HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-02-07, Page 5i• - • • • • or • • 4 • rP t, Winghtu 111vnnce-'.i''iMes, Wednesday, Pelt. 7, I.90"s rep oleo (" THEATRE R HARItISTON W PRESENTS TWO OUTSTANDING MOTION PICTURES AT REGULAR PRICES TWO SHOWINGS EACH EVENING AT 7:00 AND 9:20 P.M. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8.9-10 "PARRISH" Into IN TECHNICOLOR AND STARRING TROY DONAHUE CLAUDETTE COLBERT KARL MALDEN and DEAN JAGGER, AND PAiIITtISH'i THREE) LOVES Connie Stevens - Dian McBain - Sharon Hugueny Connecticut's Million Dollar T'ohaeco Milo came a young intruder with Hol:•hing - But his (name was PARRiSH' -- Ws just wonderful entertainment. AdultEntertainment Summoned to the business office the salesman was told: "This ex- pense account amazes us. How do you manage to spend $14 a clay for food?" "I manage by skipping break- fast," he replied. Clerk: "How can I stop women customers from 'talking about the low prices in the good old days?" Floorwalker: "Act surprised and tell then you didn't think they were old enough to remember. them." Make your home complete with CHROMALOX -- =SMOMIO ` --� 0. Chromalox offers the complete\ quality line which makes it possible 1 1 for everyone to enjoy modern electric l heating... whether in new homes... `remodelling.,.. or added on rooms! •,.., room ,r- r.,,, •... w•s ,/ BASEBOARD HEATERS PAN DRIVEN WALL INSERT - HEATERS Above are some of the Chromalox line of. Eleotrio Heating Units---We'11. he glad, to show you how little it will cost to install the tyle bestsu iting your needs! KEATING ELECTRIC Phone 79 - Wingharn FEBRUARY SPECIALS SPECIAL LOW PRICES UTILITY INTERMITTENT DUTY CAPACITOR START MOTORS • Standard protected -56 frame • 73a11 bearing • 115/230 volts,1800'R.P.M. • General purpose motor for rnediuni to heavy starting loads Co-op February Special Co-op February Special 4 MP, with %'r shaft, M H.P. with W shaft each $4397 each $3397 Regular Value $3.05 QUICK DRYING DIVERSEY EGG WASHING COMPOUND Eggs washed with this compound dry faster ... reducing the opporttmity for bacterin to•enterthrough damp, soft shells . , . and you cun carry on with the job of. packing much sooner. And i)iversey Egg Washing Compound not only docs the job faster ... it does it better, too. The natural "bloom" of the, shell is preserved and enhanced to attract the cus- tomer. You protect your egg profits through egg quality and sales appeal. In every way, you get a- better, faster and playa economical job with Diversey .Egg 1`Irnshing Compound Formulation No.122.2S7 Co-op February Special, S lb. $ Rel;ulac 1 'aloe $1.05 INFRA RED BROODER LAMPS 250 watt infrtere1 brooder bulbs with white i nr base �.and medium , glass face } Co-op February Special', each 79c ,3 Regular Valise $3.85 SINGLE LAMP BROODERS Heavygauge steel hood is 10,;41' itt diameter, 7%" deep and completely h i;ra shields !Weep. Exterior is finished in durable Ylltranautel g yand the, interior is white. Capacity 80 to 100 chicks. Special porcelain socket, heavy duly suspension loop, approved coral and plug. February •__ $ .99 Co-op Special, each ,2, ..E OOP BELGRAVE G Rv BELGRAVE, ONTARIO Phone W nghain 1091; Brussels 388w10 GORRIE Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Sparling attended at "at home" in the Tea- chers' College, Stratford, on Fri- day night, Mrs. E. Stewart, Mavis and Debra, of Stratford, visited on Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Un- derwood, Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Strong were in London on Saturday to visit Mrs. Robert •Spotton, of Wingham, who has undergone surgery in Vic- toria Hospital. Mr. Harvey Sparling returned home Wednesday from Palmerston Hospital, Mr ,and Mrs. Charles Warrick, Brussels, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Petrie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Darroch, Clifford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gowdy on Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Hied is a patient in Palmerston Hospital Mrs. Albert Dustow is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Dustow in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elschner and fancily spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, John Harper, Carling- ford, Rev. and Mrs. Morris McNab, Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Inglis, Carrick Township, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Darling. Mr. and Mrs. James Belmore, visited Mr. Stokes, of and Mrs. Clarence Stokes on Sunday. Mrs. Alex Graham and Jim were in St. Marys on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, W. C. King visited Mrs. Elsie Haney, Wingham, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earle King .and fa- mily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams, Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens and family spent Sunday at Lis-, towel and Conestogo, Miss Yvonne Sperling is student teaching in Listowel public school this week. Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Coupland and Carol of Wroxeter visited Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gowdy on Thurs- day evening. Mrs, James Edwards is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Les. Davidson and Mr. Davidson of Listowel. Mr, Anson Wolfe, London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, Bert Hubbard. Misses Kay and Margaret Wright of Wroxeter spent the week -end with Mrs. Frank Wright. Mrs. Norman Chaliners visited friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, of Moles - Ritchie on Betty Ann and Cindy worth visited Mrs. Anne Sunday. Birth HOCKRIDGE-- •In Scarborough General Hospital, on Sunday, January 28, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockridge, a son. Vestry Meeting At St. Stephen's GORRIE-The rector, E, C. At- twell, was chairman and ,Mrs, V. Clarke vestry clerk at the annual vestry meeting at St, Stephen's Anglican Church. A succesful project of the past year was the excavation for a basement under the church and its completion. It is now in use as a Sunday School room, and is also used for church gatherings. Officers elected for the conking year were, rector's warden, Leon- ard Sanderson; people's Warden, Gordon Underwood, lay delegation to Synod, Norman Wade and Harry King; substitutes, Il'rank Icing and John Dinsmore; secretary -treasur- er, Mrs. Verne Clark; atiditors, Harold Bink, Carl Dinsmore; Bd. of Management, Jos, Bennett, V. Clark, Warn. Bennett, John Dina - Motet rectory comm., N. Wade,0. Underwood; Boy Sec ut tepresenta. Lives, Wm, Bennett, Verne Clark; chairman of sideshnen comm,, Iittr. ry ting. Starts at 7.00 and 9.20 p.m. MONDAY -TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 12-13,14 "FANN 25) IN 151LO1UOUS T'ECHNIC<'OLOR ANI) STARRIN(,l. LESLIE Droit left. d I[.' RL1;S CARON CHEVALIER BOYERR We could fill. every inch of this newspaper telling you all about the wonderful time you're going to have with Fanny -- But maybe we'll let you tell its beconse after you Ree Penny you're, going to tell everybotit; FANNY IS ALL THE IOVE' STORIES OF TIE WORLD ROLLED INTO ONE. Adult Entertainment Starts at 7.00 and 9.20 p.m. Town and Country Groups in Gorrie GORRIE--The first meeting of Gorrie and district 4-H gills home- making club was held on Saturd- day morning at the home of Mrs. Russel Adams, The 20 girls were divided into Town and Country groups. The Country Group consists of eight girls with the following as of- ficers: Sharon Hubbard, president; Elizabeth Stokes, vice.; Corrine Rhame, press reporter. The project is a sewing course called "Separates for Summer" and leaders are Mrs. Robert Elschner and Mrs. Clarence Stokes. The next meeting wil he held at the home of Mrs. Adams, ATTENDANCE AWARDS RECEIVED SUNDAY GORRIE--- Attendance awards for Gorrie United Church. Sunday School for 1961, were read by Miss Evelyn Anne Stephens and Rev. Fred W. Taylor made the presen- tations on Sunday when 19 • re- ceived perfect attendance awards. They are as follows: Marian Ad- ams, Susan Templeman, Debbie Stephens, Keith Adams, Gary Thornton, Margaret Koch, Murray Powell, Barry Elschner, . Barbara Thornton, Gregory Stephens, Jan- ice Elschner, Murray Grainger, Carole King, Michael Grainger, Douglas King, Linda Johnston, Ro- bert Grainger, Gail Dunbar, Wanda Sparling. Gold Pin, Wilson Powell, Eat'l John Thornton, Susan Templeman, Deborah .Stephens, Brenda. Thorn- ton, George Koch. Wreath, Keith Adams, Gary Thornton, Margaret Koch, Murray Powell, D a 1 e Edgar, Marilyn Grainger, Brian Johnston, Kay Powell, Jane Powell, Cherub Tomp- kins, Peggy Carson, Linda Robin- son, Colleen Carson, Judy Gal- braith.' First Bar, 3rd year, Marian Ad- ams, Donald Adams, Barry Elsch- ner, Barbara Thornton, Gregory Stephens, Janice Elschner, Eliza- beth Galbraith. Second Bar, 4th year, Murray Grainger; Susan Carson. Third Bar,. 5th year, Michael Grainger, Barry O'Krafka, Doug- las King, Carole King, Larke Car- son, Gail Dunbar, Fourth Bar, 6th year, Joyce Hamilton, Jean Brown, Fifth Bar, 7th year, Linda Johns- ton. Sixth Bar, 8th year, Wanda Spar - ling. Seventh Bar, 9th year, Robert Grainger, Carman Hamilton. Eighth Bar, 10th year, Carol Robinson, Ninth Bar, llth year, Ruth Grainger, Alexander Hamilton. WILL BE CALLED HARMONY UNIT WROXETER The January meeting of the Starlight Group of Wroxeter United Church was held at the home of Mrs. G. L. Dohson on Tuesday of last week, The conveners for the meeting were Mrs, Ira McLean and Mrs. Andy Gibson. The meeting open- ed with the poem "My Bible and I" followed by a hymn. Scripture was read. The topic, "Family Life", was given by Mrs. Ira Mc- Lean. A hymn was sung and this concluded the devotional portion of the meeting. The president, Mrs. Glenn Me - Michael presided for the business. Tlie roll Gail was answered by 18 members. .A new name was chosen. for the group, which will hence- forth be known as "I-Iarmony Un - Secretary Mrs. John Clarke read the minutes of the last Meeting and Mrs. Vernon , iupfer gave It report on the inaugural irieetitl g at Clhiton, The Correspondence Was read and business dealt with. The meeting closed with benedlc- tion and a dainty lunch Was serv- ed by the contntittee and hostess. WROXETER Mr, and Mrs, Dan Walkom, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. Clare Sudgens, of Paris, visited with Mrs. Walkom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. William Busby and fa - df Mildmay were also guests at the sante home. Miss Nancy Newton of London, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. R. Newton, and the lat- ter returned to the city with her to spend a few days. Mr, Gordon Greig began his du- ties with the Canadian: Farm Cre- dit Corporation on February 1st. We wish him every success in his new position. He is stationed at Petrolia, and spent the week -end here with Mrs. Greig and family. Little Randy Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clarke, is in Pal- merston Hospital, where he under- went a tonsilectomy on Friday. He returned home on Saturday but had to return to the hospital on Sunday afternoon with an infec- tion. We sincerely hope he will soon be well again. The wet snow Monday afternoon was a welcome sight after the trea- cherous driving conditions on the icy roads Monday morning, when traffic was slowed to a crawl and school buses drove on highways only. CORDON M. GREIG RECEIVES POST WROXETER--Gordon M. Greig, of R.R. 2, Wroxeter, has received an appointment to the Canadian Farm Credit Corporation, effective February lst, and has been posted to Lambton County with an office in Petrolia. Mr. Greig is a married man with three teen-age childrren and he and Mrs. Greig have been active for some time in Farm Forum work in Huron County. The 'fam- ily will join Mr. Greig in Petrolia as soon as living accommodation has been found. Explorers Meet At Knox Church BLUEVALE-The Explorers of Knox Presbyterian Church met on Sunday with a good attendance. Gordon Wright conducted the open- ing exercises. The roll call was ans- wered by naming a book of the Old Testament. The used Sunday School papers are again to be sent to Alberta and each child is to bring his to the church. Mrs, Ross Gray read the story, "The Orange Truck" from the study hook, "South Americans All". Mission Band Well Attended BLUEVALE .The Mission Band met in Knox Presbyterian Church during service on Sunday when Mrs, Glenn McKercher and Mrs. John Brent told Bible stories to the children. The meeting was well attended, Raise Funds for Adopted Child FORDWICH---Tile Wonhen's In- stitute held a successful progres- sive euchre party in the commun- ity hall here to assist in raising funds for their adopted child, through the Foster Parents' Plan. The winners were, high lady, Mrs. John Leppitigtori; high geitt, Leon Schneider; consolation, Mrs. Ernie Dinsmore and Scott Clark - Son; specials, Mrs. Russel Nichol and Ira Schaefer. .An ingenious housewife has solv- ed the pnoblerti of 'balaneing the budget. Whenever a shortage de- velops site draws money from the "joint account." • FORDWICH Mr, and Mrs.Alex Wray and fa - roily of Toronto spent the week- end with relatives here. Mrs, Mary Sanderson of Listow- el spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dinsmore. Miss Elizabeth Armstrong of Stratford spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs, Clare Harris at- tended .the "at home" at the Tea- chers' College in Stratford, on Fri- day night.. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Martin, Messrs. Jack Foster and Henry Mundt returned home Friday night after spending the past couple of weeks in B;lorida. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Kirkby of Port Credit spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll John- son. Miss Pauline Sothern of Wing - ham spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and childdren. of Baden spent the week- end with Mrs. Alex Keith and with Mr. Keith in Palmerston Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Max Hambly and children, of Kitchener, spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulvey of Walkerton spent the week -end with Mr• and Mrs. Bill Sothern. Little Paul McClement of Lis- towel spent the week -end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClement. Mr, and Mrs. Dick Aldrich of Galt spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride and with oth- er friends in the community, Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann (Dianne Carswell) who were married Saturday at the I bride's home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig mov- ed their household belongings on Saturday from the ninth concession to the new home which they built in the village. Mr. Everitt Cooper, who has been holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper, for the past five weeks, returned to his work at the Wiarton .Airport on Feb. lst. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bast spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witmer in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell and Jimmy of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Cros- by Sotheran, Messrs. Jack and John Wilson spent one day last week in God. erich. Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs, Em- ma Williamson visited one day last week with Mrs. Herb Rogers, who is confined to bed now in the Plea- sant View Home, Palmerston. U.C.W. Meet FORDWICH - Th e executive meeting of the Fordwich United Church Women was held Thursday with Mrs. W. Wilson, president, in charge. Committees were completed and programs arranged for the coming months. The next general meeting will be held on March 8th. ST. HELENS Mrs, William Gallaher of Nor- wood spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. Wallace Miller, On Friday evening S.S. No. 3, West Wawanosh, held a short par- ty, with nine tables. Prizes went to Mrs. Murray Wilson and Jim Robinson with consolation prizes going to Ambrose Redmond and. Ed Blackwell. The next party is planned for next week. The annual meeting of the St. Helens United Church was held on Monday with a fair atteendance. Reports were given by the various organizations, showing a very sue- cessful year. Rev, B, F. Green an. pounced that he plans to retire at the end of June and a hearty vote of thanks was extended to the various officers as well as lir. and Mrs. Green. Lunch was eh- joyed at the conclusion of the meet. Ing, BLUEVALE Mrs, Thos. Parker attended the funeral service for her sister at Sault Ste, Marie on Friday. Mr. Parker drove her as far as Mae - Tier, Mr. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon, Bobby, Barbara Ann and David of Niagara Falls spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon. The boys and their fathers have made a special project of floouing their baseball field in the village and now have a satisfactory open- air, rink. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hall ar:d Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mts. .Ta< I: Scott and family of Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall and fam- ily visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jake Wildfong at Listowel on Sunday. s:;Lj i I e;•;,,7,.:121 f3N; IIE'I(49I1p.1ifli 91L'fIVII011i■illIVII1■IU0lllr LOOM' O PGs",c WICFoyOt "I? TAMS AGOOD UNIT TO 'a---R6FfiATU1' '2G -HEATING II, II QJII!mlll■1111 Your nearby HFC manager likes to be helpful to neighborhood families. For real convenience, bring him your unpaid bills and arrange an NFC loan to cover them -let him mail chequesto the folks you owe, at no extra charge. Or, for maximum privacy, ask for cash and pay the bills yourself. Whatever your money problem, you can borrow with confidence from your HFC manager. AM'NT OF LOAN 0100 509 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN 12 20 I 30 36 months' nrnntbs months tmntbs 9.4: $ 11.121b :011': 69:21 11.13 31.65 111.ii4i 58.11 41.45 146.62 94.11 68.81 :101:16 129.41 94.62 83.71 !1118.113 117.05 197.52 95.12 At. v- ;:av r t lade Principal arid inletQat, at d ,1, t t , , rat rt; aytaeat but do riot lutlnd° lt:F : v' 16t l,:0 , t,5ai dhLP. Life insurance available at low group rate HOUSE OL i k7 CE G. N. Crawford, Manager 35A West Street Telephone .!A 4-7383 GOD ERICH Just Give Me Enough Gas To .Drive Off The Nearest Cliff Old "Daredevil Dan" doen't ware what happens to his ear or himself. But then, he's diffett•nt from most folks. For example, YOU enre for your ear . , and WId do, ton! We're Here to clean it, furl it, tenter it, nourkh it when it's HI ... to provide the Petit Remit!' pnw,eible for ;our ear• . . bee:lose nt' f'ARI'i, You'll be glad we dol .I] I -L . 3 PHONE 139 OTIR: WINGHAM