as
many people are in favour of the
project and that he was in faeocir
of supporting a go-ahead on Um
whole pion. Deputy Reeve J•le
Kerr expressed the opinion that t•ae,
overload problem Should he done
Please turn to Page Ten
siollE LOOT
A serious loss Was mei:demi at
the Warren House on Diagonal
Road, owned by W. T. truick-
silents early Saturday morning
when thieves made off with over
$1,300 worth of merchandise.
Entry was made through a mall
rear window, and it is thought a
woman may have been involved
because 01: 11 muddy footprint from
a woman's shoe.
Lest in the theft. were two port-
able TV sets, over $000.00 worth of
long -play phono records, as well
as a number of transistor radios
and other small items.
The break-in is being investi-
gated by Police Chief James Miller
who called in finger -print experts
from Mount Forest, So far the
culprits have not been apprehend-
shewplace hi Winghain.
'The park chairmen tilso said this
week that Wider !n the upper pond
is (Mehl Lo allow for repairs to the
dam, and should be back up in two
or three 'weeks. Construction of the
bath house, which was designed by
Robert Brown, of Walkerton, is
expected to poet, about moon and
will be started es soon as plans
are approved in Toronto,
Students Collect
We hear that a door.laisloor.
salesman from out. of town ilait
been operating in Wingham selling
china and silverware. Checking a
little further, it would appear that
buying from local merchants is
still the xnost econoMical way to
slum. R is understood that the
malesmait wa Offering china at
321.00 per place setting and the
china Is of American manufauture.
Royal Doulton, of comparable
quality, can be purchased from lo-
cal merchants $G.94 per setting
and top grade bone 011ina of the
same manufacture can be bought
111 Wingbane for MN per setting.
One party changed her mind af-
ter making a down payment, and
the salesman then claimed a fine -
print contract would force pay-
ment on the remainder of the or-
der. A lawyer's advice blew up
that pari 01: 1110 pitch,
fa th.c case or one china sales_
man who wee' working the town,
it appears that he did not gel ar-
ound to paying the $73.00' pedlar's
This story 18 OrnOr one(' More
that the wise housewife could do
much Worse Lnan to compare prices
and quality with main street re-
tailers before falling for the fast -
talking door, 11) door types who hit
the WWII periodically.
$922 for ancer
and Mrs, V.Irtlainti Kraemer
of R. R. 3, Walkerton, announce
the engagement or their daughter,
Alice Mary, to Mr. David Michael
Simmer, son of 'Mr. lied Mrs, lee
Slosser. Wingliarn, The marriage
will take place May 2ist, 11.80 ions
at Immaculate eloncePtion Chureh,
Formosa, Ontario.
stadoma or the whignani
.High School, who took
over the colleetion for the Gonadial]
Cancer Society within the town of
Wingimm, have turned in $9224J0.
Goll ections in the Mild arm are
being looked after by the :redera-
tion of Agriculture, with the ex-
ception of Howick Township,
where Um Canadian Legion is 01
charge. Returns have not. yet been
made by the rural groops.
The .Winghion Branch or tle,
Cancer Society le indeed grateful
for the splendid effort; put Corti'
by the students and also for the
co-operation of the principal, Mr.
Madill, hi arranging fo.r the local
collection. The help of the country
collectors Is no less appreciated.
DeWitt Miller of Wingham is the
chairman of the financial campaign
of the Cancer Society.
The music festival for the :wheals
of Morrie and East Witwanosh
be held in the Foresters Hall, Bel -
grave, on May 14 and la, beginning
et. 9 a in , and in NA/Ingham .Distrlet
High School on May 1.510, at 8 p.m.
,Adjudicator will be Lloyd G. Queen,
assistant director of music, Feb
The Junior Conservation Club
will hold their regular meeting on
4 Monday evening, May 14, at 7
pan., at the W. S. A, Club Hoitse,
The Brownies are holding their
annual cookie day satorday, May
12, Buy a bOx and help the Brown.,
le Movernent. 241)
f • -
OF .11111110M
Tit, (Stub bad a high-
ly successful broom sale last week
on a door-to-door blitz. 1.1. was so
successful, in fact, that the 20
dozen brooms that were ordered
Were all sold before the canvass
was completed. More brooms have
been ordered arid the canvass will
be completed when they arrive.
The Ladles' Auxiliary to Wing -
111101 General Hospital' Will hold its
spring rummage sale in the Wings
iham Arena on •Saltuelay afternoon,
'May 32, at 2 o'clonk. Now is the
time to start looking over your
cunboards and gathering lip the
wide and ends for the rumanage
sale. Anything that you do not
need can he sold; furniture, cloth-
ing, dishes, etc. Please have your
donations at the Arena on Friday,
May 1.1, so that they can be sorted
and marked. If you wish anything
called for. phone Mrs. J. H. MONay,
118, or Mies Marguerite Johns, 208.
Thts is a community event end
everyone is asked to co-operates
All pnoceeds go to provide equip-
ment for the Wingham Hospital.
DeWitt Miller, chairman of the
pastorel relations committee of the
Wingliam United Church, announe-
es that Rev, Cecil M. Jardine, B.A.,
of London haii ateepted the tumul-
i) f LI .ommittee to the
Mona en. 1
Wingliam pastorate effective July
A new sewage disposal plant, re-
placement of overloaded parts of
the present sewage system and new
trunk Hues costing an estimated
$250,000 were approved in principle
al. Monday evening's council meet.
The decision vamp after a long
discussion on the problem. Public
Works chairman Donald Nesmith
Wel council that it was imperative
that the overloading of the system
at the south end of Josephine St.
be attended to just as fast as pos-
sible. He suggested that if coun-
cil did not take any action on the
large plan it .was absolutely neces-
sary to do something soon to rec-
tify overload conditions at the Jo-
sephine and Victoria Fils section.
These remarks sparked the
council into action to consider
whether or not it wee time to take
action on the plan which had been
prepared last fall by Barns Ross,
consulting engineer, of Goderich.
Mr. Roes wan present at the meet-
ing and staled it would be possible
to undertake remedial action on the
overload conditions as outlined by
Mr. Nesmith,. and in the discussion
that followed he pointed out to
(munch the relative merits of eith-
er going alieed with the overall
plan for revamping the system or
just, fixing up the area which is
causing immediate yoncern.
This brought the discussion to fi-
nancing and it was never clearly
stated how the small section which
Mr. Jardine la 0 Maritinier,,no p
h. served voegregations in Sask.. r-- 2 2 — ___ ILII
. if lehetvan and Ontario. He is t10'.' 1 Tu n Er Fir A run) Q
completing a six-year term as min- 1 MIEL 1 Ektutwao
11(101 of King lit. 'United Church in —
London. Ad. a. meeting of the Wingham
Mrs. J01111115 ia
e titi vf:olles.slis)1.1t1,oi
d:sselee_ Pdb110 School board on Monday
evening, the organization accepted
_ •. 6 at the Univereity of Western On. the resignation of Mrs. C. Robert -
Present plum; are for continuing son, Grade IV teacher at the school.
Three new teachers were hired to
The Rev. T. Garnett !hisser, for Mr. Wieser le r8pecially RI tee Latio and 0110 In Public school.
the past four years .mieister or the for this type of service from his re-
Wingham. United Church, annosee- perienee in comnamily ministmeel the joint Hummer sensees for she fill vacancies on the staff. The
will take up
congregations of Wingham United new teachers, who
Rev. T. G. Husser Accepts
Call to Community Church
ed to his congregation 111(1 he had
accepted a can to Terme(' Bay
Community Church, Superior Pree.
bytery, near Port Artly,ir.
lie hus been called to do it 'wee_
ialesied piece of work in comphliag
the organization of a truly Min-
Munity church, which ieeludes in
Its fellowship all of the .Protestint.
population. He will be serving Aog_
work, having been past chairman
or the Wingham and Distriet Min-
isterial and the Aylmer and Dis-
trict Minielerial and by his am-
sociations in the radio and hete-
s/NMI' field. AL present li ik
member of the nationel hoard of
Information and Stewierdship for
the United Church, 1,ondon Core
ference convener of Info rtnation
and Stewardship, 14 member of the
licans, Baptists, Lutherans, Prieily.
In ter -Con Elre n cIPuIio and Tele-
terians United, as wel
l as omem,bers . 'It et cl 14/100,
f Pantgrtipsv sion .
other rotest.
within the one church rer mm -1 convener of t'resbytery of Huron
munity about the eize or \gingham.. CO/T111111 1 Nei of inrormat ion 1( 1(1
Will! Lida is a p roject. ,poo so r„d : SfA.W8•114,1111) 111111 Rath() and Tele_
by the ivianitoba Conferences of the 1 visian flail (111..eari. (1)1: a sPeeiai
United. 011010 !i, eluireli worship, In
Loral relations, is strictly commun.. 1. A"";iallnll' Thea(' varitma 011 ('8,
titilechourrgelitinaisstalt,i3Ori_i ", 0a:r.lilduitt,111(1) on
and authority of' Mr. Huss"). hes been
race Bay, in all matters ('X01' pt pas." "1.1.ry or thp churt Innen Singtime
, added to hie 1,1)14111(1)141,10114'1 in
order of
;11:„:::: '
1111)1 ('1 ('0)141418 of ail the t,11111,i1,,,,,.. i ell Mr. Floseer a very [rev time.
1 Wingleini 'tinted 1 'Intreli, hove giv..
Ing communions. .M re, Iliesier leis ;web, 11 reel eon-
tribution to Ile. V.elighem vommun
- — ity through her wink with 1')'!111(0'.!
children, She heenn Hie seltool 10
has boon if ;; p ii n el pal, a 85181)1! by
the fell el Bine :ind shire thin. limp
helpers; i rom 1113' eoltiinituity. ih'r
love for ehiliti en and her teaching
ability is reetignittr.ti a 1. Tis riel Ise
Iliiv, where :1111•• 11; 11P1.,11 1117,r. 1 1.1
OLDEST MEMBER --Mrs, John Currie, centre,
poses for the camera, with Mrs. G. L. Fish, left,
and Mrs. Alexander Nimmo at the Ladies' Aid
tea held at the Presbyterian Church last week.
end St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Churches through ten eiundays,
commencing July 2nd. The July
services are scheduled for the Un-
ited Church, with Mr. Jardine as
Further 1411140111100111e1115elits rega.rd-
ing plane for the talininel and the
induction and welcome rViCeS
111' new minister and his family
will he made at a later date.
their duties in September are Mrs.
Shirley Kaufman, who has been
teaching in London; 'Miss Donna
Osborne, originally of •Etipley. who
has been on staff in Torouto, and
Mrs. 'Isobel Wheeler of Bluevale.
Principal T. S. Beattie reported
attendance in April was 94.73 per
The board will continue its polioy
nt decorating two rooms in the
building this summer, as well as
nay other necessary work of this
John 1 1. 10)114014114was among
Thr, Kilo% t sdiet.d. iident
the 17 greltiates of Rime College
:11 Hie 118(11 mimed eonvocation on
Fridey evening, held in tSnivoca- 1
lion 101 11, fIniversity nf 'Toronto.
1)1 meneie end pert f 1 f'11 LPN vvvro
presented lo the (dam and John
wee (((14't[0''II on whom the
leiehelor of Divinity degree wee
1 110 I'.ev. Robert L. Taylor, B.A,, nioderalor of the 87th Gen-
erel APS'orri 1)13r of 1111'Presbyterian ,
Church in Canada, gave the tot -
become 8 88.181,81' of 1 lo pili,tit. sang ;in ri 11110M , 011 (17'', I11'
chriel opine. 'yo.
st ltil‘1,()%ntel :14.11s;
iirship the Elizabeth Spelt Bente,.
Jelin 'vete l -Lei :1 11111(1 yeer
tirehip for $60 in theology and the
13,irgoes Scholarship for $6110.00,
1111 '1to lie used for post grad.
attenclanee. nate worts,
Ilitsser will n11011/1 '.1*r•i.
Thsee floelor or Divinity siegrees
raise Bay piddle ;a.11(101 flllhl PI 1)l(, were ronferred met oresented by
on 000111 id or ilreite 13, will 111. Itev,,rond eyrsfesser P. V. woo.
rim, withal leis been eyes rewarding
wit 0 g r 11 fy 1 lg m (Tess among the
eight ehildren who have Meet in
tont( the Port. Arthur Teeeliers'
Rev, and Mrs. Inteser and family
leave fin their new field of labor
the last week in Juor.
MA.. snip, teeeeiviiiix 1 Itese lion
olusrY (101r"5'S W011' Wt 1114 Com.
minister Rev. .1, M A., B D.,
11 A. MesMillan, St A., 111.13.,
eiul Rev. W. A. Ynnlig.. 13.11 A.
t.;tteA s attending the emivevation
%sere Mr. Ail .1 Mrs. Wilf rid Cong.
ENGAGEMCN't' rani eed I 'heave, :Are. W. MiKin .
Mr. 14101 Mrs. Oil 1 E. .1 .ilitist mi, nese Douglas Vortime, Rev. G. L.
Bluevale, Ont., wish to atinntinee Fish, Mies N iney Denaldson, Wee
the engagelllent of their only Edna Mee Armstrong. Miss Betty
' daughter, Ruth Marie, to Mr. Gord- Aim Lapp, Miss Mary Joan lemp
Mrs. oil Neil MeGavin son of Mr. end Miss Mary Ilnitgb, Mr. ani Mrs
Currie is the oldest living member of the .
congregation. The tea was held lb mark the Atts..Gorclon MeGavin, \Vallee, Ont. , ohn mut i so i
The wedding will take place on j son Jr. Jelin Cmpbx.11 Mr and
1O01.11 anniversary of St. Andrew's congregation. Saturday, ihne 2nd, 1962, at 3 p.m.,' Mrs. (bmion Leggatt And Mr. and
. Advance -Times photo. Bluevale United Church.' Pei Mrs. E. McEinnev.
The Ontario Dairy and Poultry
Co-op here has opened a new retail
outlet at their factory on Joseph-
ine Street, which is known as
"The Clay -Lea Cheese House." The
retail section is about 30 by 30 in
size and is in the front part of the
old poultry building, which l'aa
been completely renovated. The
store will sell eggs, butter and
ice cream as well as cheese.
The old poultry building is now
being used to store cheese which is
manufactured in the firm's Blyth
plant and has room for over 130,-
000 lbs. of cheese in storage.
Official approval was receired
by Turnberry Township council
from the Department of Highwas.s
for the parchase of a new road
grader and snow plow from the
J. D. AlIams Co of Paris, Ont.
Full purchase price was $24,181.16.
An allowance of $6,700.00 on the
old grader leaves a balance of $17.-
481.16, on which a subsidy of 50
per cent will be paid by the depart-
ment. A surplus of over s18...0.c0
from 1961 will mean that the over.
all mill rate will only be op 1.4
mills for the purchasie of the new
For Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hogg et
Royal T on Friday, May 11, Tiffin'e
Orchestra. Ladles plpner, bring
lunch. Everyone welcome. Fral;
-4 •'• "i'140
RECEIVES 50 -YEAR JEWEL—Alex Coutts, left, is seen with Alex
Reid, who presented Mr. Coutts with his 50 -year jewel, marking
a half -century of service in the Masonic Order. Both are members
of the Wingham Lode,—A-T photo.