HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-01-31, Page 10*irdiTan The 't'Vitta llama *dV szcealmea, Wde1:ssd44,y, AA, 31, 186 from CRA,`p`@t' A: "*"+4I MOTORS 1961 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN niiiz Cor) low mileage. 1960 DODGE 8 colluder. radio, one owner ear 1959 OLDSMOBILE 4 -DR. HARDTOP 1959 PONTIAC 4 -DOOR SEDAN Able -Hatter r ear 1959 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN One tot flee 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN equipped with automatic transmission and %8 motor 1957 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN 8 Automatic, \snit radio 1954 PONTIAC 4 -DOOR SEDAN 1952 CHEV. 2 -DOOR nith radio 1951 DODGE 4 -DOOR SEDAN TRUCKS 1953 GMC 12 TON PICK-UP 1952 MERCURY 3 -TON -new motor Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer Phone 710 Wingham 1 4 THE ANNUAL DAIRY SCHOOL at the Ontario Agricultural College has aided in the training of thousands of young men who have risen to po- sitions of prominence in the dairy industry. The three-month school, now in progress at the O.A.C., provides young people in the dairy in- dustry with an understanding of the principles and problems in technical dairying, and in the production and care of milk on the ft, h eight are attending the 1962 school including representatives from the maritimes and the British West Indies. This group of students is learning the technique of sampling cream for testing under the guidance of Prof. D. C. Chunn, of the O.A.C. Dairy Science Department. From the left, Terrance Nethery, Wingham; Kenneth McCoy, Paisley; Bill Muir, Woodstock; Prof. rm. T irty- Chunn and Henry Norton, Jamaica, B.W.I. SHARE YOUR SUIT WITII LESS FORTUNATE "When it mines to reading, fing- ers are good but eyes are better," stated E. 1". Wheeler, tield secre- tary for the Canadian National In- stitute for the Blind, as he reported on a unique partnership between sighted and blind Canadians. Inviting 'citizens of" tiffs' munity to 'Thinly What the White Cane Means', he bad warns praise for sighted volunteers in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and other.' Canadian cities. They have learn- ed to write Braille, in order to pro- vide blind students in sighted high schools and universities w i t It Braille editions of the text books listed on their courses. From a 1lE SNI xall Drug Store!!! JAN. 29 THRU FlBo N REXALL DELUXE TOOTHBRUSHES Nylon or natural bristles. Medically -ap- proved styles. Adult's 690 Child's 3S¢ Dental 69? NEW SIZE! REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS 36S's This stew table decanter con- tains one full year's supply, available only through your Rexali Druggist at this new Tow price. Each Setter Plena - min contains 9 vitamins, plus minerals including the 3 big extras ---liver, iron and B12. Only $17.50 (Save $7.74 over the 72 tablet size) RIG REXALL VITAMIN SAVINGS Rexali Super Ptenamins. Economy bottle of 288 Ware 81.98 neer the 144 tabled size) .. 313.98 5month supply of 141. $7.98 10 -week supply of 7"• $4.98 i.wrek supply elate 32.89 Rexall Halibut Liver Oil Capsules- 500 cap. soles. Reg. S'1.69 Special 32.98 Rexall Cod Liver Oil Capsules - contain s ) V' •!ow, Vitamins A. I . Only 984 Rexall Ger-Rite Liquid-- Save $1.21. • 12 or. Ren. 33.19. Special 31.98 Rexall Multiple Vitamin Capsules ---100's. Reg. $2.98 Special $2.49 Rexall Vitamin E Tablets - (73 I.L.) Reg 33 70 Special $4.49 (1001.(1.) Reg 37.75 .Special $5.98 Super Plenanins Junior Liquid, 16 oz. SAVE 98¢ over 8 or. size Only 56.98 Rexall Polymulsion, Liquid vitamins for in- rants and children. 4 oz. Regular $2.00. Special $1.00 ReXall Multiple Vitamin Tablets, Apothe- cary Jar. Each tablet contains 9 vitamins. 150's. Replier 37.'25. Special 53.63 Rexall Pilo Ointment, 134: ounce. Reg, 913¢. Special 49 0 Kienxo Mouth Wash,,1 ounce. Te$1.39. . Special 69¢ 0 REXALL DUO-PAK FLUORiiDATED TOOTH PASTE Save 10¢ Two bi tubes. It's fluoridated and pleasant-tasting. 870 Special 77¢ HOT WATER BOTTLE Sturdy natural rubber, seamless molded body, red only. Reg 31.29 Special 99¢ REXALL SPECIAL VALUE PAD Contains 200 sheets. S,uoeth vel- lum finish. Letter size Special 49¢ Note size Special 294 REXALL A -SA -REX TABLETS Quick effective relief for headaches and colds. Save $1:30-500's. Regular 32.49 Special 5149 REXALL SUPER D COLD TABLETS Co to work fast to help reduce fever, relieve headach e, ach a-all-over-fcel- ing and relieve sinus congestion. 24 tablet bottle only 980 50 tablet bottle. only 51.79 BISMA-REX .Relieves upset stomach due to excess acidity. 4 oz. bale. Reg. 31.35 Special 980 1.6 oz. btic. Reg. 32.98..Special 51.99 50 tablets. Reg. 980 Special 790 BUY ONEGETONE, FttEE REXALL COD LIVER OIL, 1b oe. Regular $1.89 Special 2/51,89 REXALL GRIPE WATER, 3 or. Regular 75¢ Special 2/750 REXALL TRIPLE ACTION THROAT LOZENGES, 12's, Reg. 31.00. Special 2/$1.00 REXALL MI 31 SOLUTION, 8 nz. Regular 69¢ Special 2/690 ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET, l.•l n'. Reg. 32.50 Special 2/$2.50 ADRIENNE HAND LOTION, 12 oz. Regular 32.00 Special 2/$2.00 ADRIENNE LIQUID CREAM SHAMPOO, 12 oz. Regular 32.00. Special 2/52.00 CARA NOME LIQUID «REAM SHAMPOO, 2 oz. Regular 490. Special 2/490 4 oz. Regular 79a Special 2/790 8 or. Regular $1.29 Special 2/$1.29 12 oz. Regular 31.75 Special 2/$1,75 FAST SPRAY NET,1i orRegular r Specia2/$2 ,15 KLENZO MOUTH WASH, 8 or. Regular 65¢. Special 2/65¢ NEW PRODUCTS FROM REXALL REXALL CALMATIVE TABLETS Brand hew tablet•within•a. tablet quickly relieves ten - Bion headae}tn due nets. cuter mawsdire to over- exertion or exposure. Safe, effective. Bottle of15..,, ,.79a Bottle of 50 (Sova Ou-j. over the 1J tablet site) Tiffany Hair Care Trta. Now --complete hair treat- ment in one individual pack- age. Includes Controlled Action, Shampoo (8 oz.) Sheen 'n Shield Rinse (8 oz,) and Moisture Guard Condi- tioner (8 oz.). Reg. 35 2,. Special 54.98 New Giant Size Rexall Baby O,t. 12 or.. bottle. Regular $ I.25, . Special 95¢ Rexall Triple 1lctiart Baby Anti -Cough SyrUp 3 oz. size........ only $000 Latnglols Lavender boo darant Stick. Regular 31,00 Special 794 Rexall Creme Peroxide Developer. New gentle lo- tion for hair lints and light. mere. 4 oz. bottle only 790 THESE ARE . ONLYA o PEW p' THE MANY AVAILABLE REX-51xE SAVINGS la MG REX-SIZE SAVINGS DAYS! JAH 29 THRU 0E8010 Mc K PHARMACY Phone 53 Wingham beginning of one small class in 1958, the volunteer transcribers have grown to more than one hund. red Braillists. They have trans- cribed books, pamphlets, extracts. The subjects covered a variety of topics --law, chemistry, matllemat_ ics, foreign languages, diet sheets and n, mail order catalogue -a/1 have been transcribed. Volunteers speno many hours a week learning the Braille system which is based on the multiple combination >of• t .:si: ; ; dots., , They. Write with a specially designed writer that looks like a typewriter. Instead of a large keyboard with each letter fixed on a correspond- ing key, the Braille writer has only six keys, each corresponding to a Braille dot in the six -dot cell. "Blind Canadians owe a great d'ea'f to the volunteers who master the Braille writing," the field secre- Lary said. "They are making it possible .For blind students to ob- Lain an education equal to that of the sighted. Later the students will enter careers of law, social work and other 'professions where they will make a lasting contribu- tion to their country. February 4-10 is White Cane Week, not a fund-raising week but a time when The Canadian Coun. ell of the Blind and CNIB invite you to 'Think What the White Cane Means!" You may not want to volunteer as a Braille transcrib- er but you will gladly share your sight at street crossings. If you drive and have spare time, you may want to offer your aid to a sightless resident. In this way you can help to make life easier for those who cannot sc'e. Juveniles- Trim Exeter Squad : ,The • Wingharn sJuvc.nilaS ilieked ;irrLh. last minutct `aaf the third 'tier- iocl here, Wedhesday night to down Exeter 10-3. Right Winger Don Lee of Wing- ham started the scoring with the game only 15 seconds old. .A min- ute later Moir retaliated for Exc. ter with Wingham a man short. Glover scored at 13.40 with Loucks getting the assist, to put Exeter out in front, The lead was short. lived as Kerr sparked for Wing_ ham at 18.24, Lee assisting. With the second period only 35 seconds on its way, Boyle tallied, Seymour getting the assist, to even it up again. Sixty seconds later Wingham's first line crushed in again, Templeman scoring and Lee and Kerr getting the assists. Going into the third period with the score tied the Wingham boys got hot. In the last 12 minutes of play they scored seven goals. Templeman started the scoring spree on an assist from Kerr at 48.55. Lee scored the assuring goal at 54.40, assisted by Temple.. man. Jardine, Whitfield and Eng- lish all scored unassisted goals in the next 59 seconds. 'remplentan clicked again with Lee assisting. .lardin finished the scoring at 59.52, giving Winghanz the victory at 10-3. Gary Ternilennan of Winbhan led the scoring race with three goals and two assists. Lee was next with two goals and three assists, Wingham. 'collected three minor penalties and one misconduct went to Paul Strong. Exeter had three minors, The game Was as good as any played In the arena this year awl was full of hard, fast skating and very close checking. It is Worth noting that we have some fin'' young referees coming iip throug,t the ranks as well as a good selec- tins: of players. OJt('illiD 1IY 10.0031. The Goderich Sigrtal..Ste rlrnws attention to a lovely orchid which has been In bloom at the public library for the past month. The plant Is five years old and belongs to the library caretaker, Mrs, Charles Mills, who has given it loving care over the year's. Training School For 4-1-1 Leaders Cay summer cottons were in the limelight as 30 local women attend- ed the two day training school for the forthcoming 4-H Homemaking Club project "Separates for Sum - aver" in Wingham last week. January snow, winds and ice didn't damper enthusiasm in. any way ns Llrese ladies practiced the aoaing•tech niqucss-anal wal<Abe used by the girls in the local club"., Each girl will make a cotton skirt, platy top and 1t parr •of rnatching shorts if she has limo -the emphasis is on "mixing and matching" of plain and figured cotton materials, The training school was conduct- ed by Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, of the Ontario Department of Agrieul- turi•, Clinton, Assisting her was Miss Barbara Hill of the Clothing Dept., Ontario Department of Agri- culture. Toronto, Ont. The local leaders will organize the club in the corrrnunity. AL this level clubs are sponsored by the local '4Vomeri s Institutes in nearly every ease. Lenders attending the training school were: Mrs. Wm. 3'. Peacock, Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. W. J. Nicholson. Miss Nancy Taylor, t3luevnle Airs, • Lloyd .Jacques. Mrs. Lyle Murray, Clifford: Mrs. I3ich- 73elgrave; Mrs. Jinn Nelson,- Luek- af3 Procter, Mrs. Ted Fear, Mrs. Clarke Johnston, Mrs. Barry R:inn, noav; Tvfrs. C. 5par•1ing, Mfrs. R. Adams. Mrs, R. Elschner, Gorrie; Mrs. Chirenee Stokes, Wroxeter: Mrs. Oscar Kieffer, R. R. 1, Wing - ham; Mr,', .Toe Simmons,- E. R. 1, 'Wtoxcter; Mrs. W, J, Elliott; R. R. 2, Wingham; Mrs. W. Good. Mrs. Nellie Mason, Blyth; Mrs...0. Mac- Pherson, Mrs, P, r. -MacDonald, Miss JoAnne Alton, LucknoW; Mrs. I. Gaunt, St. Helens; Mrs. -George Richards, Harriston: •'Mrs:. Scott Clarkson, Forciwieh; Mrs :Jahn L. Currie, Mrs. VF T..Laiti, tr?'gham. Named Assistant to Health Minister Elston Cardiff, member of par- liament for Huron, was named as- sistant to Health Minister J. Wal- do Montieth during the opening of the fifth session of the 24th par- liament, Mr, Cardiff was assis. I tent to Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton. --Mr. 'and Mrs, Bob Coulson of Toronto spent the wneli.encl with Mr'. and 1VIrs. David Horwood, Mr. and Mrs. Harold K.et'r 101.1 family and ,than Harrison spent the 'week -end in Toronto and at tended the Detroit-`.!'oronto hockey gan?.e Saturday evening. Mr.• and Mrs, Vie 1 oughlean of London are moving frau that city to Sudbury today (Wednesday!. The address is 173 Wembley Drive. .Miss Shirley Congram of New Toronto spent a few days lass. week with her mother, Mrs, I•larokl Congrarn and with her father, who is a patient in the hospital. :miss Bernice Heist and Mervin of New Toronto visited at the sumo inane for the weekend and were :teem - pallier] to Wingham by :Doug Mc- Donald who visited his uncle .and aunt, Mr. and. Mrs, ROI Yo00g, ANNUAL MEETINf AT CALVIN -PRICK WHITECHURCI-r Calvin -Brick United Church .held its annual meeting on Monday last in the church with 20 present. Rev, H. Anderson of Belgrave was chair- man and opened with a short de- votional service. Splendid reports of each depart Inent of the church were given. The Sunday School_ deserves special mention for its successful year. Lawrence Taylor was appointed secretary for the election of offi- cers. There was no change in the St-s- sion, George Coultes, life member, A ,x- Iaeovsr,"•a"-C1DL?tits' 'Sh'it l,""Gil bs>�rt EGetiroft, Norman Co.ultcs- arui. Lawrence Taylor. The board of r steaands is Roy Pattison, Ronald Coultes, "William Irwin, Gordon McBurney, Edwin Smythe; Alc-.t Robertson. and George McGee. Appointed to take the. offering, Murray Coultes, Jim Taylor, Mur- ray Shiell, William Irwin and James Coultes. Ushers, Donald bow, Albert 'Smythe, Cameron Robinson and Ivan Dow. Mrs. Cal_ vin Robinson with Mrs. Culbert Beecroft and Mrs. Gordon .Mel3ur lacy were appointed by the United Church piromen to he oil the board, The trustees are George Coultes, Alex Leaver and Joint Taylor, and Mason Robinson .!s sccretary..trca. surer for the church. 1 --las New Project For Sr, Citizens The Mildmu.y Women's lnstit:ute has two worthwhile projects in progress at the present time, one on 'a national basis and the other strictly local. They have supplied tr, great runny articles of used. clothing, cotton and flannelette sheets to be used for bandages and diapers, to the Unitarian Service Committee, and Platt to have. another Load ready to take 'to. Kitchener this month. The local ,project is that mem. bees of .the Institute will visit every citize is of A ildmay" '0110 r '80 - ,501x)'5 of a•gc nett iviii ttEtu..c gift tb each. This is a program, that could be followed by other organizations to bring companionship to our senior citizens, who often lack the friend. ship they enjoy. Anne MacTavish: "Look, Jock, here come the MacColis and they ook like they haven't lite yet," ,Tock: "Quick, everybody! Out ou the porch with toothpicks!" IN THE LIBRARY Jay DORIS G. Me1s.1f313ON ,Some books satisfy. THE AFFAIR by C. P. Snow is one such. I fancy many people will notfind it inter- esting, but for those who do, it is worth reading. „Tire Affair" is one of eight novels already written; twor' ar three still to be 'completed. The whole stages is to be called "Strangers and Brothers" but each novel Is so designed that it may he read independently. Read one, I feel, and the desire to 'devour more will become over'power'ing. The narrator in each Cao! I S Lew- is Eli t a,gradnate and former fel- low at Ccunbridgc University, pre- sently working in Whitehall. "The Affair" is the story of a miscarriag•:' of justice. In great detail, Eliot, who becomes almost involuntarily involve.], relates the attempt of responsible tn.err to of - Lea the righting of this wrong. Arguments flash pro mid con; per- sonalities plash, prditciples parade, internal polities even piny a part ••-all this cotlfined pretty well With. in the ivied walls Of the college eoiteerne'd, Pew of tis In Wirigham will ever know a life remotely resembling the one portrayed here. It has general interest however because lteI'e we Son the world in milcrcoain'. The eustonis and manners- dcsenib- ed, nlin, are interesting because they ere rooted in traditions that ;o back to the bhieteenth. eeritury, T believe. The book was satisfying too. be- muse the people were So reap. C. P. Snow ire one of the moat perceptive of men a. stroke of the pen al/t1 u face and figure appears. He is amazingly perspicacious too about. the motives and attitudes of the people tits delineated. ,liven among serious and advanced stu- dents and their mentors there is an endless combination of talents, beliefs and principles. Not only the men, but the women too are conn vincingly alive. Some male writ- ers make women. so wooden; not so Mr. Snow. This book was good on two other pounts, The writer is a master '(t evolcing physical atmosphere, He runs the gamut of weethen' irony December to June. As one reads. the cold and damp pervade one's bones, to be forgotten later as ane sceirts the })cavy perfume of bloom- ing roses. Minute details of color, light and furniture set one dwelling sharply apart from 0nother, r'lnally the struggle itself .was well presented and developed. The choice is not always orro between good and evil, but sometimes In- tweed good and better and between bad and less bad. This is true wherever nem* are found, whether It be a. uliiversitty, a society or or- ganization, or even a community, small or large. It might he well If we ;all renenbere.d this. On all these collate t recommend „'hC Aff aIr" There's YS Pim' for fun f such i found itn u i and Phe f s t as 4 Nichol and Whalley's new spoof of Ahterican history, "Say, 'Miele." There is a place also for 0 novel that weighs artd considers the bast:, principles that govern all then. 7 hope ether readers will find it as retvareling as I slid. ...-•�-s::. :: tee::,:.,:;::;.H:: • We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ross Worntwortlz has .again been a patient in Vietoria .lositi- tal, London. She Is in room 003, 0th floor. Mr, and .Mas. Pertly ,Stainton and aMrs. Herbert A. [fuller visited with cousies its Bowmanviile tit the week -anti and attended the 00th wedding anniversary of their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Cameron at Tyrone. - Miss Carol Crawford was nt week -end visitor with her frfenil, Miss Darla Campbell, in London, Mr', and Mrs. Roy Bennett and children spent the. week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Alan Walker and fa- mily of Owen Sound. - Mr. William King of Leopold Street, celebrated his 79th birthday last Wednesday with all the fam ily present, --;Vers, Vora Armstrong or Lotto pion lists been staying with her sou, Dob (r'asettiore and Mrs. Caseulure, She has .been 111 for the past three weeks, but tropes to return l0 Lon- don soon. - -Mr. and 1Vi.t's. tiorctott Fisher, Lori .arid Lonnie of Listowel, are moving to Wingham this; week, Mr. Fisher, a, forurer employee of the Campbell Soup Co„ hi that town, has accepted a. position with Walden J rothers Transport, 1VIt', jack Vivian of Adrian Col- lege, Adrian, Mich., was tt week. end visitor with his parents, Inlr, and Mrs, Robert Vivian. 1VIIss Marlene Stainers of Lon- don), spent the week -end at. her home here. Mrs. Jack ClurbutL Jr, ha:a been a patient in 'Victoria lIospiLai, set London for the past week, whet'() site underwent surgery. knit, is in room 502, 5th Floor, feast: Wing. 1VIrs. Charlie Congran of Luck. now, visited for a couple of clays with Mrs. Harold Congrann. dvlr, Jinn Marcov of the Torot(- to-Dominion Bunk staff spent tate weekend at his home in Fontlnill. Red Front G!ocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery Campbell's TOMATO SOUP, 10-oz.....8/$1..00 Campbell's VEGETABLE SOUP, 10-oz..7/$1.00 Christie's SODAS, plainor salted ...... ib. 31c Johnson's PASTE WAX, 13c off ..2 lbs. $11.16 JCJ!AI:+"J'---7 !l -oz. MACARONI and CHEESE DINNER , .2/27c -__. .. -. Checker Choice TOMATOES, 20 -oz. 2/39c le are Club House PEANUT' BUTTER, 16 -oz. , ...41c 3cs (W.to VanCarnp's PORK and BEANS, 20-oz2/33c Aylmer TOMATO CATSUP, 18 -oz. 33c ii1ICJ('y St1'J+1E'l' MIXED PICKLES, 4c off 32 -oz. 490 Libby's Fancy PEACHES, 28 -oz. Aylmer FRUIT COCKTAIL, 15 -oz. 27c SOLO MARGARINE 39c lb. 25e HIt'L'TY { 1t.00h.R!J PIE CRUSTMIX, 18 -oz. 35 C'A0J1'JSI0L14$ FROZEN Cream of Potato SOUP, 10 -oz. 25c Pan Ready Frozen SMELTS, 10 -oz. '21c York Fancy Frozen PEAS, 12 -oz. 21c Fraservale Frozen SPINACH, 12 -oz. 21c iLEAN MEATY PORK SPARERIBS lb. 53c Coleman's BOLOGNA; sliced or piece ..lb. 29c Coleman's Fiist..Quahty WIENERS , , ..ib 43c Maple Leaf Pure Pork SAUSAGE ib. 45c MAMMA S11'EE'J' AND JUICY ORANGES, 252's doz. 39c Florida Ripe TOMATOES, 14 -oz. cello 19c FANCY APPLES McINTOSH or SPYS 5 -ib. cello 39c +r uwo?,.pu.n.wwn0••,l,..re1~u-1„waww.I.M*0 Tsrar�b+e-,ar�u+i!tneousoo.a•I Fidnnelettes.!. •r a Special - chic NEW FABRICS will be arriving shortly and in order to mance room we are offerin.g our com- plete' stock of FLANNELETTES at a very at - 1 tractive price for quick clearance.. Don't Miss This.. 1 FLORALS, STRIPES, CHILDREN'S AND NOVELTY PATTERNS, reg. 690 yard SPECIAL CLEARANEElItICi - _ . I E GENEROUS REDUCTIONS ON. MANY OTHER' SEASONAL ITEMS THROUGH- OUT THE STORE v vsvvvvv.i DIGH OFFERS (Winyhatn) Limited "'I' ii tilliblii.NbliaY MAW d'oa Ue J ucioedw uletp a snei»pa3tr+ a*•-•... `+-'