HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-04-18, Page 9CI-111.DRE N'S PLAY STRAPS 1if;ICh OR „BROWN; $2,98 and. S3.50 Commencing April 6 WINGHAM STORES AND BUSINES5ES WILL BE Open Friday Evenings 13Y POPULAR DEMAND .. . SPECIAL FOR EASTER JUKE BOX JAMBOREE ADMISSION - 75 CENTS INCLUDES (FItlI) MUSIC; (FREE) LIGHT LUNCH AND (FREE) BEVERAGES 2 Free Draws-Thurs., Apr. 19, 9 p.m. -10 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME! -A NEW FEATURE - 1111141811 ORANGE JUICE SQUEEZED INTO .GLASSES - While you wait - AT OUR HEALTH. BAR. Everyone e will find it a pleasure to shop in our FRUIT SECTION for all your fruit and vegetable needs. MANY MORE INTERESTING FEATURES AND GOOD VALUES AT - Bondi's Restaurant 4. \" VIII■III111III111III11iIIM!I111111■111.1lrllldlllrlll111lllrlll111lllrlll111111•111101111lllwlll111ll111111 r. r a ii iii i VE -IN THEATRE IN iiii HARRISTON N Ili r JRIDAY-SATURDAY APRiL 20-21. • ii THE BOWERY BOYS in 1 li II il iN "HERE COME THE MARINES" • r Pi i)S - S19CONN FEA'L'Ultl+.• ii-_ "ARMOURED COMMAND" • r • r• r :MONDAY -TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY APRIL 23-24-25 j ii • mil "THE INNOCENT AND THE DAMMED" ii PLUS - SECOND FEATURE Ili lil iii "TROUBLE AT SIXTEEN"• iii i Recommended as adult entertainment li I i NI OPERATING SIX DAYS EASTER WEEK i i1111111111111iI■IINIIIIIII•liu Miall 111■•111111I111IIi1111•11•1.011 UIII11IIIMII•IIIr1l1■h4 • i SPRING IS HERE! LET US TAKE THE WINTER 0(11 OF YOUR CAR Long winter months of poor driving conditions take their toll of any car and we are equipped to put your buggy back in tip-top condition for carefree spring driving. S'PRING TUNE=UI It's time for an oil change and grease job slid as a bonus we will adjust your brakes ABSOLUTELY FREE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL SIZES OF TIRES Getthose snow tires off this week, and put oil a new set at big savings Bert Armstrong . GE �r A /�A "WHERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO BLOW YOUR HORN FOR TOP-NOTCH SERVICE" WINGHAM LLAN S YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE PHONE 1 LOOKS LIKE BANNER SEASON -If the enthusiasm at Sunday afternoon's annual meeting in the Stratford Legion Home means anything, then the Memorial Softball League is destined for its best year since it was organized 15 years ago. Pictured above are: front row seated (left to right): Orval Pearson, Wood- stock, vice-president; Walter Kobold, Woodstock, pre- sident; Andy Davidson, Stratford, secretary; and Jack Barrett, Shedden, vice-president. Rear row are club representatives Tom Smith, Stratford; Roy Rachar, Otterville; Ivan Gardner, Wingham; Matt Matthews, Clinton RCAF; Larry Oldham, Goderich; John Collins, Glanworth; Tom Musgrave, Woodstock; Murray Staf- ford, Shedden; Len Yungblut, Tavistock; Scott Green, Ingersoll. -Stratford Beacon -Herald photo. I LINO ,y HOW TO BOWL FIVE PINS 1 4 By l BERTGAItSIIM and .11-51 HOUI.'I` 1 Chief Bowling Instructor~ Doable Diamond Advisor), Council 1 For more than two million Ca- 1 bowling centre. Or, if you want radians who bowl, this game is both .a recreation ,and a sport, It provides. family fun, and friendly competition. Because it was consiaered more of a pastime than a sport for many years, bowling grew up with a somewhat haphazard set of ground rules --with. different meth- ods of scoring and different rules of play in different localities. For any .true kind of competi- tion, ,everyone has to be playing by the same basic rules, In the past few years, there has been a growing organization of the game. The Ontario Bowlers' Council in Eastern Canada, and the Western Canada 5 -Pin Bowling Association .have both been operating a number of, years, and have done magnifi- cent jobs in standardizing the game, and helping it grow. The two groups are trying to co-operate in setting up a Canadian Bowling Association, to act as a governing body for all of Canada. Plans for this are now underway, and .may he ,finalized in Saskatoon this spring. You'ill find your enjoyment of the game grows with the chances you get to compete with your friends, and, as your score im- proves, to compete against other bowlers of equal skill. The first step is to join a bowl- ing team, which in turn belongs to a league. The league should be affiliated with your area's howling association, which is a local branch of either the eastern or western Canada governing body, Visit Your Local Lane If you want to expand your own bowlingopportunities, the first thing to do is visit the manager of your local howling lanes, He can probably arrange for you to join one of the house leagues at his CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON T111111.-FRL-SAT, APIC. 18-20-21 A WALT DISNEY SPECIAL "JUNGLE CAT" Nature in the wild the life of a jacgufi'. One of Disney's finest "THE HOUND THAT THOUGHT HE WAS A RACCOON" Weechn, the 'raccoon, and. Niibbin, the hound strangest of friends M1ION.-'I'lli:S.-WI:i), APIC, 23-21-25 "MASTER OF THE WORLD" In Technicolor t Starring Vincent Puce Thrill to one of the great expericn. nes in Science Fiction from the pen of the master Jules Vern Sllotvs at 7.15 and 11,15 p.m, imminmemimametwoommaisi to form your own league, he'll be able to give you va'uable help. Hundreds of groups lend them- selves naturally to bowling leagues, you'll find potential members at your church, among your neigh- bors, or at work. Any group that share some common interest can he the nucleus for a bowling league. N E w s Bantams 9 10,30 Tigers 3, Bears 0; John Deneau 133, Rhonda Pell 98. Lions 1, Wolves 3; Barbara White 118 David Balser 124. In Ottawa, there is a'league con- Coons 0, Leavers 3; Sally Lu El- sisting entirely of pregnant moth- liott 105, Jennifer Sangster 104. ers. This particular league obvious- ly has a +fairly rapid turn -over of members. But, while they belong, the women find the mild exercise helpful, and they have lots to talk about together. An extra ten cents is added to the regular bowling lineage fees, to proOide a gift layette for each member when her enforced retire- ment from the league comes in a few 'months. If you are starting your own league, go to the local branch of your area's bowling association. One of the main purposes of these associations is to help in setting up new leagues, and they have plenty of experience in solving any of the problems you'll run into. For younger bowlers, the Cana- dian Junior Bowling Council, with headquarters in Toronto, operates right across Canada, organizing leagues and providing professional instruction for "Bantams" up to age 12; Juniors from 12-14, and for Junior Men and Ladies, from 14-19. Getting into a league, and mak- ing sure the league is affiliated with your area's bowling associa- tion ensures that you arc getting the most fun, and most competitive opportunties out of the most popu- lar game in Canada. For more information. about or- ganized bowling in Canada, here are the addresses of the eastern and western bodies: Charles McQuaker, President, Ontario Bowlers' Council, 1854 Queen St, 'E., Toronto. 13111 Hawrylak, Recording Secre- tary, WCFPBA, 1221 Jubilee Ave., Regina, Saskatchewan, So, howl --and have fun. (Last of a series) WINGHAM MAY ENTER MEMORIAL LEAGUE It would appear, and t.hi', is sub- ject to revision, that the Meinor. ial Softball League is due for ex pansion, following the ann.ial meet._ ing at the Canadian Legion head quarters in Stratford on Sunday afternoon. Clubs of last year, (Iron tralia, St. Thomas and Hickson, were not represented, but nw. comer probable clubs from Shed- den, Ingersoll, Wingham and Clan. worth wore, and right now the set- up would have Shedden, Glanworth Otterville, Woodstock and Ingersoll in the southern group arul Wing - ham, Clinton RCAF, Tavistock, Goderich and Stratford in the northern section. The deadline for entries was set for April 29, when the next meet- ing will be held at Stratford, at which time the club representatives will decide on the 1902 schedule Bantams 10.3(1.12 Whites 0, Greens 3; Marilyn Strong 126, Donald Collar 211. Blues 3, Blacks 0; Barbara ])au phin 133, Jo Anne King 89. Reds, Cary 13renzi1 99; Browns, Teddy Ahara 257. 0-0-C Juniors 12-" Eagles 0, Ravens 3; Neil Ron - wick 171, Bruce Boyd 158. Hawks 3, Crows 0; Ron Goy 231. Wayne Gordon 168. Buzzards 3, Owls 0; Ann Me- Kibbon 163, Brian Cronkwright 139. 0 - 0 - 0 Junior Men and allies Yanks 0, Angels 3: Dick Scott 186, Wayne Caslick 276, Phillies 1, Dodgers 2; Wendy Reynolds 180, Bob Angus 230. Pirates 3, Orioles 0: Lynn Fin- negan 208, Jane Ann Colvin 206. 0 - 0 - 0 Commercial Bowlers Just one more river to cross c10(i then the big swim is all over for another season. I missed out on my prediction last week, and the Orioles are still out front by a slim four points, so something is bound to happen this week, as either they stay up there or someone else takes over. Not hard to figure out, eh? Thursday at 7 p.01. we gather around the festive table at the Le gion. Home and talk neer oar past season's flu that is if there is anyone who feels like talking on a full stomach. Team standings: Orioles 9357, Dodgers 9353, Pirates 9119, 'Tigers 9101 Red Legs 9016, Braves 8971. 0 - 0 - 0 Men's 'town League If you were anywhere within two blocks of the howling alley on Mon day night between 7 and 9 you pro bably heard the cheering and shout_ ing. It was just the Melt's Town League in the first night of the playoffs, The three top teams went (100.01 to defeat and caused quite an up set. Burkes clowned the Hydro team for total pins with 3139 to 2857, Jack Parkinson lending the and the playoffs. .If the len pros pective teams center, then it could be that four of the five tonnes in each division will figure in the playoffs. Election of officers resulted in Walter Kobold and Andy Davidson being returned as president and secretary of the league respective.. ly, while the new vice presidents are Jack Barrett of Shedden and Orval Pearson of Woodstock.)ne member of the competing ('labs will be added to the exec 1tive. Jack Tiffin and Ivan Gardner were the official delegates ftinm Winghatu. 'ala W0401 In. Wedpesti<ay, Apr, 18, , irta way with a 755 triple. Bill Ed- wards of the Hydro team. had high single for the night with 324. • The IVfustangs defeated.CKNX in a real close battle, 2838 to 2818.. The Rockets defeated Lees 3194 to 3147 in another real close con- test. Mac Ritchie of the Rockets had a 743 triple. Ken Saxton of Lees had high triple for the night with 784. Next week will bring together Burkes and the Mustangs with the Rockets taking on the winners in two weeks. OUR BUSINESS INSURANCE DEPT, bas been organized 'to give helpful specialized service for fhe protection of PARTNER- SHIPS - HEY MEN - SOLE OWNERSHIPS - Be. ASSURED Consult - FRANK C. HOPPER -Representative- Canada Life WINGHAM, ONT. Phone 462 STORES OPEN THURSDAY EVENING TJiIS WEEK ON ACCOUNT OF GOOD FRIDAY HOLIDAY REjwrnraTOnr rGQ Laster Weekend Features Orange, Grape, Apple, Party Puneli and Outage -Pineapple HI -C DRINKS 3/$1.00 Nabisco SHREDDED WHEAT, 18 -oz., pkg. 29c Stokely's CREAM CORN, 15 -oz.; Stokely's FANCY PEAS, 15 -oz. 3/49c Stokely's Fcy. TOMATO JUICE, 48 -oz. , , 2/59c IGA MUSTARD, 6 -oz. jar 10c Club House Easter Pack OLIVES, 16 -oz. jar59c Maxwell House 'Inst. COFFEE, 10 -oz. jar. $1.49 Heinz Swt. Mixed PICKLES, 12 -oz. jar ..2/49c MEAT FEATURES SMOKED HAMS, shank portion ......43c lb. Butt portion 49c 1b. Burns' DINNER HAMS, 2-3 lbs.,..,99c lb. TURKEY BROILERS, 6-10 lbs. 43c Ib. Table ,Rite Rindless SIDE BACON 69c Ib, PRODUCE FEATURES No. 1 HEAD LETTUCE, 24's 2:/35c No. 1 TOMATOES, 14 -oz. ,,.,,.,.,,,....,19c GREEN ONIONS ' 2/13c FREEZER FEATURES Highliner FISH and CHIPS, 16 -oz, 4tic Highliner COD FILLETS, 1 -Ib. ..33c Highliner OCEAN PERCH, 1-1b. 35c County Fair FRENCH FRIES, 9-oz.....3/49c Red L. HADDOCK FILLET DIN., 10 -oz.. ,55c THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN TILL 10 P.M. THURSDAY NIGHT AND CLOSED ALL DAY ON GOOD FRIDAY, PLM'`DAILY DOiiBLE wrTFI A SALES SLIP FROM i.G.A, EAQII WEEK DAY ON CHANNEL 8, C'I(NX--TV, WINGHAM, Remington 1GA Market Trade Now'' at Schuett's Mildmay Showrooms P TO 100 FOR YOUR IO CHESTERFIEL ROOM S ITED ON NEW Select from about 25 SUITES including SECTIONAL THREE-PIECE D22J'.0 2 -pc. MODERN CHESTERFIELD SUITES, foam cushions, nylon coverings 2 - PIECE DAVENPORT SUITES 09.00 .149.00 169.00 etc. Convenient TERMS 159.00 $239.00 etc. ALSO - 'FRENCH PROVINCIAL' 'COLONIAL' AND OTHER SUITES --- IN STOCK Godfrey Schuett MILDMAY Phone ENdicott 7=2308