HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-02, Page 6rage gra The Van*tam Advanas-TImis, Wednipsday, IVf.ay 2, ISO i Delmore, and Mr, and MIS. Harry 1 111i • Conk, Ad Marninth, visited On f3lin. - ' • • '- • • - . • ' ' ! thy with Air. ani Airs. Graham Aire. Toby Jansti and family. of Voult, „f Ripley, Igilverton, visited with Kennedy ; mr, and mrs, win. Kennedy. of relatives in this district ou Friday. Marnoeh, visited on Sunday with MI.' 8313 Airs' Itenaki Perratt and :Mr. and Airs. Merritt Burwell, of fan -Illy, of Goderieh, Visited On Sun- iiiehtinre. day with Mr. and Mrs. johnstoni Rev. George Watt, Wendy and Conn. !Donald, of Oakville, visited on Wed - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith, of Tor- ' nesday with his parents, Rev. and onto, spent the week -end with her :Mrs.. W. J. Watt. parents, Mr. and Airs. Russell 1 mr, and Mrs. Ralph -Cameron mat 011aPillan. Little KalllY, who hod family, of Ashfita 1, and his par - been visiting here, returned home ems, Me. and Mrs, Albert Cameron. with her parents. Miss Elaine ('01l. Lueknow, visited an Sunday with who spent the week with her par- . Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ennn, mr, ;1 11,1 Aire. Mn( stewart. Randy also returned to Toronto v, ith mr. a Ilea t; • ogory Smith. cif Kitehener. and Mrs. Smith. :vented on Sunday with Mr. and 11r. and Mrs. Itelieon Kale -mer, Mrs.. Ca,r1 Mertens -when. Mr. and Paul and Brian. of tea rain, a nei M rs. Elam, pritahard. Carl kind Mrs. Ceeit Falconer, who Iv* i 'Tem Wayne. of Lneknow. and Mr. Tom last week at Saone. spent the Pie Oland. of Preston, visite-1 on week -end here. Mrs. Itelison Fat, Sunday at the Me( lenaghan home. (toner had the misfortune tn Inn Airs. Wm. Henry, of London, and injure her hark recently, and spent the week -end at her home in her mother, Mrs. .1ohn Staeey, Kinlais and 'Wayee ilf•nry spent Wingham, acenmpanied them hawk the week -end with Gordon Mitchell to Sarnia, i in Toronto. Quite a number ar m-utato meal- l Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan, Barbara .know and P001, of Brucefield, and Mrs. hers from here and -from Liu 1,1.rellings end Mr. Harry MeOlen- attended the short enurse. "Canoe- ing for Crowds," held in the mem- i agaaa. of Wingham, also Mr. and oriel hall last Tuesday, with miss Mrs. Archie Watt and Lorraine, of Hodgson. of Toronto, in charge. Toronto, visited oll Sunda.y with Organizing rov. and Mrs. W. J. Watt. Miss Hodgson stressed 511 e„h 000 mild kim„. hi, km.' Mr. and Mrs. jack Gillespie and family, of Sarnia, spent the week- end demonstrated garnishings for end with their parents, Mr, and plates. .All enjoyed the social hour W. R. Farrier. Mrs. J. G. with their box lunches. Gillespie and Mr, and Mrs, Carman' 'ATr. and Mrs. Chas. lttiore. Ron- Farrier and family. Long Branch, aid and Anne, of Estaire, spent a visited with Mr. and Mrs. Farrier ',lc vitt his sister, ' 1 _ Mrs. Kenneth Dickson. of Belmo ve. 1 Mr, and All::, Fred Fells, Robert, • . and with his father, Mr. Arthur ' patricia and susaa. 0.i. Taranto, few days last wet • for a few days last wte c, Moore. Roy and Lennard a T ' "e8' spent the week -end with Mr. and and Peter and Michael Moore. of Mrs. Russell Ritchie, Woodstock, also spent some time Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott, of iTurnberry visited on Sunday with! here with their grandfather, MI • r Elliott nd Mr and Mrs. Moore, Mr. W m. Mrs, Earl Caslick and her grand- Robert Montgomery. son, George Conn, returned home 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston on Saturday night after, ependang visited *on .Surdley -with, . Mr. and MOST OF THE GROUP of 48 people on the CKNOK sponsored try) to Jamaica are seen here on the eve of their departure for' home. Centre front, J. M. Lafontaine of Edmunston, N.B.; Miss Anna McDonald, Wingharn, hostess for the tour; J. Tapson, manager of the Casa Montego Hotel and Mrs. and Mr. Stan .Blowes -of lope4lt tb.e p3fst week e.t tht•reanett with kris uncle and aunt, Mr, an Mas. Derwyn Iiill, and returned home to .Lonclon with Itis parents, f Air, mad Mrs. Walter RichardS, on I Saturday 1 Mr. anti Mrs, George -Kennedy were among the group who left Melton on Good Friday on a char- tered plane for Jaanalca, where they spent the week, returning tome On Saturday, Mrs, Welling, bon Henderson .0nd Mrs., Grant Me- Diatmid, of Lucknow, were also in the group taking the trip with Mae Anna McDonald as hostess. Stratford. The group flew from Toronto to Montego Bay, Jamaica, where accommodationwas excellent. They also had a flight from Montego Bay to Kingston and other side trips to sec the countryside. Eight days were spent in the island. the bride in this district, extend best wishes for a long and happy wedded Inc. • FOR — Mrs. Emmerson Morris, of Glen 1 Farmers in this district spent the Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt spent - Nfi the-citc. with the fernier's sister, Mrs. Ross McMichael, of Seaforth. . r P Allan, Ill. Mrs. Ronald Cnultes and most of last week working in the the week -end with Mi'. and Mrs. Roy McInnis, of Toronto, and WHITECHURCH — The WMS of 1 daughters, of Belgrave, visited ''.with 1 fields and seldom have enjoyed her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Casliek, nicer seeding weather. But the Donald Gaunt and Gordon Moffat, tan Sunday. ' hurry -hurry -up of DST has ushered aNingliam, spent Thursday in Lon - Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cook, of in another six months of speeding don. i — ..... _ .. lap school children and farm people, DEDICATE., : • G1DEON 0I IS ' Mr. Derwyn Hill finished his who have found it next to impos- sible to procure sufficient rest, even studies and exams at Knox College. for health's sake. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and !Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt at- ! tended the marriage of Shirley Ev- elyn Casemore, eldest daughter of Mrs. Merle Casemore, Wingham, and the late Ernest Casemore, and spent .her vacation at her home CONTINUING MEMORIAL the Presbyterian Church held its Easter Thankoffering last Wednes- day in the SS room of the church, with guests from Belgrave and Dungannon Presbyterian Churches and the United Church here. Toronto, lasi week -end, and he and Mrs. Victor Emerson, president, Mrs. Hill will attend the graduation exercises at Convoealion Hall on pre -sided and welcomed the ladies. year Mrs' Ewa°. MePher°11' led in Tuesday evening for the third students, prayer and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt led iti the devotional period, speaking Miss •Winnifred Farrier, who on Calvary. The roll call was an- swered by a verse naming a Bible flower. -Mr. Peter Michael Harvey, son of here, returned to Toronto oil Sun - 'Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Harvey, clay. Miss Karen Groskorth also May be donated through your local of Toronto, in Yonge Street United spent her vacation with her par - funeral director Church on Saturday at 2 p.m. The lents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth, reception was held at the Dutch and returned bo Toronto on Sun- ISisters Inn. The many friends of day. PLACA N. ii) t stun Y noserrAts, PRISONS Ill111111•1111181111111111111111111111111111011111,131111111111111111111,11111111111811W111W11111111111111111111111111111NI1P111WIllaelPilliell_WWW11•11,11111111. • firl 1171 1 t c f 1. 2 NOW n v v 1. • R d c a ft ,a1 = 131 LI 01 1 pl 0111 '11 nt OBE • 0111 I rea aSE 2-a edi Het • onS urn ell reit ,20 Br nd 13f pi ore ull Se' f# • pn :time 0 • • Mrs, James McInnis led in an Easter quiz. A trio of the Dungan- non group sang "The Old Rugged Cross," and Mrs. Dawson Craig gave a reading "The Season of Hope." Mrs. James Richardson was guest speaker and spoke on "After -Easter Christians." She said they must go on to be witnesses in their homes and community at all times. Mrs. Gaunt thanked the speaker and presented her with a remembra.000, dempin. Time Mrs. G. E. Farrier gave a piano 111 solo, "Jesus Keep .1yre Near the - II Cross '' Mrs. D. Hill give a reading' , - ki "The Hope -of the Cress," and Ann ... IS THE TIME TO TRADE IN YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD 'A -REGARDLESS. OF CO. INT-... Wightman and Margairet Nicholson, DITION) ON A NEW LI of the Belgrave group, sang "It 1111. Was Alone the Saviatir Died' lyirs. ' 11 Emerson thanked all, and closed the • r--: meeting with' pray*, - • e- - and family, of Preston, visited on. Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs, Roy Robinson, . ...- • •Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weber visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry LindenSellnlidi and Mrs. Sadie E[ossfelctt, of Walkerton, Mrs, Albert Bielnan and children visited with her mother, Mrs. Roger inglis, at Walkerton, 011 Monday last. Me and Mrs. Fred Holland and of• i.sa Craig, visited 011 Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, sclY, of Marnoch, KeAinti.latt. Cameron Simmons, of 'Lon- , • den, spent a few days last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas., Martin, and returned home Ito London with, her husband on Saturday, 11117. Martin is still a pa- tient in Wingham Hospital. Mr, ,Wm.. Ashby, Kimberly and Heather, . and Bebby Markin, of Termite, spent a few days last weeic with Mr.- and Mrs. Chas. Rob- inson. LUXURIOUS KROEHLER SUITE KROEHLIERO 2 ., PIECE KROEHLER SUITE Frieze cover - Different odors - Fellikt enhhikndi $1 8 9.50 WITH 'YOCR TRADE-IN SittlVERAL OTHER, RROEHt.Flit SUITES FROM, WHICH TO MOOSE B Y NOW AND SA VE V.ra.lker Home Furnishings S. J. Walker WINGHAM PHONE 106 II Sister, Mrs. D. Willis, #1 01'41 RI gi1111111#11011111011001110.111011:0!!!04111111141!1,0!1!0!liMr, and Mrs. Ulm(' Humphrey u rd. Missionaries Were - Guests on. Tuesday WHITECHTJRCIFI—Mr. and Mrs. Triphon Kalioudjogiou and ehild- ren, Myriam and Helene, misaion- aries from France visited on Tues- day last. with Mr,- add Mrs. James Richardson. Mrs, Kalioudjogion was formerly an American, and friends from the gospel Han, Winghani, gathered that evening at the Richardson home to see their pictures taken in France and Swit- zerland, showing VICWS and telling of their work. They are travelling on their six - .month furlough through Canada and United States. and are now in Chicago. WHITECHURLI1 Mr, and Mrs, Alex Robertson and Mr ,and Mrs. Cecil 'Forster of Pal merston were in Guelph on Sunday at the McIntyre and Wilkie fun - end home and visited their eon sin Mrs. David Callantier, whose husband passed away on Sam -clay. Mrs, Callender was formerly Annie Pearl .Morton and will be remene tiered by many in this district and et Lueltnow, where she spent her childhood. in- The Tag Div, sponsored by the Wingham 'Hospital Auxiliary, wilt be held here this Saturday, May 5. Mt. and Mrs. Fred Theclorf and •children, of Kitchener, and IVIrs, Robert Chambers and Dovene, of Harriston, visited, on Sunday with • Mr- arid Mrs. Carl 'Weber. • Miss Joy -Ann Cameron, of Ram- o- ilton, who has been visiting with e. -- Mr. and Mrs, Mason Robinson and PI other Cameron relatives for the past three weeks, returned home on Saturday. Miss Louise Thomp- son, daughter of Mn, and Mrs. Ross tit. Thompson, of Tillsonburg, also vis- • ited at the Robinson home for a it few days last week. irrn=1 Mrs. Bennett Mitchell,. of IVfoles- = worth. visited on Sunday with her Miss Janet Watson, of .Aylmer, visited for a few days last week at- the home of Mr, and Mrs, Gil- bert Beeeroft, Mrs, E. Dow and sons •visited on Suhday 'with Mr. and Mrs.' Jasper Snell, of• Westfield. Mrs. Snell s'as able to return home Trout Clinton Ifrispital last week, . Mrs. Melvin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Mn. and Mrs. Ross Taylor and Muriel, visited on Sun- da yi with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Tay- lor: of Dorchester. Mr. Robert Purdon and Mr. and Mria, Archie Pandora. Kathy and Lori visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robert Purdon, who .has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, for the past two weeks. Preparatory service will he held for the Langside and Whitechurch Presbyterian congregations this Wednesday night in Whitechurch. Rev,. T. Bl, Kennedy, of Bluevale, be in eharge of the Ccim- nnanion service here on Sunday. Dennis 'Richards, of London, Married. in .Goderich SP ririe flowers, including daffo- dils and snapdragons, were used as decoration at Kingdom Hall, Gederich, on April 21 for the mar- riage of Janet Louise, daughter of Mrs. Ivan Wilson of Kincardine and Hendrik Jari Wiltink, son of Mr, and Mrs. .Bertold 'Wiltink of Ft.11. 1 Wingharri, Arnold MacNamara performed the ceremony. Miss Lois Wilsoh, sister of the, bride, was the pianist and played "Divine Pattern of LeVo" and "Cultivating Out Gift of Love," The bride chose a floor -length nylon net and nylon lace gown over nylon satin with a square cut neckline, feattring cup sequins and simulated pearls on the bodice. The sleeves formed lily -points and the skirt was bouffant, Her finger- tip veil was. edged with lace and held by a rhinestone bate. She earricd red roses and white oar - Crop Raport Spring Seeding is progressing very 'favourably with a large per- centage of our farmers finished. 'Canning peas are being sown as well all sugar beets and it is pos- sible that some corn will be sown • this week, Some fields of fall wheat is winter -killed in the low lying areas or the field. There has not ,been too much growth of wheat or grass, Some cattle have been turned out, but there is very little for them Is1.111101111111111111111111111111111WilleasepoweleilW110111Will111101111111111111111111111111111g.: u 111011W11.1111111111M111111111111111110111011IIIIMMIIMIMEIWWW11111iiinwisiwiii ONE STOP • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THAT KEEPS YOU GOING This is y service as YOU like it ! ••••••••••••••••MNIMIMIY. Prompt, friendly, efficient service to speed you on your way, rejoic- ing! it that's •what• you're looking for, this is Nvhere you're sure to get. t ! a w w • u • WINCHAM MOTORS PHONE 139 Maid of honor, Miss Judy Rock Of R.R, 1 Monkton, 'wore a pale pink chiffon over taffeta and Car- ried white mums and pink carna- tions, The groom's brother, Bert Wilt. ink, was best man and Peter Pop- powith of Goclerich was usher - McKay Hall was decorated with spring flowers for the reception which followed. The bride's mother received le a pink orgaeza over pink flowered satin and 81ie wore a corsage of pink and white car- nations. Assisting was the grooms mother, who "chose a blue embroid- ered linen dress and a corsage of pink carnations. The bride's travelling costume was a peacock blue suit with a yellow coat and white accessories. They honeymooned in Northern Ontario, Mr, and Mrs. Wiltink will live nations,iii St. Marys, FOP your Summer Clothing.1 Shop at Hayes Penman's DOUBLE SEAT BRIEFS 79c , Penman's POLYWRAPPED TOPS 66c Men's SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS reg. $3.98, SPECIAL $1.99 Boys' CHINO BOXER SHORTS, SPECIAL $1.49 LARS' AND [IRIS'CO-ORIIINATINti SETS BATHING SUITS, BEACH HATS, THONGS, PEDAL PUSHERS, BERMUDA SHORTS, JAMAICA SHORTS . All new latest styles, inexpensive BUjr now while selection is at- its best , • ayes Family Clothing Wingham, Ont.' IPA Weekend Features Royal Gold First Grade BUTTER KAM or PREM Luncheon Meat Clover Leaf Cohoe SALMON, 1/2-1b. tins . .2 '89c Green Giant CORN NIBLETS, I4 -oz. . .6/99c King Size SURF Detergent olcg. 95c MUTE Olt COLOURED Scott TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 39c HURRICANE LAMPS each 49c THIS WEEK — 650 extra GOLD BOND STAMPS with merchandise purchases MEAT FEATURES Fresh Picnic PORK SHOULDERS lb. 35c Lean well -trimmed BUTT PORK lb. 45c Tender BUTT PORK CHOPS lb. 55c Table -Rite No. 1 Rindless SIDE BACON 1b. 69c Ib. 53e lin 39c Table -Rite PORK SAUSAGE Florida ORANGES, 5-16. bag RED PINEAPPLES, size 12's 2/49c Top Value Frozen ORANGE JUICE 6/99c Swanson's TV DINNERS ,,,,,,, each 59c lb. 45c 49c ,•••••••••••••4,4A,.."....4•An• MAX DADA' 1)01LIALE WITH A SALE'S SUP 1.41tOM EACH WEER DAV' ON CHANNEL 8, CRNX-TV, WINGHAM. Remington 1G A Market 4 .4+ .1 0a