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Easter Examination Result
At Wingham Dist. School
1;:1tA.U14 IX
F'ir's( Class, Jlonout's
• Ross, Doris, 94.8 Millen, 1'l1i2a-
bcth, 91.7; Mitchell, James 89.8;
Campbell, Robert 89,5; Madill, Glen
88.6; Vegan, Ronald 87.4; Del3ruyn,
;Sigberta 87.2; Doyen, Thomas 87.1;
Gibson, Darryl 86.9; Gowing, Rose-
Mary 86.8; Reynolds, Wendy 86.2;
]3urns, Pamela, lallacott, Thomas
• (equal) 86,0; Spry, Susan 85,3;
Scott, Barry 84.9; Nesmith, James
,Smith, Corn 84.6 (equal); Elliott,
Dentinger, Dorothy 58.1; Jarvis, i 63.0; Crawford, Sara 62.7; Edward,
William 57.8; Foxton, Connie 57,7; John, 62.0; Willis, John 62.3; Coul_
Whitby, Joan 57.6; Devrics, John les, Ruth, Grainger, Robert (equal)
57.4; Morland, Dale 57.2; Hanna, 02.0; Baird, Leonard 61.7; McAfee,
Catherine 56.6; k'car, Bruce 50.3; Jane 61.5; Ferguson, Donna 61.4;
Harkness, Katherine 56.2; deYong, Campbell, Douglas, Rinto;tl, Don -
Mary, Ritsema, Elizabeth (equal) ald, Robinson, Garry (equal) 61.3;
56,0; Coleman, Robert, Crothers, Boyd, William, Campbell, Ralph,
David (equal) 55.9; Holt, Anne Greig, Hilda, Harkness, Jack 61;1
Roby, Thomas (equal) 55.7; Halla- (equal); Pease, Elgin 60.9; Mink,
han, Mary Ellen 55.3; Martin, Mari. John 60.4; Procter, Faye 60,1.
lyn 55.2; Lamont, Larry 55.1; Gib- Pass
Douglas, Kerr Brian (equal) 84.3; son, John Watson, Mary (equal) Merkley, Terry 59,8; McDonald,
Mahood, Linda 83,7; Pattison, 54,9; Davidson, Douglas 54.5; Saint James' 59,7; Morrison, James 39.4; Lynne, 69.1; Henderson, Janette, Richard, 51.1; Hallenbeck, Robert,
Doreen 83,2; Harrison, Ward 83,1; Jacqueline 54,1; Nicholson, Joseph Mathcrs, Grace. 59.3; Scott, Keith 59,0; Hotchkiss, Ruth, 58,9; San- 150,3,
Davis, Frederick 82.7; Schirmer, 53,8; Broome, Keith, Kellington, Searzon, John 59.2• (equal); McRae derson, Elaine, 58,7; Ross, Marilyn,
Larry 53.6 (equal); Warwick, Thos, Connie 58,8; Cameron, Jaek 58,6; 5 :Below
Roche 82.4.; Crowson, Robert 814; q Parker, Bruce, (equal), 58,6; Sew -
Harris, Leone; Janes, Jean ;
' Noble Valdcaue 81.0; Dcyell, Icon- 53.1; McNee, Dale 52.9; Culliton, McCallum, Hugh, Statia, Gail 58,2 ors, Bryan 58.5; Elliott, Nancy,
John 52.5; King, Joseph 52.2; Schef_ (equal); van de Kemp, Tina 58.0; Hand, Edward, (equal), 58,3; Mil- luill, James; Kirton, Gale; Me"
Clark, Terrence, Stokes, Carole len, Rosemary, 58.0; Merkley, Sha- Kinnon, Joseph; McLean, Murray;
(equal) 57.6; •Higgins, Robert 57.0; ron, Ross, Sheila (equal), 57,4; Weeks, James; Grant, Kenneth (4
Turvey, Linda 79.3; Walters, Ken- Taylor, Patricia 56.3; Douglas, Bra- (Searson, Robert, 57.3; Ritchie, Don- subjects); Foxton, Gerald (4 sub-
neth 79.1; Callan Judith, Wightman .Bruce 50,7; Thompson, Archibald an 55.8; Cardiff, Victor, Meyer, El_ aid, 57.1; Congram, Charles, Dey- jests); Davidson, Jack; Meehan,
50.2, eine (equal) 55.6; Thomson, Jill ell, Dianne, (equal) 57.0; Wilkin- Bruce; Templeman, Gary; Gerrie,
Ross (equal) 78.1; Elliott, Alma q ,
r Jane 77.8; Forsyth Judith 77.4; Wil. Below the line 55.4; Fischer, Murray, King Bar- son, Sharon, 56.6; Lee, Donald, '56.4; Lionel; MacKenzie, John; Arm -
son, Gale 76.9; Henderson, Janis McNeil, 'Donald; O'Malley, Joan; ric (equal) 55.3; Rintoul, Gordon Strong, Joanne, 56,3; Adams, James, strong, Joyce; Logan, James;
76.4; Wright, Howie 75.8; DeZecuw, Arisen, Peter; Wheeler, David; , 54.9; Moore, Doris 54.7; Ross, Lois 56,0; Chapman, Garry, Tiffin, Bar- I t� ornnvortlt, Ted.
Leonard 75.6; Beattie, Robert, Ni- Workman, Bonnie; Huether, Brian; 54.3; Tiffin, Bevin 53.8; Johnston, ry (equal) 55.6; Smyth, William, GRADE XIID Special Conuuercia1
cholson, Margaret (equal) 75.1; France, Greta; Schiestel, George; Keith 53.7; McArthur, Kenneth 55.3; Davidson, Joyce, Edgar, Don- Sec)artd Class Honours
Wilhec, June. 75,0, Coulter, Patricia; Ballagh, Doug -1 53,6; Snell, Shirley 53.3; Benedict, aid, (equal), 55.0; Pletch, Max, 54;7;
Second Class Honours
las; Rich', Joan; Workman, Wil- ,Martin, Benninger, Dennis (equal) McArthur, Susan, 54.3; Cathers, Haugh, Alberta, 73.5; Greenaway,
Liam; Benninger,Mary; Hopper, , 53.0; Kirton James 52.7; Hallahan, Brenda, Kilpatrick, Karen (equal), Karen, 73.0; Craig, Kathleen, 71.9;
Adams, Robert 74.2; Eadie, Chas. Griffiths, Deanna, 70.8; Miller,
74.0; Cantelon, Karen 73.9; Beecroft John; Horton, Dennis; Hayes, Phil- , Raymond, Michel, Sandra (equal) 54.0; Law, Peter, 53.0; Grant, Phyl-
li and McWhirter, Nancy (equal); 51.7; Clark, Susan 51.6; Lunn, Re- lis, 52.8; Ballagh, Shirley, 52.3; Linda, 69.7,
David, Pace, Phyllis (equal) 7Coleman, Susan; Hallahan, Joseph; bort 51.4; Yemen, William 51.3; Shaw, Edith, 51.9; Greig, Melville,
McTaggart, Ruth 73.6; McIntyre,7 Gadke Sharon; Budnark, David; Bannerman, John 50.6; Thompson, 51.8; Morrey, Margaret, 51.7; Wylie,
Heather 73,3; Hoover, Sylvia 73.0;CatheCardiff, Frances and Redmond, Graham 50.0. Marlene 51.4; Hallahan, Rosemarie,
(equals, Connie Logan, Ralph 72 J, Gwendol n (equal); Bridge, Wil- 50.7; Renwick, Judith, 50.5; Thom -
(equal); Ross, Sonja 72.8; Beecroft y 1 e I Below (lits Line
Ronald, Moffat, Allen, Ortlieb, Lin- Ilam; Donaldson, John; Chittick, 1 Gibbons, Sheila; Jacklin, Patricia son, Dale, 50.3; Meurs, Benny, 50.1.
6a. (equal) 72.3; Hutcheson, Betty,Lynda; Furness, Robert; Caskan- Baird, Shirley, Stapleton, Lloyd Below the Line
4 Vaunstone, Joseph (equal) 72.1; Ni_ettc, Wilfred, Hitchings, Ronald (equal); Rinn, Betty; Sinnamon, Robinson, Russell, Jacklin, Mar -
col, Noreen 71.4; Dotrbledeq Irene and Tunney, .Kathryn (equal) ; Me- 1 Douglas; Chambers, Robert; Cleg- lone, Pletch, Wayne, Thompson,
71.3; Craig, Patricia, Moses, Mar -Kay Donald; Peterson, Luanne; horn, Ronald; Bridge, Quincy; Barry, Adapts, Elizabeth, Button,
garet (equal) 71,2; Murray, BrianRich, George; Coffin, Ale: ander; Whitehead, Nora; Heimpel, Joyce; Frank, Martin, Marlene, Peacock,
7.1.1; Taylor, Robert 70.8; Brecken- Stacey, Thomas; Krohn, Ruth; Hickey, Calvin; Sanderson, Brian; Anne, Skinn, George, Keil, Carol,
ridge, Dale, Musgrove, Robert 70.7;oMalley Linda; McKee, David; Whitby, George; Irwin, Richard; Hall, Barbara, Ballagh, Bonnie,
(equal); Jacques, William, 70.2; Stacey, Danny; Stokes, Laurette; Parkinson, Lynn; alohaWayne; O'Malley, Margaret, Howe, Betty
Brooks, Wray; Metcalfe, Robert; Cameron, Brian. Jo'Annc, Edgar, Davey,
Hopper, Marjorie 69.7; Mawhinney,
*Marilyn 69,4; Wenger, Daviel 69.3; GRADE XIC (Commercial)Donaldson, Nancy 69.1; Vollmer,
Eileen 68,7; vanDonkersgoed, Hank First Class Honours
68.6; Hetherington, William 68,4; Chittick, Joan, 76.1.
Armstrong, Andrew 68.3; Schaeman Second Class Honours
John 68.2; Wiltink, George 68.0; Redman, Reta, 72.5.
Seharbach, Betty 67.8; Kelly, Eliza- Third Class Hoalours
,� beth, Pletch, Keith (equal) 67,6; Scott, Marian, 60Pas.1.
McKinney, Norman 67.3; King, Jo- ,
. Ann, ,Z,Z.4,; Hen,dersoal, Lttwra:nep., _ 1enner, Diann°, ' 59.; Kirk.bya
McBurney, Hugh (equal) 67.3; 814 ISI Gail
zabeth, Scott, Nancy 65.8 (equal); Dianne,' 58.8; Merkley, Tenn ice,
Jardin, Bonnie 67.1; Cameron, Roil- 80.3; Woods, Lorna 80.1; Press, Ten Pas, Dianne 64.4; Craig, M. 38.5, Riley, Sharron, 55 J, Renwick.
ruy", Zinn, Larry (equal) 66.9; Gibb,
Russell 79.2; Deneau, James 79.1; ander 63.3; Horton, Sharon, Schies- Connie, 54.5; Jacklin, Murray, 54.4;
Carl 66.6; Ross, Linda 66..4; Herd, Haugh, Mary 78.8; Phillips, Mary tel, Judith (equal) 62.9; Thacker, Plant, Glenn, 54.2; Jacques, Nancy,
Rosemary 66.0. 78.4; Ireland, Myrna 77.8; Bieman, Barbara 62.7; Lapp, Mary Joan 53.8; Ritchie, Shirley, 50.4.
Third Class honours Douglas 77.1; Procter, Murray, 62,1; Colvin, Jane Anne 61.9; Gad- Below
0Smyth, Doreen 76.1; Wall, William ke, Patricia 60.8; McGlynn, Ruth Robinson, William,
Stokes, Lynda 63.9; Walsh, Carol 75,9; Alcorn, Frederick 75.6. Anne 60.5; Merkley, Francis 60.2. GRADE XII
G5.8; Gibbons. Wayne 65.7; Elston, Second Class Honours Pass; Ahara, Margaret 58.8;
In (1
Wayne, Mason, Peter, Smith, Ro- Bone, Keith 74.9; Mitchell, Wil- Elliott, i''u t' Clash Honours
lwrt (equal) 65,6; Allen, Stuart, Johnston, Mary Lou 58.6; Ll
q Liam 73.6; Douglas, Wayne 73.4; Sharon 58.4; do Yong, Rennie 58.1; Conn, George, 83.7; Coultes, Ivlur-
Bates,er Beverley (equal) 64.9; Bismeyer, Stanley 73.3; Campbell, Stopes, Elizabeth 58:0; Siding, El- ray, 82.4; Elliott, Karen, 81..4; Krug,
Bates, 64.3;Bruc64.7; Cameron, Con- Harold, Sleightholm, Elgin (equal) nine 57.2; Ross, Shirley, Yeo, Faye Barbara, 804; Tiffin, Hilda, 79.4;
stance 64.3; English, James, Mul- 73.1; Machan, Glenn 73,0; Taylor, (equal) 56.0; 1laeDonald, Sandra Cruikshank, Julia, 78,7; MacLen-
a vey, Keith (equal) 64.'2; Fox, James ran Sandi,( Julia,
Rowe tone
I I:lamilton, Alex, .68.0; Strong, I'ul,.
167.5; McPlierson. Gran t, 67.3;
Tentpielnan, Linda, 60.7.
Third, Clay; Honours
Farrier, Wayne, 63,8; .Simpson,.
Larry, 05.7; Hollinger, ,Helen, 05.4;
Campbell, John, 65,0; Tvnncy,
Mauna Lynne 64,0; McKague, Ruth,
64.4; Krouter, David, 64,0; Adams,
1'h(ltp, 83.6; Busby, Harry 63,1; Da-
vidson, Brent, Ireland, Robert,
(equal), 62,7; Craig, Mary, 62.6;
Mulvey, Peter, 62.1; Buckle, Rob-
ert, Donaldson, Gayle, 7(2iohic, Ruth
(equal), 61.9; GolJthorpe,. Eliza-
beth, Hotchkiss, .Helen (equal),
61,3; Hetherington, Robert, 61,1;
Wright, June, .60,8; Moffat, Donna,
60.7; McIntyre, William, 60.0; Chap-
man, Barbara, 60,4; Paulin, Doris,.
60.3; Bronson, Raymond, Edwards,
Sharon, Hallahan, Leonora Ann
(equal), 60.0,
Robinson, Carol, Tiffin, Joan
(cqual) 59.6; Kieffer, Georgina,
59.4; Harris, Glenn, 59,3; Finnigan,
'altlrll;d Class Iionottrs
picker(, Ronald, 03.9; Crawford,
Carol, Smith, Hae (equal) 05,6;
14uuttit, ('aI'ol,, 05.3; J.ardin, Paul,
Jelfl'ay, William (equal), 64,7;
Merkley, Lucille, 04,3; Qhettle-
burgh, Kenneth, (4 subjects) 63.8;
Connelly, Yvonne, 63,8; Cooke, Na-
dine 63,4; Mitchell, Angela 68.9;
McDonald, Allan, Reid, Jane (equ-
al) 02.7; Madill, John, 616; Pal-
mer, Dianne, 61.6; Beecroft, Janet,
81,3; Currie, Barry, 00.6; Procter,
Donald (4 subjects), Harman,
Joyce, (equal), 60,0.
`Phomas, Gerald, 59.4; O'Malley,
Helen, 59.1; Ohamney, Sandra, For-
tune, Douglas, Hardie, Neal (equ,al)
58,7; Ritchie, Marilyn, 58.3; Stobo,
Donal, 57.2; McBurney, Wllilam,
Mevuteheol, David, Skinn, Glenn
(equal), 57.0; Ferguson, Lynn, 56.9;
Shackleton, Mary E,, 56.6; Wild,
James, 56.0; McRae, Alan, 55,4;
Harrison, Kenneth, Nesbit, Mary,
(equal) 54,8; Rhone, Corrine, 54.2;
Bateman, Donald, 54,0; Henry,
Wayne, 53.7; Taylor, Ruth Ann (4
subjects), 53.5; Dietrich, Gerrard,
53.2; Clark, Linda, 52.8; Millen,
Thomas, 52,3; Rettingor, Al (4 sub-
jects), 51.8; Jefferson, Donald, Mc-
Dowell, John (equal), 51.7; Penner,
ald 80.8; Millen. Robert 80.5; Mer-
rick, Donald 80,2; Norminton, Su-
san 79.9; Wright, Jeanette 79.8;
ter, Ronald 52.1; Fitch, Ross 52.0;
Gaunt, George 51.3; Scott, Douglas
51.2; Mair, Matthew 51.1; Currie,
Wesenburg, Frederick.
Smith, Donna, not ranked.
First Class Honours
MacLennan, Brenda 87.6; Smith,
Floyd 86.7; Procter, Joyce 85.4;
Schaefer, Mary Ann 84,2; Cameron,
Sandra, Casagrande, Ruth (equal)
83.9; Robinson James 81.9; Stadcl-
nnitnn,'Louis nsmore,
GRADE XC (Commercial.)
First Class Honours: Cummings,
Sandra 79.4.
Second Class Honours; Arm-
strong, Edna Mae 72.9; Machan,
Gail 70.7; Paulin, Frances 70,6;
Benninger, Shirley 68.2; Webber,
Linda 66.9; Johnston, Linda 66.0.
Third Class.HonPluaa.Carls•r,. Eli -
Southam, Mary Ann (equal) 64.1;
Robinson, Clayton 64.0; Galbraith,
Donald 63.9; bear, Wendy, Machan
Darlene 1egoall 63.6; McBurney,
Carman, Nickel, Donald (equal)
63,4; Howatt, Douglas, .Terffray,
Marjorie (equal) 63,3; Hogg, Bryan
a 63.2; Redman, Pauline 63.0; Gras -
by, Donna, Sewers, Faye (equal)
62.7; Bernard, Irma 62.6; Graber,
Carl, Higgins. Anne (equal) 62.4;
Hall, William, Smith, Marlene 62.3
(equal); Ireland, Barry 622; Brew-
er, Fred, Krause Rosemarie (equal)
61.9; MacKenzie, Dorla 61.8; Darl-
a phin, William 61.4; Bitten, Judith
61.3; Carter, Lloyd, Foxton. Jo-
anne (equal) 612• Great Elaine,
James 72.8; Kerr, Esther 72.3; Mc- 54.9; Redman, Joan 52.2; Devries,
Taggart, Douglas 72.0; Winger, Alice 51.6; Warwick, Margaret 51.6
Ruth 71.7; Garniss, Martin 71,1; (equal) Finley, Caroline 51.5; Nay -
Jeffrey, Joseph 71.0: Galbraith,
Jack 70.2; O'Malley, Dennis 70,0;
Green, Marion, Kcrr, • George 69.4
(equal); Millen, Shirley 69.2; Ed-
gar, Catherine 69.0;• Slosser; Mary
T., 68.8; Smith, Walter 68.5; Thomp-
son, Mary Helen 68.3; Taylor Don-
ald 68.1; Errington, Eleanor 68.0;
Verbeek, Joan 67.8; Willie, Allis- • Moore, Elwin, 85.1; Hodgins, Kath -
Ler 67.4; Coultes, Wayne 67.2; Os- ;leen, 83,6; Norminbon, Claudia, 83.3;
stom, Robert 66.7; Roane, Cheryl Martin, Wayne, 81.4; Runstedtlet•,
66.4. Melon, 81.3; Mundell, Hugh, 81.0;
Third Class H.ouours .King, Patrick, 80.9; Powell, Thomas,
Rintoul, Donald 65.9; Shackleton, 79.1; Anderson, Helen, 78.0; Coul-
Patricia 65.7; Jamieson, Mary Lou, tes, Marie, 77.3; Thornton, Julia,
lor, William 50.9; Black, Lila 50.5.
Below the line: Finch, Margaret,
Lott, Freda, Wescnburg, Merle.
First Class Honours
Reynolds, Susanne 88.7; Caslick,
Wayne 88.1: McKibbon, Judith 86.1;
O'Malley, Catherine (equal) 60.9; Reid, Katherine (equal) 65.4; Ba- 77.1.; Conron, Brenda, 76.4; Coul-
Lowe, Douglas 60.6; Snaith, Gordon
60.1; van de Kemp John 60.3; Mont-
gomery, Jacqueline 60.0.
v Cassidy, Graeme 59.7; Wool -
cock, fan 59.6; Thynne, Heather,
59.5; Adams, Bonnie 59.4; Cronin,
Patrick, Henhoeffer, Leonard 58.9
(equal); Skinn, Eugene 58.8; Hast-
ings, Dianne 58.7; Russel, Peter 58.4
t s Linda Henderson, Gail Mof-
eon, Jean 65,2; Currie, Helen, Har. ° ,
risen, Allan, Hueston, Brock 65,1
(equal) ; Pollock, Elizabeth 64.8;
Cameron, Barbara 64.7; Ross, Jas.,
Watson, John (equal) 64.6; O'Mal-
ley, 'Richard 64.2; Cruikshank,
Jane 61.0; Wright, Lynne 63.8; Hal.
lahan, James 63.7; Watson, George
63.4; Jouwsma, Ann 63.3; Strong,
Fraser 63.1; Chettleburgh, Thomas ricia, 69.0; Whitfield, Donald, 68.1;
fat, Elaine, (equal) 76.0.
Second Class .Roitours
Procter, Douglas, 74.0; Griffith,
David, 72.4; Hamilton, Virginia
71.4; MacTavish, Kenneth, 70.8;
Campbell, Marilyn, 70.4; McKinney
Adeline, 69.9; Scott, Richard, 69.5;
Robertson, Carol, 69.3; Ross, Pat -
77.6; Callan, Dennis, 76.4; Troupe, (equal), 51.4; Merkley, John, 51.0;
Campbell. John R,, Bieman, Roger,
(equal), 50.7; MacDonald, Gloria, .
Jardin, Lyman.; Jefferson, Mary;
Dunlop, Greer; Palmer, Nancy;
Gaunt, John;
Smr'th Donald,G
Lynne; Kerr, Murray; Murray,
Donald; O'Malley, Michael; Sander- '
son, David; McKibben, Walton; '
Thomas, Douglas; Carmichael, Pe-
ter; Maclnnis, Eugene; Statia,
Paul; Donaldson, Robin; O'Malley,
Kathleen; Kirton, Elaine; MacKay,
Malcolm; Jones, George.
Angus, Robert, not ranked.
;Third Class Honours
Snell, Marvin, 64.7; Noble, Doro-
thy, Smith, Nancy (equal), 04.2;
McGee, Helen, 62.3; Currie, Anne,
13yndman, Gwendolyn, 58.0;
Smith, Donna, 58,5; Clark, Dawn
Luc, 54.5; Laidlaw, Cecelia, 53.9;
Haskins, Gwelda, 53.0; McDonald,
Elizabeth, 52.5; Deitncr, Karen,
WINNERS OF THE TRIPLE TRIO class for Grades rin, Lynda Reavie, Gloria Reed; front, Cathy
VI to VIII at the public school music festival Peachy, Sheila Crewson, Ann Meyer and Barrie
were, back row, Peter Callan, Mary Joan Cor- Conron. Neil Renwick was not present.
Several Functions EASTER CANTATA
For April Bride
Prior her marriage FraserKae AT SUNDAY SERVICE
Fergie of Wingham, Miss Kae sl)
Stevens, formerly of Toronto, was
entertained by Mrs. L. 0. Chitty,
at a small dinner at the Carlton
Club; Mrs. L, H. Chauwin, Thorn-
cliffe Park, at a buffet supper and
shower; at an evening party of
her office associates at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Colin H. MacCui_
loch, Rose Park Drive, and a
luncheon and shower by Mrs. Be -
land Honderich, Wanless Park, To -
Mr, and Mrs, L. 11, Kirshen, sis-
ter of the bride, entertained the
happy couple at a. pre -nuptial party
on the eve of the wedding, at their
home in Lawrence Park, Toronto.
First Class Honours
Hamilton, Mary, 88.4; MacD.on-
aid, Bruce, 75.3.
Second Class Honours
Hodgins, Ruth, 74.9; Hethering-
ton, Jane, 69.9; Simmons, Lois, 69.4;
aclaaefer, Brian, 69.0; Ring, Bar-
bara, 68.3; Galbraith, Paul, 67,1;
Normiinton, Patricia, 66.5.
Third Class Honours
. Zinn, Eliz-
r Ruth, 65.0; t
Gt'al C
g ,
(4 subjects) 64.5; Blair, El-
izabeth, 64.4; Goy, Eleanore, 64.0;
rurnbull, Neil, 62.9; Coultes, Doug-
las, 62,2; Hussey, Pamella, 60.0.
Adams, Byron, 59.0; Hubbard,
Sharon, 58.3; Anderson, Karen, 56.2;
Fuller, Barry, Schnurr, Jerald (equ-
al), 54.9; Lockridge, Douglas, 54.6;
Burrell, Elizabeth, 53.8; Robinson,
Camcnon, 53,6; Vivian, Roy, 52.6; (
lra, Chamney, Marilyn, de Yong, John
Doris, 76.1.
Second Class Honours
Stephens, Evelyn, 74.9; Merrick,
Beth, 73.3; Martin, Gwendolyne,
Strong, Alex, (equal), 73.1; Cardiff,
Anne, McDowell, Donald, 'Wight -
man, Anne (equal), 72.3; Strong.
John 71.4; McLennan, Murray. Mc-
Tavish, Donald, (equal), 71.0; Hal-
liday, John, 70.9; Lapp, Betty Ann,
69.9; Moore, Muriel, 69.0; van Don-
kersgoed, Elbert, 68.6; McKinney,
Mervyn (4 subjects), 68.3; King,
Mary, 67.9; Spry( Douglas, 67.7;
Willis, Garry, 67.6; Gurney, Jean.
r THESE GIRLS WON the prizes in the musk fes-
tival class for vocal solos for Grades II and 111.
Front row, Adore MacLean, first; Marian Willie
and Sandra Tiffin, tied for second. in the back
row, tied for third, Kim Millar, Karen Hastings,
Julie Foxton and Nancy Sell,- •A -T photo.
FIRST PRIZE WINNER for the Grade IV and V girls' solos in the
music festival last week was Adele Tiffin, back row, left. With CLASS 1 WINNERS in the girls' vocal solo for
her are Linda Elliott. second, tied with Linda Parrish, left front. Grade i were, front, first, Joanne Marks; sec -
Marilyn Tiffin was in third place.---Advance-Tires photo. , ond, Marilyn Irwin and Ruth Bennett; tied for
Mr. and Mrs. Forgie
Honeymoon in Fla.
Knox Presbyterian Church, Oak-
ville, Ontario, was the scene of the
marriage of Kathleen Stevens,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John
Wilcox, Toronto, and Fraser For-
gie of Wingham, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Forgie.
The ceremony was solemnized at
eleven a.m., April 7, by Rev. R. G.
The bride wore a mocha pesante
dress with belled skirt and match-
ing print lined jacket and carried
a nosegay, of pink rosos and
tips.' , _
Miss Doris Doubledee, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dot b ler ee
J ,
Wroxeter, was the bride's only at-
tendant, wearing a brown draped
sheath dress and carriod yellow and
white mums.
The groom was attended by Mur-
ray Kirkland of Oakville.
After the ceremony the bridal
party had lunch at the DeFrance
in Clarkson. Mr. and Mrs. Fergie
are now honeymooning in Florida.
Full House for
Film Showing
It •was gratifying to the execu-
tive of the Wingham and District
Film Council to have the council
chamber filled with young people
last week for the showing of two
films, "You Can Go a Long Way"
and "The Universe".
At the short business session,
which followed, it was decided to
try to get a car load to attend the
county annual meeting in Clinton
tonight (Wednesday) and anyone
wishing to go may contact Lloyd
Casemoro or Alvin Higgins.
Mr. Worsnop and Mr, Shackle-
ton were appointed to be a nomin-
ating committee for local officers,
to be presented at the'annual meet-
ing in June. These officers Wali as-
sume office on September 1, when
all memberships should also be re-
Another evening of films for the
young people was set for May 29
at 7.45. "University Days" and
Rev. Gordon L, Fish spoke on
"A 'He Is Risen' Faith" at the mor-
ning service in St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church on Sunday and
dispensed the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper. The choir sang
the anthem, "0 Sacred Head Once
New members were received in-
to the fellowship for service. On
profession of faith were Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Storey, Miss Gloria
Reed, Miss Mary Joan Corrin, Miss
Mary Rathburn, Miss Nancy Don-
aldson, Charles Congram, John -
Donaldson Jr., and William Dau-
Received on transfer of member-
ship were Robert A. Campbell
from Chalmers United, Cowal, Ont.;
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe. St.
Andrew's, Clinton; Mac Ritchie,
Knox, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Rathburn, St, Andrew's, Fer-
gus; Lewis Palmer, Bo.bcaygeon;
Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Chalmers,
During the evening service the
cantata, "'.Che Resurrection and the
Life" by Wilson was presented by
the choir, under the direction of
Harold Victor Pym. The soloists
were Mrs. J. E, Ostrom, Mrs. B.
Feagan, Miss Gail Henderson, John
Donaldson and John McIaibbon.
Mrs. Robert Greig
Passes in 30th Year
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Busby of
Wingham, formerly of Carrick
Township. received word of the
sudden death of their eldest daugh-
ter, Nina Mae, wife of Robert Greig
of Weston, in her 30th year.
Besides her husband she leaves
to mourn two daughters, Kandy
and Kim: two brothers, ,James of
Carrick, Harry at home; three sis-
ters, Mrs. William (Veleta) Cum-
ming of Hamilton; Wendy and
Deborah at home,
The funeral was on Tuesday af-
ternoon at the Ward funeral home,
Weston, then to the Sanctuary
Park Cemetery, Weston,
The pallbearers were William
Young, Ken Cooper. Ira Watson,
Harold Bobister, William Cum-
mings and James Busby.
Those attending from Carrick
Township were William Busby, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Harkness, Mr. and
Mrs. James Harper, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Harkness, Bruce Harkness,
Edwin Gilmer and Thomas Dar-
shorter films on various themes
have been chosen. All young people
are invited to attend and take
their friends.
W. I. Card Social
LAKELET-A very good crowd
was in attendance for the weekly
card social. Solo prize winners we're
lst high, Jim Inglis, Lakelet; and
high, Graham Wright, Lakelet; 10w,
Leonard Harper, McIntosh.
Euchre winners were High
lady, Mrs, Clark Renwick, McIn-
tosh; high man, Charlie Scott, Me-
Intosh; low, Miss Connie .Allan,
Lakelet; special prize went to Mr.
John Waack, McIntosh.
Next Wednesday evening will be
the last card social of the season.
The committee in charge was Mrs.
Gordon Wright, Mrs, Jack Fergu-
son and Mrs. Robert McComb,
Institute Officers
Installed for 1962=63
The annual meeting of the Wing -
ham Women's Institute was held in
the council chambers on Thursday
with Mrs. H. Burrell presiding in
the absence of the president, Mrs.
G. Hastie.
Mrs, J. Finnegan reported on the
district rally. The district annual
is being held in Clinton on May 11.
Members decided to send $2,00 to
the Pennies for Friendship.
'Reports of the year were read
and adopted. Roll call was ans-
wered by the payment of fees.
There .was an exchange .of bulbs
and slips.
The new officers elected for the
coming .. year were installed by
Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton: Past
pres., Mrs. E. Parrish; pres., Mrs.
G, Hastie; first vice, Mrs. 1-I. Bur-
rell; second vice, Mrs, J, Finne-
gan; sec.-treas., Mrs. N. Keating;
asst, sec., Mrs. R. Powell; branch
directors, Mrs. R. Powell, Mrs. 1-I.
Congram, Mrs. J. Halliday; Ws -
pilot director, Mrs. N.:McLaughlin;
alternate, Mrs. R. Powell; pianists,
Mrs, D, S, MacNaughton and. Mrs.
N. Keating; Good Cheer, Miss - .1.
Murray; press sec., Mrs. 0. Hazel.
grove; nominating comm.. Mrs, G.
Conveners of standing commit-
tees: Citizenship and education,
Miss I. Paton, Mrs. L. Fortune; ag-
riculture and Canadian industries.
Mrs. J. L. Currie Mrs. E, Parrish;
home economics and health. Mrs.
J. Henry, Mrs. W. T. Lapp; histnr.
ical research and current events.
Mrs, N, T. McLaughlin, Mrs. <,;hns.
Hopper, Mrs. F. Edgar; resolutions
and public relations representative,
Mrs, 0. ,Haselgrove.
-----Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newman
of Newmarket and Miss Gerlrtide
Newman of Toronto spent the
week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Chris
--Miss Mary Skinn is sl)en(ling
a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Skinn.
third, back row, Connie Burke, Vicki Taylor and
Bonnie McTaggart.
-Advance-Times piloto