The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-03-07, Page 411"tk,ge 'OM "1"itr~ WiaOliant A(1vance•'I'itmes, \!['cult(' .jay, Mareirt7. 1.961 FOR SALLA. SEE WHAT 8. penny will buy at 1Vl:(T'ihbons during the Original • Et ' 0.11 One Cent Mlle: week of Mural 24th -31st. 2)-71a SPRING C`LII:ANING1 SPECIAL Rent a Vaellain, polisher or solving mat -Mile from. Singer. ipeelal Mardi rales, weekly or monthly. W. U. Henderson, phone , 665. 7-14b ELEC TRC)I,,UX SA1.I+IS AND S1'R VICE Authot•ieed dealer, 11. A /vieHermit t, Forth% MI. Phone 53)-31. C'ontac't Mrs. I.. McDoug an, phone 383\V, Wingham, for servlet'. Arrange for tree dentin Stratton. 29rrh a'1Lr.E R Qt1EftiN :;ales and Ser - ,vice, repairs to all inekes ul' vaeuiuu cleaners. Used elettner's of all makes for sale, Robert K. ]'eek, Vane, telephone Hensall 606R2, 16rrb RF)AL ESTATE F'Olt SALT; HOUSE FOR SALE on John St. Five rooms and toilet. Very reas- onable. Apply Box 14, Advance- Times. 7-14 FOR SALE ---Bids are invited for the purchase of the land and building forrmerly occupied by Huron Motors Limited on John Street, Wingham. Please direct Edwards inquiriesoPc'arson & G Dd1ad a Co 387 Burwell St., London, GE 2-6743. 7-14b TWO-STOREY, three bedroom in- sulated home in Lucknow for sale. Centrally located, in good condition, This home has a for- ced air furnace (wood and coal) and full basement. It contains a 3 -piece bathroom, modern built- in kitchen cupboards and a two car garage. Reasonable price. Contact Mrs. Howard Robinson, Lucknow, phone 231. 7-14•' FOR SALE --- Four bedroom resi- dence, centrally located on Pa- trick Street, two blocks from joeephine Street. Four bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dining rooni, 3 -piece modern bathroom upstairs, 2 -piece wash- room downstairs, ultra modern kitchen, sunroom upstairs and completely closed veranda. Oil heated. New hot water system. Well. landscaped. Call 90 or 750, Listowel, for appointment to see 14rrh ILEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3e -acre lot in Wingham; good location and good drainage. Town water available. Priced to sell for Cash Price, • 1'_ -storey brick veneer 8 -room house in Wingham. Modern, fully insulated, goo;) lawn and shade trees. r.: Full basement t n , •ane i furnace. A barn, 40'x20' with cement floor and rust-proot root. Chicken pun, addition to barn, in greet condition. Also 5 acres of land at rear of property, suitable for building lot.; or industrial site. Good drainage. Terms available with ii5,0tlu down payment. 11a -storey 7 -room house with 3- pieCe hath, cupboards and sink. Good water supply, on pressure, Hot wat'r tank on flat rate. Hydro. heavy wiring throughout. Double garage, 30'x24' with 10' doors; 'i - acre lot and good garden. Located 4 miles from Wingham. Terms available with 82,30(Lu6 down. 200 -acre farm, 1.5 acres work- able. Balance hard and softwood hush, 70 acres fall ploughed, 23 acres fresh seeding. Good water supply from drilled well with wiri- mill and supply tank at barn. Open ditch through property in good condition. Good bank barn with straw shed attached 105' long and 50' wide with cement floor. Also, driving shed anti garage. On pro -I perty is located a 1'r -storey 3 -ply) white birch home with 6 rooms and full basement with cement floor. Addition attached to main with 2 rooms and wood shed, in good condition. Property ;s on good road located 4 miles from Wingham •or 31uevale. Priced to sell. Good terms available. Cash down pay- ntent $$2,700,00. We have plenty of good homes, farms and businesses available. Contnet: FRANK C'ASKANE'I•'I'):, Phone 305 or Box 167 iVini;hara. Oe tar !o, Real Estate Ageut• for— W1LFRED M(IN'IEE 'Refiltor, Walkerton, Ontario, 7h COMING EVENTS LEGION }JINGO every Thurrtday i11 Lucknow Legion Hall, 8.45 p.10. sharp. 12 regular games for $10, 3 share the wealth and ant s u'c- 1 ial fur 850.00 must ;o (no limit for calls). C`E17rrb THE REGI1LAR meeting of the - Women's institute will be held on M.trcil 15. Programs c•onvcnc'r, Mrs. N. McLaughlan Roll t'al1 \\'hart w•' need na>r,t in our eom- !nullity. There will be a "skit." Demunstration 'r.•:a biscuits, by Aire, 11. Powell. Hostesses alit'•'. (.1. Gannett, Mrs. (l, Elastic, Mrs. l';. Snll, Mrs. 11. l un„ rami. C9171) MALE ]II'.l,I WANTED MAN WANTED Our Supervisor hl this area finds that public demand for the new Ontario Automobile membership plans ):ars merle it sae that he re- quires 0. full tilnit' representaltil't' to work with him in this area. The marl selected will he be- tween 25 and 55 with a ear and be prepared to work FULL '1'i1VTI'' to create a better than average income that will con- tinue year after year because the renewal commissions on his sales will be guaranteed. Our Training program for the Ivan selected will start the last week of March. Experience not necessary but those having a success ful sales +•eeni'd in this field will bt' given �pceial consideration. All replies confidential. Apply by letter at once to Dept. A, Box 817, London. Canada, giving full details so that your application can be carefully considered. 7-14b SALES HELP WANTED MALE MAN WANTED For Rawleigh business. No experience needed to start. Sales easy to make and profit good, Start immediately. Write Rawleigh Co., Dept. C-453- 190, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 711 FEMALE HELP WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN wanted to look after baby and do light housework, 5 days a week. Apply Box 27, Advance -Times. serve WANTEDto Womanas companion to elderly lady. Live. in. Some light housekeeping. Ap- ply to Box 98, Advance -Times. 7-14" WANTED 3.BE.DROOM HOUSE wanted for rent in Wingham. Apply Box 29, Advance -Times, 7" TWO or three bedroom house or apartment wanted to rent by March 1011), Phone 50, daytime. 7h ___--LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 2 REGISTERED Hereford hulls for sale.. One year old. Phone• Glenn Colley, 608W1, Wingham. It R. '4, 71) FO(JiJFB 1 t OI SALE 1000 HONNIWAI , PULLETS tor sale the end of March, 12 weeks old. Fred Doubied1' 'Wroxeter, phone Wroxeter 801R31. 7-141 _ TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS eal1 Taxi, for long or short Phone 185% DEADS'EOCK WANTED AC'HESON'S' DEAL) STOCK SER- VICE-I-Iighest prices for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Phone Atwood 356-2622 collect, Licence No. 150062•• ... J24r'rb P.EMOVAL SERVICE •-- We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary dieposal in an inspected rendering plant. FrtI+.F. REMOVAL Phone No charge to ZENITH 88540 or Wingham 378 or Pnlmerston 123W. GORDON' YOUNG LIMITED, TOR ONTO _IARRI T - ELM IRA. Li- vens() No. 14 & 15R02 - 143 & 144-C-62. rrb trips. 4rrb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DT',AI) OR DIS,•ABLED ANT?VIALS ('ALL— DARLING & Company OT'' CANADA LIMITED Kirkton 48R10 df)etl(1 Animal Lie. No. 175-C-62 Jny3rrh MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service $1.00 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbsMore for Siete and disabled Cows and Horses accord ing to size and coiidition. ICOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT Bruce Marlatt Brussels Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE LICPINsr, No.88-C-61, 54-11.P.-61 CARDS OF THANKS CARDS OF THANKS I wish to express sincere thanks 1(111 apprec'l.ttion to relatives.! friends an 1 neighbor. for their i • tt of kindness. It e letters,: tl1N,. flowers ltreats while itati LI p,at,ent a ltospitul. airs. Margaret) Day. .T.n I wish to th•tnk all my friend, who vislt,'cl 1111', slant get well and birthday cards, flower.; and treats, Also 1>r, Nieman and lir. (...raw - fora and 11u sing staff ff for their 1(311:1 care end all who Horde my birthday at happy event, while aL patient in the tinseled. Mrs, Ap- r M.eMit•hatc•1. The family of the late Mr. it. ',Edwin Small. would like to thank the relatives, friends and neighbor's for flowers and many acts of kind ness during their regent berietv.'- ment, 7 ` We wish to express sincere op - predation to friends and neighl>' ars for their nets of kindness, also sympathy eards during our recent bereavement, Special thanks to )r. W. A. McKibbon, the dodoes at Victoria Hospital, London, the nursing staff of the 31.11 floor Nursery at War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital, London, and Rev, J, H. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs James Lamont and fancily. 711 I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my friends and neighbors who visited with am', sent cards, letters and brought treats to me during my reedit, ill- ness.— Mrs. ,Bert Yuill. 71 MJSCELLANI:OUS ARE YOU seeking the answer to an alcoholic. probit al. You are in- vited to write in confidence 1•) Box 26, Advanee-Times. 71) THE ORIGINAL SPRING Rexall Ung Crnt Sale is coming week of March 24th -31st at McKibbons Pharmacy. 28-71) GUSTO SNOWPLOUGHING. M NO4\ PLOUGHING. Harold ' oug te phone 1079.79. F7-M1•lb JOBAlt KINDS OF -PRINTING `�'RI GUAM ADVANCE-TM:ES' PAINTING and paperhanging. Plaster repairs. 10`'r discount for February. Phone Louis Storey, 486. t8rrb INTERIOR RENOVATIONS and flooring, 'linoleum and coralon sheets, linoleum tiles, vinyl as- bestos the and ceramic wall tile installed and repaired. Bob Case - more, Shuter St., phone 872M. 28rrh SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R, R, 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. Mr7-A29^' ATTENTION .FARMERS Can you use more cows? We are prepared to give you from 10 to 20 cows. No down payment an.cl up to three years to pay. Apply Stan Horshurgh, phone 33R4, Fordwich. 21-28.7-14b FOR. YOUR Insur'anee Needs in Automobile. Farm Liability, Accident and Sick- ness Horne Protection -•- Call your CIA Agent—Lloyd Montgomery Wingham, R. R. 0, Phone 743.11 21rrh CURRIE AMBULANCE WINGHAM Day 51; Night 636 or 716 • TRUCK LETTERING • COMMERCIAL SIGNS COX SIGNS A COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE PH. 518, WALKERTON NEED MONEY to BOLSTER the BUDGET? SELLING AVON can do it, Just a few pleasant hours week- ly required and 0 ear. Start naw ill Turnberry and East Wawa- nosh Townships, Write MRS. E. BELL MB ALBERT S7'., WATERLOO or phone collect Si•T, 5-0751 before 8.30 a.nt. NO'rI('i' TO ('RF 1)I'I'OltS NO'f(('d'; TO CREDITORS ANI) ()Illlsi:S iN T1il, MATE}1H OF THE ESTATES 0l' LILLIAN SHIELS cSH 11+:L1.i incl NO1111iAN SHIELS (SHIELL1, beth late of the Village of 1ie1g1nve in the County of Huron. ])''eased, NOTIC1'l rs HEREBY GIVEN purstuana to the Truelces Act, that all creditors and ethers having. chain's against the f;state• of the late Lillian Shiers 'SIlic11) and Norman Shick a ahiel11, are re- quired to send particular:, of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Ad- ministrator of the :;:11(1 Estate, on , • < March, 24th day >f cfort• tht ..1 �. or b A.D. 1902, and that after such Batt; the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the, claims of whieh he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 1st day of March. A.D. 1962. I. T, GOODALL, \VINGH AM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator 7-14-211> THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. }lend Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRE TORS President, Brown Smyth, I3., R, 2, Auburn; Vire-Pres., Herson Tewin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, 1)ungahnon; George C. I1'eagan, Cioderieh; Doss McPhee, R. 11.. 3, Auburn; Donald MaeTCay, Ripley; ,John F. MacLennan, R. It.. i, Goderieih; Frank 'Thompson, R. R. 1, }rolyrnod; William Wiggins. R. It, 3, Auburn, For information on your insur- once., Call your nearest ilirietor who is atsn an agent, or the secretary, Durntn Phillips, Dungannon, phone Dungannon 48. Jrie15/62 YOUR FAMILY'S PROTECTION and SECURITY all in ONE POLICY FOR FILL DETAILS WITH NO OBLIGATION CALL: LES •REYNOLDS Your agent. for ' MANU.FACrURERS LIFE Phone 6W Wingham WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate and Business Broker For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate pro pert les. Ie'A1t1Iv, - HOMES' BUSINESSES Ph. Wingham 292M J31rrh TV ANTENNA SERVICE Repairs to all makes *ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS 51 1'-STdl'I'ORTINGr TOWERS Antenna Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Phone your local dealer or Hanover 728 Collect J17rrla USED APPLIANCES BIRTHS \t'ALI'i.11S In \Vinghlun (lend J. B. Galbraith, Crown Counsel, '1'es in Toronto .John Bowman S.ltilbraith, 43, as- sistant crown counsel in 'Toronto since 1.050, died Sunday of a heart attack,. Mr, Galbraith was stricken Sat- urday evening while watching the hockey game on television at his Applewood. Acres hone. He was taken to hospital later in the even Hospital, on Wednesday, t''ebrtt-' Ing ;after complaining of Morons, :dry 2 , 1924, to Mr, and IrIrs. John ,� Walters, of Teeswater, the gift of a e021. NIXON - At Toronto East General Hospital, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 28tH, 1902, to Id i'. and Mrs, ant' cemetery. Carman Nixon, 205 Dawes Road, • Born in Brussels, Ont,, Mr. Gal - Toronto 13, at cl:utg.ht('1'' braith was graduated in Arts from the University ,of Toronto in 1941. He then joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and served three yeau's overseas, Mr. Galbraith entered Osgood' Hall after the war and was called to the hats in 1949, Ho first enter- ed private practice 'then, in 1950, joined the attorney -general's de- partment 0.s a crown counsel. He was ina.de a Queen's Counsel in 1960. ] e was at. member of Melwell Presbyterian Church in Brussels. He is survived by his wife, the former Rose Milcichalt; his moth- er, Mrs. John Galbraith; a sister, Mrs. Elliott (V1/il,ma) Bredin, of Toronto, and a brother, George, of •\ ringham. • img pains and died in hospital on Sunday. y'. Funeral service will be 'Wednes- day afternoon at Miles funeral home, Yonge St. and St. Clair Ave. Interment will be in Mount Pleas - WILSON At the \'1'ingllam (len- oral Hospital, on Thursday, Mar, 1, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, IR.R, 2, J3cussels, a daugh- ter, RINTO1IL •At the Wingham Gen - oral Hospital, on Thursday, Mar. 1, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, William Rintoul, Wingham, a daughter. RITCHIE -At the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Saturday, Mar, 3, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Ritchie, R.R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter, SCOTT At the Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Mar. 4, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Marvin Scott, R.R. 7, Lucknow, a son, Mrs. Will Dawson Teeswater Native Mr. Phil Dawson received; word Monday morning of the sudden' passing of his brother's wife, Mrs. Will Dawson, the formerGertie the hospital in c.5 Teeswater, 1 esp Case of , at Sault Ste, 1'Iart•'e Funeral ar- rangements had not been com- pleted. Mrs. John Campbell Buried Yesterday Mrs. John Campbell, the: former Pearl Irene Morden, died in Turn - berry Township, on Saturday. She hal been ill only a short time. She was born in Wing -ham. 66 years ago and was the daughter of Palmer Morden and Margaret Falkingham. Surviving are her husband, John Campbell, two daughters and a. son. Lois and Lester, of Goderieh, and Mrs. Albert Evan, of Palgrave ; six step -children, Parker and Stan Campbell, Wingham; Chester 1Campbell, of St, Thomas; Mrs. Jack Gorbutt Sr., and Mrs. Harper !Robertson, of Wingham, and Mrs, IRay Keeso, of Listowel. There are four grandchildren. A brother, Nelson Morden; of Toronto, and sisters, Mrs, l sther Cornish and Mrs. Bertha Chapmaai, of Toronto, and Mrs. Lettie Morley, of Windsor, also survive. Deceased was a life-long resident of Wingham and a member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral was on Tuesday afternoon from thefuneral & Sons n� A. Currie le R home with interment in the Wing - ham Cemetery. Rev. G. L Fish officiated, The pallbearers were Louis Storey, Leslie McDougal, Tecl Sim- mons, Robert Brooks, Percy Biggs and Herb Foxton. All Rec'onditionetl, Refinished like int'W SATTSFAC'TION GU'ARANTEi;I) Wringer Washers Simplicity 810.00 - Norge $59.00 Gilson `139.00 - Simplicity 4100.09 Gilson $59.0() Refrigerators McC'hlry - Frigidaire e I'hileo Your c'lhoice for $05.00 Ranges MrC'Iai'y 30" Electric. Deluxe, folly duitoinatic, only 2 year!; old—$193.110 Gas Range 21" lit beautiful eonditirn--$711.09 STAINTON HARDWARE . N ETTE'S HAIR STYLING Cold Waving Cutting, Styling, Tinting Tel. 21 = Josephine St. CLOSED ;MONDAYS J24rrb 111I111i11111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111I1.111 CONSTRUCT UPRIGHT CONCRETE SILOS VP TO 55 FEET Contact: ARNOLD HUGILL Box 164 02 Cembria Mond, GODERICH Phone 3A 4-9487 collect 14-21-28-71' 1111111UIllUl111111111111111I111111111I1111I lel1111111■I CAMPBELL'S SOUP COMPANY LTD. LISTOWEL, Ont. WILL SHORTLY REQUIRE ADDi'TIONAL FEMALE H..MPLOYEES iN THE PLANT ON A FULL TIME BASIS. Attractive wags. Sonority benefits and cafeteria facili- ties are Available, APPLICANTS S)IOTILI) CONTACT 'Int Personnel Department R. Edwin Small. Buried Monday Lott on Sunday, Victoria Flospitaal, London, Wit Mr. and Mrs. ,Ja('lc Coultes ftncl'Tucsdav, Mrs. Thos. .Gaunt spent Debra spent Sunday with her ptlr .. the past week at her home lit eats, M1 and Mrs. Mervin ripe, Winghanc. of Brussels. 7111', (;ershunt Johnston Ctrl^1 The Day of Prayer meeting will. touter the clot'tar's ('are last week be held in the Presbyterian Church when he was. 01rre*ante 1vith gia9 here' on Friday at 2,30 p,m, and' from the exhaust of his' tractor, w will disc, be held in Calvin-i3riely while working 10 the stable un Clultcal Church on Friday at 2.00.1Tur,ulay, 1, 1,t('.tsrs. John (daunt, Beth Gaunt, Russell Gaunt and Donald visited with Ido, 'Phos. Gaunt, n patient in The many friends of Richard Ed- win Small were shocked to learn 7 of his sudden passing at his home on Charles Street on Friday, March 2nd. Mr. Small was born in Morning - ton Township, Perth County, 72 years ago, and was the son of the late Lewis Richard and Susan Small. His wife, the former Har- riet Champion predeceased him ,April 28th, 1960, He is survived by four daughters Beverley, (Mrs. Chas. Davidson), and Elaine, (Mrs. Hugh Mundell), both of Wingham; Winifred, (Mrs. Georg,(: Carter), of Blyth, and Graee, (Mrs, John Haines), of Kingston, and one son, Allen C., of Toronto. There are nine grand children and five great grand - The service was held at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral Thome on Monday afternoon, when the Rev. C; F, Johnson, rector of St. Paul's Church, 'officiated. Interment was, in the Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were Gordon David-. son, Kenneth Sinnamon, Ilerbert Fuller, Bill Young, Bili Temple- man and Bill Lockridge. The floral tributes were carried by Brent Davidson and Bob Mundell. Wm. H. MaCintyre Native of Ireland A. 0 Wingham 5 ham .trace resident t \ ., 1918 William H. Macintyre died in Wingham •Hospital on Saturday following a short i.ness. He was 87. Mr. Ma.cintyre was horn in Dub- lin, Ireland, a son of the late Don- ald Macintyre and Marion Colpoys. He never married, and there are no survivors. Fifty years ago he came from Ireland to the Lucknow area, and later to 'iSTingham. He was n.: momher . ,1')f' St... Andrew s Church, Rev. G, L. Fish of the Presby- terian Church and (:'apt. G. Stan- ley Newman, of the Wingham Corps, Salvation Army, conducted the funeral service at the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home on Tuesday [afternoon, Interment was in Wingham Cemetery. Pallbearers were Vance, r ti r Lee Va r e John Graham, Fred Saint, Elinor Wilkinson, Harry Browne Jr„ and John Brooks. WHITECHURCN Mr. and Mrs, George Coffin and Sharon Rose, of Hcspeler, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Coffin, of Kitchener, Me, and Mrs. Clifton Coffin, of Galt, Mr, and Mrs. David Coffin, Lynn and Laura., and Mr, and Mrs. Peter Coffin and Chris, all of Roekton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron ,Johnston, Stephen and Gregg, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Claude Coffin. Mr. Archie )Watt, of 'l'oroutra, spent the week -end with his par- ents, Rev, and Mrs. W. j, Watt, (e SAVE IN/1 AT WASH AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY WINOHAM WASH SINGLE LOA r) 25c WASH 50c 3 t,OAI)S DRY 10c Our SPEED QUEEN Automatic Washers give you the clean- est, whitest wash in town. In our Big Boy Washer you can wash throw rugs or 5. big blankets or 3 to 5 regular Toads all for only 50c. Our big dryers dry in a jiffy. Save on your laundry costs at SPEED -WASH. Always Tots of hot rain - soft water. Plenty of free parking at rear of store. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK — 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. ,. 'lllrlIIBIIIBIIIBIll■IILYIIIBIIIBIIIBIIIBII itiolllrfllUlllr Velli■lll.lIIBlllrillrlllirlllrlt i FM nevS� e oal ii i ii b y y PREPAYING ' ....., iii 11 • .••c'etN •off. iY al r•} WINGHAM ', 1� 1reliA+?e II i ,,,i)NVDNATfirED i cele /.f !� 'n m Town ri of Wingham �' 1 9 6 2 Taxes Taxpayers may make payments an account of 1962 taxes up to 80 percent of 196.1 taxes. Interest at the rate of 3% will be allowed on pay- ments made in March. E Prepayments of taxes Must be made at the Town 1-1 Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, w* Town of Wingham. ▪ 1111111.111111111;111UN1111111 111111111111111i11111IIi11111111111111111111111111110111I1111111111111I1111111 AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE 106 Day — 189 Night BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE & STARKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in pBanlcrutc 1 v Licensed Municipal Auditor 44 NOR!lIT S7.'. .M. 4.8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Tel. 392-7373, Teeswater Wroxeter—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Mctlenaghan 1 visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Aitcheson, of St Helens,) Mr, and Mrs, Ben McClena.ghan visited with Arnold and Elmer Woods, of St, Helens, Mr. A. E. Buckton was able to return home from V\ringhain Hos ital last Tuesday and is at the)- homo'.of Mr, and Mrs. ']"hos, Morri- son. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton visited there on Saturday and at- tended a family dinner in .horror of Mr, Buckton's 87th birthday, Mr, 'Wesley Tiffin and IVtr, An - chewy Henderson spent: the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. 'Robt;. Thompson. and Mr, and Mrs, Doug- las Malcomson, of 'Toronto. Miss Winnifred Farrier, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mr. and Mrs Orval Newby, of Ohestey, visited oat Sunday with het mother, Mrs Walter Lott. Ni', and Mrs. Lennox and Vicky, of Atwood, gls1o• visited • with Mrs. Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 118 Harriston, Ontario J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Dr. of Chiropractic. X -Ray 1VRO\ETER Phone 120 Hours: Monday to Friday, 10••4.86 Evenings: )/ion., Tues. and Thurs., •7.9 - i CRAWFORD & HETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Ilrto, Wingham, Phone 413 '1 AWFORD .C. J. H GL R. S. ITETIIEitiNG7'ON, Q,17,J w J. T. GOODALL BAiRISTER., SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Biock, Wingham PHONE 14 H. C. MACLEAN General Insurance and Real Estate Broker JOSEPHINEJOSEPHINESTREET:T • Phones 115 and 31 GAViLLER- M INTOSH & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON J. E. Kennedy, B.Ed.,B.A.,C.A.,-Resident Partner Telephone: Business 633; Residence 106 1 k�1 {