The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-03-28, Page 11
ltfy The Pedestrian
•••• Novemamarman
SYRI P'ts I'N—
Tho first of the season's crop of
maple syrup arrived in town last
week ---and a mighty good sample
it is, too. The weather has been
ideal for syrup making during the
past two weeks, with 'warns, sunny
flays and frosty nights,
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Kerr arrived by
plane from Florida on Sunday eve-
ning, in time to attend the funeral
of John Hanna. They had recently
visited with several Wingham
fantilies in the south.
The barrel which was placed on
the ice above the McKenzie Bridge
was still there on Tuesday, but it
will likely be over the dam be -
•fore long. The :hockey • club' is
raising some money .by taking.
guesses on the time of its, depart-
0 0-0:
If you think all the high' school
students have left town; you are
mistaken. .They are. all. holed • up
studying for Easter examinations
which are in progress this week.
Stores in Wingham will revert to
Friday ii ght opening. Thc expert-
" Ment was tried a .few years ago
and proved ,unpopular.• In the in-
terval, however, most of the
towns in this district have chfing=
ed to Friday evening opening and
their places of business remain
closed on Saturday evenings, Wing-
' hang wil now be In line with its
eighbora. ,
In Biu.'vale 11€ell, sponsored b;
Hall Board, Wednesday, March 28,
;► at 3.30 p.m. .Proceeds for putting
water in ]toll. Adm. 50e. F28b
^.n organ. and choir recital •will
be given by Herbert .C. Tren.cer
and the Wingham United Church
choir on Friday, April 1.3th, at 8.13
pan. Adm. oww:, Public school child-
ren admitted FREE, A cultural
and enjoyable program is guaran-
teed. Come and bring a friend.
Speesort;d by Jamestown Hockey
Teams, in Bluevale Hall, Friday.
April 18, at 7 p.m. Progressiva:
euchre to follow. Adults $1.25, pub-
lic school children 50c, Tickets
Moffat's and Hoffman's stores in
131uevale; McKercher's at Janes -
town; PWcher's at Iviorrisbank; or
from .Leith Moffat, Leopold St
Wingham, Ticket sales close Apr
lith.• Flan
Women's Institute euchre in
council Chambers on Wednesday,
March 28, at 8.30 pan. Lunch serv-
ed. F28b
.1110.3tE DAR LNG SALE
Saturday, March 31, 3 p.m., in
former Red Front store, sponsored
by Whitechurch Donations
and patronage welcomed. F284'
s'i:' k'AIf.l; s '1'L,A
The Ladies' Guild will hold a tea
and bane sale In the church Wed-
nesday, April 4th, 28-4b
111UG.h.Lli AN'I.) DANCE
A In I3clgrave on Friday, March
30: Music by 'Tiffin.'s orchestra.
Lunch counter. Sponsored by Arena
Board. F28b
J Nil Ivan Wilson,
, i'
Ai Mrs, ot` Kincardine,
wishes to announce the engage-
Mefit of her daughter, Janet Louise.,
to Hendrik Jan Wiltlnk, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bertokl Wiltink, of
Wingham, The marriage will take PREMIER JOHN ROBARTS of Ontario is seen leaving St. And-
pk4ee Apt'i1 21 in the I{ingdom H111 rew's Presbyterian Church folIowincj the furierai of John W.
e' fzt C:'oderieh, V28't' Hanna, M.P.P. He is accompanied by Hon. William A, Goddfel-
Mechanism Fails
car Runs W lid
G'oILsit crtiizlu t'xe1terue►tit was
ettnsod uu nnain Street; Saturtlny.
rrftern.00n when a ear, driven
by 1'1'illicttn I•Iermau Madill, of
iSh.eli)urnne !Tenet .out of eentrol,
°Chu vehicle was tt '58 Dodge
Royal with automatic controls,
Something went wrong with
the nnachanism and Ma Madill
suddenly found he lord Po
bralces, hour or steering,
To the amazement and an-
noyctnec of many people, the
car took to the sidewalk ut the
ltemhtgfion IDA store and went
down the sidewalk to 5lasou's
store, Pedestrians in that su'e't
were forced to scatter to es-
cape injury. The car then
went down John Street and pie.
ed into it snowbank at the cot,
nee of John • and Edward. 1.t
had to be towed away.
Mr. Madill returned mooed.
iately to the police station to
report the incident, only to find
that a number of irate citizens
had already arrived to lay
complaints. He reported to Po-
lice Chief Jim Miller and OPP
Constable Jack Parkinson. The
torr was checked and found to
be as the driver had declared,
and had to be repaired before
leaving town.
/lie experience was terrifying
to those on the street but, even
more so for the driver. Resides
being helpless to control his
ear or warn the possible vie..
tints, his passenger was a Ante
w71.o had recently suffered a
heart attack. Sir. I1ad.ill's wife
was ,shopping in town lvhen the
mishap took place.
AT 1111103 1E 'i'O FRIENDS
Mr, anti Mrs. Charles Martin will
be home to their friends and
neighbours at the home of their
son, Clarkson Martin, 5( Hackling -
ton St.. Galt, Ontario, on.Monday.
April 9th, the occasion beinf, their Hospital, London, on Monday,.
3ctn we iv -• r F28b where the hip will be pinned
With which'is amalgamated the Gerrie, Vidette and Wrc)a�t;t,er News
Miss Frances C'ctskanettc, 111,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Caskanette was severely injured
in a car collision on Sunday in
Culross Township.
Miss Caskanette was a passenger
in a car driven by David Heitz, 22,
of Wingham, as was the driver's
sister, Miss Theresa "Seitz, 15.
They were travelling on the 4th
concession when they collided with
another car driven by their bro.. F-ad
ther, Lorne Boltz, R•R. 3, Mildmay. f Hanna S r 'e
WINUHAM, ON'J,AJtJC)A �'"I'/L)NESI)Ai,, MAUUtili ''.S, 190:
One car was travelling east and
the other was going west,
The accident occurred between 4
and 4,30 p.m, All four were ad..;
nutted to Wingham General Hos-1
Frances suffered severe head la -1
cerations, a broken ankle and
shock. She still had not regained
consciousness on Tuesday and her
condition was reported by hospital
authorities as only "fair".
David Reitz had facial lacerations
and leg injuries, Theresa Reitz suf-
fered leg fractures and Lorne had
a broken collarbone, pelvic injur_
les and lacerations. The broth-
ers and sister were reported in
satisfactory condition.
Miss Caskanette has been a wait-
ress at the Queens Hotel and is
well known in the community.
Provincial Constable Fred Edge-
worth of the Walkerton detach-
ment, Ontario Provincial Police, in-
Mrs. Geo. Hanna
Breaks Hip
Mrs. George Hanna. met with an
accident in her home on Sunday
night which resulted in a broken
Mrs. Hanna had been at the fun-
eral home during the evening and
shortly after her return home slip-
ped on a scatter rug.
She was taken to Wingham Hos-
pital and was removed to Victoria
Queens Parkfor 19 Years
RI 1
John William Hanna, M,i'•I', for
the provincial constituency of Hu -1
von -Bruce, has completed his ser-
vice to the publics The man who
was called "friend" by hundreds
of people in all stations and call-
ings died suddenly as the result Of
a heart attack during the early
hours of Friday morning as he was
being removed by ambulance to the
Wingham General Hospital. He was
72 years of age.
1 -lis period of service in the pub -
lie interest dates back many years.
He served as a town councillor for
eight years, five as mayor. Ll June,
1943, he was elected to the Ontario
Legislature and was returned in
each succeeding election, the last
one being in June of 1959. He
served on many committees of the
Legislature, and about eight years
ago was appointed a member of
the Ontario Racing Commission.
One of the highlights of his pub-
lic career was an invitation to 00-
cupy a seat in Westminster Abbey
for the Coronation of Queen Eliza.'
beth in 1943, He enjoyed this trip
and the chance to wltness the cere-
monies first hand. Many were his
stories of the pomp and spectacle
of that great occasion.
Successful in Business
Mr, Hanna was a highly success
fel businessman in Wingham, tali-.
ing over the active 1101o agement
and control of Hanna & Co. after
the death of his mother in 1921.
Tho latter was a most. unusual wo-
man, who had est ah[ishc•d their
final as one of -the most active in
the entire arca. She had taken
I charge when her husband, John
Hanna Sr., became ill, and again
steppe•l into then hraiush on the
death of her elder son. George, in
191'8, Thc IIunnzo r•rect.ed the
buildings now occupi,'1 ,,; Han-
na s Mcn's Wear and tile Ic lA store.
NEW OOOl ' z 11
AT PURE1,11 1 1 '
The beard <, t Le 1,in; lr•znt I'uit-
• lic Library h;'' at to Ar trial
Period of :rh• tit ,. wc'1;:;, of a
Serf (•1111 •;rr vier to . •n:n'a:'., arntli's
in the clnv:ti.•., o: ..1e I•.... It
11ing April 14, t;r•re .ill it,. a shelf
containing a l'•ction tit honks
which the various denominations
i rccommen'1.
'[he new shelf will en•an'•• peaple
to find this t:. in of i:ter;,' ore
quickly and cassis..Tausb. of the
nrttcrimtl wcae1.i he of v;aloe• b, Lhnse
soc'kin„; (int 1 or 'ov'-.•shoo.; for
addresses or topica. <'Iil s, leetions
heif tank" ir;t:,r,tinr ;•uul
ixt i g Y on the s
ice. fi1e104a:#atita/.•rc114l411,4.,aa:ai is 101)1'(1
that many o1' ti w,•r,inc n in to:cn
'will matte a pui,it of n:;.,. the
X115$ Assoc.
roves Deters i lh(ltrtslnottheri the c!jise;l r.:ufi vu11!.!six y,
tlu' hooks will l'1,17, rt. to their own
I classified suctions.
tenor ' the
Some of thetic. 1.
library care:
"Dr. Isla," by Uorothy -1'larke
Wiesen---' he fascinating biography
Change to Friday Night Shopping
President Jack walker invited
the Businessmen's Association to
hold a discussion on Friday or Sat-
urday night closing at the meeting
last Tuesday, However, Mr. Walk-
er had in his possession a petition,
EUC:ILTCE itN A:momT(+.n.
• In the Community Hall Wed„
March 28, at 8.30 p.m. Sponsored
by the W.I. Everyone welcome.
The Wingham and District Can-
cer Society will hold a. Daffodil
Tea, Saturday, Mauch 31st, 3 to 5
p,m„ in the Council Chamber.
There will also be an exh'bit of
interest, Everyone is welcome. F28b
which had been signed by a num-
ber of merchants the previous
week, and asked that the meeting
resolve to abide by the results of
the petition. The petition was not
opened until after the discussion,
and at that time disclosed that 29
had been in favor of Friday night
and 12 for Saturday night. The
first opening night will be Friday.
April 8.
It was decided to plan some type
of slimmer sales promotion an.]
parking was discussed. Thc meeting
felt that parking meters is the
only fair and logical way to im-
prove the situation and the Asso-
ciation moved to endorse and sup-
port the plan of council to have
these installed.
The budget and finance was ex -
mined and canvassers named to
collect dues were J. P. McKibbon,
Harold Remington, Jack Hayes,
Lee Vance and Ed Ecsighoffer, 1
Warren Callan, treasurer. is in
charge of this committee, Norman
Welwood was appointed to official -1
ly represent the Businessmen's As-
sociation on the Riverside Parks!
The executive, Jack Walker, W.
Callan and N. Welwood voiced a
desire to resign as they have held
their positions for several years,
but since there was no one who
would take their offices they
agreed to carry on for the time
Mr, Siefert, who recently pur-
chased a photography business,
of Dr. i ht aeinIticr, of Vellore,
South Inclin.
"Tweive Baskets bull" byMar-
garet Applr•garth Story amslila-
tiens on stewardship from many
conntriea o-rul many nattnri'5.
"God's C:'nlocly in hart's World"
by George W. Wehner C'.hriltian
concern in action as illustrated in
the work of the East II:whnt
Pr•otestnl't Parish.
"Chris tion Fiatlr 1301 C>ther
Tra!tee by Bishop a'!' alien Neill
lrrom ', hieh we may to a tz a int.
about Christianity is about.
Jewry, Isl'zm, Ishela 11srn, tann-
mnnism. etc,
"Why \V e Worship" by Grady
Davis One for all 1't read: Fewer
teal, 50 pares of print ie.. cie,ar
was welcomed to the Association, laymen's language.
eteran Legi
51N(11 1'. C't)f'jI; r 11) venial
John W. Hanna was a son of
John. Hanna, who came from Ire-
land in the early days and settled
in East Wawanosh Township. The
father married Mary Young of
Colborne Township and they op -
crated a store for a. time, located
near the present Calvin -Brick Un-
ited Church. John W. Hanna was
the last survivor of his family, hav-
ing been predeceased by his bro
ther, George, and sisters Pricilla,
Mary and Maude. The latter was
_t nursing sister during the, first
World War and died in Christie
Street Hospital as a, result of an
illness contracted while serving
He is survived by his wife, the
former Esther Margaret Campbell
of Woodstock. Their only son,
John, was killed in a motor acci-
dent on August 28, 1954,
Mr. Hanna was a member and
past president of the Lions Club of
Wingham, and of St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church and Wing -
ham Masonic Lodge.
Funeral Services
Hundreds of friends from all ov-
er the province came to Wingham
on Sunday and Monday to pay
their last tribute to Mr, Hanna.
On Sunday afternoon a Masonic
service was conducted at the Cur-
rie funeral home by members of
the Wingham Lodge, joined by
Masons from many surrounding
Public service was held in St.
Andrew's Churchat two o'clock
Monday afternoon, when his minis-
ter, Rev. Gordon L. Fish, officiated.
The speaker was Rev. A. W. Dow-
ner,,Ml?.P, for Duffer_inaimeoe, a.
former Speaker of the Legislature,
and a close personal friend of Mr.
Hanna. He spoke with deep feel-
' ing of the service and leadership
which his friend had given to the
!People of his community and to
the Province of Ontario. The coin_
mittal service was conducted by
Mr. Downer at the chapel, Wing -
ham cemetery,
I Attending the service were the
Wingham town council and offic-
' ials, and the Huron County Coun-
cil and its officials. Honorary pall-
bearers were Hon. John Robarts,
Premier of Ontario; Hon. George
C. Wardrope, Minister of Mines;
I; tor
Hon, Charles Daley, Minister with-
out Porfolio; Hon, William A.
Stewart,' Ministr'r –of Agrieultnre;
Hon. Charles MacNaughton, Minis-
ter without Portfolio; Elmer D.
Bell, Q,C„ president of the Ontario
Progressive Conservative Associa-
tion; James Band, Deputy Minis-
ter of Public Welfare; Hollis Beck-
ett, M.P.P,, York East; Marvin
Howe, M.P,, Wellington -Huron; El-
ston Cardiff, M.P., Huron; Harry
Allen, M.P.P„ Middlesex South:
J, Fred Edwards, M.P.P., Perth;
John. -Fullerton, M.P.P., Algoma.
Manitoulin; Major Alex A. Macken-
zie, M.P.P., York North; Allister
Johnston, M.P.P., Parry Sound;
•Hugh Latimer, Provincial Organ-
izer, Progressive Conservative As-
sociation; Theellorc Colehouse, As-
sistant Organizer; Magistrate H.
Celan Hayes, Goderich; Supreme
Court Judge Franit Donnelly: II.
C. MacLean, Wingham and Stanley
Previtt. Goderich.
:'Active pallbearers were ,T, H.
Crawford. DeWitt Miller. Barr •
e y
Wenger, Clarence Cantelon, J, P.
McKibben, all of Wingham and
George ,Toynt, Lucknow. The flor-
al pieces were carried by R. B.
Cousins, Brussels; Allister Hughes,
Tecswater; Wes Joynt, Lucknow
and W, T. Cruickshank, Wingham.
Many other members of the Leg.
islature anal the Cabinet were in at-
. tcndance at the funeral service.
Ross Hamilton, of CKNX, was
guest speaker at the regular Kins-
man Club meeting at the Queens
Hotel on Friday evening, He out. -
i lined briefly some of the prob-
1 terns which have faced CKNX since
the fire, and how some of the dif-
ficulties have been overcome. He
also showed a series of slides which
proved that there is much beauty
close to Wingham,
The meeting was handled by the
now members with Kin Bill Hotch-
kiss in the chair.
President Stewart Lecdham took
over for the business session and
reported a meeting had been held
the previous Monday to discuss
Trade Fair business. Another was
called for Monday evening of this
Kin hied Templeman reported
that over 100 senior citizens had
been approached during a survey
relative to an apartment building.
tic said results were not encour-
aging but requested that the mat.
ter be held over for another week.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid
59112 Anniversary
Mr. 1111(1 141.31, Alex Heid, eclt-
lctimen and highly respected resi-
l'nts of Wingham, celebrated their
59th wedding n.n.niver:z4ary on Sun-
Th, clay was spent at their Ii.:nle
anti guests for the occasion were
Rev. and Mrs, .loin 'Thompson and
family, of London, Mr. and Mrs
a., . Art. McDonald, of Teeswatcr, Mr,
low, Hon. Charles'MacNaughton, Hon. ,William Stewart andi and Krs Ciarcnee Walpole, of
other government members and cabinet ministers. Mr. Hanna Kincardine, Miss Sheila McLeod, of
was one of the senior members of the Legislature. A -T photo. Kincardine, and Mr. H. 0, Treneer.
Kin Jack Walker read ii report R. McLeod Phones
from the Retarded Children's A.;
Sociation relative to the need for
capital expenditure at the (Jorden
Circle School. This was left over
for the club's decision at the watt.
It was announced that. Ladies'
Night would he held at the 1 clam
Home on April Lith.
M 6 i iVhit e IV ins
Speaking Con lest
A speaking contest was held at
Sacred Heart School last. Wednes-
day with Grades Seven and Eight
participating. Judges were Ftev.
G. .J. Freker and Miss M. Drown.
Winners were, first., Mary White,
who spoke on St, Catherine; second,
Warren Rich, who sl'ctke on Energy
and third, Evelyn Ortlirha whose
topic was St, 'Lanai).
On Monday (Lev. Leah:eat, pro
fessor of St. Peter's>', .'01
dressed the children on wneltiens.
For A nniversari/
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Reid had a
pleasant surprise on Tuesday nen..
ning when Poy McLeod of I'asit..
dens, Cal., phoned to congratulate
them on their 59th anniversary.
Mr. McLeod attended school here
when he live(' with Mr. and Mrs.
C.W.L. Euchre
Mrs, Alf Lockridge and her conl-
zuittee were in charge of the e,i('ht•e
in Sacred IT('art parish hall last
'i'u'•isdrty, There were 11 tattles.
Mrs. l';d Bauer was the winner
of the prize for high lady and ,lulus
McKinnon was high for t.hc men.
Ab Ne3hery wen the straw.
'' I';+!ri'i;t Brophy of
(reit. spent the week enol with
rn o'her.
M stns, H"o phy,
Corn • encing April
o Fri yve fluff s