HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-02, Page 12etc ltigelvo no Win; tarn M:Yentas-Tinttiljr, 'Wednesday, MO 2, .96C Watch your alcoholic intake oe spring boating and fi,;hirlg trip. wants the Oi. tarirt Safety League Xt arty seasen Inwards and inipttirei ability make for fatal neeident'; LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.16 pati. AD14I,TSSIQN-0ro 40e - $0o THYT1%, I'fti.-Sr3'C, MAY $-4.6 "CIMARRON" In CinemaScope and Matroeolor starring Glenn Ford, Maria Schell, Anne Baxter and .Arthur O'Connell The story of a man, a land, a love, from the Pulitzer Prize novelist, Edna Ferber. 411.11.11111111111111111111111111911111111011111111111111011111111111. 1 G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optotnetrist Patrick St., Wingham Phone 770 If You're TIED Now and then everi'body nets a tired -out" feeling and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a tempor- ary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd'a help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause backache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. 81 jillillul�(li�fliial��U�lila�lti�Il;�illEhllwottk W. D. CONRON, CLU Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE S. A. SCOTT, Salesman JOHN STREET Phone 772W - Wingham .IIM...1.1..00, -...,ems,,,.., AGENT FOR — Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. llEil i�lll ill l i�IP�I I!®{I ill I'�11!r! 119!!li?i' III PUSI4 BUTTON DEaIVING IS EASIER! SO IS TAKING CARE OF AN INVALID WHEN YOU GET SICK ROOM SUPPLIES AT VANCE'S • DRUG STORE APPROVE SWEEPS LARGE ATTENDANCE AT ZONE CONFERENCE Govern'tent-controlled national tw r e pstakes to support Canadian 1 hospitals vert: approved Sunday by Distriet C of the Royal Canadian Legion at a meeting in Clinton, About 21)0 veterans attending Lite Legion's District C convention gave full support to the sweepstakes re- solution which will he presented to the Ontario Provincial Command. 1 The resolution, originated by the Paisley Branch No. 295, asks the provincial command to petition the federal government to take early action to bring a bill before the House to legalize the sweepstakes. District C includes branches from Galt, Stratford, Guelph, Wa- terloo, Kitchener, Owen Sound, and all the centres north of London to Georgian Bay. New hospital construction costs are creating a heavy debenture debt on many 'municipalities and fire need for new hospitals in many sections of Canada in the near fu - Lure were the reasons given for the request. Rural Mail Delivery The convention also resolved that the Post Office Department be requested to discontinue the "ten- der" method of awarding rural mail delivery contracts. Delegates sug- gested a "competition" method be instituted. Delegates felt that under the ten- der method there is no preference available for veteran applicants. District C, as a result of the con- vention, will ask the provincial and Dominion commands to request the •postmaster ' gt'neitl t of Canada- 'to issue annually a commemoration postage stamp in November in memory of fallen comrades, The convention started Saturday night in the Clinton Branch Hall, followed by a morning session Sun - (lay at Clinton District Collegiate Institute and concluded Sunday night in the branch hall. F. John Bateson, of Wingham, district commander, was chairman of the sessions, Delegates were welcomed by J. Douglas Thorndike, president of the Clinton branch, and Clinton Mayor W. J. Miller, Guest speaker was Bob Verbeem of Waliaceburg, regional vice-presi- dent, Ontario Command. Resolutions were presented by Durward F. Preston, of Waterloo, district . deputy commander. Two Cup Winners At Bridge Club The curtain was rung down on the current Bridge Club season Thursday when a regular ganve with f“a tables in play was fol- lowed by a social gathering and a delicious lunch convened by Mrs. H. Crawford. The cups and prizes were pre- sented during lunch, for the pre- vious week, when the individual championship was played off in a two -night session, with nine ladies and seven men competing, The bop players were C. Hodgins and Mrs. G. Gannett (cup winners), and prizes were .also presented to the runner-ups W. H. French, Mrs, R. Dundas. H, Crawford and Mrs, H. Crawford, The highs for the evening's play were: No rth=S oath_Pdrst H. Spry Y r and H. Crawford; 2nd, Mrs. George Cameron, Sr., and Mrs. C. Hodgins. i:ast-West--First, A. Wilson, Mrs, G. Godkin; 2nd, Mrs. R, Dundas and Mrs. H. 'Fisher. FOR CARE -FREE DRIVING VISIT ARMSTRONG'S GARAGE FOR YOUR Spring Tune-up LET OUR WILLED MECHANICS PUT YOUR CAR IN TIP-TOP CONDITION AFTER TELE LONG WINTE1. MONTHS — AND AS AN AIDED FEATURE WE OFI'LR A FREE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT WITH OIL CHANGE AN1) GREASE JOB SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL SIZES OF TIRES . - - MhMniHJni J3ert Armstrong GARAGE YOUR STUDEBAKER LARK DEALER "WHERE X'Ot NEVER HAVE- TO IILOW YOUR HORN" PHONE 181 WINGHAM THE STUDENT CHOIR of Knox College, Toronto, and Presbyter- ian College, Montreal, will be in this area at the week -end. Thursday evening the group will be in Listowel, Friday in Luck-, now, Sunday morning in Kincardine, Sunday afternoon in Han. over and Sunday evening in Wingham Presbyterian Churches. Members are, back row, from the left, Glen Davis, Garry Mor- ton, John Congram; Robert Spencer, Desmond Howard; centre, Donald Cousens, Peter Ruddell, William• Russell, Clifford John- son, John Clarke; front, Peter McKague, Charles Scott, John Carr, Henry Rosevear, leader, Larry Paul, Craig Cribar, Graeme Duncan. PERSONALS 'r �+ y y�' atq,§ •f' <` Jn•.a" y 0° �a<t3 �YK Y�. v "y� i • —:Mr, and Mrs. James Gibbons and Sheila visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibbons in London. --Mr. and .dvlrs. Gordon Nethot'y and fancily of Edmonton leave to- day to return home after a two weeks' vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nethery of Belgrave and other relatives in the district. Mr, and Mrs. David Horwood and Peter spent Lhe Easter vaca- tion with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs..Erie Horwood, in 'Toronto — Pamela French of London is spending this week with her grand. parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1;i11 Hen der•son. - Mrs. Roy Bennett, Mrs. Lc( Vance and Miss Mae Williamson were judges (t1 the Calico Ball in Lucknow on Friday evening, which is sponsored by the Kairshea Wo men's Institute. -.-Miss Yvonne McPherson was in Chesley on Saturday to attend the Cumming . Elder wedding, —Mrs. L W. Merrick visited last Thursday with Mrs. N. A. Belfry of Walkerton. John Pattison, Kathy and Jim •visited with relatives in De- troit,,, and. Algonac, Mich., during the Master holidays. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. .Rutledge and son, Sandy, of Dixie, spent the week -end with Mr. .and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael. JohnCrawford 'Tuesday Cra rd � c left morning for Kamsaek, Sask., for the summer months to ,preach on the mission" field. --lvtr. (Ind Mrs. Charles Marlin arrived home from (Dalt on Satur- day after spending the winter with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Martin, ---Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bennett and fancily spent, the week curl with Mr. and Mr's, Alun Walker in Ow- en Sound. --Little Billy Ftapson, son of Mr. and Mrs. (lord Relearn hirci his ton. s re novecl in Wingham Hospital ails 7 b on rues,rlay morning. --Luther G, Kerr of Montreal. Douglas Colin Kerr Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hennsey of London, Mr, amid 1ti's. Robert herr and children of Stayner, Mr. and Mrs Jack Kerr of Bluevalc, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Moore and Blaine, of Wingham, visited over the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Derr, Minnie St. --Mrs. George Webster and son, John, of Halifax, arrived .home on Monday to spend a few months with her parents, Mr, enc! Mrs. Hugh Sinnamnn, rviinnie St. Mr. Webster, is spending the summer months in H.M.C.S. Athabaska, - -Misses Janette Henderson and Ruth Hotchkiss visited in Toronto during the Easier holidays with Mr. Donald Henderson, Mi. moil .11ra. J,arry Wenger and family were in London at the weelc.encl, where they attended Ile Walsh -Litt wedding at Trinity Lu- theran Cltureh on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Scott, Ntut- t•y and I•iank of I3raeehridge and Miss Siindra Dunbar of Stratford visite.! Laster wec'lc with Mr. and Mrs..Walter Lockr'iclge. Mr. and 'Mrs. John (intuit and Mr. and Mrs. flet Marsh spent Sal. urday in Toronto and attended! the Casemorc - Harvey wedding in the 'Yotgc St. Tin iterl Church. Peter Nesmith, student at Queen's University, and son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Nesmith of Wing ham, left on Monday from 'Mallon for Royal Roads Tri -Services Col -1 lege at Victoria, 13.0., where he will be stationed for the next five i weeks with the R.C.N. • Mrs. Homey Bedford, Mr. unci Rev, IVlrs, Fred cl RRichardson,I.c and 'Mrs. Harold Parr and Mr, Bob Crawford of Toronto spent .Mow day with Mr. and Mrs, J. TI ford Fund Mr. ani Mrs. J. R. Lloyd. • LAWN BOWLERS MEET TO ELECT OFFICERS A bowlers' meeting was held al the home of the president, Mrs. J. P. Alexander, 'rhe reports of the year were read and a new state of officers was brought in. Mrs, L. Patterson was elt'etr'd president; first vire, Mrs, John Finnegan; seeond vice, Mrs, Lloyd Elliott; secretary, Mrs. (1, Mac. Kay; treasurer, Mrs, (i, (1odkin; tournament eontmittee, Mrs. Jet t Derr, Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and Mrs. H. Edwards; publicity, Mrs. Gordon Gannett and Mrs. P. Clutter; jitney comm., Mrs, Midler Davis, Mrs. s. P. Cotter Mrs,J. VaCInt rand Mrs. l Alexander. New bowlers are welcome and are invited to the club. There are always bowls available at the r,1 to house and the foes are reasonable Win Zone 'Trophy at Walkerton. Alley About 35 members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion attended a bowling tournament in Walkerton last week, There were 41 entries and nor of the five Wingham teams was in fourth place and won the Zone 01 trophy. The team members were Mrs, Mac Peachy, Mrs. John Strong, Mr's. leek Orvls, Nkt•rr, tinh Irwin, Mrs, Harold Remington mid Mrs. Helen (Tnseniore, lvlrs, W. J-logg and Mrs, lien S•inanons were winners of door prizes. Rath-Youngblut Wedding 1 A F':a.;saz woman tells of going ' to a :city to attend a cattlemen's convention. Determined to have something unusual to wear, she made it blouse and embroidered on it every cattle board she knew. In tate hotel where the cattle folks alayed, silt.; waited while her Bowling Notes Men's; Town League The Rockets and Burkett met. on Monday night to play on for Ilan Burke Electric Trophy in the, fin - After the first two games there (vas only a 20 Iain difference in their totals, but the Rockets, led by Mac Ritchie really carne to life and rdet•ent.ed Barites 3172 to 21138. l Mae had high triple for the night With 749 and Ditto high single of 316. Congratulations to the itoekets who finished the season In last p1 accbut carne m t o life in the play- offs. pla .offs. Next Monday will finish things up for the year with the banquet and presentation of trophies, Lnride:shoro United Church was the sceneof a colorful Easter wed- ding on SaLw da.y, April 21, at 2 p.m. when Yvonne Catherine ,Jane, yo.tngr•st daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence: Rath, 1L.R. 1, L-'elgrave, became the bride of James Lyle Yottngblut, son of Mr, and Mrs. Nlajor Youngbhet, R.R. 1, Attburo. The church •et'n4 decorated with yellow and mauve ehrysa(ilhemurns and white Easter lilies. The double. ring veru::*many was performed by the Itcv. ,f. '1'• Whitt' rf Springfleld, formerly of Londeshoro. Tra- tdnntl wedding muw - wee provided by •Misr, Barbara Snell of Londes- bore,.who accompanied the solo- ist, (rr'ar'tnc MacDonald of J3rt,'t. sets, nnir.,in of the groom, who sang ."!lir hand's 'Prayer" and the "Wed- ding Prayer". it.scorl:ed by her father iii-irtw, the bride ware a floor -length gown of nylon nut and b'l'ench lace over satin, with long lily point sleeves, Sweetheart neckline and fitted dice outlined with seed pearls and sequins. Her elbow -length veil fell from a hand -beaded tiara of Gre- cian scroll design in culwork with simulated pearls. She carried a Cascade of yellow 508e5 centred with a mauve orchidd. She wort a sterling silver and criitured pear necklace and ntatehirrg earrings. gift of the bridegroom. She, was attended by het' sister Mrs. Karl Whitfield of Blyth, els 'maid of honor, who wore it tareet length gown of orchid organza French With a. 1 rr.nvh Tarr bodice, •Ind carried a nosegay of yellow cdta'yt anti cmums, The Gor- don ht, bridesmaids + Mrs, C,or- a'cis wore M. don Howatt of Auburn, and Mrs. 1',ena'l Radford of Londesboro. sisters of the bride. They wore Photo by McDowell similarly styled gowns of orchid or- irnzawith French lace bodice and carried nosegays of yellow chrys- anth mums. Vicki Radford of J.,ondesboro, niece of the bride, was flower girl, wearing a yellow organza street - length gown toil carried a nosegay of yellow chrysanthemums. Lonnie Whitfield of Blyth and Kevin Howatt 01 Auburn, nephews of tate bride, were ringbenu•ers, .tvfr, Lynn Y oungh.hd, of Toronto twin brother of the groom, , carts best inttit antd the ushers were • Gordon Howatt. of Aubut'n, bfother.in-law of the bride, and Russ Youngbiul of Brarnptoat, brother of the groom, • The wedding dinner was served in the church parlor which was de. coveted In nanuive and yellow sLt'eamer:a c..ttutlles and baskets o mauve and yellow ehrysaitthe- • Mu.trns and white )3itsler lilies, The. bride's !able was• centred with a three-tier wedding rake. The I bride's •mother received the guests 'Wearing a. cinnamon brown lace over aatin dress, with brown and gold accessories and a corsage 01 yellow roses. She was assisted -by the bridegr'oom's mother, who wore a: navy lace over satin dress with navy and pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For a wedding trip to centres In the United States, Northern On- tario and Quebec, the bride chose a gold and brown rayon crystalette - dress, honey beige coat, with gold , and brown accessories and co`r- sage of coppertone roses. Guests at the wedding were .from Galt, Toronto, 13rantford, B ramp- ton Tii' k cIn�, Burlington, Hen. sal, London, Seaforth, Wingham, Brussels, Auburn, Londesbor'o, grave and and Blyth. husbs,nd registered, t;otioing two Old cattlemen giving her blouse the once-over, Finally, one ,of theta reni'trited in a loud voice: "'That eater sue has changed hands a lot, ain't she':" 4q41111.c•,•+ewoa1.0./Mosa.rn+ro.,NKaro.sPaseeroars9+'>•f BARGAIN P1110 ON ROSE BUSUUES FOR OUTDOOR PLANTING We guaraantee Our price 011 tiieso well established roses to be outstanding value 79c or 3 for $2,19 HYBRID Vr1RIltilf1ES in real, pink, yellow, white and reef gold, .$141111.0V ' DA varieties its pink, white and real. Compare the price and the quality before you buy. Ltinelt bush i;; pruned ready for planting and conies to you tagged with variety and colour, plus brief planting instructions. LEWIS FLOWERS PHONE 101 - WE DELIVER 25-2b I. i QOCT •>`. va--"mL:Insnm,1�o25amtlC�lSasc�LCaneua�n - , —: � ...• �7 Armhamonior Ria Front Grocery Phone: Our .Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Del Monte TOMATO CATSUP, 11 -oz. .6,11.6,D DEIL MONTE-45-oz. Pineapple and, Grapefruit DRINK 3/$1.00 SURF Powdered Detergent, 37c off . . King 99c Chocolate, White, Banana or Honey Spice -1G -oz, Robin Hood Pouch Pack CAKE MIX ..4/ 39c Henley's Choice PEACHES, 28 -oz. ' 33c Aylmer Fancy BARTLETT PEARS, 15 -oz. .27c Smart's Fancy APPLESAUCE, 15 -oz. ...2/29c Smart's Choice Red RASPBERRIES, 15 -oz. .31c R,EDPAT'FI GRANULATED SUGAR 5 lbs. 41c Stokely's Fancy CREAM CORN, 10 -oz. ..2/33c Stokely's Fancy PEAS, 10 -ox. Libby's PORK and BEANS, 8 -oz Fresh PORK SPARERIBS BONiED AND TROLLED FRESH PORK LOIN lb. 69c 2/33c 2/27c lb. 53c (PLAIN OIt GARLIC) Maple Leaf BOLOGNA, 6 -oz. 19c York Frozen ORANGE JUICE, 6 -oz. ....2!37c York Fancy Frozen PEAS, 12 -oz. 2/41c York Fcy. Frozen STRAWBERRIES, 15 -oz.. 39c 1'ILASER VALE -24 -oz. Frozen FISH .and CHIPS 55c• (MAKES 2 if, QTS. WHOLE MILK) MUL'T-MILK; 32 -oz. 45c Florida Green Pascal CELERY, 30's 251: SWEET AND JUICE' Florida ORANGES; 252's 2 doz. 69c 4 r t 'n.4.„.1•1•osaMEeemo...Po.mo..uanEN.n.amo„empu.0.o•111.„0110o411•11eanse.Mo...na -owwsini from Sprin th_ rou -h Summer 1T'orr the man who loves to relax SPORT PANTS -- Good quality slim slacks.of washable cottons 'in plain shades or sin!art checks. Price—$4.95, $5.95 and $6.95 JACKETS -- Fancy or conservative — there's a style for every taste, • ' Priced frolrt--$9.95 SPORT SHIRTS and "T" SHIRTS — A handsome selection of short sleeve sport shirts, Stanfield's famous "Grand Sihcnt" golfers shirt, and a very smart selection of 'Lain Lott" r"1" shirts. 5 � Priced at—$4.00, $5.00 & 17.9a i WHITE SHIRTS, Short Sleeves Dress Shirts by Arrow and Forsyth, shade frolrt a cool, coiit- rottable porosis cotton with short sleeves for lout weather arrear. Price—$4.00 EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited "THE FRIENDLY STORE 1