HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-02, Page 7•
(Ely altias bitiaftittrZitlirS
Mr. and Mrs. Millen Preierling
and son Kenneth of Tnrw.o, ant
ed with Mr. and Mrs, Anson Jana
mid IVIrti. Tom Wade mid
family of Woodstoek visited with
is Airs, William Wade end M. i, (Ser.
tis Jordan 011 Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold ilamillon of
Port Burwell visited with Mre.
AVilliain Wade awl :VII, and sirs,
Curtis Joishin last wean/sway,
They also called on 01.1 )('t' frie111i/3
in the village.
Mr, and Mrs, John Frank and
Eileen of 1 Miniver visited Sunday
with iVir. and Mrs. Robert, llin.
bent -
Mr. 0101 MVS. 3;10k King attend-
ed the wedding in London on Sat-
urday of the latior's brother, Mr.
p Roy Bellnmy,
Douglas and David Hargrave
visilled a few days hot week in April Meeting
bistos.vel with their grandparents,
Mr. anti Mrs, E. Hargrave,
Of MacBel Club
JAKELET The MaeBel Friend.
ship Club hold Its monthly meet.
ing at, the home of Mr. and Mrs,
f3ruce Harkness with Mr. and MrS.
El .• •J
The therm! was on Enster O1P1 the
meeting opened with an Fait-4er
hymn followed by a reading of the
Scripture by Bruce Harkness, Mrs.
Elmer Haskins gave a reading on
President Gordon Wright con-
ducted the business portion of the
Meeting. Mrs, Bruee Harkness
closed the meeting with a prayer.
The social consisted of several
very interesitng contests which
were enjoyed by everyone. A lovely
lunch was served by the hostess
assisted by Mrs, Elmer Haskins,
The Tag Day, aponsored by the
. •
\gingham 'Hospital Auxiliary, will
In. held herr this Saturday, Maty i.
Week .nnd visitors with -Mrs.
Ruby Foster were Misses Patricia
Beard and Marjorie Foster,. Mr.
n d, Mrs. 11CI, 0' 3 re vitt and. Sbaron
of Toronto und M. Jack i''oster or I
Mrs. Hector 'Browne visited 0
few days last week in Oshawa with
her nivee, Mrs, Monty McMillan,
whs.), was visiting there with her
parents. Mrs, McMillan and her
hasband reside in Halifax, 'where
the latter will graduate early in
Maty as 0 doetor of mediclne. They
will move to Cape Breton Island,
where he will practise with his fa-
Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Hap
grave of Listowel visited Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Wally Gibson.
LEAGUE CHAMPIONS for one group of the Ban -
tarn bowlers was the Tiger team, in the back-
ground. They are Bill Brown, John Deneau,
,Mark Fisher, Frances White and Jane Ann Neth-
ery. Also in the picture are the high single and
double winners, with Anne Ewing having high
single and Donna Wallace, centre front, high
double. Billy Hollenbeck, right front, had high
single for boys and Bill Brown holds his cup
for high double in the back row with his team.
A GROUP OF YOUNGSTERS who participated
during the season in Bantam howling and were
among the winners were the following (several
were missing when the picture was taken):
Back row, Linda Farrish, Susan Currie, Gail
Gannett, Lyle Ann Hickey, Barb Dauphin, Cath-
arine Wenger. Front, Larry Gordon, George
Welwood and Gary Brenzil.
l''°nOW40171 it benefit dance
was held Friday night in the Rad-
wieh canna -nuttily hall for Mr.' and
Mrs. Chris van do Water and fa-
may, who recently lost their home
by fire. T. J. Schaefer, on behalf
of the community, presented. the
family with $75,00. Chris thanked
everyone, for their kindness.
Music was supplied by Ken Me
Kenzie and Gordon Weber of Lis-
towel, Burton 'Dixon and John
Gamble, Chris and his sou also
helped to play.
Miss -Sharon Pollock returned
home Sunday after visiting the past
week with relatives In Ripley.
Mr, Clayton Brown of Hearst vis.
ited a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Brown and Mr, Wm.
Sunday visitors at the home, of
Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Miller were
Mr. and Mrs, Victor Stumpf and
Mr, and Mrs. Drew Aitcheson of
Elora, Miss Elaine Miller return-
ed home after spending the Easter
holidays there.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig attended
the Coughlin-Kopas wedding on ENJOYING DINNER at the Casa 'Montego Hotel in Jamaica are
Wednesday in the Moorefield Unit_ two Wingham ladies, Mrs. Jean Crump and Mrs. W. T, Cruick-
ed Church. • shank, at the extreme left, and Mrs, Isabel Dankert of Hanover.
Mrs. Stanley Bride and Brobby
visited one day last week with
and Mrs, Jack Riddell at Barrie.
Miss Merrilee Riddell rettirried
home with them for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Moore visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. sWil.
Ilam Foote in Paris.
Mr, Cecil Lynn and Judy of Or.
illia, visited Friday with Mrs. Dora
F. W. Savage of Elora is at the head table with his wife at
his left, Mrs. Annie McDairmid and Mrs. Zetta Henderson of
Lucknow and Mrs. Annette Hoffman, Hanover at right.
Shirley of Listowel visited Sunday Lucky Lassies 'Elgin Hogg Weds
with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Hargrave. Miss Thelma Orth re- 'Ait MurraymiHome
Marie Schneller
turned home after visiting for a
few days. LAKELET — The Lucky Lassies! Miss Marie Schneller, daughter
Mrs, TefisHKrfig"and sons of Ciiig1 held their seventh meet- , of Mr, and Mrs. Roy C. Sehneller, Mary Edith Rolph, widow of the
week with Mr, John Gamble. On Thursday evening at the R. R. 2, Holyrood, was presented late Joseph Edward Curtis, pass..
Brownsville visited one day last ing
• lhome of the club leader, Mrs. Lyle in marriage to Elgin Hogg, son of ed away on Wednesday of last
Ridley. Miss Karen Lynn returned Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise of 'Murray. Nine members answered Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hogg, R. R, 1, week at the home of her son -in. -law
home after spending the Easter Gormley visited relatives in town I the rol call, which was "One thing Wingham. The -ceremony was per- 1 and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J.
holidays with her grandmother. one day last -Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and Mr. and -Mrs, George bolander I Walkerton, in the Anglican- Church
tittle son of Toronto were week. and Donald spent two days last
Work was done on club books in Kinlough at 3 p.m., on Satur-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ,
Doug Holt.
Mrs, Rosemary Campbell spent
a couple of days last week in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons and
Kenny spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Wildfang
in Toronto. Miss Anne Simmons
returned home after visiting the
past week there.
Mrs. Milton Preis and Miss Len-
ore Beswitherick spent a couple .of
days last week in Toronto. of the season, sponsored by the Wry
Stratford spent last week with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly and was held on 'Wednesday evening
Janie spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. jim Warren,
with. a good attendance. Euchre
The -many friends of Mr. Harvey
and Mrs. Max Horribly in Kitch-
McKee, Montreal, She was in her
I have learned about making a formed by Rev, Mr. Stump, of
87th year.
Mrs. Curtis was born at Mitchell
but lived nearly all her life in
Turnberry. Morris and Bluevale.
Keith Ridley in London. and on garments. This was the last Y,
prii Little Marie and Dianne Hibbert meeting of the project "Separates! The bride wore a snort blue nylon She was the daughter of the lat'a
of Goderich spent last week with for Suinmer." chiffon dress with an embroidered John Rolph and Margaret McKay.
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. front and white accessories. Her husband, whom s.M. married
Everitt Allan. Achievement Day will be held on
The bridesmaid, Margaret Sch- in 1894 predeceased her in Bea
May 12 in the Wingham District
Mrs. Pearl .Patterson and Miss nelire, sister of the bride, chose a She was a member of Bluevale
United Church and was most faith -
short pink dress of nylon chiffon
ful in atending servine. S111?
with embroidered top and white
also an active and interested 111111/..
bee of the church orostnizations.
The groom was accompanied by — . .
She survived by three datigh-
his brother, Raytriond Hogg. tem, Mrs. J. McKee tVietw oi.
For- travelling the bride wore 0 Montreal; Mrs. Harold Procter ;
yellow suit with black accessories. (Grace) of Morris Township and
The reception. was held at the 'ITISst -Margaret sat" bonus
The grandchildren and six great _grans-
home of the bride's parents,
• •
Leslie Campbell spent a few days
last week with Mr. and Mrs. George
Wepp in Thamesford.
Miss Glenna Siefert of Galt spent
last week with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Siefert,
Miss Caroline Fleuschauer of
High School.
LAKELET---The last card social
MeDermitt will be sorry to learn winners were: High lady, Mrs. Jim
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Wray and fa-
mily of Toronto visited one day
last week with relatives in the com-
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Walkom of
Belleville spent one day last week
in the village.
Mrs. Clinton Jantzi and Bar-
bara of Baden, Mrs. Bert Carter
and Irene of Gowanstown, spent
several days last week with Mr.
and Mrs, Hiram Eastman.
Mrs, Harvey MeDermitt, Larry
and Donald visited Saturday with
Mr, Harvey McDermitt at Victoria
Hospital, London,
Mr. Larry Marriner of Waterloo
spent the week -end with his par-
Mr. Henry Mundt spent the
week -end in 'Toronto.
Miss Edith Bender of Gowans -
town spent a few days wit 1 er
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Fo rester. pital, where he recently underwent
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brcars of Ac-
ton spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Bal ,Brears.
he is again confined to Victoria flarner, of Mildmay; high man, couple will reside on a farm at
The funeral service was held on
.. i 11150..
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chiomey and Mrs. Cameron Taylor, of Walker -IR. R. 1, Wingham.
vale United Church conducted by
Friday afternoon from the Bine.
Hospital, London. John Waack, of IVEeIntosh; low,
Janey of Port Colborne spent the ton. the Rev, George Mitchell. Inter -
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
....Solo winners were: High lady,
ment took place in the Whist-im
cemetery. The pallbearers were
Miss Nina Arnistrong returned Miss Audrey Scott, of• McIntosh; John Spivey, Cecil Rolph, Adolphus
home Saturday after visiting the high man, Mr. Gordon McKee, of Rolph. Eldon Kirton. Ross Smith
in Galt.
ers were Wilson Thornton and jack
past couple of weeks with relatives Lakelet; low, Mr. Elmer Haskins, and Gordon Hall. The flower bcar-
of McIntosh; special went to Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirkby of Ted Smith, of Wroxeter. • Richard Ingram and Miss Hone Wickstead,
.Attending the funeral from n dis-
tance were Mrs. J. McKee, Mont-
real; Mr, and Mrs. John Spispy.
Ingersoll; Mr. J, C. Bell, Cobourg;
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rolph, Mr. and
Mrs, Adolphus Roph. Mrs. Lorraine
Sykes, Mitchell; Mrs. Neil Me
Lean, Toronto; Mr. and :sirs. °e-
villy Jones, Hensall; Mrs. Hili,lard.
Jefferson, Auburn.
Port Credit were week -end visitors 'rn.•
Mrs. Fred Noble and family. of
Rothsay, spent Saturday with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
• Noble, who spent the Easter vaea.
with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll John 0 •1
Mrs, Bob Allan, Mrs. Emerson tion with her grandparents, return -
Mr. Harold Mullins of Ottawa vis- Ferguson, Mrs. Stan Dennis and ed home with them,
d Saturday with Mr, and Mrs.
1 .
Mrs. Elmer Greenly. Mr. and Mrs. Boyne Sage and
vis -
Noah •Itels. Mrs. Mullins and child- . family, third line of Wallace, ren returned home after spending on Sunday.
ited at the home of Ross Toman
• Miss Pauline Sothern of Wing- EXERCISE f's1ECESSARY •
,Wingham Hospital Auxiliary, will ,
The Tag Day. sponsored by the
the past week with her parents.
be held here this Saturday, .
ham spent the week -end with hoe May 5.
Friends of Mr. John Leppington CM' '
will be pleased to hear that he re- Wingham United Church Couples' slient from Wednesday to Saturday
turned home from Walkerton hos_ at the home of Mr, John Hupfer.
Club held its meeting in the 1 Saturday. guests at the st.sme home 1
church school rooms on Monday
TIES CLUB TOLD Miss Linda Hutton, Wingham,
SMILES OF CHAMPS faced the camera when the Owls learned
they were tournament champs in last week's final round -up of
Bantam boiling. Patsy Walker, Debbie Foxton ancl Morris Ban-
nerman are in the back row and Brian Cronkwright and Donald
Collar in the foreground. --Advance-Times photo.
THE BUZZARDS were League winners for their high score during
the season. The members of the team are Doug Mowbray, Anne
McKibbon, Anne Meyer, and in front, Peter Callan and Barb
Henry. Doug Cameron was absent when the picture ‘nta tAkrin.
Mr. and Mrs. Tont Honeyford of
s'almersten visited Sunday with
.VIr. and .Mrs. Bruce Sothern and
dlr. W. T. Sothern.,
Mr. and SN•fis, Gordon McKee and
family visited on Sunday with Mr.
and ,Mrs. Wellington Datms, of
Mildmay. Sharon Dahms, who had
been holidaying for the week, re-
turned to her home.
Mr, and Mrs. Everett. Spading,
of London, visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Fergu- I
son and Mr, Bob Ferguson,
Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Metzger
and family visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Metzger and Mrs.
Esther Smith Und faintly, of Pal-
merston, on Sunday,
Mrs. Fred Rah, who underwent
surgery at Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, three weeks ago, ts eonvalesc-
big very well and expects to be
abie to return hone in the near
Miss Sheryl and Master Terry
EdWards, of London, spent the
Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs.
Keri Dettinan. They returned home
on Sunday With their Mother, Mrs.
Leslie Edwards.
Smith have
returned to their home after Spend-
ing the winter months in London.
were Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hutton.
evening. The Rev, W. D. Clark
Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. James!
Robertson and family, Goderich. •
led in a short worship period, He Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram, Car
challenged the group to take Chris- of Ann, Roger, and Sharon of Strat
tian obligations seriously. j ford were Sunday visitors with Mr.
Dr. and Mrs, Jack McKim pro- and Mrs. Richard Ingram,
sented a film on arterioseleresi,3— Mr. and Mrs. James Doig visited
showing the kind of hardening of , Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Doig at Dray -
the arteries -that causes heart, at. ; Lon cin Sund"'
tacks and strokes, after which I We aro sorry to hear Mrs. Wm.
Montgomery and Mrs. Alonzo
Dr. .McKim answered many clues. ! Sperling are again on the sick lis'.
tions from the group. The main , The former Is confined to Wing -
points brought out were that we ham Hospital and we hope for im•
should get enough exercise so that prevenient very soon.
if s Clot should lodge in the heart A successful auction sale was
it Won't stop from shock, and that hold for the estate of the late Mrs.
the intake of animal fat should be Charlotte Brothers on Saturday :f -
kept to it level that Is used up daily. ternoom
I we are pleased to hear Mrs. 105.
Lunch took the form of a box so -1
eial and the group in charge was sAaleuoirrdnasyvatifrtoibtirlic ST.( J..tous7phhosmHe oosn.
Dr. and Mrs..-fack McKim, Mr, and pital, London, where she had -un
Mrs. Ross Vegan, Mr. and Mrs.
George Guest and Rev. And Mrs.
T, Hussies
Neighbours Fight
fire from Embers
dergone surgery nn Wednesday of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rickard, of
Agincourt, spent Sunday with her
lather, Mr. George Clark.
Mrs, Helen Elliott of Grimsby
Beaeh, her daughter, Mrs. Brock
I:Ade:tut, Scarbormigh, and Mrs.
Rola Carson, Gerrie, spent Friday
frEHoca, vith Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Glhson.wircnmThepn*0
this eommunity were shocked to _
hear 'that. the barn en -Myles Ste.;
The Basting Beauties held their
final meeting at the Templeman
home on Tuesday of last week
when ten girls Were present. A pic-
ture was taken of the club and
lunch WRS served.
The April meeting of the Its'.
more TT.C.W, was held on 'Wedees_
day at the home of Mrs \Jsiir, ss
Johann ‘vith Mrs, Earl Fitch pre-
siding. After the opening s..s- ;us
of worship Mrs. John Butherford
rend from the study book, .s.seats
for the Sixties". Miss Istrosne
lagh sang 0 very lovely snlo. Then
Mrs. Robert Season road
ond study book, "Hasten the 1Y,77..
During the roll call each
gave one of the events folios 104
the first Enster.
During the business sessiee • it's
Mrs. Harry Mulvey I•11111'l.v.
Ira Neil was elected as re3 renss-'s.
live to the Official Bransi a let t
Newsom is to he in cfrkirgi, f)I
sionary Maintenance. Pinver s, .1
the benedietion cont-hole,1
Marie's West W11,W111101411 BLEJEYALE1,PAPER DRIVE
burned down last Thursday. Ar- I _
vide tirties', Elrey Leidlaw and
Donald Hill foaght fires started in
the dry grass from the burning
shingles when they lighte 1 ell 1-110
Purdon farn tn the north. Some
charred and burned pit'i'es were
even 'found in the barnyard of the
farm owned by Misses Annie mid
Al the veminunion service in
Knox -Presbyterian Chun+ 00 Sim -
slay the following new members
were received: Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Moffitt. .1Im Thompson, IStitrray
Robertson, 'Hilda 011.1 Melville
Mrs, Don McLaren and her three
nieces of Nm•wieh were )'event vis.
hors with Rev. T. E and Mrs.
Mary Laidlaw. Kennedy.
t;orttlip; .(4nrrw-1'71",,.....f,tc-,:e
and Sentrt
roil in Gerrie United Church when
artivities of Stud 'Week were to-
It was deelded to hove a paper
drive oit May 23. There will be a
door to door collectinn on that day
In Wroxeter, Gorrie and Fottarcith.
Plans were made for a Cub aaa
Smolt parent banquet in Gorrme ,
Milted ••&nurnii un June 8111.