HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-02, Page 11f • '1l'hc1 1Ving9rs►;rfli Adyanoe-Tirrles, yi'ednes sty, slttay.2, iIi).r„ PAP 'l1lov*+0 CORDUROY TENNIS SHOES. (,i.OW!NC CIRLS' $1.98 and $2.98 C'(IJ;ORFI — White, Blaelf, Green, Ciotti WINNGHAM LAN YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE r'irst .T;urgier: "Come on, let's flour,. up and see how much wu couples Bowl UI node on this haul," The regular meeting of the Pres- byterian Couplers' Club was held In. last Tuesday evening with a good the attendance. The night was spent at the howling alley. Mr, and Mrs. Mac Ritchie won the high prizes. A delicious lunch was served in the Sunday school rooms after the bowling, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Me- Kaguo and Mr, and 'Mrs. Redmond 1VfeDonaldl were in charge, Second C3tu•gler: "Shoaled tired, Let's wait and look in morning, papers." KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE PHONE - DIAGONAL ROAD WiN(HAIVI Filling ',station attendant:. "Mad- am, yqur gas_ tank is empty." Woi in 1 motorist: "Will it hurt the scar, to drive It home that way?" ask your ORUGG/ST for, �, NIXON'S PELLAG EX -f'or. Suckling ;P/G'..5 ✓ STOPS SCOURS PREVENTS IRON DEFICIENCY Y✓ CONTROLS SCURFINESS INSORES'ror WEIGHT GAINS PELLACREX PASTE THE SAFE NAY 1O IRON YOUR I'LOS. NIXON LABORATORIES LTD. ORA!:W¢VII,I.I$. ONT. Mcl(ibbons Pharmacy PHONE 53 - WJN(.HA:II Around the Fire kali The firemen and their wives en- joyed a pot luck supper in the fire hall on Saturday evening. Turkey with all the trimmings, pie, cake and tarts were served cafeteria style by the ladies on the social. committee. The evening was. spent in playing euchre and the, prize for high lady was won by Mrs. M. Willie. High score for the men was held by Norman Cronkw'right; low lady, 112rs. W. Bain; low .man, Lorne Gardner. The draw., prize was won by Mrs. Gortlon Watwoud, This event ended the social eve- nings until fall, 0-0-0 Gordon Welwood may start to teach the game of euchre to a couple who played • against him on Saturday night: They burst need it, with a score of exactly nothing. Phew! 0 - 0 - 0 Bob Sinnamon leti$ nothing atop him when the siren sounds. He rY AS NEAR as your p lenty of sires H aving 'top ratings 0 n type andprcotlijction N ow available to E .very farmer', For service or information weekdays call from 7:30-9:30 start. for Sunday service •call Saturday eve 6-8 p.m.—co CLINTON OFFICE, ZENITH 9=5650 or TEESWATE-R. COLLECT 392=7332 Waterloo Catlle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" 1 PHONE 1 NOTE ,CHANGE OF DATE MONS BROOM SAE THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 3rd klons Club will canvass the tows : in the sale of brooms, made by the -Blind Iuwl ed at the hail in lois seeks tU JUNIORS ROUND UP' lowing a recent alaran. That's the U U spirit! R -(1-A Alvin Seli turns his dog loose for The W)ngbam Junior' Bowling League held a two.day tournament on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week at the Wingham Bowling Lanes. The League winners rcceivl':t special championship crests. The tournament winners received bow ling ball banks and the runners-,ip won bowling -pin thermometers. High single and high douhle win nets were presented with silver cups. Special award crests were pre sented for high single and high double for the season's bowling. They went to Linda Templeman, Teddy Ahara, Barry Conran and Bill Brown. Hot clogs and chocolate milk were served after bowling. Bantam (First Division) League winners, Tigers: John Deneau, Mark Fisher, Bill Brown, Frances White, Barb Hethering ton, Jane Ann Nethery. Tournament winners, Coons: Sal ly Lou Elliott, Gail Irvine, Lenny Johnston, Janice Carter, 1) o n Shropshall. Runners-up, Wolves: David Bal ser, Donna Wallace, Cathy Millar, Patti King. High single, Ann Ewing; .high double, Donna Wallace; high single Lpl Hollenheck; high double, Bill Brown. Bantan1 (Second Division) League champs, Greens: J3rencht Wallace, Donald Collar, Catharine Wenger, Richard Wharton, Linda Hutton, 'Bill Strong. Tournament champs, Reds: Clary Brcnzi1, Li11(111 Parrish, Gall Gan nett, Lyle Ann Hickey, George Wel rvoorl, Mary Ann Cruickshank. Runners up, Whites: Bill Puller, Julie Adams, Larry Gordon, Susan Currie, Marilyn Strong, High singles, Barb Dauphin, Lar ry Gorcl; high doubles, Mary Ann Cruickshank, Gary Bauer, Tnnior Boys and Oh'ls League champs, Buzzards: Doug Mowbray, .Anne McMibbon, Peter Callan, Anne Meyer, Doug Gamer on, Barb Henry. Tournament champs, Owls: Brian Cronkwright, Morris Bannerman, Patsy Walker, Debbie Foxton, Don. ald Collar. Runners-up, Eagles: Brenda I -Tali, Wendy Cronlcwright, Dean Balser. Don Rae, Neil Renwick, High singles, Debbie h'oxton, holt Goy; high doubles, Brenda Nall, Don Rae. • Junior Men nand Ladies League champs, Orioles: Jon Bateson, Jane Ann Colvin, Tom Deyell, Jeanette Henderson, Susan Reynolds, Karen Cantclon, Wil1' Caskanette. • ' Tournament champs, Dodgers: Robert Campbell, Barbara 'Camer- on, Bob Angus, spare, Bill Brown. Runners-up, Phillies: }3arhara Hall, Judy Brunton (spare), Brent :Davidson, John Bannerman. High singles, Linda Templl•initn, Dick Scott; high doubles, Barbara Cameron, I3ob Angus, HOWLING SEASON a run. In a few minutes comes the wall of the fire siren. _Alvin runs, Peg runs --both On the same piece of ground, Alvin and dog bite the .dust: Conclusion; Dog better join fire dept. and get Pro- per instruction, I)-.0, Norman Anger Is a busy man' these days, what with his ,own. work, answering fire calls and be» ing a new father, Congratulations! 1)x•0.0 The firemen held their regular meeting on Monday evening with Bill Bain as chairman and 13' members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ad- opted. A letter of appreciation from OKNX was read, thanking the fire department for their of-, forts at the recent fire, Resigna- tions of Keith Johnston and Emer- son. Hickey were accepted. Applications for two new fire- men will be accepted by any mem- ber of the brigade. A lengthy discussion as to the best way to refinish the main hall• floor was held. It was left'to the hall committee to obtain profes- siopal advise. :ft was also decided 10 tile the washroom floor. • 0.0-0 Just :a reminder to those who: have not been attending the Fire M.arsteal's schools on Monday nights ---you are missing some valli- able lnforra.at:ion anti 4;M/fling. 0-0-0 Dilr'ing.the month of .A.pri1 the brigade answered '13 calls tq the rural area, and three rolls in town. (1-0-0 A11 fii'ehlen are urged_ to lend a hand With the work. a.rntand the fire hail (luring the coming months. Let's show our pride in .our br•igede. and property, 0-0-0 Training nn 2Vfondey nights can- ing will be ladder and hose lays Wednesday nights will be for re- view of past training, and refresher practice. 0-0-0 Next regular rneetin8' May 28th at 7 o'clock sharp. B LA. LAB for Canada's Best -Selling Beer-- just eer-- (ju t about everybody likes Black Label ONT. RECREATION HILL CONRON PRESY FOR SECOND YEAR W, B, Conron of Wingharn con mences his second year as president of the Ontario Recreation Associa- tion, following that organi'zation's annual convention at Pott Arth- ur last: week. Walter T-Jnl cis, of Peterborough WITS (.1108011 a Xt.(Ittive vice-president l'ur 1002, Mrs. .Harold Wild or Winghnrn also attended the 0onfer(nt(. One of the important devisioln of the conferenee wa8 In regard to recreational arliviiies for the in dian population of the province. TI was generally agreed that a pro gram, of activity which would ial- eliide Indians would be of great. assistance In integrating the na- tive population with the rest 01. the Canadian eonlmlttrity. Delegates henrd. add 11.8808 Mitr- ing the sessions from Saul Laskin, Mayor of Port Arthur, W. 13, ('on con, president of O.R.A., Clifford 1Vielniosh, direetor 01' the Qui, - ilea Conference a n dl Training Centre; H. E. Thomas, supervisor of Special Services, Community Programmes Branch, Ontario be par.tment of Education; }Tarry Pat' - sons, Lakehead. Planning Director; and Ross Strike, Q.C., chairman of Ontario Hydro Commission. In their remarks. speakers r4.: SOME OF THE WINNERS of the Junior Men's and Ladies' League at the tournament on Wed- nesday were Judy Brunton, Robert Campbell, Brent Davidson, Barbara Hall and John Banner man. High single and high double winners are seated in front, Bob Angus, Dick Scott, Barb Cameron bnd Lincla Tefnpleman—Aclvanre- Times photo. fcrred frequently to the rapid ex- pansion of leisure time in modern living, and the need for creative lenriership in providing programs and facilities in order that devel- opment or the individual he en- e0nraged. 111 an afternoon study session, delegates dispersed into five isenl.- inar groups to eon.slder the topics of Employee ReereittiOn, Finaneing Reereataon, Philosophy and Train- ing of Recreation Committee Mem. hers, Legislation for Recreation and The Indian and the Commun- ity, Each of the carefully prepared presentations drew lively participa- tion and discussion. Chairman of the eonl'erence was the outgoing executive viol presi. dent, Ur, S. F. Maine, London. Pro- gram chairman was Rev. Russell Peden of Trinity United Church, Port Arthur and co-ordinator for the host city was Ray Wittenberg, director or recreation rm. Port Arthro', "But my dear madam, there's no use consulting me about your husband, I vooldn't possibly handle his ease." "And why couldn't you, doctor?" "Why, you know from my sign that I'm not a physician, I'm a vet- erinary surgeon, a horse doctor." "That's just why I came to you. My husband 18 a chronic •kicker,'' • Cec. Folding Aluminum AWNINGS w FLOOR WALL TILES a� Aluminum SASH DOORS :ac LUMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham GIANT FARM MACHCNU:RY AUCTION HUND1.EDS OF Tractors, Trucks and Farm Implements All Sizes, Ages and Models 0 LEADING AUCTIONEERS SELLING WED, MAY 16, 1962 1.0 a.m. sharp SALES MONTHLY AT Cor. No. 5 Highway & 7th Line, OAKVILLE, Ont. OPPOSITE HAYS SALES ARENA National Farm Machinery Sales R. R.1,OAKVILLE, ONT. PHONE 845-7187 YOUR GRAIN plus SHUR-GAIN DAIRY CONCETh!tTS WILL HELP INCREASE YOUR DAIRY HERD PROFITS Grains are high in Energy but low in other essential nutrients. Shur -Gain Dairy Concentrates are specially formulated to supplement your •grain, by pi °viclirrcl these other essential nutrients thus enabling your herd to obtain nl.udntuari value from your grains. Shur -Gain Dairy Concentrates makes your grains complete and balanced in every way. In addition they supply.a high level of Vitamin A to promote in- creased rumen bacteria activity, permitting more efficient digestion and release of maximum nutritive values from roughages also. 'rhe result ... your home grown feeds become more valuably to you for low cost milk production and body maintenance. Drop in ... let's talk about your herd ... your milk proclurtion and profits. PitEE1 There's a brand-new, easy -to -read "Custom Mix" folder waiting l'or on at our mill, Phis folder is jam -peeked %OM facies and figures to help you get profitable results. CONCCNTRATF Wingham Feed Mill PHONE 142 WINGEfAM