The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-03-21, Page 1v
By The Pedestrian
(=gm. YOUR Bow.Ls—
A few fathers (or sons) forgot
to pick OP bows after the ban-
quet at the high school last Wed-
needay. In some cases the males
Hewn to have been In error about
what bowls belonged to their borate -
holds. Women who were presented
with the wrong utensils are asked
to contact Mr$. George Richard-
son, Carling Terrace, who has the
left -overs and would be glad to
"mix. and match", so that every
mother may receive her own pro-
0 0 - 0
After ratiding R. McKinney's
deseriptiOn of the big storm on
the cast coastof Florida, we have
come to 'the conclusion Ontario is
a pretty fair spot. ,Despite a lot
of fears about 'sprina, flooding, the
e past two weeks of warm weather
have done wonders to reduce the
winter's accumulation of snow and
river levels have not deer) appreci-
ably. In the Garleach area the
anew hae all but disappeared.
0 - 0 - 0
The boys, and a good many of
the fathers, who were.. attending
the Scout banquet at the high
school last Wednesday evening
had ringside seats for the OKNX
Circle 8 Ranch program, which
was being presented live from the
gymnasium while the meal was in
progress. After the dinner the im-
provised control room just off the
cafeteria attracted considerable at-
0 - - 0
) The remains. of the old high
school banding, destroyed by tiro
two weeks ago, have been demol-
ished and the task of • cleaning the
newer portion of the C'KNX build -
ng is now in progrees. 11 18 hoped
that construction of the new struc-
ture can be started at once.
Barry Pickford, :whorls we report.
ed a couple of weeks ago as leav-
ing for a new position in Barrie,
will remain with The Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce in
With which is amalgamated the Corrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
Peggy Rae Is Third in
Public Speaking Trials
The Ontario School Truetec,s' and
Ratepayers' Association sponsored
a provincial public speaking can,
test in which pupils from the sen-
ior grades of the Wingham public
school were entered. Peggy Rae,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Rae, was chosen to represent the
On Wednesday last ten competi-
tors from Huron County met in the
auditorium otClinton public school The first mei second place win.
and James Kinkead acted as tthaite ners will go to Kitchener on April
man. The winners were, _Dm p 4/44,1:41j; A zeacecterupetition.
Linda Spano, from RCAF Station
public school at Clinton; second.
Cathy Klinck, S.S. No. 11, How -
ick; third, Peggy Rae, Wingham.
The winner spoke on "aly Fa.
vorite Character in Fiction"; Cathy
Klinck, "My 4-H Club" and Peggy
Rae, "Lord Durham, The Most Im-
portant Person in Canadian Hie -
The Wingham Business Associ-
ation will meet on Thursday even -
ehambers in the Town Hall. All
Ing March 22nd, at the council llEpuTy lusiTH
members arc requested to be on
i William MeIlwain, of Beeffleal, Seventeen young people from
hand as there is an important
agenda. Fele county inserter of Huron County I Wingham attended the annual sal_
, Black lenighte, was re-elected for
DAFFODIL TEA a second term at the annual meet -
Mr. and Mrs. ,lamo; Henry Col-
ing Blyth,
lins announce the engagement of The Wingham and District Can-
.„_. .
WeN(1.111A511, ONTAJIICa WEDNI4SPAY, NIAlt(111 31, 10(M SINCIL4.1 COPIES - 10 canta
Suffocation Said commIrrgE NAMED
Fathers and Sons Turn
Cattse of Death HURON GAS TO STUDY
the New Year's Eve death of Mrea I
A eoroner's jury itiveetleeatiO8 110114mAKR spuirr
R m.
Janet. Ann .C,urrie, of Bruesele, de- 14 ri
Ile died of suffocation in a fire at eiety board members will Ludy the
u It or nua D nne _
termined In Brussels thet Mat. CUre• Huron County Children's Aid So-
lwr bomt. ' need and opportunity for a pro -
The body was found in the ruins perly organized Hornernaker Seta .
Of her home. Her husband, Doug. vice. 'rhe decision to fully al-
ias. escaped from the burning vestigate the service was made at About 150 fa,there and their Cub
and Scout sons gathered in the
building suffering film shock. the March meeting of the CAS at
Three sons, Douglas, John and Bar- the county building on Wednesday cafeteria of the WinghamDistrict
ry, were away from home at the of last week, presided aver by Pre-
ime of the fire. sident Williasn Jewitt, High School last Wednesday eve -
The Inquest, conducted by Cor- Miss Falconer, of the County
oner Dr. R. W, Stephens: of Bree- Health Unit staff, addressed the
sele, convened at 10 a.m. and con- Ward th ub'e t f H k
ning for the annual banquet, cat.
ered to by the members of the
Scout Mothers' Auxiliary,
eluded shortly after 4 pan„ during er services and indicated the like- - Warren Callan, chairman of the
which time 15 witnesses were Ilhood that such a service would be Scouts advisory committee, presid-
ed and 1 d the•t • toth
heard. extremely valuable in Huron, Un- banquet. He eaid that the boys had
der the terms set out by the On L. Joslyn Rogers of the a •o a, , e.n • 148, 1 . _ been active during the past year
Medieal testimony was given by
torney general's department, To.
perly trained women can be made
ronto, and Dr, Iva Taves, Kitch available to take charge in homes
Henry' Killed
and extended thanks to the Kin;
men for their generous assistance
to the organization, and to the
Scout Mothers for the many ways
they have aided. Mr. Callan ex-
preesed the general regret which
is felt because of the impending
loss of Scoutmasters Alton Adams
and Harvey Fisher aria Cub Lead-
ers Barry and Barbara Piekford.
Scoutmaster Alton Adams intro-
duced the head table guests, Andy
Lunn, treasurer of the group corn-
eller pathologist. where, for a variety of reasons, the
Crown attorney at the inquest mother is unable to carry on. The ames
was W. E. Goodwin of Stratford homemaker is trained not only as
and the jury foreman was R. 1.: an efficient houselteeper, but in
and coping with problems of fin. y Failing
Cousins of Brussels. the psychology of handling children
Miss Clare MeGewan, director of
hoEs To TEEswATE
,R th Huron Children's Aal So t James Henry, 63 years old, well -
known Wingham resident died in -
in commenting on the address,
said. that she, believed there would stantly in an industrial acciae.nt
A Tecswater rink skipped by K. be many cases in which avallabil-
McKague, won the e'. L. Davidsoli ity of a homemaker would preclude
trophy, with turkeys as individual the necessity •of taking children in -
prizes,' in the tournament at the to the care of the society. There
Wingham Curling Club on Wcdnes- would be an obvious saving linen -
clay of last week. D. Goodfellow eiallY, and a tremendous benefit
was vice; Dr. Leahy, second and in keeping the members of foetal- PARENTS LELEBRATE
Archie Blair lead. They won the les together in their own home.
silverware with 3 wins and a plus Training courses are now avail- ummoND wElloiNfi
of 13 in the nine o'clock draw, able at Macdonald Institute, Gu- ,
Second prize in the same draw Mph, for women who wish to re -
event to 'Frank Hopper's Wingham gister, and it is believed that ()th-
rall< with two wins plus 6; Billier training centres will be opened.
Booth of Stratford was in third Committee Appointed
place with two wins plus 2 and 'The chairman appointed Miss
the consolation was taken by Nor- 'McGowan, Mrs. D. Murphy of God-
man Rintoul's rink of Wingham. erica, John G. Berry, county clerk
In the top spot in the eleven and Barry Wenger of Wingham a
o'clock draw was a Wingham rink committee to further investigate
skipped by Albert Bruec with Jack the need and costs of a Homemak-
1 Silica as vice, Murray Shiva sec- rir Service and report at the Ap-
oral and Alex Leaver, lead. Their ril meeting,
score reae three wins plus 6. Sec- In her staff report, Miss McGow-
ond position was occupied by Ray an pointed out the great alifficul-
Hope's rink. of Chesley, two wins ty of finding home for teen-agers,
plus 14; Laird, Harold Graven, of and said that a suggestion has been Born in Minto Township, Mrs.
Markdale, two wins plus 13 apel. Made that a joint receiving home' Luna was the former Flora Kaan
the consolation wont to Waily 'tor these young people be set up to; daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Peter
Gregg and his rink from Paisley. serve the three counties of Huron,
Bruce and Grey. Kean, In March, 1902, she rnar-
Another interesting item in her ried Dougal Lunn, son of Mr. and
report referred to the number of Mrs. Thomas Lunn. The Rev. M.
young New Canadian couples who E. Cameron of Knox Presbyterian
have expressed eagerness to ad-
opt children, These people can of-
fer great opportunities as parents,
with their background of rich now Mrs. James McIntosh of Gu -
European history and culture. elph, and the bride's brother, John
James 'Hamilton, of Wingham, a Kean, now residing in Mississippi,
new member of the board, was in -1 was best man.
trodueed at 'this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lunn farmed most
of their life in Minto TOwnship.
Bridge Club They moved to Fergus .in 1944.
Both bride and groom. of 60. years
North and South First, Mrs. H. ago agreed that happiness is the
secret of a perfect marriage.
Crawfond and C. Hodgins; second,
land, and Commissioner and Mrs. Mrs, 0.
W, Booth of Toronto. Hodgins and Mrs, R. Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Lunn have three
d as ; third, Mr. and Mrs. Wherry. daughters and one son, Mrs. Geo,
D.D.G.M. Pays VisitEast and West First Mrs. D.13.
.Porter and ' Hursley Darroch (Lila), of Harris -
Barber (Annie) of Fergus, Mrs.
Bill Laidlaw; seconel, ton, Agnes Lunn of Guelph and
Miss T, Isbister and Mrs, H. Fish- Andrew J., Wingham, seven grand-
er; third, B, Ortlieb and A, M. children arc! three great -grand -
Forbes. children,
late Tuesday Afternoon at the
North Plant of the C. Lloyd & Son
Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Lunn of
Fergus marked their 60th wedding
anniversary with a dinner in their
honor at the Golden Beaver Inn,
Fergus, on Saturday. Following
the dinner a family gathering was
held at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. George Barber. Open
house for friends and relatives was
held at the Legion Hall Sunday af-
ternoon and evening.
A /lend iVleetings
.117 ton
setting Army Week -end at Westdale
Secondary School, Hamilton, on
Saturday and Suneiay. There were
approximately 600 young people of
their daughter, Joyce Nadene. to cer Sectety WI a hold a Daft oda , Other officers ' elected werv• the Southern Ontario Division,
'0' Mr. Paul Randal Crositorthe son of Tea Saturday, March 31st, 3 to 5 Deputy county . master, Walter ranging from Wingham to Niagara
Mr. and Mrs, Irilms3od Croskorth, le 11).m., in the Council :Cham•har. Scott, Belgrave; chaplain, William leans and Brampton to Brantford
Whitechurch, Ont. The marriage There will also be an exhibit of Campbell, Forclwich; registrar, at the gatherings.
wil! take place on Thursday, April interest. Everyone is welcome, F231) Borden Brown, Clinton; treasurer, The speakers were 13rig .1, ael-
19th, J962, at 6.30 o'clock in St, ' – - -a ;Henry Pattlson, Blyth; first Me- ton Rand of the international
James Bond United Church, Tor- :turer, Fred huneson, Woodham; Youth Board from London, ]')ng.
onto. • Falb Foresters euchre will be held in eceond lecturer, Robert Hibberri,
Fat•esters Hall, Belgrave, on Fri- Fordwicn' ; first censor, Russell
a day, Manch 23rd, at 9 p.m. eharp, ,
Page, Oreenway; second censor,
ENGAGEMENT Men 500. Ladles bring lunch. Ev- .
. Wilfred Castle, 13aeffielca firet
(trefoil° welcome. Fele'
Mr. and Mrs, Elgin al, Bennett standard hearer, William Dickey,
announce the engagement of theie CASH PINGO -- Woodham; second bearer, William The regular meeting of Maitland
I daughter, Patricia Joan, to Mr. Wingham Town Hall, wedoese Taylor, Blyth; pursuivaht, George ' Lodge I.O.O.F. No. 110, was held
John Barry Fryfogle, son of Mr. day, March 21, 8,30 p.m. Aci•m1ssion Bailey, Blyth. ' last Thursday evening,
Clayton W. Fryfogle and the late 50e, 15 regular games, $5.00 prize Oliver Jacques. of Hensel', con- 'Present at the meeting was Dis-
e Mrs. Fryfogle. The marriage will each game. Two share the wealth ducted the election of offcers. 1triet Deputy Grated Master William
Church, Wiarton, on Saturday, sorerl by Wingham Sportsmne's pointed delegate to Grand Lodge 1 dressed the members
14th, at 4 p.m.' of the lo-
Apriltake place in .Se, aohn's United specials, One.$25.00 jack pot. Spon- County master. MeIlwain was ap- , Caldwell, of Brucefielci, who acl-
- 1721* Asaociation.
Me F21b meeting at Fort William in May.I cal branch, New BridgeOpened
Church, Harriston, officiated, The
bridesmaid was Kate McMaster,
KENNETH McKAGUE's rink from Teeswater won the F. L. David-
son trophy last Wednesday night at the curling rink. Jack
Lloyd, on the right, is shown as he presented the trophy. Left
to right, Archie Blair, lead;
fellow, vice; Ken McKague,
Dr. Phil Leahy, second; Doug
skip,—Photo by Cantelon.
In Morris. Township
Family Gathering
Marks Anniversary
arr. and Mrs. Laurence Willis,
a. R. 2, Bluevela W ) were -
rled 45 years on March 14, cele-
brated their anniversary on Setur-
clay when the family gathered al
their home for a surprise party.
Progressive euchre was played
and Mr. And Mrs. Willie were pre-
eented with suitable gifts to merit
the oecasion.
Ivfttoxp,TEit "TORI'] tliotIttss
Half holiday in Wrweeter strafe;
will begin Thitescia,v, April eth.
Priegrestsive 0114111ef, will he held
Iii:Oddrellows Hall, tinder tile!
100F on Wednesday, April 4111, al !
8:80 p.m. F21 -28h
Wingham LOL 794 eitehre will be •
held in the Council Chamber on
Friday, March 23rd. Everyone wet-
corue. F21b
C.W.L. a'alCICRE
In Sacred Heart Parish Ban,
Good- Wingham, Tuesday, March 27, at
8.30 p.m, Everyone weleome. Good
I prizes, Wrath served. P2le
Bodmin brifige. on the fourth
coneession of Morris Township, was
(Nr(reil(rijunsil,Y f)tal).ufitslieedipitailst e"negelittielleyaNDI:-.
; pertinent of Highways, Stratford.
He cut the ribbon for the new $52.-
! 000, three -span structure, the third
bridge to be erected at this site,
over 30 years. The first bridge
was washed out by floods in 1912.
A bronze Mamie has been placed
at the southeast corner bearing the
ct!ltet:.01 names of (1014001.1and of.
Reeve Stewart Procter paid trib
• tile to the early settlers and the
hernia of Bodmin located near this
site. Bodmi» was a thriving via
Inge during the early days of the
township, with several mills, stoma
aryl lime kites.
Morris councilloe Waltat Shore.
reed read a by-law of the township
dated 1868, which provided a fine
of $5.00 fat any person who ceoss-
NI the bridge on horseback, in a
wagon or with Rey other animal
at ft faster pace than a walk, The
alternative to the fine was seven
days in jail.
The new Bodmin bridge was er-
ected by G. A. Gibson & Sons of
Wroxeter and is 160 by 24 feet.
Speakers at the ceremony in -
eluded Gary Gibson, R. M. Daw-
son, consulting engineer, Strat-
ford: Reeve Stewart Procter, Veal.
ter Shortreed, ex -reeve Bailie Par-
rott and Ross Duncan,
Mr. Henry lost his
mittee, VV. B. Conron, Cub Leaders
Barry Pickford, Pennie flerrie, 13111
Crawford and Bob Rantoul, DeWitt
Miller, vice-chairman of the group
committee, Mayor R. S. Hethering.
ton, "Sparky" Weiler of Welker.
Loa, Warren Callan, Archie Gowe
anloek, District Commissioner, Dr.
Leedham, president. of the King..
men Club, Harvey Fischer, Asst.
Scout Mater, Torn Russel, Asst,
District Commissioner, Bob Man.
tyre, Asst. Scout Leader, Capt.
S. Newman and Rev, T. G. Hue -
Mayor Hetherington extetided
greetings from the Town of Wing.
ham and spoke highly of the ex.
'('11(01 dividends accruing to the
-community in the form of better
'citizens as a result of Scout wait.
Appreciation was extended to the
ladies who prepared the delicious:
wilan a dinner by Jack Gorrie, and Mrs.
pile of lumber eellaPsed and fell Richardson, president of the Scout
on top of a fork lift which he was Mothers, responded.
operating at the time, Just what "Chief" Archie Gowanlock said
caused the pile of lumber: to fall
has not been determined. He had
been the regular operator of the
it had been his pleasure to be here
many times. for similar banquets,
and this year's dinner appeared to
be one of the most successful to
lift for 'sn'one than ten years and date. He also extended greetings
was .considered, by the firm's man- from the Saugeen district.
agement to he a. most highly skill-
jamboree in Greece
Mr. Gowanlock said that the
ed worker. The lumber was adjac-
World -Jamboree will he held in
ent to a pile on which the deceased Greece in 1963 and the Bluewater
was working at the time of the tic- Region, comprising nine districts
sident and completely crushed the in the Western Ontario area, has
overhead guard of the machine a quota of four boys. The district
which he was operating.
Dr. W. A. laticleibbon was called
to the scene as well as Coroner
Dr, W. A. Crawford. Police Chief 1 that a boy has to be a First Class
James Miller investigated. Scout to apply.
The deceased leaves to mourn, t The speaker also announced a
his wife and three children, Harold, training school for leaders, to be -
of Georgetown; Mrs. James Hall, of head in Walkerton on March 25tha
Port Colborne, and Mrs. James and invited all Scout and Cub lea.
Currie, of Wingharre I dors to attend, as well as any fa -
Funeral arrangements were not thers who wished to do so.
completed at press time: DeWitt Miller introduced 'Spar-
] The accident is the firs( fatality , ky' Weiler of Walkerton, who
the Lloyd -plant since 1951, when showed several very. interesting
' the late Mac Johnston lost his life, films on conservation and fishing.
commissioner expresser] the hope
that the Saugeen District could
send at least one of these. He said
Bob Carbert
Receives Appointment
Appointment ,if R. W. "Bob" Car-
bert res dimmer of infnanal ion tor
the Ontario lee :leration nr Agrieul-
lure was announced on aaturday
by the SeCrotnry-manager, H. 54%
Arbuckle. Mr. Carbert will RH,
sumo his new duties early in April.
Bore fin a farm in Perth County
in 1921. Boh has had a broad ex.
perienee in the field of farm writ.
ing and broadcasting with partieu
lar emphasis nn leederatinn 01 Ag.
Here:hem' avtivita s. He has been
director of information for the
Canadian laederfaion 81 0('(' Septem.
bet, 1058.
Only eon at a purebred Hereford
breeder. Bob worked with his fa
ther on the farm until 1949, when
111 health reused bin) to met an.
other type of work. He joined1
CKNX early in that year and di-
rected its radio, and later television 1
farm prograins, for almost 10 years1
befate moving to Ottawa to join
CFA During this period he was 1
panel moderator on the first Farm
Forum television experiment.
With the exception of active eer
vice with the :Canadian Arxny clur-
i Mg Wore! War TL Bob Carbert
has Nerved on Win farmers: all his
life, He brings 10 lii new post an
extrusive knowleclege of farming
in both 'North and Smith AMPriP.R,
ea well as 0 wide experience in the
vommunivations Beeides his
racial and television work here„
Bob has written for farm joarnals,
lent. radio and television programs
for the ('132' and most recently
planned and hetet' its eorninentater
on 0,1011,TV's first regular farm
program, "Crossroads", in Ottawa,
Bob is Married to the former
Mary Goodyee ot Listowel and they
have three children, Helen 14, or
uie 10 and Bruce 7 years old. itis
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Car,
beat, are ecsidents :of Winghatn.
Boles .hobbies are musle and photos