HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-01-31, Page 7or y, II 1 Qaje titindjani thbanci= iitws %%'IN(11Ar1.11, ON'fi1.Jt1U, 1V.1441)iVJ'.tit)47; JANUARY al, J90.4 RECEIVES WATCH—At the official opening of *the Wingham Body Shop's Volkswagen agency last Saturday, Nelson Pickell of Wingham was presented with a gold watch by Sid Adams, the new Volkswagen dealer. Mrs. Pickell looks on es her husband accepts the watch which is pre - sented to all Volkswagen owners who have driv- en 60,000 miles without any major repairs to their cars. During the open house several hund- red people visited the agency and test drove the demonstration cars.—Advance-Times photo. Seven Graduate From Messengers FORDWICH -The first meeting of the Messengers of the Fordwich United Church was held in the church Sunday School rooms. The aneeting opened with the hymn and purpose. Roll call wits answered by 32 members, Miss Elaine Millar gave the Bible reading. Birthday greet- i7ngs were sung to Johnny Brown and Douglas Gibson, followed by 'raduaLion exercises for seven members. Slain, Millar, Ruth Ann Tay. tor, Jim. Tlarding, !;ill Carswell, Larry Clarkson, Douglas Gipson, Arnuhl Allan received their mem- bership certificates. Mrs, Robert Gibson and Mrs. Den Gipson made the presentation. ('lacers were divided for study and activity, 11$ed stamps and cards are still being received for Chin!1. FOROWICII • Quite a number from here at- tended the. "at home" at the Lis- towel high school on Friday night. Mrs. Peter Chiomey and Janie of Port Colborne visited over the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Alex Keith and with her father, who at present is confined to the Palmerston hospital. Misses Marjorie Foster and Pat- ricia Beard of Toronto were week- end visitors with the former's mo- ther, Mrs. Ruby Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Mr, and Mas. Doug Wildf:utg and Brian of 'Toronto visited Satilydav with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Simmons. Mr. and Mrs, 1/on Bridge and family were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Barry McKnight in Simeon. The officers of the I''ordwieh branch of the Canadion Bible So- ciety were able to send $127,63 to GET YMJR CHICKS OFF TO A GOOD START MVO D i(1 CONTRACT WITH Development of bone, muscle, feathers and stress resistance (l()t1)O naturally with Shur -Gain Chick Starter. Shtir-Gain. Chick Starter is a scientifically formu- lated feed with high quality proteins, extra vita- min fortification, high mineral content and in- creased energy level ... proper nutrient balance for your chicks. In fact, here is everything needed to deliver maximum growth with minimum feed Consumption. We know Shur -Gain Chick Starter will give re- sults because it is tested and retested, under actual farm conditions. Drop-in, we'd ante to talk about your chicks and lbs, get them , good fa O 17. n. off to t to g e 7� start. SHUR-DIN CHICK STARTER Wingham Feed Mill U'l!ONE 142 W1NG:HA:. '1 headquarters in 'Toronto, through the generosity of local contribu- tors. :NU. Mark Bellamy of London is spending a couple of weeks, with Mr. and Mrs..Jack King. Friends of Mr. Alex Keith _and Mr. Peter Browne will be sorry to hear that at present they 'are both confined to Palmerston. hos- pital. Miss Elizabeth Anile Cooper of Waterloo spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper. Mr. Donald Mellermitt of Water_ loo spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Mc. Dormiit. Mr. rued Mrs. E. Hargrave.ot Lis_ towel visited on Saturday witli Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave. . Mr. 1'3ar•1 Ridley of London spent last week at his home here. Mrs. J3m.me. Williamson • spent Iasi week with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williamson in 'London. Mrs. George Baker, who spent. the pa.8t month a.1 the home of Mi'. caul Mrs. Elmer Giles in Arkona, and with Mr..1and M. r8, .JCrtrl filtkerc in (3)1.;mia, returned home this week. Mr. htrt•y Malvieer has secured n position1 in Dominion .Life Insur- ,nu e Co., in Waterloo. • He -Mil:be- gin •in his new duties February ,nth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riddell and fondly of Barrie spent 'the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Stan Bride. Sunday visitors with • Mr. -and Mrs. Ross Doig were Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig find family of Galt' and Mr. and Mrs. • Lawson Doig of 11oleste°rill. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen 13ridr, of .!'ort Crcatit visited Sunday' with the former's mother, Mrs. H. 114. Bride. Present Gifts from.: .(Doll's Carriage I"Ol.DWIOFI VLrs, Alison Itilt- tnn, Mrs, Harold Pollock, Mrs. El- mer Harding, Mrs, Les Loughran 'were co -hostesses on Saturday night for a miscellaneous shower at the former's home in honor of Miss Dianne Carswell, bride -elect, Miss ,Carswell was seated be- neath a gaily -decorated umbrella. a•vera) contests and games 'were enjoyed during the evening, after which gifts were presented by Little .Janie Rattan from. her de- eoraled doll's carriage, Dianne Lhnniwd everyone and a. delicious lunch was serve(! by the hostesses. DEVOTED 30 YEARS • CHOIR LEADER AND 086ANIST IIONQHED' FOIIDW.[Ofl. '1.'hc annual meet- ing And supper of the United Church was held on Thursday night in the basement. Before the business session was held Miss Vio- ls t J3e8witheriek, who has been church organist for 30 'years and Austin Stinson, choir leader for the slime ntlriibe.r of years, were ltoit- ererl by the congregation. • Miss heswiiheriek 'vas presented with W. watch and :Mr, Stinson with a illniform rocker, Misses Jack Brown and 'Parker t',ul ig mode the presentation and Wm ham 7IIrbrigg read the add (100(8, 140111 111(.11ked i'10ryon0 for I he lovely girt.s. Ttepnrts were presented from the v3(110118 church departments, Mem. be,8 appointed to the session were 1'1urnld Doig and Tl.obert Connell. Appointed he committee of ,il .c tot u stewards were Win. McElwain, Kien Benham, Cori Ettinger, LElm'et' Rat- tling 1011) Mrs, George Richards as representative of the. :Ttiltcd Church Wonten, n, igxpres8ions of appreciation Were given to tiie new organist and Choir lender, Mrs. Graham and to itev. and Mrs Coles for their interesti atnd leadership. DONATE TO CARE. i"on.pwg,iu --.Che C.CI I'1', group net at the home of Miss ;Shirley. I9uriq, The roll call was answered by 27 girls, The worship service was led by Phyllis and Margaret Ann Wilson and Nancy Ja401es gave the study book. The group decided to donate $5.00 to CART!: of Canada. Carol 1 King will be hostess for the d''eiDru- ary meeting-, Lunch was served 3»' Naney Jacques, Shirley J3urlg, Lynn Agla and Janie Hambly. The meeting closed with Taps, B. KING, II. BROWNE, TRINITY WARDENS FORDWICH - The annual vest- ry meeting of Trinity Anglican Church was held Thursday evening in the Sunday School rooms with the rector, Rev. E, C. Attlee'', pre- siding. John Gamble, vestry clerk, gave the minutes of last year's meeting and also all board of .man- agement meetings during the past year, Reports were read from the, various organizations anal showed an encouraging increase in the en- tire life of the parish. The 1962 officers are as follows: Rector's warden, Bcrnald King; people's warden, Hector Browne; delegates to Synod, Lloyd Jacques, Jim Foster; alternate delegates, Bill Sothern, , John 'Gamble; treas- urer, Mrs. Peter Browne; mission treasurer, Mrs. Elsie:Strong. Rector's board of management, Garn King, G. W, Daunt, Jack Douglas, Stan Forester, Bill Soth- ern, John Gamble; people's, Robert Allan, ]Ommerson Ferguson, Don King, Dave Dinsmore, Wellington i'Ia rgrave, .1toy Simmons. The rector thanked the officers and members of various •organiza- tions and the parish as a whole for the co-operation- and encour agemeht given Whim r*cl his fain- tly for the past year and hoped. that 1962 would again be' a successful year. The meeting 'was closed •with'' prayer and .luncb was served by the ladies. FORM TWO UNITS Ciuddph Manager1 nAME OFFICERS• Dies in HariltQn POT LUCK DINNER l' Cl't11W[C1•L•-•-•A. diIglaly esteemeal csldeaat of Guelp, Arthur Cyril A NO �' [� X ANNUAL d 1.• Ilu1 r II ►r s, died on Jiva. 14th at th(. Chedoke Hospital in Iiaanilton, Mr. J311L(a1tAVE.•-:.['be airmail meet - Harris went to Guelph in May, lug of Knox United (.;Burch was J115$ as manager of the I3, 1'', Good- held last week commencing r with a rich store, a position lie held un- 1 b pot luck noon dinner, Rev. J, :4t. tit iris death. AuderSon wits in charge and Ken Although in 111 health siaee Mid' Wheeler was appointed secretary !December, dais sudden passing of the meeting. eame as a shock to his many C1om.ualtLees appointed for the friends and business associates, centennial in i965 include; Histor- A native of i1'brdwich, he rete!,- teal, Stewart Procter, Albert Vin. ed his education in loordwieh, Lis• cent, James Michie,. Mrs, Walter towel and 'Toronto. Since going Seat, Rev, .1. jr,:' Anderson, George Martin, Kenneth Wheeler, Lyle Hopper, Mrs. George Miebie; invi- tation, George Johnston, Jtev..J.'1:1, Anderson, Lewis .Stonehouse, Mrs. Carl Procter, Cliff Walsh, Mrs. Les. lie Bolt. Now elders elected for a three- year term are Lewis Stonehouse,. Mrs. George Michie, Walter Scott, William Coultes; other elders are Robert Coultes, Harold Vincent, Earl Anderson, George Martin, New Stewards for a three-year term are Mrs, Jack Anderson, Mark Armstrong, George Johnston, Other members are Leslie Bolt, Kenneth Wheeler, Robert Grasby, Gordon Rottman, John Nixon and Albert Rieman, Albert Coultes •w,as• re-elected to the 'board of trustees; others in- clude Jesse Wheclec, Herbert Wheeler,. Martin Grasby, Ernest Michie. Other representatives to the official board are Ross Ander.- son, Mrs, George MichIe, George Michie and Mrs. Jack Anderson, Leader of the Messengers, Mrs. Roy McSwocn, Mrs. Jack Higgins; iIi_C Group, Mrs. William Coultes; nursery roll supervisor, Mrs. Ro- bert Coultes; president of United Church Women, Mrs. Walter Scott; treasurer of church, Mrs. Jack Anderson; offering stewards, Jack Higgins, Kenneth Wheeler, Robert Grasby, Harold Vincent, George MAN e; uiJicrs; :Douglas Johnston, Barry Logan, J'aclt Iliggfhas, Mar- tin Grasby, :Ernest M•iehte,• Jesse Whdeeler; auditors, Mrs. George Martin, Mrs, Jack Higgins; manse committee, Mrs.. Lewis. Stonehouse, Mrs, Ross Robinson; representa- tive to men's council, • George Johnston, Kenneth Wheeler. to .Guelph he had been active in tate work of the Chamber of Coin - coerce and the Downtown Busi- nessmen's Association, He was to member of the Guelph Curling Club and the Guelph Sales and Ad- vertising Club. He was 111110 active 111 Masonie work and a member of the Guelph Lodge and the Guelph and District Shriners' Club, He was a member of the Norfolk St. Church, He was married to the former Mabel Florence ];gown, who sur- vives along with one daughter, Mrs, S, J. (June) Rivett of Toronto and one son, Owen M, of Sherbrooke, Quebec. Hawes predeceased by a daughter, Mrs. Thelma Godard. Funeral services took place on Friday at 130 p.m. from the Mc- Intyre and Wilkie funeral home. Interment was in York Cemetery, Toronto, Shower Held for, Dianne -Carswell FORDWICH---Mrs. Jim Douglas and Sharon Pollock entertained at a miscellaneous shower held at the latter's home in honor of Miss Di- anne Carswell, whose marriage takes place in February. The eve- ning was spent in games and con- tests. A bride's, book was made by Ilii ne ts: • Dianne received many lovely gifts and' thanked everyone. Lunch was served,by the hostesses. Mrs. Fear. beads Evening Unit D19:1.(.let1A.V.if-• Mrs. Don Camp- bell was hostess •for the first meet. hug of trite Evening, Unit of. the United.- Church Women of Knox United Church 11ts1 week. Mrs. George Michie, a member of the Provisional 'committee, opened the meeting stud introduced the new A r�,� presIdeut 114rs. `t'ed 1''ear, who of. AT U.C.W. MILLTINl feted"a, prayer for 1102 New Year. Other officers are see., Mrs. Len i"U:ftWW.1C1.0 -The •Uitit'?d S)1i rob)•Barbour; Iters., Mrs. Alae I)u.nbatr, Women held their first nriecting in program convener, Mrs. Russ An - the - Sunday Schoolrooms o on- er�on; Ch citizenship, Mrs. day, night. _ Mrs William. Wllsgn0 'Win..Coultcs; community friend - the new president, presided. and ship, Mrs. George :Johnston; literu. gave a meditation 013 `The Unity ture and communications, Mrs. n •1 �Mr'. 'f: ate of Christ's 'Chert t . ..s S t Clarence Hanna.; press, Mrs. Ken Bride read the Scripture: .. Barbetir, Mrs. Ralph McCrea; so. Mr:si Jack iVilSpn• rendered a tial, Mrs. Robert Grasby; supply, solo, "Behold, A' Strange'r's at the Door", Membership fees were re- ceived and . charter member cards given out. The business included motions to •cater toa banquet and a wedding dinner in March and to serve at the Sunday' School skating party in •Febr. nary, The ladies, divided into units, tire, evening unit led by Mrs:Ben Gib- son and the afternoon, group by Mrs. Wray Cooper •Thank you notes were road 'from shut.ins. De- legates to the inaugural meeting of • 7-luron Presbyterial'; in • • Cliiitott 011 .January Nth Were Mis,. Willham Wilson, Mrs. Crosby Sotheran, Mrs. Wray Cooper, Mrs. Stan Bride, Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mrs. Ken Graham. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch was served, FORM TWO CLUBS FOR NEW PROJECT Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; pianist. Mrs. George .Johnston. Group leaders are Mrs. Albert Eleman, Mrs, Stanley Hopper, Mrs. Robert, Grasby. and Mrs. Jack Tay- lor. Next meeting will be held 011 Wednesday evening, Feb. 74h, at the' .liome of Mrs. Lewis Cook. N ouht Forest. First •?.'b:Wi'n • •l ()wick Lions" Trophy 'E3OYb3 Blit- Sixteen rinks, in. eluding one from 'Waterloo, two from St, Jacobs, one from Brussels, three from Exeter. two from Tees - water and one from Hnrriston, Mt. Forest and Palmerston and three from Howick, took part in the fourth mutual bonspiel sponsored by the Howlett Lions Club, and held In the Listowel Curling rink last Wednesday. Thee winners of tie nine o'elocit 13ELGRAV '.11 ---.The first meeting draw were Rant of Brussels with of the Belgrave 4.H Clubs was .held 3 wins and a plus of 13; Schaefer in the club rooms of the arena on l of Exeter, 2 wins plus 9; Muiuu of Saturday evening. The course for. Waterloo, 2 wins plus 9; 001180ha. the club is "Separates for Sum- I, Lion, Farrow of Exeter. mer". Mrs. Clark Johnston opened the Meeting with the d -H pledge and the motto. Mrs. Dick Procter gave a general outline of the pro- ject and Achievement Day. Joyce Procter demonstrated ".Equipping a Sewing Box". Mrs. Johnston. spoke on choosing the style and Mrs. Ted [''ear had a deinonstra. Bon of materials and spoke on "Selecting the Materials", The group • then Separated to form two clubs, .Belgrave I, the Wawanosh Girls, with MrS. Clark .lohrtston as leader. and. Mrs. Har- ry :[Zinn as assistant, chose as their officers: pres., tfhhi Nethery; sea, nigh scores, lady, George Gregg; each girl to take a. turn; press to- man, ,13ert Vincent; low, lady, Mrs. porter, Linda Coultes, 'this club i, 1'V'. Hanna; low mail, Jack Me. didnot decide on a. name for their Burney; novelty, lady, Mrs. Kit club. Nethery; mat), Harold Proctor, Belgrave I.T, the Morels girls,W -- With Mit, Ted Fear as leader'and Mrs. Dick Procter ,as alssistaut, chose as their offleers: pres., ban- ns Grasby; sec„ Marilyn Campbell; press reporter, 'Wendy 'Fear, They decided to call their club the "Tit r. ifty Thimbles". 'l'lic club thanks Mrs. Hanna, for letting them have the use off her materials for the dernohsrat+it) i , Both clubs wilt meet again on Ipn- day, Belgrave J at the arena and Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Belgrave II at the home Of, 11ts. Mrs. Robert Grasby were Mrs, Hit - Ted Fear. The meeting closed with da; Roberts, Harold :Roberts and ir- Taps, win Gibson of Listowel. 'Phe winners of the eleven o'clock draw were Dan Johnston of Mount. Forest, 3 wins plus 13; Martie of St. Jacobs, 2 Wins plus 13; Gordon Edgar, Howlett, 2 wins plus 11; consolation, Mahood, 'l'eeswater. The Mount Forest rink won the new I-Iowiek !.ions' Trophy, which will be competed for annually, Weekly Euchre I3It1).(•'r.iLA.Vl'i The regular week- ly euchre teas held in the club rooms at Belgrave 011 Wednesday, with eleven tables 3n piny. ... $ELGRA.VE mr., David Armstrong, who had the .misfortune to fall n.itd break her hip Last fall and has been a patient in St. Joseph's t-tospitat, i London, was able!' to return to the holm of her daughter and son -in - taw. Nrand Mrs. Robert Grasb Y, ast Wednesday. OX[ 1 E,R WR Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, ,Jimmy and ,Scott, Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.- John Titterer. Mr. and Mrs. r.11ister' Cireen and Janis, of Cloderieh, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Gibson and also called On. Miss I Clertie (tush and Mrs. W.16. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates were visiting with Mr and Mrs. Russel) 1 Annr'tt, of 93thel, on Sunday, Misses Nancy and Dianne New- ton. of London, spent the weekend I with Mrs, R. 'Newton, Nt'. and Mrs. Jack t3rcwr and t family, of 'Currie, spent Sunday with Mr. a11(1 Mrs. Wilfred Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black; Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jaek :Edgar and in- fant. son, of Kitchener, were week- end visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. Harvey Coupland and called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Gathers on. Sun- day. . Mrs. Angus Carmichael, of God- erich, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Alonzo Spading.. . Saturday guPStS With tyle• and Vern CI ark were tyle and Mrs. 'Ed Ryder,' Glenna and .01ot-fa, of Scarborough•, Mr, and, Mrs. Mor- tis J -baser, of Listowel, visited at the same home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donal.,! Gibson and Dana, of Monkton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tra• McLean. Miss Margaret McMilan, of Wat- erloo, was a week -end guest of Miss Elaine Sanderson. Mr, arid Mrs. James Daig visited their son, Malcolm, and Mrs. Doig, at St. Jacobs on Sunday. Rev. Pace Conducts Inaugural. Service LAKJ!;Li*1'P•• Mcaatush United Church Women held the inaugural service on Sunday. Rev. Howard Pace conducted Ute service. The executive is as follows: Pres., Mrs. Jack Ferguson; vice- pres., Mrs. Eldon Renwiclt; sec., Mrs. Man Darling; treas., Mrs Bruce Harkness. N. HYNDMAN, PRES., COMMUNITY SCUD (1U12.RI11l •'l?ire annual meeting of the Gan rde Community Club was held in the community hall on '11tarsi! ay. Election of •officers for the corn ing year as follows: President, Harold 'ETyndman; vice-pres., Mrs, Mex, Graham; secretary , David Neilson; treasurer, Alex. Graham: The following .directors and park contanittee were appointed: 'Harry Tiastie, Ewart Whitfield, • Richard Carson, Lionel Johnston John Dinsmore. 1962rt) ratm com- mittee, mittee, Mrs. Gordon Moir, Mrs. Lionel Johnston, Mrs, Alex Edgar, '.['lie Maitland River Association conithittee was named as foliates : Hartwell Strong,Etvart Whitfield. Norman Wade, Harold I-Iyndrnan. Elmer Parrish showed pictures •taken on their trip to Europe. Mr. Hartwell Strong and Mr, B, C, Parrish spoke briefly on the Maltia)ul River Association,, BLUEY��,� Mrs, Sparling Johnston, Mrci. G. C. Mitchell, Mrs. (;corse netlrer- iagton,. Mrs. James Johnston, Mrs, Mex Corrigan and Mrs. Carl Johnston attended the Huron Press- byterlal in Clinton last week. Mrs. Alex McCraekin visited in Listowel on E ridgy. Mr, Elmer Sellers, Susan :and ,Ricky of Barrie were week -end vis !tors In the village. Mr. and Mrs, Spading Johnston and Glennwere at, Loudon and Lambeth onSunday. Mrs, Alex Corrigan With a visitor ht Toronto for a. few days, Tho meeting of Biuevale Wo men's Institute will be held in the schoolroom of the United (3hurrh on Monday evening, Feb. 5th at. 8.10, Following the farm broad cast will be discussion and other Items. Everybody is Welcome. 80 ACTIVE FAMILIES IN UNITED CINCH B1,UI:VALP The annual meet ing of the Bluevale United Church was held in the church. on Jan. 23rd, with a, good attendance. The business meeting followed a pot luck slipper provided by the wo. men of the congregation. Rev. G. C. Mitchell conducted de- votions and presided for the bus). ness session. B. H. •Carniss gave the session report. There are 80 active famil. les. Two new members joined and there were two baptisms and tour deaths. The financial report, given by the treasurer, C. J. Johnston, Indicat- ed that all expenses had been )net, with a balance on hand. Missionary givings including those to M. and M. Find, W.n%s,,. Sunday 1'!'!t':ol, Baby Band, Mis- r,lun Build, Y.l',1J,, shovel large t:oittrJ buttons, The Women's As!iarlutloia lied raised sufficient !weals to under- take lanae expendiLaii'ei for :the 0aurah property. Tvfrs. ,parting ,Johnston reported for the W.M,S,; Mr's. Alex tforri. gnu for the Women's 4ssoelation; Mrs. W, J Peacock for tiro Y.P.E.; Mrs. Bert (.arniss for the Sunday School: Mrs. George 1''U,eher for the Mission Band; spurting Johne, Lon for the trustees, Appreciation way expressed for the helpful services of Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell, the choir, and those who !nail dune some special work for the (hutch, ,lint johnston, Jae% Wu lcstead, Wendell Stamper and Bob Fraser. The hate Rev, W. R. Welsh was remembered In a mo- ment of silence. Henry Wheeler an (1 George 'Thompson were .re elected to the session, Williat►n Ilan, Glenn Sel- lers, Mel Craig and Alex Corrigan were re-elected to the board of 8t. ewe 1715. A B.C. farmer was much annoyed by fast drivers who speeded past his place, endangering his children and chickens. At first Ile didn't know what to do, then he got an idea. 1 -le put up a large sign that slowed them down to a crawl im- mediately. It said: "Nudist Camp Crossing." ACKACHE When kidneys fall to remove 081008 acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Oodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleet) better, work better. 50 Would you like to invest like a maillionaire 7 - �. invest can afford the int - portant with large amounts of money to 141en B portant advantages of hired financial guidance, continuous management, and wide diversification of investments. All of these advantages are available to you if you will take the dine to talk 4o a Mart from Investors. Ho will show how easy itis for you fit) become part-owner of more than 100 leading securities -- hoe you man earn handsome dividends -- how you share in long -,-terns capital gsina. All these benefits are available through a modest investment in Investors Mutual or Investors Growth F'und,,super. vised by Canada's largest investment ,nanagement company. Just write or calf: liarristurb Uut„ BOA 6 Phoiae 831W pox Box l'k1OMAS JA!t1DlN Wingltuul, Unl, 3114 I'h0110? 147 BltLJCU .Listowel, Unl. 693 Phone 1179 i 1 r've-stars Gilail Li(OCi`%:C.6 00 CC Minn, .tl881 tts Wend 01/tee. W,nnipeq , Offices In Pnnnpni 6,/;e 's Give Me Enough (-acts '1)') Drive Ott The Nearest Cliff Old "rag "1,11• 1 11.t1 1, lD.e_ �_t, .t t 1cii!" r..c va!i'1 Nile 1.141a1 ]!asppetls to ills ear Or himself. Ent tl!en, he's different front most folks. Far Fsatn!1,11?, 'a)i i ea 1'" for 1 o111' (•rn.A' , . 1111d WE do, toot, i,verc ltere 10 (lean 1/, fuel 11, voter 11, nourish It lvheu 1t'ss 111. , lo provide the Bea service 1!08811!le for your ear , because the C'/'lRJ1. V0)'11 be glad we dol v;r, a,an a rf..Ca nMtign.v<tic�c.,e PHONE 139 orroi S WINGI4AM