The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-03-14, Page 11s A agen 11 ifert 'atil's Aber mery an - ,d in arrit.4' Rev. ach- I by after wth f Jo- inder eVe- eting)p whim met train - visor, les in ce 40.) ;rega. To. 5 per - God's tated, Bible Lo the no O- r cent t at.. study ,rnoon >lorful mven- werq s the Little ng on :)r 111111111°L... ed )ro- u a DW. the A 4 rage Eight 1.'1u• Winghatu Advakee-Thups. qar. I4 1901 $50,000 CHEQUE—G. W. Cruickshank, right, - manager of CKNX is pictured as he was pre- sented with a $50,000 cheque by James Sym- ington of Toronto, of the Insurance Company of North America, centre, and S. 5. Atchisom'of the Atchison Insurance Agency, London. The cheque was part payment on the fire claim • at the local station.—Photo by Cantelon. 4180116111111.111 THE. GAUNT SKELETON of the old high school building, which comprised part of the CKNX studio is pictured here as a crane with a heavy steel ball proceeded to clown the brickwork. It is expected that reconstruction will startjin the near future.—Photo by Cantelon. CK .Kinettes Honor Mrs, M, McCarter The wino= lilavite ChM m(xt in the ,:cont: Rau on Monday night with th president, XVI r. Jviii i' Maeflonald, in the ('hu b'. A guest, Mrs. H11 1LOlvhids8‘ welcomed Lo thy meeting. The !if Lulu, committee reported on the proeeeds 0%44 4 1,4.4 114 supper and duet.. A vote or thanks was extended to ti i• stud mittee for the flue job done IIL Or' ganizing the social (•vening. An invitation trout 1110 (rill 1.n. Kinette Chili, to attend a fashion show on April 4th was read. It is hoped that several Wmghant Kinettes will. attend. Th, zw, Inter - Club will be .held this .year In Durham on April Mrs, Max 'McCarter, who will be moving to Chesley shortly, was presented. with, a silver 'coffee apoon with .the Xinette .erest. The pre sensation was made by Mra. cat Burke and MiS, Jack Walker, 'MTS. *Carter has been an active Kin site for several years and has been a,value4 member of the club. Mra. Murray Taylor was the win ner •of a raffle prize. . . At the dose of the business ses sion the Kinettes turned, in the doll's ;clothes they have been mak - ing. for sale at the annual tea. Adelicions lunch was served by Mrs; Merv.. Temple/Ilan and 'Mrs Muiray• Taylor. The next meet Ing will be March 2fith, when Mrs. Jain Currie and Mrs, Ivan Gard- ner will he in charge of the pro- gram and lunch will he served by Mrs, Jack Walker and Mrs.. Bruce MacDonald, • OF MANY 'IMO By Ambrose ION • • ILEAD A BooK Last night I talked to a man who is a. pretty fair • curler. I•asked him if he ever read a book about I curling. To My surprise,he -had the -spOrt, and that was that,- • nOt,• He was simply a natural al It is surprising how many people neglect the advantages Of reading books on subjects of such a tech- nical ziatury, Pool players, for ex- ample, sometimes go all their lives Without reading what the top Play- ers have been at such great pains to write about the game, To mY,rnind this is a 'shame. I• once knew a radio announcer who. was cluite popular. He Jived next door to us and often dropped in during the evening for coffee. One-night he was feeling a bit, low and doubtful about his future. He didn't. seem Lo be gating anywhere, he said. I brought out a 'book I'd picked • up full of vocal exercises. One of them, called the "hung Er, was a 'favorite with Caruso.My,friend had not realized that as he was in the business of projecting his voice on the multitudes, he might learn something about 11, from books, He started practising these exercises and' then, went on a search of the libraries for more of them. He be- came a, top performer, but because he was bright in a variety of ways, he was pr6m.oted. beyond the an- nouncing chores. Books started him. on the upward path just the SUMP. . Xseerns so foolish to•piow along the hard way when experts have so, many tins they provide almost free. Politica, too, engages the Mien - sets Erne Scenes Pf destruction were quickly followed by signs of a defin- ite program of rebuilding as the CKNX studio building. was completely gutted by fire last Thursday morning, The, old high school building which formed a part of the Cl<14X property, was a total loss. W. T. "Doc." Cruickshank, who founded. the broadcasting concern away hack in the early days of radio, lost cy one item which represented the entire scope of his firm's pro] gress over the years ---the low-power transmitter with which he first went on the air when the station used the call letters JOKE. it was later known as 10BP, before receiving its present design& tion, Many employees lost personal effects in the blaze. "••••••• • `..4VaL A STRONG EAST WIND fanned dense.clouds.of smoke and em- bers over the centre of the town during the CKNX fire last Thursday morning. This aerial photo, taken at 10 asrr., shows tion or 'should engage it .of most citizens of these days. They would be able- to understand what is hap- pening now mach more easily if they read a few hooks on political history, There are many excellent ones in the libraries, Check up on yourself. Hive you read some hooks lately? If not, you're, cheating- yourself, .0(.1 busy and brush up. Humility can come from your wile to tell her you left your hmeh money at holm. in you! aproli pockt.t. . - the burning building as the billowing smoke and stearn,coverpcb the entire area. The roof of A. D. MacWilliam's block away, was ignited.—Advance-Times photo. effee,i BE gFTS • , ‘.. ,` , • —fres- i ' °* ° , .2Ni4M1/1A1.; RADIO TECHNICIANS from McCurdy Ltd., of Toronto, worked all Thursday night to install a new control room for radio station CKNX in the McKibbon store building on Wingham's main street. The all-new equipment was rush' ed to Wingham following the Thursday morn. ing fire which wiped out all of the local broad casting firm's studio equipment, and was ;fr action on Friday. Shown at the console is Keit Robinson, with announcers Bill Stevenson enc Crawford Douglas in the background.—PhOic by Cantelon. ' • . " L)14 1-RIDAY workmen moved in to demolish the ulcl high school building which formed part of the fire-rav,aged CKNX studios. A crane owned by Joseph Kerr Construction of Wingham and operated by Jerome Schill of Formosa is in the foreground, and was used to knock down the walls of the gutted building.—Photo by Cantelon THERE AS PLENTY of support forthcoming to CKNX from other ,„. A01' ded id by helicopter to < Ontario radns io statiofollowing the fire at the 10(.11 studio ont Thursday. In this picture John Brent and Bruce St. George are shown as they unloaequipment rmhr ITHIS WAS THE CKNX STUDIO shortly before Wingham by station CFRB in Toronto. The .iircraft landed Wingham at 3.00 p.m. Thursday while firemen were still pouring eight o'clock last Thursdaymorning as f.lam., es water on the remains of the CKNX studios.—A-T photo, i raged _through the old.section of the building. Firemen from Trieswater, Blyth and Winghart were powerless to save the structure.—Ad vance-Times photo,