HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-02, Page 8rho Toot The whiohin Adyhhro„Thpes, Wednesday, May a, 19(il Bowlers Hold &dire Party • 140WIL held a r.iflt", :a OW l44LI1101 chambers on afontitey evening when there were • Piblea10 plaY. Passes Exams 1 Terry Nethery reeeivca word this week that htwas stiecessful 111 passing the .1.:'ialalltatallasJL the 1/11 - /Mal Dairy School, I.11'1 at the thi- tart° Agrieultiltai college in Maas Anna Shortreed bad the Calellth. score for hallen and Ai) Neth yam the priao for Melt. Maa. t:ortion tatimett. was the prig(' Win. iler tor the lady playing as tA. Ciimolalitni winners Were Mric Terry was atItaN for thrta uO HIS 1413.011a arse :,(141 10 IOW thiN Caution Matta. end I.sralak MeCor a Ionia Mrs. George Drelintatta WW1 CONsrulivLs RA\ • •r 1 I saera Mia A. la1011. Mrs. (UI)1pliLL'IM BILL $111( heattalaes for the evening Ail nAv al a. 1: Lloyd and Mrs- , pit. fsisTERs sao, aala ••;.", latraaata=Zataasaliamisamminasamamiligal KNOW YOUR CANDIDATE tt WNIE' Drive-in An aftermani addr 'as la Prem. - -,.......a.• ....... a I ler John P. Roberts an. his'lev.. I Recently a member of one of Rock", was shown. Raw. David ition keynote soerch 'as. Prime Min , the Uncommitted Nationn' Cont.- ister John Diefenbaker will bigh- mittetts Is rtatorted to have said to Trafford of Menford pronomieed light the all day met tine of the a Canadian Observer at the United the benediction, 1 Western Ontario Progressive Con, . :a:aloes Aasembly, "There was a 14ANY ATTEND RALLY AT IIAPTIS1 CHURCH Wingham Baptist Church tea: filled with 0I nig lymph. from Co, lingwood, Meaford, Owen Sound. Hepworth, Hayfield anti Wanganui' on Friday evening for a Young People's rally. Rev. Erie Penny of Collingwood was chairman. Reg. Collar. tleaeon of the Winghant Churela ententled words weleomt. and the Scalp. tare Was read by Rev. Ellin (hist of Hepworth. Paul and Carta fenny of (Salleg. wood sang u duet and a brass trio from Olivet Baptist. 'II mai 10 Mea ford gave two seleetions Mem bers of the trio were Douglas Ito bertson, Bruce Emery and John Ford. An hourdong film. "Teen Ag fie servative Assteaatien in Loial.at THEA PRA, Landed on Saturday. CLINTON - 'ONTARIO Nightly. Rain or Clear 1111 (11 a • wider 12 in ears Free MAY 3-4 — Double Bill — "GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN" (Colour) ,Taita Darren - Deborah Walley "ALL THE YOUNG MEN" Ladi - Sidney Peltier (Cartoon) SAT. -MON. MAY 5-7 — Double Bill — 'THREE CAME to KILL' Cameron IVfitchell. "The GREAT ST. LOUIS BANK ROBBERY" ,Adult Entertainment) flteve McQueen -' David Clark (Cartoon) TI )4. -WED, • MAY 8-9 "DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS" (Colour). (Adult. Entertainment) Robert Preston Dorothy McGuire - Eve Arden (Cartoon) , - Mere titan ((1(1 (4.111;101.s. rcpt." I senting 23 Western Ontario rid. ings, are expeeted to invade laaa don for the day. in addition to the general meeting during the aft, noon, at which Premier Roberts is expected to give an ;wasn't of 1111 first legislative session as head of the Ontario government. there wal. be a womea s meeting and a gen eral meetingof the Young Progrea sive Conservatives of Wcstern Oe. tario. The women's meeting. whieh will take the form of a limeheon at the Hotel London, will be presided over by President Mrs. Charles C. Kay of Windsor. The guest speaker will be Ald. Mrs. Cameron H. Mont rose, also of Windsor. The YPC's are to bold their ses- sion in the auditorium of the Lon- don Public Library. During the generai meeting, Pr.., sident P. A. Ballachey of Lb ton - ford will deliver his report and pte_ side over the discussion of reaolu tions. Election of a president, sec- retary and six district victapreaa dents will round out the afternoen. The closing dinner at 6 p.m. will be over in time for the delegaata, to board buses for the London Ar- ena, where Mr. Diefenbaker will make his first public appearaata. in London :drive announcement of the general election three weeks ago. IlfTWAAMMAIMMEMINAWiftWAITMAINATUTaNNTOTNTOTillOT IT'S GO TO THE MOVIES CA " 1T0L LIST W E THEATRE DRIVE-IN LISTOWEL THEATRE : To inereaste your enjoyMent arrange to see each feature front Ithf' taThiniag Wmww THTTR.-10111.-SAT. MAY 3-4-5 DEBBIE REYNOLDS in "SECOND TIME AROUND" eln ero aSe ope Color .PIus—DOLEING with SAM SNEAD tat show 7.30, 2nd 9.20 2 MON.-TrIES.-WED, MAY 7-8-9 (TITAN FORD and DONALD O'CONNOR in "CRY FOR HAPPY" CinernaSeope Color c This story takes place in Japan and t is designed strictly for laughs Admission 65e Free- Public School Students and infants in cars free when accom- panied by an adult Box Office opens at 8 p.m. First show at dusk. Two shows nightly • rain or clear 111 1TR.S.-Fft I. MAS' 3-4 "RING OF FIRE" Color Adult Entertainment SAT. -MON. MAY 5-7 Family Entertainment ROBERT MITCHUM, DEP,ORAH KERR in "THE SUNDOWN= ERS" Color TUES.-WED, a1AY 8-9 ALDO RAY, RAYMOND MASSEY jTl "THE NAKED ANI) THE DEAD" time here in the United Nations when to VIM•ry q11eSt1071 that Mall. up the delegates would tisk 'What does Canada think?' fo • slay they couldn't care. less." This represents the tragie decline in Canada's influence in world of fairs from the all-time high when Lester 11. Pearson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his lead- ership for peace among the na, dons of the world. Today we are told by lo'clers of the Communist and non-Communist world alike that, we are on the brink of nuc- lear war. Nuclear war could mean, not only Continental devastation, but Global destruction and there is no defence once the die is cast and someone. either by accident or de- sign. pushes the button that un- leashes the holocaust of annihila- tion. You and I here in Welling- ton -Huron have a stake in the ue- vision that affects ourselves, our children and generations yet un- born. This is no time to be vacil- lating in our alliances and commit- ments. There is safety in sanity alone, and our strength lies in co- operation and unity with all free- dom -loving people coupled with the determination to see that there will he no spread of nuclear weapons beyond those Nations who already possess them. Is this an impossible objeetive? Not if the free people of the world realize that our problems brought about by the materialistic thinking of both the communist and the non-communist nations cannot be resolved by the force of nuclear weapons. Eleanor Roosevelt said recently that in her visit to the Soviet Un- ion she noted little difference be- tween the materialism of Russia and the U.S.A. Harry Truman is reported to have said, "We are doomed !unless we have a spiritual re awakening." Are these people visionary or are! they closer to the truth than most people are willing to admit? Winston Churchill, in the darkest hour of England -s his• tory, called.for a day 02 prayer ana the miracle of Dunkirk was the answer. Abraham Lincoln, in the days when civil war was rending the nation he loved, said, "Many times I have been forced to my knees by the knowledge that I had nowhere eliw to go." "Is it not time we mustered all our resources, spiritual as well as material to meet the challenge of communism? Canadians have never defaulted on their obligations and responsibili- ties, nor have we ever expected someone else to carry our load. Canada must use all her influence to help resolve the differences that are constantly bringing the Com- munist and Free World into con- flict and in trying to understand the insecurity and fear that lies behind much of the sabre -rattling of the Soviet Union. To quote Lester B. Pearson in closing, "In that spirit we need not despair of the future. We must not forget that the strength of the potential aggressor is based solely 00 materialism. We must, in short. got out of our foxholes of fear and defeatism, and go on the kind of political, economic and, above all, spiritual offensive that alone can win victory over the dark forces that confront us. Color CinemaSeope FRED G. BECK 11C11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111411111111111111.310 1/1.1ii iiMilan (Paid policital advertisement) III: tII111011111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lIgli111111/1 I 1 1I:14 lila 1 1111 0111 111 l:11'011 11M111110111111111111111111111111111111111 101 fil en 101 101 Fe 2' ted ric 3, lot ur 3, ral 3,2 ind 1: 11. Nit 0 AR THEAT CROWN or WE II e•Tift TR.-FRI. -SA T. MAY 2-3-4-5 "POCKETFULL OF MIRACLES" in CinetriaScope and Color Winner of three Academy awards - Starring Glenn Ford and Hope Lange Just wonderful entertainment Shows at 7 and 9.15 p.m. (Please note change from, monthly program) MON.-TUES.-WED. "THE X15" MAY 7-8-9 in CitteInaScope and Color If you like aeroplanes you will love this one. Actually filmed in space. Showa al 7.15 atol 9.15 RIVE -IN Operating Friday and Saturdays only until May 18th FRIDAY - SATURDAY 51AY 4-5 "JOORNEY TO THE SEVENTH PLANET" • TAKAZAM THE MEAT" Both in Color 13 lail,liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIiiillailhilllilliiliiiii1111111411111111411,1111111111111111111111,11111111isillatilltlihilifiallaillitiiitaisliniallalilialhailaliiiillil Marathon Bridge Season Concludes The final game for the marathon bridge parties, whieh were spon- sored by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital, \VOA held on Friday night in the voun- cil chambers and prizes for the season's play were awarded. These games were played in the ;After- noons and evenings in the homes during the winter months and are a source of social Intercourse as well as adding more than $200 to the Auxiliary funds, For the afternoon, the prizes went to Mrs, J, H. Crawford with a score of 19,200, and Miss C. Isbis- ter with 18,500. For the evening games, first was taken by Mrs. Don I Kennedy, 16,130 and second by Mrs. E. Webster, 15,990. Mrs. Elwood Armitage secured the prize for Friday evening and a mystery parcel went to Mrs, Wil- fred Henry. # arara^:_rar".ar--1---'711 This is an idea1 time of the year to take indoor pictures of your pet. Whether it'S dog. cat, goldfish or what-have.you, your pet belongs in the family's snapshot album. Pet pictures are fun to take, and a bit of planning will give good results. Remember that pictures of pets have genuine "human intereat". As s 'eh, they should tell a a try and capture natural expressiona. A shot of your dog "discovering" the warm stove, your eat playfully pawing his playmate's head, or your budgie feeding from your daughter's hand Iu•se are just a ft•w of the pew. First. choose a plain background, one that will not detract from the subject. A wall is as good a back- ground as any, especially if its color contrasts with the animal's coat, Pets aren't always patient. So before you call yours onto the scene, arrange any props -a favor- ite toy or bowl of milk, for ex -- ample. that will give him an alert, intelligent expression. You may a1. so wish to have 11 friend attract his attention in the desired di. reetion, by malting a (10150. Get down to your pet's eye level and keep as close as possible. In contrast, a shot from you. waist or your eye level, will provide little more than a picture of your. an1. mal's head. Try to show your pees person- ality and intelligence. Recall his antiem and expressions, and try for that in the picture, If you watch for humor in his actions you won't have to worry about posing --he'll take care of that; himself. Just fo- pcular scyour camera on the spot where the action is most likely to 1111(1' Be ready to shoot at a moment's 4" A whole generation of Canadians has grown up believing that it a cruel and inhumane thing to pat a banana in the refrigerator! Now comes a qualifying statement from the big banana shippers: "When bananas have reached the stage of ripeness which you prefer, then it is quite permissible to plens. them in the refrigerator in order to keep them for 2 or 3 days. The skin will turn dark after such re_ frigeration." That figures. Many fruits reach perfection while on the tree, A ba nana is one of the fruits which keeps better and tastes better it picked rriature-green, then ripener! in the controlled atmosphere of specially constructed ripening rooms. These rooms providn just the right moisture and warmth to develop the sweetness and smooth texture that puts bananas among the top three best-selling fruits in Canada. While ripe bananas with dark skins may not look as glamor(' is In the fruit bowl, they're perfeet in all kinds of dishes sitch UN UM banana salads Mid desserts withal follow, Bettialia. SnIn II Head lettuce 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon milk 4 medium bananas 1. cup minced dried beef or Pool:. ed lIlini Fresh parsley Arrange lettuce nu f; flail plates. Mix mayonneliae with milk, Cut bananas into one-ineh (hunks. Dip in mayonnaise and talon roll in mineral dried beef or cooked hiun, Arrange 5 pieces 31(('''4(5on each serving. -Garnish will fresh oars- iaaa Yield 4 servings. Banamt Appleaattee Cake 36 graham erackers 3 coos applesauve 4 medium bananas 1.12 cup heavy craam 1 tablespoon anger 1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extritet Sliced bananas for garnish Caround nutrneg Arrange 7 graham (gloaters in the bottom of a I O•x6x2 inch baking dish. Cover with a half ineli layer of applesaure. Top with layer of bananas sliced in quarter 111011 thick pieeea, Refrigerate ore. (111(1 a hall' to two hours. Just, before serving, combine cream, sugar anol vanilla extract. Whip until ertatto stands 111 soft. peaks. Spread over top of 11(1(1(1! 1(8 St-rve tleaatal garnimbe•d with ',Heed lailiatair 11101 dash of ground 11(1100 8. Yield, 8 servinga. l'ainatia Angel (ado. 2 tablespoons sugar •1/2 ttaistanni pure vaunt)" extract 1 eup hettsy ertstm 2 medium lamilime, An(/('l Pow' val(v. ldponge cake Combine sttgat00(111311 raStaael and caeam 111 2 hOWI. boat Eye Surgery Many eye infections whichused to lead inevitably to blindness can now be successfully corrected or their progress arrested by eye Kit gym They include detachment of the retina, the signs of which may flashes of light or the sudden appearance of dark spots In the Vh11011; the growth of Immure within the eye (this may happen at any age although it is most com- mon among children under four); and danmge to the cornea mused by InfectIOna, areldenta ehemical burna, oft., which enn frequently he remedied by corneal grafting, The Ontario Safety League warns early fishermen of the hazards of boating at this seation of the year. Cold water, uncertain weather and heavy elothing makes it mseessary to take extra precautions. Never load your boat to capaeity. Be 81) ('1' there is a Government Approved life jacket in good condition for each passenger -and Wear them. •- rotary beater mail it 'dandle in soft peaks. Vold 111 sliced bantinam tuna aerve over alive!' of angel or apenge ealte. 1.1erlYes 6. notice, And shoot a whole series of pictures to be sure of getting some excellent results, eNT11 if a few fumbles do mourn Shooting ineloorn, small probably want flashbulbs. With flush, seni can capture action when 11(11! where it happens. You'l be able to "stop" any normal position. One final tip: Reward your pet during, and after, picture -taking. A tidbit offered during shooting will perk up his ears, make his tail wag and brine; on a familiar expression, STUDENTS TO SING AT ST. ANDREW'S The theological students' choir of Knox College, Toronto, and Pres byterfan College, Montreal, is mak ing a singing and recruitment tour of various Presbyterian churches In the Lake Huron and Georgian Bay emu.' of Ontario. The oho. will sing at as service in St. And rew's Presbyterian Church on Sim day, May ath. at 7.30 p.m.' All of the young men are univer- sity graduates and are engaged either in theological studies or have already graduated and are appoint ed to various mission fields across Canada; The members of the choir are especially desirous of meeting young people of all denominations who may be interested in Christian service in the ministry, in the order of deaconesses or in overseas mis •sionary work, The leader of the .choir is Henry Rosevear, F.C.C.O. F.T.C.L., organist and choir master of Glenview Presbyterian Church. Toronto, and lecturer in church .music and hymnology ztt Knox Col lege, University of Toronto. The choir will be accompanied by Rev. C. Ritchie Bell, B.A., D.D., Lord Strathcona Professor of Pastoral Theology and Homiletics at Pres byterian College, Montreal, NE SCHEDULE AT POST OFFICE There have been some ('1)0 11"8 In the receipt and deapateb of MARS at the Whielnan post +drive for the period of DaYliglit Saving itevording to an 11341101111(49 171011t, 210011'iS1 tilili Wevh from 110 no:Amu:der, Gordon aititeliffe. The morning' mall front all points except Kincardine is due tt1 21, r riN at 8,45 a.m. About (1)11, hour 121 ry (11(1 red to sort tills mail. Mall from Toronto and pOints beyond, London, Stialforti. Clinort and eonnecting points is (ha' at 2 p.m, The mall from 101cardille other paints to Wliam)» in Chip at 2 pan, also. Mail from Palmerston, 1,1:d00e1, 4. Brussels (4.0., is due at 3 p.m. and from Harriston, etc., 111 4 p.m, A second mail from )(Metalline, etc Is due at 5.35 p.m. Outgoing moil to Kincardine is cloand at 7,45 it.m. and 1,30 p.m. To Clinton, Stratford, London, Toronto and connecting points at 1.30 p m. and 4.413 p.m. To Llstowel, Paimerstoo, etc, at 3 p.m. To Harriston, etc., at 4 p.m, Large mailers are requested to send their mall to the post °Mee several Limes a day and othel 8 are revested to mall well in advanee of the elosing times lo avoid un necessary delay In the despateli of your mail, Please clip this schedule for future reference. Delightful fruit salad dressing can be made by using whipped cream, Simply blend a little fruit juice and honey with a third cup mayonnaise. Combine with 0110 c'up whipped cream. Serve. 0 - 0 - 0 Poultry is relatively inexpensive, therefore serve it often, suggests the Food Department of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. This gives you a chance to try different kinds of stuffings. Diced celery and pared chopped apples may be added to the cubed bread for a moist ,iress- ing. ECCA • Fast healing for CUTS, BURNS, ISOILS, INFECTIONS Soothing Antiseptic Huy Mecca In lin or tube 7 ANTIVPVC 104114; OM MOH:gage OM of buyieg your home, YOU should loiow about our special 'MORTGAGE INSUR ANCE Cidistal— FRANK C. HOPPER —R epresenta tive— Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. phone 402 immunamaincionewainrainainiiiiamortianialimmtiailaniamanamamo_ a II W , R. 'AMILTON ' ,,,,,, 0 i OPTOMETRIST i Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and La- i SOUND. See our HEARING -AID GLASSES, 1 lightest in weight. li i Ill Phone 37 for appointment O. - --_, 41111111111111111111111911111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116 • Open Saturday Night FRESH SHOULDER PORK ROAST lb. 35c FRESH QUALITY GROUND BEEF lb. 49c DAISY RINI/LESS Breakfast SIDE BACON ,......,1 -Ib, pkg. 65c SMOKED PICNIC Pork Shoulder lb. 43c LEAN TASTY COOKED HAM 1/2.1b. 49c FRESH MEArry PORK HOCKS ......... . iO/V/d/ . 22c No. 1 BOLOGNA lb. 33c BULK SAUERKRAUT . .. TOPS. HOG FOOD—Save 15c APPLE JOICE—Stive 7c -43 -oz. tin AYLME1t TOMATO SOUP—Save AYLMER, YEGETATILE SOUP—Save Ite •IOHNSON'S ',CLEAR: LIQUID WAX—Save Me 2 lbs. 35e 11/$1,00 2/59e 8/$1.110 11/$1.00 $1.09 Certified SEED POTATOES — DUTCI I SETS Moyer'sLocky DoIIar Meat Market PHONE 392-7327 TEESWATER 0 0 1.9 se 0