HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-04-18, Page 3of 1 7 NOW ! OSMOSE PRhJ'$ij,9bJBfJfffi LOMBER it's clean! it's',pa ;t.a•ble! it's economical! 'flake the exterior wool around the home, Cottage or ram --. verandah floor,, basement window frames, wood 3IL refits( 1 with concrete Or ground - last 3 to 5 times longer. 11:5 fit•e- retardant, tool livery 'piece deOply presSar tnlpr•egnatcd with "OSMOSE" preserv'a-•,,A lives, used in Canada since 1930, 1111114 1i. ❑ t !I:li! I iii■ L 4d i Asti, FOR O$MOSE PRESSURE -TREATED POLES AND POSTS, TOO Avalloble througklour tocol Lumber dealer, or write OSMOSE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD PRODUCTS ' ;9O'I'RIO) LIMITED Bab ii'oti, Ontario. Telephone: 510 s PLAN A LOAN TO LJ Plan. an UFC Shopper's Loan to cover a new suit for Dad .. new Spring and Summer clothing for the whole. family ... even gifts for graduations, weddings and anni- versaries. You make better buys with cash and avoid hills at the end of the month. Instead, you simply pay MK one small monthly amount. HFC looney AMOUNT OF LOAN $100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 36 3O 2O A2 months months proutb, nrartbs service is always 'hel.p- �..... $ 632$ 9,46 1'ul, neighbourly and 23 73 33,86 51,21 confidential. Drop in ...,, 31,65 4.13 69.21 and SCC. 41,15 58.11 91.56 60.884 68.81 94.11 116.52 83.71. 94,62 129.41 201.46 95.12 107.52 117.05 228.93 Above , Monts incl tde principa and uderesl, and are based el prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of tiro lose ance. Life insurance available on all loans HOUSEHOLD FINANCE G. N. Crawford, Manager 354 West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH • THE BLUEVALE COMMUNITY HALL was the scene of a banquet attended by nearly 300 people en Saturday evening, to l aise money to assist with hockey finances. Shown above is the Jamestown Pee -Wee squad which played in the Tri -County loop and won all their .games but the last two, losing out to Gorrie in the finals. Included in the picture are Raymond McCannell, Dean Gibson and Neil Gowing, who won the most valuable player trophy, Lloyd Peacock, Gerald Snell, Coach Carl Gowing; Doug Hall, Gerald Brewer, John Turvey, Terry Johnston; front row, Brian Adams, Don Thompson, Bill White, Bruce Corrigan, Bobby Corrigan, Wayne Gillespie and David White, Ladies of Bluevale and ddistrict catered for the event, which was followed by a card party.-Advance-Tirnes photo. Rebekah Lodge Final. Euchre The members of Majestic Re- bekah Lodge held their finial mara- thon euchre in the lodge hall on Wednesday night. Mrs. Jean Crump and Mrs. William McKenzie were the first and second high win- ners, while Mrs. Alex MacDonald won the consolation prize, lvlrs, William Bain received the gift for the lucky tally. For the game of the evening Mrs, William MacKenzie and Mrs. Jack Mnintyre were high. Mrs. Donald MonLg om- cry held the low score and Mrs. John Walker had the lucky tally. Lunch was served by the com- mittee with Miss Anne Geddes as convener. • HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN, AND CALCIUM TO BUILD STURDY BODIES ab Free! Marie Fraser's "Milk -Mates for Moderns" recipe booklet. Write today. A Division of DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 147 Davenport Road,Toronto S MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR ATLAS' ALL-PURPOSE SAFETY LANTERN IT'S A LANTERN, spreading a bright light evenly 2 over a large area: IT'S A SEARCHLIGHT with a powerful, long range beam. IT'S A SAFETY BEACON with a red flashing light '0 for emergencies. Whether you're at home or in the 'field, on the road, on the trail or in a boat, you'll find the Atlas all-purpose safety lantern the handiest, most useful lantern you've ever seen. This offer is for a limited time only so make sure you get your Atlas all-purpose safety lantern soon I YOURS 5 NOW FOR ONLY 9 (including the Ailed Heavy Duty battery) MACH BELOW iTS ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE Was sales tar where applkilM AVAILABLE ONLY FROM THE IMPERIAL ES50 AGENT WHOSE NAME APPEARS BELOW A Tiffin ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL IC R THE BEST Team Nominates Neil. Mowing as Trophy Winner BLUEVALE A gathering in support of the Jamestown Pee -Wee hockey team was held in the com- munity hall here on Friday even. ing, when the team and over 300 other guests enjoyed a bountiful turkey supper. Rev. T. E. Ken- nedy of Knox Presbyterian Church gave 'the blessing. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson were the competent conveners of the event and the neighborhood, especially Morris Township, was well represented. After the supper Alex Corrigan, master of ceremonies, paid tribute to the Pec'-Wees, who had a special table, introducing them individ- ually. They had not lost a game during the season, but missed the play-off. Their coach, Carl Cow- ing, was presented with a gift on behalf of the Pec -Woes, by Dean Gibson, in recognition of his help and interest in the boys, 'ferry Johnston reading an appreciative address, The Robin Hood trophy was presented to Neil Gowing as outstanding player, nominated by the team. Mr. Corrigan thanked some of those citizens who were active in supporting the youthful team. Ross Peacock, referee; Murray McFar- lane, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gowing, Mr, and. Mrs. W. J. Peacock, Mr. and Mrs. ,Tack Nicholson and oth- ers. Mr. Corrigan himself was ac- corded appreciation by the assemb- lage. Games of euchre were enjoyed after the program. POTTED PLANTS ARE EXCHANGED AT Y.I. l,L Jl.VALI. Mrs George e It [Heth- erington, president, presided at the Meeting o t B tcv ale Women's 1 g, f the 1 t Instituto held in the school room of the 11uited Church on Wednes- day. Mrs. .Tack Wickstetul was- emivener of the program on agri- vulture and Mrs. Spading. johns - ton was hostess. Mrs. W. ,T, Peacock roto' the min tries and financial report. The roll call was answered by payment of fees for 11161.62, Mrs, .lack Wick - stead gave a report on agriculture. Mtn, Speeding ,Johnston spoke on the subject of public relations In all Its varied aspects. Mrs. Charles Mathers,. district director, gave tt summary of the dttrnssions at the executive meet ing held at Lakelet, recently, to pre. pare for the alfnutal meeting of the district. She announced this meet. ing will be held 1n Walton on May 181It, Special c'et•c'nionies will cele- brate the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institute. The fall county t'ttily will be held in l-iluevttlt' On October Isl. The attoltliun of tL "foster" chile' will be i on the agenda. Mrs. Jack Wit'kslc'ad demo tslra- ted the taking of slips from. plants anti the procedure of ,potting plants, with comments on varietity colt anti sunshine. Plants and slips were brought by members for ex- change. The question box provided inter- est and amusement. Members pro- vided the questions and the ttn,i- w•ers were given in general dlisc•us- sion. The questions vovered a Wide range, from "How v to Increase meb(tsl1" t n "low topiev prevent potatoes from turning black" Refreshments were served at the close by Mrs. Alan Barnard, Mrs. C'harle's Mothers and Mrs. Spar-, ling Johnston. EASTER iS THEME OF WIS. MEETING BLUEVALE The W.M.S. met in Knox Presbyterian Church on Tuesday of last week when the president, Mrs. Bernard Thomas, gave the call to worship, "He is alive, He is risen, go tell". An Eas- ter hymn followed and prayer was offered, Mrs. Harry Elliott had charge of the topic, a continued study of British Guiana, "The Challenge of Tomorrow", which was prefaced by Scripture reading and prayer. The minutes and treasurer's re- port were given. Plans were made for a Thankoffering meeting in Easter week. Replies were read from the sick who had received remembrances. Mrs, R. J. McMurray, delegate to the recent synodical meeting at Hamilton, gave a fine report which was enjoyed by all. The president 1 BOX 390 The Editor, Wingham Advance -Times, Dear Sir: As many of your sports -minded readers are probably aware, some of the streams in the arca were re- stocked last week with speckled trout, The Department of Lands and Forests is anxious that the fishing in this area should be as good as possible. In this they would like to have the co-operation of all those who fish in the area, Some of the streams are unsuit- able for re -stocking, owing to var. ions factors- lack of water, con- ditions in summer, etc. More streams may be stocked in future if accurate counts of fish taken from the streams concerned could he collected by the department. This can only be clone by the ang- ler himself. Thus, if proof of fish closed the meeting with prayer. caught is forthcoming it will show the water concerned will support a fish population which can be add_ cd to each year by re -stocking. MORRIS BOARD WU REPAINT TWD. SCHOOLS The regular meeting of the Mor- ris School Board was held in the Township hall on April 5th, Min- utes of the March meeting were adopted on a motion by 0, Haines and G. Nicholson. The various items contained in the accident insurance policy were studied. On motion by B. Elliott and C. Haines this policy will re. main unchanged. Two representatives of the Bel - grave School Fair were present and discussed matters relating to the fair with the trustees. The board decided to have the exterior of two schools repainted and have some eavestroughing re- pairs and replacements lace. The contracts for this work will be let at a later date. Payment of the following bills was authorized: G. Ronncnhurg, in- surance premium, $446.94; Grey Twp. S.A. No. 2, $2027,33; Alexan- der Hardware, $12.03: coal yard, $370,28; Hodgins -McDonald Ltim-- her, $2(1,54: Oldfield's Hardware, $12.20; Ross Mann, $61.36: Hood Supplies, $3.05: Machan Hlardware, $8,77: 13, Thomas, $4.00. The next board meeting will be 8 on May 3rd. ,Tames Elston, chairman R. S. Shaw, secretary. LAKELET Sunday visitors with Sir. rind Mrs. Ray (:Indite were Mt', awl Mrs. Donald Butt and fancily of Orange- ville. Mrs. Ken .Donnolly and baby daughter Ann of Mitchell spent last work with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Don Webber. Mr. and Mrs. 'Irvin Uiekert and family visited wills Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Klein of Ntustuclt. on Sun. day. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wright at. tended the confirmation service of Miss Brenda Dahms of Mildlmay at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning with NIr. ancl Mrs.I Harvey Dahms.. 'Wer'k.cnd visitors with Mr. and 1 MPs, John Wright were Miss Jen.. nice Merkley and Mr, .Doug David- son of Wingham. The butcher confronted the cos- 1 r __ tomer with embarrassment. "I' m sorry, Madam, but T can't give you further credit. Your bill is bigger ,tow than it should be." "I'm aware of that," the woman said, "so if you will make it out for what it should be, I'll pay it." Catches can be reported to any of the following: your local Con- servation officer, CKNY Radio or TV, the Advance -.Gimes Wingham, E. King, Silver Lake Camp, Kin- loss, or your local Sportsmen's As- sociation, Information required is the name of the stream, amount and lintel of catch and date caught. Hoping this. will ensure c'o-oper- tion from all sportsmen. Yours very truly, W. R. Worniwortlt BLUEVALE Tom Parker and .Elliott Mair sure spending a few days in Elliot. Lake, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Moffatt and family of Southampton wore week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 13. H. Moffatt - B. B. H. Moffatt. and Harold Mof- fatt are motoring to l:loutdnmaquc, Quebec, Leaurie David. son of Mr. unci Mrs. Arnold Mothers, w•a.s heap. tined on Sunday at Riverside Un- ited Church, Toronto, by Rev. FI. Allenendnsevce w NIr, Loin,AttMaw, Giordgenthe Penrge]lly, Merer. and Mrs, Melville Mothers, Mr. Henry Mothers, Mr. anal Mrs, Wal.. ter Woods and family and Mr, and Mrs, James Gaunt. Representatives of ten groups of ITnitecl Church vv'onu'n of the (Hs_ Wet attended a rally at Illytli TTn.. ited Church on Sunday evening when Mrs T, Y. McKinnon, of Lon. don addressed tile gathering. She described the needs which Milted Church Wom(n mast meet and presented rt challenge for all 4o ac- cept, AL the (lose of the meeting a social half hour was enjoyed. Al - ten niirig f rote Ilinewalr' 1lnlled ('hurvh were Mrs, (;, C. Mitchell, Mrs. ,Tames Johnston, Mrs. Alex Corrigan, Mrs, Carl :inlutstott. Mrs, NV, .1, Peacock, Mrs. George Heth- erington. Raymond Elliott, spent n dny in 'Form, to last week. I W.I. Card Social LAICELET A good erowd was hi attendance for tin' Weekly card so.. clal, TE;uchre winners were: high lady, Mrs. ,Jim Harper, Mildmay: high gent, Alex Wattek, M(Intosh; low, Mrs. Eugene Metzger, Lake. Iet. Solo winners were: First high, Gordon McKee. Lakelet; second, ie•' low, Elmer Burt Hubbard, Cnri•'rI c Haskins, McIntosh. The special prize went to George Hibbard of Lakelet. The committee in charge was Mrs, Arnold (Indite, Mrs. 'Eugene Metzger, Mrs, Gordon McKee. who WL;::«anl 4,'dvanoi Theca, wedmIr yy, Apr. 14, 02_21. �lt"tl Weplites4WWWitreetteeele eTROWeettettetertffpolosteelliseittelortin o ww 9ar+esr.ow►Owls oTP wt. COMPLETE YOUR EASTER OUTFIT with. SPRING COSTUME JEWELLERY SETS FROM $2.00 r!AFRi`di Eel LbS -cmirgp.,,k1 PHONE 2b8 E VV 1J,LL.GrRY WINGHAM, ONTARIO .w W..wo.w.gwwo u.tmqmott.gwinowto'q.wo o4mmoga.ol.qmis1 To our many Friends from the New mec BRUSSELS, ONT. Special Sunday Dinner served from 5 to 8 pan. For Reservations Phone Brussels 26 Gay -Lea Inst. Milk Powder 1.LB PACKAGE E 10c OFF REG. PRICE 3-1.13. 1'AC1ift,GE 25c OFF REG. PRICE AT YO U'. 11" A VO U RITJ 11''OOl) STORE ASK FOR GAY -LEA ICE CREAM • Bring Us Your Cream and Eggs "WE SERVE TO SATISFY" We would like to Beaute all ,patrons of the Ilohtathile Creamery for their co-operation it) the change -over and will try, and serve you to the best of Ottr ability. United Dairg w A. w Co-operative oiperatite - �ft� WINGI-IAM PHONE 271 1'F'1'E11• ('TITTER, Manager �wRewRon,�p „O..U1T.q�.now,lsl,^�nwU�,l„�IIw,1.UwOA,Uq�,.9.lAllUl�q�glgl� • ! Carmtchaei 11 1 Littest000tronorvottomototrogt.n uiiw.n ei.4n404861ni Diiiii• nw,w14iesn YOUR QUALI'T'Y FAMILY CLOTHING STOKE suggests the following items for your attention: Girls' HATS •Just the right Easter' Bonnet for the right girl Sizes 3-6X and 7-12 years, at $1.98 and $2.98 Girls' DRESSES SSC 5 New crisp Cottons. Styled by Little Duchess ,just arrived Sizes •i -6X. and 7-14 $4.98 to $9.95 Girls' SLACKS t -UX and 7-11 - iin all new 1xt r shades anal materials $1.98 to $4.95 BLOUSES Stvicd by London. Lassie and Kayser. Beautiful new t- 1►a terns in crisp, easy to handle drip rtlry Cottons, sizes 1.0-20. Now at CAII•NICHA.JLL'S for $2.98 to $3.98 SWEATERS Our exclusive line of Golden Crown Baal Lon Sweaters Short $tct:vn PULLOVERS $3.98 l,nug Sleeve YULLOYENS $4.98 (•AIWJ.GA.NS to match $5.98 (Apiuptire Oda quality and price and you will agree that this is the best buy in town NOTICE Ni''.( wcelt (.,411t%Il('IIA]Ll.'S will introduce wotuethIiig View It will be CARMICHAEL'S $1.49 DAYS Everything on sale will be for. 8149 THREE DAYS - APRIL 26 - 27 - 28 I1 will pay you to wutelt for our advt. and Save. plenty on these special stile days which will be tt mont'hly event at CARMICHAEL'S NYLONS -• Easter Special tVELJ)RES'1' FIRST QUALITY S1'IrllliF1tEli Spring s'liMe i 95c A PAIR •- 2 PAIR $1.49 Your Dollars Stiretelt Farther at . CARMICHAEL'S WINCiIIAlI'S FAMILY CLOTHING WORE Phone 1W We will deliver 1