HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-02-14, Page 7V • Vic Nilingbatti Ztbbancr•tinr� WING11Ai1L, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ', FEBRUA.RY .11, 19(13 SHADES OF OUR GRANDFATHERS—The horse and buggy are almost things of the. past in this area, and it must be many years since anyone has driven a covered spring wagon. However, driving along the 10th of Howick last week our photographer spotted this rig, owned by Moses Beachy, who is a member of the Amish Mennon- ite sect. Mrs.. Beachy and her daughter were driving the outfit and seemed to be quite snug in the covered wagon. The family moved from Delaware in the United States to Howick Town- ship last year. *MORRIS COUNCIL NO REVISION WADE 'ON MOTEL ASSESSMENT The Morris Township Council mot ion 1ebruary 5th with all the nnenl- ber$ )?*(scnt. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Ross S•mi11) and Jatmei Mair, :4t1Lir-Smitlr --- That we pay the membership foo to the Ontario Good •Jtii.ads Association, Shortreed-1',1s1oi• That the Court of Revision on th'' assessment Of N. Wrlwood's property be opened. .FIis assessment was explained by (County Assessor A. Alexander :and found to be comparable to other motels in the county. Mair -.Smith -That no revision b'' made to the assessment on Norman \ti'clwooal's motel. Elston -Mair --That the Court of Revision be closet]. Shnt•troncl-Smith That we give the J:Iuron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association a grant 'of $15.00. Short.reed-Mair -• That the road expcndiLnra' Lay -law No. 3; t1162rfort $51,000 be pnss('d snhjec•t to thy ,ap proval of the District Municipal Engineer. Mair -Smith That the road He- cnnn.Ls as presented by the road ♦ superintendent be pail. Elston-Shortreod.-That the gen- eral accounts as presented be paid. Mair-Shoi'treed -That: we advcl•- (ASV for tenders to supply, crush and deliver approximately 15,000 cubic yards of gravel; crusher to be equipped with, a` ' round screen. Smith -Elston `that wc' advertise for applications for warble fly in- rlpector, truck driver and helper. The meeting adjourned on motion of James Mair and William Elston to meet again on Morph 5, at 1 p.m The following neounas were paid: 'file drain loan, :'..300.00; P;neere, *Manor Ltd., nursing hone care, $92,75; Brookhaven Nursing Homo. $185.r:0; Callander Nursing Home. $92.75; Relief account, $218.52; Brun- rsels Telephone, rental,' $15.00; Geo 'Atartir\, telephone tolls, $2.40; Stew- art Proctor, telephone tolls, $3.60; Moss Anderson, Belgrave strew iiligt,ts, $30.00; Elyth District Fir,' Area, calls, $52.00; Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Assoc., $1.5.00. Road accounts Wm. McArte•, wages, mileage and bookkeeping. :11250.00; Jos. C Smith, wages $313.95: Mel Craig, wages, $312,80: "Clarence White, wages, $234.30; Alex Micky, gas, fuel oil, $838.76; Bryan. Welding, $44,50; Dominion Road Machinery, repairs, $3.5.35; Idea' Supply Co. Ltd., repairs, $47,92; 79l - mer Somers. fan kelt, $3.19; 'West- ern Tire, kleen flo, $2.95; Geo. Rad- Mfo'd, sand, towing cable, repairs, $87.00; J. 0, McNeil, repairing. $:34,40: (;Tenn Snell, snow plowing $1,504.75; Pollards Chain Saw welding, $5.$4; Gordon Workman. fuses, baths. extension cord, $7.35; Pardon Motors, used transmission $30.l0; Ont. (1on-1 nand. Assne, 41)11omhei•ship fee, 1115,00; Ma0Lean'a Fine, Neil pelt, $2.52; uni'o'ns Town- . drip, Govier r- Young Oral"''$8.97: 13rtissely 'Telephone. phone rentals; removing poles, $12R.13; Morris Township, culverts, $144.78. Stewart Procter, (eco. Martin; Reeve. Clerk. w ARRANGE FOR DAY OF PRAYER LAKELET- The February meet- ing of the McIntosh United Church Women was held in the church basement with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Jack Ferguson, opened th.e meeting by a call to worship followed by a hymn, Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. Gordon Wright. Mrs. Charlie Scott gave a reading on "Meditation". followed by prayer. The business was presided over by the president, with reports of various committees being given. Mrs. Jack Ferguson was appointed to make arrangements for the World Day of Prayer at McIntosh. Mrs, Eldon Renwick and Mrs. Leslie Harkness were in charge of the program, A solo was render- ed by Gail Renwick, "Jesus Bids Us Shine", This was followed by a Bible contest. A chapter from. the Bible was read and discussed. IIAI1ILE'I1 Mr, and Mei. 1'aui Knudsen ri Toronto silent. the week..end with ilia•, and Mrs, William Smith, a Mr, and Mrs. Sydney Thompson and family of Wingham visited with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wright on Sutiday. Mt•. and Mrs, I0, Metzger and family visited with Ivfr, and Mrs, Gordon Metzger of Pehnerston on Sunday. ' Mr. Laverne Webber of Wilton Grove spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Don Webber. The meeting closed with the Miz-: .pah benediction- Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Alan Darling, Mrs. Har- vey Wright and Mrs. Jack Fergu- son, Lakclet W.I. 1-lears Forum Broadcast LAKELET The W.I. held a Farm Forum on Monday evening in the Institute Hall. Despite the stormy weather there was an at- tendance of 25 people. Guest speaker was Bob Dunn of Clifford, who is a graduate of the O.A.C., Guelph. Chairman for the forum was Mrs. Gordon McKee, who also led the discussion on vo- cational 'and technical schools. in regard to the subject "Are we ade- quately training farm people today to ensure employment for them tomorrow?" The discussion brought out some very interesting ideas, Attendance Down. LAKELET S.S. No. 1, Howick school attendance was clown to six pupils this past week clue to an epidemic of measles, while the Lakclet school attendance was low due to scarlet fever and influenza. MESSENGERS MEET DISTRICT PRESIDENT ATTENDS INSTITUTE \'VROXETER --- The February meeting of the W,I. was held at the hone of Mrs. Howard Wylie with 12 members present and two visit - ,ors. Mrs. J. Simmons presided and opened the meeting with a reading. Many thank you notes were read. For the March meeting It was suggested a pot luck dinner at 12,30 precede the meeting, which is to be held at the 'home of Mrs. William) Wright on March. 61h, A program (committee was nominated to plan for the meetings in the conning year, as well as a nominating com- mittee composed of Mrs. H. Wylie and Mrs. L. Douglas. WROXETn)R Jean Ado 1118, president, chaired the F('bruary meeting last Wednesday afternoon, ]vIrs, Bradley opened with quiet music. A11 sang the Messengers' hymn and repeated the purpose. The .Seripttnre was read by Jean Newton and Murray Gibson led in player. Brenda Townsend pteseeted ,the treasurer's report. About 20 mem- bers answered the roll call with trso l postage stamps and paying foe's. The offering was taken by Bevin Townsend and Arthur Gib- son and dedicated by all. The third ehrnpter of the study hook "Timmy's Team" was told by Mrs, G. Bradley. Margaret Wright played a, piano Solo. Ail joined in singing "Our Tone Chinch," Lunch Was served by the leaders. Oliver Anderson New President of . W, ,ederation The annual' meeting of the 101)81 Wawanosh Federation of Agrleul- ture was held in the L'elgr'ave Ar- ena board room with a very good attendance. The president, John It, Taylor, called the meeting to order and welcomed all present, The nlinute5 of the last annual Meeting were read by the score- tary, Simon Hallallan, The secre- tary's report and the financial re- port were also read by the secre- tary. The auditor's report was ad. opted on motion of Anderson and Henry, showing receipts of $276.79, expenses, 128.33 and bank balance of $211,45; also a $50.00 Canada Savings Bond, Ray Fianna, president of the Huron County Farmers' Union and Carl Govier were present. Mr, Han- na spoke briefly, expressing his pleasure in being'asked to address the gathering and stating that the problems of both organizations were the same. He hoped for more co-operation, that both might speak in one united farm voice. After Mr, Hanna's talk, there was an interesting discussion on farm problems and farm marketing. Ebner Ireland, president of the Huron County Federation of Agri- culture spoke of the accomplish- ments of the Huron Federation during the past year. Carl Hemingway, secretary -field - man, spoke briefly on the sale of FAME shares, saying that he hop- ed sufficient shares would be sold by April lst, as the plans are ready to commence construction of a plant as soon as sufficient capital can be raised. Albert Bieman, president of the Belgravo Co-operative, spoke and chaired the election of officers, which resulted as follows: The roll call was answered by either a current event 'or "A reso- lution I would like to see in effect." At the close of the business Mrs. H. Wylie read an address, com- posed by herself in verse form, and presented Mrs. Cordon Greig with a. gift prior to her leaving the com- munity. Mrs. Leslie Douglas. .gave the motto, 'The longest journey always starts with a single step." She said we must first create an interest in n. subject, secondly form a purpose, thirdly, secure ideas, fourth, Leake decision;: and fifth, learn. by doing. Mrs, Stanley Bride, of H'ordwich, spoke; on "Resolutions". In relating her message she dealt with four questions, • "What is a resolution? What do we make resolutions about? What is the procedure in drafting a resolution? Do our re- solutions get results?" Mrs. 1-1. Har- ris, district president, accompanied the speaker and also gave a short message. A. delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Gilbert ITowes and Mrs. How- ard Wylie. Messes. WROXL(I1LR Ross and W.aIJa.ce POT WM or a;~ ." Card Social Sri'. ANDREW'S ANNUAL TOUT AT CU U The Ladies' Airl meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Tlutrsgay when it was de- (•i(1od to hotel the spring tea the first. Wednesday in May. It was also announced that a pot luck supper will be held tonight by the congregation the annual before meeting. A letter of appreciation watt rear} from Rev. C., L, and Mrs. Fish for the help the Indies gave them at the "open house", The letter tot. lows: Dear Friends of St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid: At tits time we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to you for the warm and affec- tionate way that you helped us in making "open house" at the manse a most enjoyable day. and happy event. The lunch served throughout the afternoon and evening was not only delightful to the eye, but most teasing to the taste anal waist as well, A "thank you" to all the ladies who served, to those who donated lunch, to those who received at the door and showed guests through the manse, and to all who helped in any way from the Ladies' Aid and those from other organizations. A special "thank you" to you, Mrs, English, for the complete or- ganization of this event, a job well done. Again may we say thank you. -'l.'he Fishes and the three wee Minnows who are enjoying their stay at the manse very m uch. Past pres., John R. Taylor; pros„ Oliver Anderson; first vice, Charl- es Smith; township directors, Wal- ter Elliott, Wilfred Walker, Rob- ert Henry, William Gow, Peter de Groot, Robert Carter, Harold Walker, Ernest Snowden, Miles Ste. Marie, John M. Taylor, Wilfred Sanderson, Earl Coldwell and Geo. Johnston. On motion of John M, Taylor and Oliver Anderson, C. W, Han- na was appointed auditor. Mr. Diemen turned the chair back to Mr. Taylor and Mr. Rieman. was thanked for being present at the meeting. Mr. Anderson, the new president, was called upon for a few words and said he wished to. have the co-operation of all the dir- ectors for the coming year. Perfection Ella Earns Six Stars Moorfield Perfection Ella (Very Good), a cow owned by George Hayden, Corrie, has just been :an- nounce,, as a six star brood cow by the Holstein -Friesian Association of Canada. Stars are awarded by the AssSaci- ation according to the excellence of the type, and production of a. cow'S offspring. Perfection. Ela. has one Excellent, five Very Good, and three Good fins offspring, Her Excellent 'I,eiighter, Madge, was Grand Chnm- Bl ci( and pion at Huron County a 'White Show in 1053 and 1955. She To- has a yearly production of 19,517 lbs. milk, '751 lbs. butterfat, 3.85% Madge has a son in the Oxford "Unit at Woodstock. Perfection Ella's Very Goocl son. Perfection Hope, was twice a first prize winner at London, and twice second at the Royal Winter Pair. He sired four Very Good and six Good Plus daughters in the Hayden herd. Another son of Perfection. Elia is Stylcmaster (Very Good), in the Kcmptville Unit at Kemptvillc, Ont. JTis daughters are above the breed a,v"rage for type and production•.. He improved the ,mammary system 1 tr,i, legs and feet 8%, rumps 1i''.' over breed average, A daughter is nominated for All-American 4 -year- old. Ringleader (Very Cioo;l), another end at ber hone here. 8011 of Perfection 111110 is herd sire Miss Catherine MacDonald, of for Victor Bridge &. Sons, Kinear- Kitchen('t spent the week -end with dine, anti ham been Grand Chain.- Mi'. and Mis'. Vernon Hupfer• pion3te ntSBrover.uce County Blacic and We are pleased to hcar.Mrs. \\'" \\am, !ih Maxwell was able to leave Wing - ham Hospital last Friday and visit- ed at the home or her brother, Mr, Cienrge \Vestlsle, and 'hers, woo. lake, until Saturday, when Mr. John Pflnnee n11,1 little daughter, TAMMY, of Stratford, arrived to take her to man, and Mrs, Jessie Koch visited I Mr. Lloyd Sage in .Kitchener Hos- pital on Sunday and spent the re- mainder of the day with. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kavehnan, of New Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heath and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas, all of Listowel, were Sunday guests of Mr•, -and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mfr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson autd Dana, of .Monkton, spent tl:e week- end with lvIr. and Mrs. Ira, McLean. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Fiddes, Bob incl T3111, Brampton, were week -end visitor., with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred l3rota•n, Miss Nancy Newton has returned to London after spending last wecie- Esther (Very Good), a daughter. was first 3 -year-old in milk at Huron B. & W. Show, She 1158 as yearly production of 20,010 lbs, milk. 833 lbs. butterfat, 3.97%. is dans of Yuletide (Excellent), Reserve Grord Champion at Huron Bickel( spend some tithe with her sister, and White Show and best adder Mrs, Harry Pflance, Mr. Maxwell whiner. has been visiting there these past Perfection Elba, has a yearly pro- Srli, ElFLENS few weeks. dustman of 21,185 lbs. or mills, R+:i 'Miss W. 1), 1Iul.berford and 'miss r '1101 Minter 800/1 I. a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre and Don in R.iclimond Hill. Miss Mary lvturray and Mrs. 'Pena Drayman4 of'Brticefield, are Visiting In Hot C•prings, Arkansas, with Miss Mitrrav's cousin for a month, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller, Doug- las and Lori, spent Sunday with Mr. an:I Mrs. tloyd Robb, or Ash. field. Also visitintr there were Mr. and. Mrs..Jae1( Wilson; of London„ Mr. John Tlttpfet' and Miss Hazel lbs. butterfat, 3.65%. This is the Sparring spent the wr('ek-end with highest butterfat recur( in Huron 1Gir. a.tid; Mrs. Blair Sharp, of Sear- County. She has a lifetime total of nil, Tittle Davey Sharp, who has 183.980 lbs. milk, 6,329 lbs. of butter - spent the past three weeks with his fat. grandfather, returned home with Two-thirds of the 'Hayden herd them. are now her descendants. Sylnpat.l>.y Is extended to the '1'1'e- -_ .-...—. _. tereher families in the pnsying of a, If you want to give your *bog „; deal' mother and grandmother, Mrs. special treat oeoasionally, give him Margaret Mcicereher. ,l a small piece of 'sharp cheese, (' 1 . Mr and Mrs. Seines Alcorn: fl1 l ! will enjoy it mucin as humans enjoy Ricky spent the weelc-e:nd with 1a candy now aiid then and in small relatives in 'Toronto, gtia:ntlties it will not harm him. LAtti 1 1' - 'Mimeo of the Wednesday night eat'{ social ht the • Lakelet Institute hall are as fol- lows: High solo, Gordon McKee; low, {Jordon Wright; euchre, high lady, Mrs. Ernie Dinsmore, Clif- ford; high. man, Lyle Murray, of Clifford; low, ,Sandra Wright, The special went to Mr. Ernie Dins- more. Lunda committee was Mrs. A. Landman, Mrs. 1., Murray, Mrs, 0. Hallman and Mrs. D. Hallman. MOTHER PASSES IN CARRICK TOWNSHIP Mrs. Emerson Schumacher, rt well-known resident of Carrick Township, died In the Bruce County 1-Iospital at Walkerton on Monday after a lengthy illness, Mrs. Schumacher, who was (0 years of age, was born in Carrick, a daughter of the lata Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gress. On Sept, 1st, 1915, she was married to Emerson Schu. macher, and they have farmed in Carrick Township since, that time. Besides her husband she is sur- vived by two sons, Lorne of Ham- ilton and Calvin at home, and one daughter, Mrs. Harold (Helen) Foxton, of WIngham; two brothers, Wilfred Gress of Detroit and Elton Gress of Birmingham, Mich.; and six sisters, Mrs, A. Klein, Carrick; Mrs, Lillian Murdock, Miss Edna Gress and Mrs. Annetta Thombs, of Buffalo; Mrs. Robert (Verna) Gow- anlock, South Wales, N.Y.; and Mrs. Harry (Pearl) Angus of Wing - ham. A daughter, Pearl, died in 1933. Mrs, Schumacher was a faithful member of St. Paul's Evangelical United Brethren Church in Mild- may and of the Ladies' Aid of that church. Funeral service will he held from St. Paul's Church on Thursday af- ternoon at 2.30 with Rev, Ron Wil- son in charge, and interment will be in the Mildmay 'Evangelical ce- metery. CONSERVATION SPEAKER—Ar- thur Latornell, supervisor of field officers, Conservation Au- thorities Branch of the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests, was speaker and chairman for the inaugural meeting of the new Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, held here last week. Mrs. J. E. Ostrom Addresses B. & P. W. The Business and Professional Women held their regular supper meeting last Tuesday evening with 34 members and visitors present. Mrs. Daisy Connell, the vice-presi- dent, presided in the absence of the president, Miss Yvonne Mc- Pherson. The meeting was held at St. Andrew's Church, Mrs, Carl Douglas sang a solo. "Give Me a Song in My Heart', accompanied at the organ by Mrs. J. E. Ostrom. Mrs. Ostrom) gave a talk on the International Federation Week of the B. & P.W. Clubs to promote and protect the affairs of women of the world, stressing the impor- tance of women in public affairs. There aro 25 countries represent- ed in the federation, the theme of which is "Building Bridges between Peoples". A nominating committee compos- ed of Miss Shirley Edgar, Mrs. Mary Pollock and Miss Leah Cur- rie was appointed. T. ANDREW'S 'S W.I.S. W STUDY BR. GUIANA Vice-president Mrs. W. Murchi- son presided for the February meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, A .hymn and the Scripture opened the meeting and a commentary was given by Mrs. T, A. Currie. The Glad Tidings prayer was read by Miss Cora 011- kinson, A moment's silence and prayer was offered in memory' of Mrs. E. Harrison, a valued member, who passed away recently. The topic "Education in British. Guiana" was taken by Mrs. W. Murchison and Mrs, J. Snaith. Why we should be interested in this phase of the work of British Gui- ana was considered, as well as the work done in the schools by the church. Religious knowledge is one subject all students in church schools must take. Dr. Duncan- son, who wrote these articles, says we have only to look at the grad- uates to see the influence of these schools 011 the students, Among the graduates are Christian doc- tors, teachers, lawyers, government officials, ministers, etc. All are urged to pray for the work of edu- cation by the church in British Guiana. The offering was received and dedicated. 'After the business was transacted a hymn was sung and Mrs. 10. Keith closed with prayer. WII"I�EGIURCII Raise Funds for 111*. and Mrs. Charles '1'iftitt silent znStitUt 1 - e P o.icc Sunday with her parents, Mr. nett '!'i'', irr'I':CkW 1 — Qn V407 t1ms. William Brown, ,Lucknow, night •rho Fast Oxoup of WJlittl- Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Coulter and ebureh Woancn's l:nstltpte h#14 .a Diane, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. 1"red Seliwlehten buffet dinner at rho home .of M1. and Mrs. Nelsona'iCk411. IIO111 movies ':n:,) slides were shown and berg at Mildmay. euchre was played. A< nlee surd. Mr. and Mrs. Don , 4t'stotn of was reall;uod .for the Jnstittite's Brantford spent the weds -end with 1962 project, which is an 1a)st.aila- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell tion of a water supply in White - Gaunt, church, community hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and the eight-month twins, Leonard and Lorraine, of Ripley, visited on Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rit. chic of Kinloss. Mrs. John McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. Grant McIntyre and Marilyn of Wingham and Mrs. Cecil Fay c:oncr visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. 10. Purdon of Luck - now. Mrs, Victor Emerson, president of Bruce South Women's Institute, paid her official visit to the Luck - now Institute on Friday, speaking on the duties of the public rela- tions officials. The Institute meets Robertson. here this Wednesday afternoon in the memorial hall. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Weber and family visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lindenschtnidt and Mrs, Sadie Hossfelt of Walkerton. Mrs, D. Willis received woad of the passing of her father-in-law, Mr. Sinclair Willis of Gowanstown in Stratford General Hospital, In - torment was in Fairview Cemetery at Listowel, from the McLaughlin & Reed funeral home on. Tuesday. He leaves his wife and daughters. four brothers, one sister, and four grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McQueen of Toronto visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross of Turnberry. Little Miss Karen Galbraith was able to return home from Wingham Hospital on Tuesday. School was called off at S.S. No, 9, East Wawanosh when something went wrong with the furnace. Mr, Elmer Ireland attended a directors' meeting of the Federa- tion of Agriculture. in Toronto on Thursday. Mrs, Gershon Johnston spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Woods of Seaforth.. Mr, and Mrs. Austin Cook of Belmore spent. Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook at Marnoch. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Ro- bert Galbraith. Wingham. Little Richard and Armand Hill, sons of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Hill, were able to return home from the Wingham Hospital last Thursday, 1vIr, and Mrs, Jack Gillespie, Bar- ry and Lorraine of Sarnia spent. the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Farrier and with Mr. and Mrs. G, 'E. Farrier. Mr, and Mrs. Frank I:ekenswiller and family visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John Eckenswiller at Carlsruhe. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Devine, Ruth and Bernice of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Kennedy of Marnoch. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson visited on Friday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, of Lucknow. Neil and Sharon Rintoul were laid up last week with a severe at- tack of flu. Gordon Hill, of the Presbyterian manse here, has been under the doctor's care with a strep throat. Miss Elaine Conn and Miss Claire Chamney of Scarborough and Miss Karen Groskorth of Toronto spent the week -end at their respective hones in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Lone Edwards and family of Culross visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cas- lick, Mr. Russell Gaunt and Mr, ,John "It has recently been found that Gaunt were in London on Tues. thehttnnttn body contains sulphur," day to visit with their father, Mr. the professor said. ( Thomas Gaunt, who has been pro - "Sulphur?" exclaimed the girl grossing favorably. student, "And how much sulphur Mrs, Lorne Johnston, Lueknow, and Mr. Russell Farrier, Wingham. visited on Sunday with Mr, ane Mrs. W, R, Farrier. Miss Winni- S, Sr. No, 9 Euchre wnrriooiu,xu.iii -Twelve tables were in play on friday .('venting at the euchre at S.S, 9, ,East Wawa, - nosh. Mts. Russel Fear and Ito - bed Arbuckle held high points and Mary Taylor and Kenneth .Currie held low points. The boxes of chocolates for the highest number of points in hearts went to Mrs, Robert Purdon and John Taylor. The party In two weeks will be sponsored by Mr, and Mrs. Robert Arbuckle and Mr, and Mrs. Alex is there in a girl's body?" "The amount varies," replied the teacher. "Oh," said the girl, "I suppose fred Farrier, Toronto, spent tin that's why some of us make better i week -end here, matches than others." Harold Dawson, son of Mr. and JOINT MEETING—Kincardine Kinsmen visited Wingham last Friday evening and held a joint meeting with the local club at the Legion home. Larry Kent of CKNX was guest speaker and showed films on a trip to Bermuda. Shown Chalmers Holds Annual Meeting WHITIo'CHURCH— The annual meeting of Chalmers Presbyterian Church was held on Monday of last week when Darwin Hill, resi- dent student minister, was In charge of the meeting and opened with Scripture and prayer. All reports of the various organ- izations were submitted and show- ed a very successful year. Four new managers were elected, Albert Paterson, Archie Purdon, Les Rey- nolds and Elroy Laidlaw, to re. place retiring members, Ushers and collectors are Donald Ross, John deBoer, Neil Rintoul, Les Reynolds, Harley Gaunt, James Ross, Dave McDonald and Dawson Craig. All other officials retain their present positions for the coming year. Schools Sold for Other Activities I"our Kinloss Township rural schools along with the grounds and contents were auctioned off Satur- day. Each of the schools, at least '75 years old, revived memories for many of the spectators who ,had at. tended class in one of them and sat in the seats sold by auction. The sale rcailzed $1,483 for buildings, desks, stoves and oth- er equipment. The school grounds of the form- er S.S. 6, Grey Ox school was also sold. Trustees of the :Kinloss School Area No. 1 offered the pro- perties for sale. The new Kinloss Central School It Holyrood was recently opened to accommodate students from the schools closed, Probably one of 'the oldest of the four schools was S.S. R at Langs.ici built in 1874. This school sold for $100 and was purchased by the Langside Community Centre group for a hall, S.S, 3 sold for $240 to Rae Stan- ley. S.S. 4, Holyrood school was purchased by the Kinloss. Scout troop organization for $50. Top price school was S.S. 7, which sold for $500 to Elmar Rea - vie. The Grey Ox school property sold for $110 to Harvey McDougall. Auctioneer was Allan McIntyre and the secretary was Allister J-Tughes. Mrs. Phillip Dawson. was taken to Wingham Hospital on Saturday, Miss Lilian Smyth of Toronto spent the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smyth and Mr. Albert Smyth left to com- mence a nine weeks' electronics course at trade school in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker spent the week -end with Toronto relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs. Carl McC.leuaghan visited on Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Stew- art of Kitchener. Quito a number of East Wawa - nosh folks attended the annual supper of the Credit Union at Bel - grave on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer and family visited on Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson of Morris. Quito a number who listened to the Forum broadcast. last Monday light forwarded their findings to Mrs. George Fisher, They decided that education is getting too cantly, ,halt the ('ruse of much unemploy- ment now came from the last Ivor, when fathers were away from home and mothers couldn't send the young folks on to school, and thought classes at night school night be a solution to the prob- lem. Mr, and Mrs. George !Fisher, Sa.n. drat and J)ois visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Carruthers of Gnderh'li. Mrs. Walter Lott was all last work with a severe attack of flu. The Ladles' Aid of the Presby. tetiitn Chu reit ftnIshed. quilting their "Colonial Lady" quilt last Fri - . gr. and Mrs. George Harris, Clea and Mac of Wroxeter visited on Snndny with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mr'Tlurnoy, Mr. and Mrs. Archie .Putnrlotr, here are Weir Sheane, Kincardine secretary; T'fathy and Lori, visited on Sundaywith her mother, Mrs. W, Jaeklin President Stewart Leedharn of Wingham; Pr- of Listowel, siclent Bruce Threndyle of Kincardine and Dep- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson of uty District Governor Don Hoist of Markdale.---- Brantford spent the week -end with Acavance•Times photo. her mother, Mrs, R. ,T, Currie,