The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-03-21, Page 30 is People Who Shop in Winghnm Lorin The valine Tiuies '' celciy Euchre I IIIMlllrlll/IiIM'11911111N IIIMIIIM41114M''I 1Yi1914'I!I ,I!Itl4'IIS' '119 IIIirr!IIf 11121.i1i91lisol ilv: FOR TOPS IN SHIRE AND TIJNE-UP w Call in at thea Josephinee Street u r !II.IIIAiilwill9Ai1111;1Iu tiaiiIaIIIN1UIIIIIiIM1111 11110114111I14111MIIII111111111IIMli111E11111IIIMAIIa B - A Service Station r PI-IONF. 1147 WINGIiAM, ONT, NOW BEIM; OVi;RAtI'I:I) BY JA G Complete range of QUALITY B -A PETROLEUM M ODUC FS Im AND FISK TIRES We are also Agents for i tui ; HMERY MOTORS i_iIJCa "wFor ll LIM'S f FORD CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS I3191.(iitAVI6 There were uint tables 111 play at the regular euchre party held In the community centre on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lewis Cook and Earl Noble were the high prize winners with Mrs, Joseph Dunbar and Bill Black win- ning the novelty prizes. Como. lation prize% went to Mrs. Gordon Higgins and Joseph Dunbar, Points Gained by Grey Six Cubs BFLGRAVI) - The Wolf Cubs held their regular meeting on Mon- day evening in tho community centre with 27 Cubs, their leader and four assistants present. Mrs, Kenneth Wheeler led in the open- ing exercises. The Grey Six had the most points for inspection. The group enjoyed playing several games. Mrs. Wheeler read the second chapter of the Jungle Story. Mrs. Gordon Mel3urney instructed the beginners. Mrs. Harold Vincent and Mrs. Clare VanCamp reviewed first aid and the rise of the tele- phone with the Cubs. otAii. takvir Free! Marie Fraser's new "Best Butter Cakes" recipe booklet. Write toddy! A Division of DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 147 Davenport Road, Toronto 5 INSTRUCTS BRIGADE—F. C. Anderson, centre, district representative of the On- tario Fire Marshal's office, of Guelph, was in charge of a series of Monday night lec- tures to members of the local brigade. With Mr. Anderson and looking over a set of fire extinguishers are, from the left, Tony Seli, Mike Willie, Wes Sinnamon and Harvey Aitchison, all members of the fire brigade.---Advance-Times photo. Belgrave Co=op Shows Increase In Sales of $11,500 13ELGRAVE The annual meet- ing of the Belgrave Co-operative Association was held in the Fores- ters' Hall on Tuesday evening com- mencing with a turkey banquet, catered to by members of the Wo- men's Lastitute. Grace was sung, led by Rev. J. 'H. Anderson of Knox 'United Church, John Taylor introduced t h e guests at the head table. Several musical numbers were enjoyed by Hap Swatridge and Ken Ducharme of the local radio station. Ross Robinson, the manager, introduced several guests and employees. Cla.r- once Chamney expressed thanks to • GI House Your d LLIT H To serve you and your come a.rriti. Your generous donation will continue the essential Red Cross services and programmes provided for your community. Your dollars will keep the Red Cross active and alert, always willing to help you and your neighbour. Through your consideration the traditional work of the Red Cross will be carried on whenever and wherever there may be a call for people to help people. A strong Red Cross means a better community. You will share in every act of mercy -.-vital work for people of all races, creeds and political beliefs across the street, across the nation and across the world. This year be ready and willing to give your share when the Rod Cross volunteer canvasser calls. Your donation or pledge will do so much for so many. M ons needs your h v n a now /o house canvass will be made by Wingham Legion, Branch 180 members, EVENING OF FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd s CY ROBINSON; President BOB CASEMORE, Chairman s 07? W. A. HOGG, Treasurer �'�IIASAA■�1fAllAi�1��■■�I��iA��■��i���IIRIG�� A n n i ve res !111 iii ll5 rt'' via O yul alg1115 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ A fiARCH 15 TO MARCH 3 EVERY StlN LE ITEM GREATLY REDUCED !AIN'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR IBM SA'INGS COSTUME JELL.RY Reg. $ 1.00 68c • TO CLEAR BONE CHINA TEAS AND SAUCERS ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL P� only BLUEBIRD ANIS COLUMBIA TRU-FIT DIAMONDS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRIDES ALL COVERED SLIELLEY CHINA CANDY DISHES ir,t .Amethyst nod (ioid, reg. $(i, 1-2 PRICE $2.91 BUD VASES Four colours, reg. ;12.25 1.69 BULOVA TRANSISTOR RADIO Ret.;'• $ !brio $29.95 A bmommussommo mo11 11AmauliA • IEUJEI .,Al Y lin A I�1111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MMAMMIWAVIIIIII0 the ladies for the splendid dinner and Mrs. RIchard Procter, presi• dont of the W.I, replied. The guest speaker, Karl Krug of Wingham was introduced by Charles R. Coultes. Mr. Krug bas- ed his address on the work of the Co-ops and how TV can he used to the benefit of the farmers, gain- ing information from farm broad- casts, and all working together to ]hake a bigger and better Co-op. The speaker was thanked by R. H. Coultes, after which he read the minutes of the last annual meet- ing. Lorne Power, area supervisor, gave a detailed reading of the fin- ancial in .ancial statement, showing the to. tatsales for 1961 as $423,875.00 and the net savings at $8,077.00. The president stated that the earnings during the past year were not as high as in previous years, hut showed a very nice net; although the feed sales were down a, little, the petroleum business is coming along nicely and it is hop- ed that it will pass the break-even point during the first three months of 1962. Members know that Ross Robinson is back again as manag er and his being a feed man, along with the new molasses mix- er, puts the Co-op in a position to increase feed sales, Ross Robinson stated that the i total sales for the year have in. r creased $11,500 over the previous year and the net earnings for the year were $8,077.00. Mr. Robinson thanked the hoard of directors for the opportunity to serve the mem- bers, and the employees for their faithful help. A two per cent patronage divi- dend, as recommended by the board of directors. was accepted. it was agreed to have the same auditor.,, Wand, Weiler & Aldersley, and also to rescind all former bylaws of the co-operative, substituting new by-laws in their place. Lorne I'otver• was in charge of the election of directors for n three-year period, which resulted in an acclamation; Mel Craig, John Taylor and Sam Pletch. Othete dir ectors on the board are Albert P,ie man, R. H. Coultes, Leslie Lull, C. P, Chamney, Ronald ('oulles, Sam Thompson and manager. Ross Robinson. A president. will he rlrr•l. ed at the regular directors' meet ing. Short speeches were givers by Sam Thompson. Simon Flail>ah„n and the reeve of .Morris Town:;hio. Stewart Procter, Lorne Power, Ross Robinson, At. bort Pitman and C. It. t'onites farmed a panel to answer question.: which had been places] in the elm ' tion box during the meeting. Thi:, proved to be quite informative, ,1 touch of humor was added to nota'' ' Of the questions and answers. Many Subjects Are Discussed by Morris Federation Crolcinole Part r/ 111 'GRAVE The i'hu'tla Villa;•.r• group of the, Clniter1 ('herr h lVo men 'sponsored a croktnole part and pie social in the basement '+I Knox 'United Church on Friday eve ning with a good attendance. Tin,ar. were 10 tables in play and high prizes were won by Mrs. J. H. An derson and Ronald Taylor. c'onsn lation prizes went to Audrey (.'nal tes and Clayton Bosnian. OFFICIAL VISIT Or ZONE COMMANDER FORDWICH The Ladies' Aiie.- iliat;y to LIowiek Legion, am, nail in the Legion rooms with Mrs, And rent, Templeman in the chair. Mrs. Win. Austin gave the minutes. 'i'he mystery prise, donated by Mrs Jack Clarke, Was tvon by Mrs. 11e1 Alton. An invitation to attend the birth day party of the Sretforth branch on April 18 was accepted e pted rand plans Were made for ears. As a new stove had to be purchased for the hall. the ladies donated a cheque for $100 to the Legion towards this item, Mrs. Wm. M'('ann, 'Lone ('.out mander, paid her official visit. tihe Was presented with a small gift The meeting adjourned and a sor'r'el half hour was spent, L.ELGI.AVF. The monthly meet- ing of Morris Federation of Agri- culture was held on Thursday eve- ning; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson with 15 pre- sent. Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. A re- port. on the FAME: canvass was given, Much interest had been taken, as snOWn by the number of shares sold. The park at I,odmin was dis- cussed at length and the same com- mittee was re -appointed on motion of Robert (trashy and William El- ston, The committee is as follows: R. H. Coulters, Stanley Hopper, Kenneth McDonald, Pert Fear, Glen Smith .and Mervin Richmond, The committee is to interview Bod- min Ltd.. as to how much land they could spare. It was decided not to participate in the Conserva- tion Authority project. Albert bacon wished to thank all those who hard made the hog vote a success nn March 6. The president reported on a compli- mentary bus trip and dinner to be held in London on March 17 by the C.I.A. A speeial committee of councils and h'ederation directors is to be held in Clinton on March 27 or 29 concerning taxation and as- sessment. The new Farm Machin- ery Act. Was discussed but left over for another meeting in order 'The Winghanl 4dvarace*T1111e0, 'f!Vbd110 Y, Mar. 21., I l6b rage T1Xr a to gather more information. A presentation of fountain pens was .made to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson, who lead completed 21 years as secretary -treasurer of the Morris Federation. The president, Stanley Hoppe", thanked Mr. and Mrs. Henderson for the use of their home for this meeting, The next meeting will he held on 'Wednesday, April 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joe ];hack, Lunch was served. "Ethics," the man told his son, "is vital to everyday living. 9'or• ex- ample, today an old friend paid me back a loan with a new $100 bill. Just as he was leaving I diseovec- ed he had given me two bills stuck, together. Immediately the question of ethics arose: Should I tell your mother?' llUIllUi IIUl4ill1lIii11U11i*lurlll,*llt iltl W, 11. CONRUN, CIU insurance Agency .COMPLETE. INSURANCE COVERAGE S. A, SCOTT, Salesman JOhN StIJtF.1i.T Phone 77.2W . Winghaln A(i1iNT .FOIL — Manufacturers Life Insurance Co, llUlil■IIIIIIIIIIII IIIiIIiIIlIi411141911:UlII$'kI' lilIlIlall1I'LlmilicimrI119'hrdllll'I iIl4111Il IulII.ill■lI1sIllu!IIMI!IIuIilalll.illulllIlll.-,' REMODELLING ■ r Floor Covering SALE 10 Days Only -- MARCH 22 to APRIL 2 IN ORDER 'XO MAKE ROOM FOR REMODELLING O WE ARE CUTTING PRICES ON r ALL PRICES REDUCED FROM $1.99 TO • $1.79 • • ▪ SPECIAL PRICES ON DISCONTINUED LINES to SAN D R,� 1�1$1.49 INLAID PATTERNS w Be sure to know your room !measurements er ShopThe Wall a . • 21-28h iii lllll■II!■IliIillwlll■IIlUilillll*ll U1111�IllPIllRiilw'II�III�IIiUIhRll!IIil$llIPlll�lllIlller SAN D R A. cut from $1..95 and $2.15 to $1.79 and S1•59 REMNANTS CUT ANOTHER 1O '° K•>ntt �i»H�rYn� -••3:4'].•:'..1.. 33'rfi`s1•11fi`:•� <:: ';:tis Buiid your bank. balance Build your peace of mind THAT BUILDS + ANAD1AN 1 M PERiAL BANK OF COMMERCE Over 1260 branches to serve hoz