HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-05-02, Page 5a Complete Course ]ilc)LclltAVp, -'1he :meeting of the Wuwanosh Wandrobe Workers was held in the Bekgrave community centre on 'l'hur•:.d,ry evening, The 4 -I -I' pledge oust risotto were repeat. WRIT "One point Z have learned about making a garment." Mem- hers were given samples of various cottons along with each one's characteristics, width and pr•lee per yard. Achievement Day was oils - ed and the roll Ball was answered cussed .and the meeting dosed. WEN MONEY KIDS. �aaeaw,� iCOLOURINGCONTEST Coming M a y 16 in this newspaper • s: 1 4 ere Sponsored by TUCKEY BEVERAGES and KIST CANADA LTD. OFLURAYF CUBS HAVE NEW CHUM BELORAVE Mrs. Jack VanCamp spent a few daYs last week with her parents. Mr. and MTs, Louts Tiaym Elyria, 13P f.C'1tAV]7 --The regular meet. Ohio, and other relativee in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph feCren,. Maureen and Douglas and Martin (asbYwith M . and Mrs, Bill Jones andi t Fath I s o el. Kathyy at � W Mr. and Mr:s, Bruce Marshall and family, of Gerson, visited last weelc with Mr, and xvfrs, Stanley Cook and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McDonald, of Galt, visited Durr the holidays with Ing of the Eielgr.ave Wolf Dubs was held .on Tuesday evening, with the leader and three assistants in at- tendance, , nricncer, Mrs, Kenneth ct h Wheeler,,was in charge of the open- ing exercises, the White Six getting the most points for inspec- tion so were able to place their pennant on the totem pole. Thomas Russell, Wingham, the IN THE LIBR ARY J.iy DORIS (1, M/•lail.l3( Vol. several weeks now there has been set up in the library a special Melt lk. On it rine grouped bootee of u religious nature intended es pecially for the use of the wo men's groups in the churches. As anyone who has ever planned a group program knows, source and inspirational material are some tassistant district commissioner, .her parents, Mr, a .and Mrs, Nelson th hard to find. The setting up Iliggins, of this shelf T applaud. its ion.. paid a visit and talked to the boys tirruation I recommend; and not just for the program planners, either. There were about ten hooks on. the shelf the night I first saw it- how many are usually there I cannot say, because they c omc and go. Many of them I had idready read, especially those of Catherine Marshall and M. Jane Scott. There are others I think could he placed there and I know the library boast would be glad to know that. If the general public wants this ser - ivice continued the hoard should about Cub work and why they Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cmrmiss and slaoulci be proud to wear the pub family, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr•s. Witham IvfeNa11 uniform, and Michael. Mrs, Gordon McBurney taught A warning to early fishermen_ tho beginners, Mrs, Harold Vincent the first boating trip of the season helped the boys prepare for First i is usually the most hazardous, Be Star, .and Mrs. Clare VanCamp in- sure your boat and motor are in strutted in knot tying for those good condition, Check equipment preparing for their .Second Star. with special attention to life New Chum, Paul O'Neil, was jackets, mooring lines, bailing welcomed, also two visitors, The bucket, anchor and line .and pad - group enjoyed several games. dies or oars. o COUnt �-= CHEST FREEZERS SALE PRICE - 239. 21 cu. ft. 735 lbs. $2%), 5 year warranty on sealed refrigeration unit 'r*. .• Baskets, dividers, interior lights makes food -finding easy. Both unit sizes feature an 88 Ib. capacity fast freeze compartment and an exterior adjustable cold control to maintain safe zero degree temperature. * Automatic Defrost • 9,53 cu. ft. refrigerator * 3 cu. ft. freezer * Spacious twin crispers • Slide -out shelf • Cheese & butter compartments • "MAGNET -LOCK" door gaskets for easy closing— positive sealing. SPECIAL—ON 100 LB. BAG ONLY 5OoFF PER CWT! CO-OP CATTLE MINERAL Contains correct balance between calcium and phosphorus, minerals important for maximum milk production and animal health! TRANSPARENT GARDEN HOSE AReg, Value`�$2.79 PRICE J. 17EA. Quality ?(61' green plastic, fitted with brass -plated couplings, 50' length. Black Plastic GARDEN HOSE Reg.Value $1,59 SALE PRICE ?,s°, in 50' lengths with brass -plated couplings. C°=OP. OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINT—Special Purchase! SALE PRICE 4i4lgalTon Ideal for Spring paint -up time, this is top quality non -chalking paint. Buy now at this low special price! MOHAIR ROLLER KIT c SALE PRICE ... -U KIT Sturdy metal tray, 71/2" width Mohair blend paint roller, hardwood handle. 3" PAINT BRUSH—Reg. $1.99 ea. flu( $ Quality 100% Pure Bristle, enameled handle. 11 MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR! Silver Cobalt Utility BATTERIES Far car, truck or tractor. Hard tubber case resists shocks and repeated temperature changes. 6 VOLT -18 month guarantee Reg. Price $11,25 Sale Price $8.97ea. 12 VOLT -18 months guarantee Reg. Price $15.95 Sale Price $11.87 ea. J11-14" GARAGE OR STABLE BROOMS Reg. Value $2.28 CO-OP PRICE $1.44 ea. Tough, long -wearing reversible fibre brush head, strong wooden handle. Regular Value $1.49 HOUSEHOLD BROOMS CO-OP SALE PRICE $1.17ea. 5 -string brooms of better quality full weight corn fibre with strong, smooth lacquered hardwood handle. 18" DELUXE "CLIPPER" ROTARY POWER MOWERS 4 cycle -21/4 H.P. Lauson Engine -Recoil Start -Deluxe steel deck -Offset 6" rubber tired front wheels -6" rubber tired back wheels -side discharge chute -Tubular steel loop handle -4 position wheel adjustment WITH EVERY MOWER -FREE -QUART C0.0P OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL!! 1[�ftllir . BIG PERFORMANCE AT A LOW PRICE! "THRIFTEE" LAWN SEED TOP VALUE LADDERS! EXTENSION LADDERS -20' Push-up made from B.C. fir. Rungs securely braced each end, and mortised, Ilas strong malleable iron guides and lock. Reg. Value $13.50 SALE PRICE $8.97 ea. STEP LADDERS -5' wooden. Good quality seasoned hardwood. Has grooved reinforced steps, folding pail shelf. Reg.Value $5,95 SALE PRICE $3.97 ea. Compact -Custom "TILLSNIITH" TILLERS LOW, LOW SALE PRICE 5 LRS. $197! A No. 1 quality seed mixture, ideal for new lawns or improving old lawns. Content; Creeping Red res- cue, Perennial Rye and Hyland Bent. Produces a fine leaved, hardy grass. OTHER TOP QUALITY SEED MIXTURES! CO.OP "WONDER" LAWN SEED Price 1 Ib.• -$1.29 CO.OP "FANCY" LAWN SEED Price 1 Ib. -75c CO.OP "SHADY NOOK" LAWN SEED Price 1 ib. -G9 Make Soil Alive—Gardens Thrive! Save on Certified Premier PEAT MOSS Odorless, moisture•holding organic matter. Sale Price- 25111. rice-25Ib, bag only $1.47 FENCER BATTERY & FENCER Reg. Value $15,90 Sale Price $11157 Both far �tYffi i3ATTERY-exclusive 121. cell construction gives 118 hours of service. �., FENCER -Cadmium plated chassis in water- proof case. CO-OP GRASS & WEED KILLER PELLETS For use on small areas. Shaker -top container makes it easy to apply. Reg. $1,98 Sale Price $1.57-2 lbs. C0.OP NEW FERTILIN (5-10-10) For general garden purpose. 40 Ib. bag - $2.95 C0 -OP NEW FERTILIN (10.6.4) For a healthier lawn. 40 Ib. hag- $3.69 SAVE $ 1998 • Space Saver fold over handles. • 311,P. Briggs & Stratton easy -spin engine • Direct drive v,ilh double sealed transmission, fingertip throttle control • Guaranteed reversible hardened steel pick tines • Balanced weight design CO=OP DOWPON GRASS KILLER Control barnyard grass, wild oats and flu- ted; couch grass (quack or twitch), blue grass and phragmltes, cattails. Reg. $2.65 Sale Price $1.871b. C0 -OP PLANT STARTER (10-52-17) Packed in moisture -proof plastic bag. Reg. Value 9514 Sale Price -3 lbs. 770 A timely spring value • -: GLADIOLUS BULBS •4. •. SALE PRICE l7g M (30 per bag) •Spectacular rainbow assortment of carefully selected bulbs. LOOK FOR THE SPRING SAVINGS HANDBILL WITH MANY MORES SPECIALS! �ELGRAVE CO-OP, Belgrave, Ontario PHONE •--- W.INGHAM 1001 BRUSSELS 388W10 .)N know that fact, too. The hook brought home from the shelf was TWO THOUSAND TONOUPS TO GO by Ethel. Emily Wallis and Mary Angela Bennett It Is sup -titled the story of the Wycliffe Bible Translators, This is a fascinating and stirring book to read. It is filled with people 1 who act. There are statistics there' too, but they are all translated into action by the people who are and make them. (That sentence real- ly isn't ambiguous; it just sounds that way). Most of us are aware of the language study necessary for missionaries who go to for- eign fields, I'm afraid I never thought too much before about the necessity for translating the Bible into all the tongues of the earth. That labor too is complicated by the fact that so many languages have never been put down on pa- per; and in order to do that whole new alphabets must he devised to capture the sound variations that Our English alphabet cannot quite catch. In 1919 the seed was planted when Cameron Townsend and his wife Elvira, working with a Central American Mission, began. to trans- late the Scriptures for the Cak- chiquel Indians among whom they worked. By 1934 the second pig advance was made when a sum- mer linguistics school was set up that abilities a n d information might he pooled for the good of all, Money, men and women came; doors were opened; one thousand tongues are now on pa- per hut there are two thousand 'o go (hence the title of the hook). The vitality and growth of this world-wide movement takes one's breath away in wonder. The boots must he read - -no review can do it justice. C, real were the difficulties, but also great are the rewards, A Na- vajo, tipou receiving a gospel in hits own tongue says, "It's just like God speaking to me"; an African helping with translation says, "The Bible is much better In Zulu than in English" ---and so it is, phoneti- cally. Even the workers admit the rewards ---one such accused of Waring himself out., says, "That's ]sired of a jolty, - I'm in better health than I've been for a long time .. the thing is we feel we're accomplishing something. We're having the time of our lives," All of us grow restless some- times. I know I have visited the library (and others say the Same tiring) and not been able to find cmyt:ning that appealed that T had not. already read. A bookshelf like this one might answer the need for something into which to sink one's mental, emotional and spirit- ual teeth. Froth can strangle. I'm for a variation in literary diet oc- casionally. Anyone care to join me? DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Jefferson, Donald and John of Newmarket, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family, Donald remained to continue his studies at Wingham District High School. Miss Lucy Thompson returned to Bronte after spending the holidays at her home here, Mr, and Mrs. Don Jefferson and Cheryl Lynn of Clinton visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson. Mr, and Mrs, Elgin Josling and family of Londesboro were S'anday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley .Jefferson and family. Miss Betty Devereaux returned to London after spending the holi- days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gus Devereaux. Mrs. Harold Woods, Lorne and Murray spent Easter week with Mr, and Mrs, George Tisdale and family of London, Safety Standards In Poster Form - As a means of focusing, further attention on the main causes of farm accidents, a series of Farm Safety Standards has been devel- oped by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for distribution I b rough local Farm, Safety Coun- cils. These standards are in poster Form and i11 istrate the chief causes of a.ceidents happening to farm people, together with suggestions appropriate to the accident arra, 'flusters are designed to place em- phasis on the home, barn, tractor, machinery and traffic. The posters have been mailed to local Warm Safety Councils in qua.ntitiis sufficient to be available for all farms across the province, The Farm Safety Council of On- tario has endorsed this project and has asked for the active support of all local safety councils in the distribution of llu'se posters. Cons Mete coverage is essential to the success of this project. "Sixty-eight cents a week!" ech- oed the economist, "l' can't believe it! Won't you tell me how? .And to make sure I get your story straight, please speate louder." "1 can't speak louder," said the stranger. "I'm a goldfish.` Winfi'ltnm ,t#tivalt<-„`itrt:t% We(Iaxes(ln,', 'MAY 2, 19.62 rage V'lv11 Commencing April 6 1NINGHAM STORES AND BUSINESSES WILL BE Open Friday Evenings Profit from Canada's Prosperity Through a single investment in INVESTORS MUTUAL, you can become part-owner of more than 100 widely diversified "high-grade” securities. You'll get attractive dividends, income tax credits, and .a share in the growth of Canada. Free yourself from investment worries through INVESTORS MUTLlA . -- Canada's largest mutual fund. THOMAS JARDIN Box 391 Wingham, Ont. Ph. 147 BRUCE Mel AVL Box 693. Listowel, Ont. 1'h.. 979 EMERSON IVEL, Box 6 ' Itarriston, Ont. Ph. 334W riinvestors oyn tion 00 CANADA. L 1 A 111 11 P t. d Office, Winnipeg • Offices to PWindpat Cities TEXA TUNE-UP SERVICE means COMPLETE SERVICE FOR TROUBLE-FREE SPRING MOTORING We check your car from front to back — and lubricate with the Finest petroleum products DRIVE SAFELY — WITHOUT WORRY GET YOUR. SPRING TUNE-UP NOW! Complete stock of Firestone Tires and Batteries and other Accessories SEAT BELTS 1NSTALLED—$8.95 per person — LOOK AT THIS SPECIAL — Now on our lot a BRAND NEW OTA('U CADET BOAT TRAILER, regular prier $147.5() - tii'i'ICIA1. $113,95 Rei .n's TE :',:CO SERVICE CENTRE PHONE 84 - WINGHAM IIII111IIIRIII11illrlll•lllll1111.1l111llll!!III•''I1G11!I110!1!H9 PEI 1114111R tRi I'89 I! Dili lIlrIlll11111 Hodgins - ` . c ont,. Id (WINGHAM) LTD. LUMBER AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FARMERS Get more for your money when you hr1y POLE BARN BUILDING -•- FEOm' -- Ilodgins - McDonald (Wingham) Ltd. LUMBER AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES WVw VNOV .NVV.1V.I4.s.�..+, Let Us Quote You on All '1',)!1r Perin Building Reguir('rar(,r.1'; FREE PLANS — FREE ESTIMATES Compare our Quality and Prices Before You Buy Phone 656 Wingham iiifI iIiiilii�iiti jl wii wilirtilirlhGilii ilibirhii lir�d Yf3ii iii i l ie i i t r�if �iL Il;�rilir