The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-02-14, Page 1ALONG THE MAIN DRAG
J:y The Pedestrian.
"Big .dim" Deneau, while match-
ing wits with "Son Jim" at crib-
bage on Saturday, came up with a
perfect hand, which made quite an
impression on the household. Jim
is now considered an expert by the
crib players of the family, but w('
'' are wondering who dealt the cards!
An envelope containing a mes-
sage from the district office of one
of our major church denominations
which we lifted from our mail this
week bore the . cheering message,
"Remember the Church in Your
Will". That's just the difference
between the here and the hereafter.
I3a'GONJ. 16 RA—
It was amusing to note the name
of one of the schools which was
auctioned in Kinloss Township the
other day. Known as Grey Ox
School, that building surely must
have had associations reaching
*well back to the clays of the pion-
0- 0-0
It would be difficult to find any
group of citizens who devote more
time to the public interest than the
local firemen. They have spent 1.11
their recent spare time painting
and cleaning up the fire hall, Soon
they will embark on a train'rg
course for firemen and all on.
their own time!
if you intended buying a
calve for a.11 the Valentines
around your house at the St.
J'auiis tea this afternoon, you'd
better drag' out a cake mix
a and hustle up a creation of your
own:. Seems there were sever-
al other .fu.neti:ons phutned for
today so the. ladles have post-
poned the tea.
Car Flips, No Injuries
(Gorge F. Hetherington of Blue -
vale was the owner and driver of
a car that went out of control and
turned over on Highway No. 4,
south of 'Wingham last Friday eve-
ning, The mishap was investigated
by Constable Ron Bell of the local
O.P,P. detachment. No injuries
were reported,
Theft Results
In Charges
.Randolph Fisher of 'R,R, 2, Wing -
ham, has been charged with the
theft of a car from the lot of the
Armstrong Garage a week ago last
*Sunday. The `scar was later found
abandoned on No. 86 Highway
three miles east of Lucknow. Fish-
er is also charged with breaking
and entering the same night at the
Foxton service station' where a
supply of ciga',rettes and a small
sum of money was taken,
which is amalgamated the Gerrie Vidette and Wroxeter News
1 N(4X/1'1ES 10 Cents
ew Maitland Authority
olds First Meeting Here'
Last Thursday afternoon saw the
Maugure! mooting of the newly.
formed Maitland Valley Conserva-
tion Authority at the Wingham
town hall. Harold Cosens of Wal-
lace Township, was elected) chair-
man of the 29.member authority.
He was the chairman of the for-
mer Middle Maitland Authority,
which has been absorbed by the
new and larger body. Each of the
'.9 municipalities which comprise
the 'new authority were represent.
ed at the meeting which was under
the chairmanship of Arthur Lator-
nell, supervisor of fielad officers,
Conservation Branch, Department
of Lands and Forests.
Elected vice-president was Ro-
bort Wenger, of Wingham, who had
been active in organizing the new
authority, Cy Bamford of Listow-
el, secretary -treasurer of the old
Middle Maitland authority, was
named to the same post in the en-
larged body.
TEACHER PRESENTED—Mrs, Emerson Shera is
seen following a presentation by board members
and staff of the Wingham Public School marking
her retirement from the teaching profession.
She was on staff at the local school for 21
years. Back row, Roy Bennett, board chairman
Dr. K. M. MacLennan; Inspector J. Kinkead of
Goderich and Principal T. S. Beattie.—A-T photo.
CUTS CAKE --Mrs. Emerson Shera, who retired after serving 2
years on the staff of the Wingham Public School, cuts a cake dura
ing a gathering to mark her retirement. She was given a chair
by the school board and a diamond -studded watch by the staff
members,—A-T photo,
Wednesday, mama" 14. In the I
'' Colnttulnity Hall at 8.:10 p.m. Ladies
phtt,Se bring lunch. Actin; 25c, F14b
AGREE ' l<inettes Meet
TO TAKE MEMBERSHIP xzik.t scout House
Public sic+rt:ing 'ednosrhty evicen-
ing, 8 to 10. N'o piddle eluding
Friday or Saturday evenings. Flab
Valentine Tea and bake stile that
was to be held ►n St, Paul's An-
glican Church on Wednesday, Feh,
14th, Is cancelled. V 1'tb
"r.P;llC4IJLIHI 1N ''Jirl'If,( 111111('1
'Euchre party will he hold in the
Whitechurch Community Hall Fri-
day, February 16, at 8.80, sponsored
by the Hall Board. Good prizes,
Lalteh served, Adm, 50c. Flab
The students of the Wingham
DistrictT.Iigh School will present
a variety concert In the school and!.
toritun on the evenings of Thursday,
February 22, aryl Friday, 'February
23, at 8,15. `.).here will be musical
selections by the Glee Club and by
the, orchestra; a physical education
demonstration by the boys and
dances by the girls, The Drama
Club will present a one -act play
"The Castle of Mr, Simpson," (hv
permission of Samuel French). All
proceeds of the concert are used for
4choo1 activities. Students are sell-
ing tickets now, Admissi4n,50 cents
The regninr meeting of the
Wingham and District Ministerial
Association was held on Monday
i n S t . Andrew's Presbyterian
Church with 1; members ,present.
The hymn "() Master Tart lire Walk
with 'Ghee" was sung and Rev, H.
Donaldson of Fee forth r"ad Psalm
66 and lad in prayer,
A discussion followed the read-
ing of the minute's by 1t^v, Evan
Mel,agan of Jilyth. Tt wt), decided
to take 0111 a tnember:4hip in the.
Wingham (general Hospital Assoc-
iation ;and Mat. Gordon Fish of
Wingham Wars appoint( al to repre-
sent the gratin.
A welcome was extended to those
present. by 1Mf,. Fish and his sou.
,iect for the program was "Lew.
man's Work in the Church". The
film, "Above and Ilr'yon(1'' was
shown as 0 tart of this program.
Mt•. 1e'i:,h was thanked by Rev. IT.
L, Jennings of Brussels, who also
closed the meeting with i11':ryer.
The March meeting will he held
at the Salvation Array Citadel, it,
The regular monthly meeting will
be held Thursday, February lath,
at 8 oiclock, F1413
The KirtrLt.(es hold their regular
meeting at the Soont hall 011 Mon-
day night. Mrs, Bruce MacDonald
presi:died, A get-together ens dis•
cussed for the month of March.
Mrs. John Currin: won the raffle,
The doll clothes the girls aro
making for the fall lea aro coming;
along nicely. A delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. Max M('Cllrter
Two Charged With
Car Theft Here
Two Clinton sten 'Robert '1'homp-
1 son and Thomas :,hart) etre in the
Go,ierich j1111 charg;acl with ear
theft following an e.pisorle at the
local rink on lvtonda.y evening. The
two were spectators at a, game be
teem the {Clinton and Wingham
Juveniles, and were ejected from
the rime by the local police for
causing a disturbance. Latera car
owned by 11 I envie, of R.R. 2,
Wingham, was reported stolen
from the parking lot at tlr' Fto:1
Front Grocery. An investigation
by Police Chief ;tamps Miller as
sisted by Provincial ('nn:ata.blc' Ron
T3ell led to apprehension the e reheension of the
pair In Clinton where they were
charged with the theft,
Mrs. Emerson Shera was the
guest of honor at a special gath-
ering at the public school on Fri-
day. evening of Last week to mark
her retirement from the staff, Mrs.
'Thera' has been teaching for 30
.years, the past 21 of which hava`
been in Wingham. She started in
the profession at Gorrie.
Some 50 staff and board mem.
hers, their husbands and wives,
were on hand for the occasion
which took the form of a social
evening, Games started the activi-
ties, followed by a card party and
lunch later in the evening.
Board chairman Dr. K, M. Mac-
Lennan assisted by Roy Bennett,
presented the retiring teacher with
a beautiful occasional chair and
't cheque on behalf of the hoard,
and Stewart Beattie, principal of
the school, presented Mrs. Shera
with a diamond -studded watch
from the staff.
A huge cake, fittingly inscribed,
was cut by the ;vest. of honor dur-
ing the lunch period.
Special Service
United Church
Youth of Winghann
A community Youth Service will
he hold in the -Wingh:un United
Church on Sunday evening at 8
n'cincic when young people of the
various churches will participate.The ministers of the twin have ar-
ranged the service, and while the
emphasis is on youth, it. is hoped
that. parents and other a(htits will
atte'nrl as well.
There will be a comaleca1 choir of
young people from the community
and 'Herbert C. Treneer, organist
of the United Church, will direct
the music. Rev. T, G. Homier will be
in charge of the service trn-1 the
':a) '1kzo will be Major Arline
of Hamilton, Divisional
i Youth Secretary for the SalvationArray,
mare4' Pitcher iv to relive of New
fnundburd and spent. the greater
Anel of life there, cr,vering all fid. is
Irt the Sn'vntir.'t Army rnrle•:leer i„
that province before coming to the
e mainland to take up work in sever-
al of the larger Corps. Hc' was
, e.nnumtndet' of the Vane0�m'er 'rem-
; pie before being moved to Hamilton
I as 0 member of the fgivisicnal Warr.
I He is from a prominent Salvation
Army family and several of his
1 brothers and sisters 'are offieca'ti.
Major Pitcher's name is familiar
1 to tnany in Wingham who read The
War Cry. to w'hi('h he is a regular
cnntt'ihutnt', and at the moment a
.series of his articles on the Books
of the Bible i,5 a. feature.
The Cubs, Scouts, Brownies, Girl
(Guides and (. GIP groups have been
invited to attend the' service ou
Smolt*, awning :11',1 are asked to
gather in the gvmnasinnt of the
church prior t,,) the service •a,o that
1 they stay attend in a body.
Executive Named
A nominating committee brought
in a slate of chairmen for the var-
ious advisory boards. These chair-
men will comprise the executive of
the new authority. Named to the
posts were: flood control, Alvin
Smith, of Turnberry; , reforesta-
tion, Daniel Bauerman, of McK11-
lop; land use and farm ponds, Har-
ry F. Tebbutt, of Hullett; public re-
lations, W, J, Kelterborn, of Mil-
verton; parks, recreation and wild
life, Oscar Nickel of Listowel.
The membership of the advisory
boards will be named by the execu-
tive members at a later date,
Explains Work
Arthur Latornell outlined briefly
the various sections of the Conser-
vation Act which were pertinent
and went on to speak on the duties
and responsibilities which must be
accepted by the members. He said
conservation work is broad in
scope and is of interest to many
people. Conservation, he explained,
is actually the care of all our nat-
ural resources. The new author.
ity, he said, can take an interest
in many fields and it is the duty
of the officers to carry out the
wishes of the authority as a whole.
In reply to a question by Mayor
Miller of Clinton, Mr, Latornell ex.
plained that the boundaries which
were set up for the vote which was
held last September, when the new
authority was formd, were purely
arbitrary. He said that the first
move would be a boundary survey
by engineers, who would work in
co-operation with the various mu-
nicipalities. He said that it is hop-
ed this work will be completed by
the first of May next. The speaker
went on to say that 'it is the duty
of the advisory boards to collect
ideas for work within the scope
of the authority, and it is posible
Cousins Is Elected
airrna':c of Hospital
)toy Cousins of Brussels was el-
retcd chairman of the board of dir-
ectors of the Wingham General
Hospital on Friday evening. Suc-
(reeding H. C. MacLean of Wing -
ham, who has held the post for sev-
eral years.
Mr. MacLean presided for the
opening of the meeting and a ,1,0 -
tion was passed, asking the board's
secretary, John Strong, to assume
th1,ehair for the election of a new
chairman, Mr. MacLean announc-
ed his intention of relinquishing
the chairmanship because of ill
health and nominated the vice-
chairman, Mr. Cousins, who was
elected by acclamation.
Dr, W, A. McKibbon voiced th< I
appreciation of the board member, i
for the many years of faithful ser. i
vice Mr. MacLean has given to the
hospital, Mr, MacLean will con-
tinue to serve as a member of the
board. DeWitt Miller was electoi
by acclamation as vice-chairman.
Mr. Cousins that assumed the
chair ' and in doing so exprerased
his appreciation of Mr. MaeLeaa's
interest in and devotion to the
hospital, John Strong was re -ap-
pointed secretary and Mrs. I. Mor-
rey administratrix. The chairman
named the following as a striking
committee to bring in a slate of
committee chairmen and members:
A. D. MacWilliam, 11, E. Walker,
Robert Gibson and W. I3, Ander-
The report of the striking com-
mittee was accepted: :Management
Committee, DeWitt Miller, chair-
man, Dr, W. A. McKibbon, Robert
Gibson, Barry Wenger, Mrs. N. D.
Cameron; Finance Committee, W.
B. Anderson, chairman, G. W. Tif-
fin, H. C. MacLean, A, D. MacWil-
liams Property Committee, J. V.
Fischer, John Colvin, E. E. Walker,
Robert Coultes, Alex Robertson,
January Statistics
The. administratrix, Mrs. I. E.
Morrey, reported there were 23
births during the month of Janu-
ary, 51 operations, 105 outpatients,
265 x-rays, 1 BMR, 13 blood trans:
fusions, 1662 laboratory- procedures,
39 electro -cardiographic examina-
tions, 22 at cancer clinic, 1 post
mortem, 4: blootj bottles sent out,
i There was a daily average of .120
1 Mr. Cousins, chairman of the
management committee during the
past month, reported that the re -
Home Damaged
Damage was estimated at $1,200
when flames early Monday damag-
ed the home of Harvey McDowell
at Westfield in East Wawanosh
Township several miles west. of
The fire, believed caused by over-
heated furntice pipes, ignited the
linoleum and chesterfield in the liv-
ing room. Blyth firemen extinguish-
ed the blaze.
Playoffs Start
With Clinton
Following a real ding-dong battle
in the last game of the schedule
here on Monday evening between
the Clinton and Wingham Juven-
iles the two teams will enter play-
offs on Wednesday evening at the
Clinton arena. The second game
will be played in Wingham on Fri-
day night. The series is a best!
three of five affair. 1
signation of one registered nurse
had been received, effective Feb-
ruary 8th,
Mr. MacLean stated that Mrs.
Morrey had been excluded from
the meetings of the Joint Confer-
ence Committee tfive doctors and
five board members). despite the
fact that a motion of the hoard of
directors had specified that she
sit on the committee as an ex -of-
ficio member, ir, accordance. with
Thd by-ld:vrs -on hospital accredita-
tion as outlined • by the Canadian
Hospital Association. Mr. Mac-
Lean also stated that he had re..
quested the• minutes of the meet-
ings of the joint conference com-
mittee and they had been refused
Letter from CHA
Mr. Cousins read a letter from
Dr. W. I. Taylor, chairman of the
accreditation committee of the
CHA, outlining the position of the
hospital administrator as an ex -of-
ficio member of the joint confer-
ence committee.
Dr. B, N. Corrin was admitted to
the board meeting and Mrs. Mor-
rey read a statement outlining her
reaction at being excluded from
the meetings of the joint (1o•fer.
once committee. Dr, Corrin ex..
plalned the stand he had taken in
this regard and read sections from
the by-laws on hospital accredita-
tion which, in his opinion, indicat-
ed that the hospital administrator
must not, of necessity. be in atten-
dance at joint conference commit-
tee meetings. It was for this rea-
son, he said, that she had been ask.
ed to leave. after a motion had boon
passed by a majority of the com-
Considerable discussion by the
(Please turn to page Ten)
for these boards to Include spec..
ialists in various fields, wisp are
not necessarily municipal delegatea,
Mr. Latornell also said tiie pub.
lie information committee had an
important job to do. He explained
that the authority will deal with
public money and the public 'will
have the right to know how it Is
being spent. Government grants
are roughly 50 per cent of the
funds raised by the municipalities
for authority work.
The department speaker explain.
ed that the usual procedure follow,
ing the formation of a new author-
ity is a request to have the whole
area surveyed as to its resources
and problems. This work is done
by government experts, who write
a report with recommendations
from the survey. The authority,
however, does not have to wait for
this report before getting started
with its work,
Following Mr. Latornell's re-
marks the meeting agreed to have
the executive consider a budget and
report back at. a later date. It
was also agreed that meetings of
the authority should move From
plan- to place across the water-
shed. The matter of minimum le.
vies for the smaller contributing
municipalities was left in abey-
The new authority also passed a.
resolution requesting the Conser-
vation Branch to make the neves.
sary survey of the watershed,
The field officer for both the
Ausable Authority and the new
Maitland Authority, Terry McCau-
ley, of Exeter, was also in atten-
dance as were several Department
o2 Lands and Forests personnel, in.
eludingLarry Scales, of Stratford,
zone forester; E. K. E. Dreyer of
1 Hespeler, district forester of the
Lake Huron District; Peter Ad-
a dison, of Maple, regional forester.
Large Area
The newly -organized Maitland
Valley Conservation Authority will
bo one of the largest of the 31 auth-
orities in the province and will
rover nearly 1,000 square miles of
territory, taking in all three branch-
es of the river. The land drained
by tate watershed extends inland
as far as Arthur Township from
the river mouth at Goderich.
The following is the list of dela
gates appointed by their respective
municipalities to the new author-
ity: Arthur Township, H. Preston;
Blyth, S. R. Fa4rservice; Brussels,
George McCutehoon; Clinton, W. J.
Miller; Colborne, H. Watson; Ellice
W. Mogk: Elma, J. R. Coghlin;
Goderich, Robert Hayes; Goderich
Township, R. H. Oakes; Grey, C.
R. Dunbar: Harriston, 0, Aitche-
son: Ho.vick, E, H. Strong; Hulielt,
H. F. T''hhutt; Kinloss, W. Evans;
Listowel, O. M. Nickel; Logan,
E. M. Oppenhauser; McKillop, D.
Bauerman; Maryborough, M,
Mitchell: Milverton, W, J, Kelter.
horn; Minto, L. C. Feick; Morning -
ton, J, Reid: Morris, Ross Smith;
Palmerston, Howard Latsch; Sea -
'forth, N. C. Cardno; Turnberry, A.
D. Smith: Wallace, Harold Cosens;
Wingham, R. 0, Wenger; West
Wawanosh, H, Culbert; East Wa-
wanosh, C. Hanna.
newly -organized Maitland
Wingham last week, this
From the left, front, are R
Harold Cosens, chairman,
IVE—At the inaugural meeting of the
Valley Conservation Authority'held in
group was elected to the executive.
, O. Wenger, vice-chairman, Wingham;
Wallace Township; Cy Bamford, sec-
retary -treasurer, Listowel; Terry McCauley, field officer, Exeter;
back row, O. M. Nickel, Listowel; Harry Tebbutt, Hullett Town
ship; A. D. Smith, Turnberry; W. J. Kelterborn, Milverton, anct
Daniel Bauerman, McKillop Township.—Advance•Times photo.