HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-01-17, Page 5Oink Igo( or atp. 'eecl Ont• 11• •tl - wly. vith tans the 11Se, reef ir they, 'On Idly, ace,. I or. yin#- 1 .. types emu; hrn�' Dorn: Loge, /Oh;' well, sled 1t4n. lout. 0 or fine Rig .. ,. I ft t 1 row.. t ,. monsIdlo d8 �.o. ami id YOU ARE INVITED TO CURRIE'S DURINGFURN ITU E THE kw. h SCRA'ITCH - DISCONTINUED CLEARANCE DISCONTINUED 4 -SEATER CHESTERFIELD SUITE 1'OAMI SEAT AND 1}:A( K *BROWN NYLON FRIEZE 'MODERN DESIGN TAG 3` , 3 ,00 �. ��O 0. $24 Down $12 Month DISCONTINUED 5 -PIECE KITCHEN SUITE 480" x 48" x 60" TABLE *BROWN ANI) Bic.:1'GI.' 411IRtOR11i. AND BRASS TAG $112.00 $78:00 $8 Down $8 Month SLIGHTLY SOILED SEALY TWIN REDS (CONTINENTALS) *HEADBOARDS *HARVARD STEEL FRAMES `•'ItOX SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES Each Unit Tag $89.95 2 Units/� 14.00 p Com lete `t $14 Down $9 Month CURRIE'S MAN11 TRE 15 ANIS 0(r(' OFF REGULAR ENTIRE STOCK DISCONTINUED 2 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE *11:ICOWN NYLON FIUI''F *I''OA111 BAC11(. AND SEAT 'GOOD DESI(GNTAG � (� $247.00 D 160.00 $16 Down $8 Month CURRIE'S FURNITURE ANNEX SCRATCHED AND DENTED MERCHANDISE • Occasional Chairs • Smokers • Coffee Tables • Step Tables !a Mattresses • Springs • Pictures • Clothes Hampers • Bridge Set • Bedroom Suites THEY HAVE TO GO UP TO 4 cryo OFF NAME COMITTEES IIOWICK COUNCIL RAISES SALARIES The inaugural meeting of the 14owl els 'Township Co 1111C11 for 1902 was held in the C'leric's office on January 5. All members were pre sent and subscribed to the 1)e claration of Office of their roslaec- tivo offices as follows: Ivan Mank ins, reeve; Rolx'rt (Bison, deputy Reeve; E. 1.1, Strong, councillor; !''rank 1:(lig, councillor; .lances Inglis, councillor. BOX 390 Winghaln Advance -Times, Dear Sirs, wish to thank diose membors of council who contemplated op• pointing nae to the District Mgt School Boar(!. When It was men - tinned to Me I felt '1 would be pre- pared to devote the necessaar'y time and energy and ho h1 Wingham suf'fic'ient time tofulfill my obit gallons its a member of bloc hoar(!. However, l.'nr Mitre there aro ()til or residents of Lown who would natio, sldlvadid Members, • .'Please It'll the !good people of Wirri;hant as It 11. 1n Y wonderftti friends on the council. Ill ho ready ;any1 willing to do. anything f01' there at. any time but 1r the mean hone 1 think it hest to appolut ((th ('rn to the local 1)oard8 who will be in town to attend (101('kly call ell rco)1)11tlee rnet'ting's. Thanks to tveryllotly, R. I;, Moi' innoy • The Municipal World. C ih$on-l' ing '!'hat svc continuo The ministers of the local for 1962 with auditor's salary a8 churches Rev. E, C, Attweii, ltev. same, $1,025. H, Pace, Rev. F. Taylor and Resott (er'y; quit t• aomm,'}'hat we engage Coles were present and con- • nl,,a foss, szs„,-sl as assessor for ducted a devotional period.the sum of $1,200 per year. To be paid $75 per month and balance at the end of the year, The clerk to prepare by-law for same, •Gibson -King That the remun- eration of the council he raised from $8.00 to $10.00 and mileage for the rtagular meetings and $8.00 for special and Court of Revision meetings. Gibson -Strong •--- That we raise the salary of the road superintend- ent, grader operators and road labour 5c per hour. King -Gibson --That we grant the Recreation Committee $80.60. King -Gibson • • That the road ac- counts as approved be paid. Strong -King --- That the Recrea- tion accounts as approved be paid. Gibson -Strong That the follow- ing- accounts be paid: Treasurer Township of Wallace, assessment on A Drain of No. 5 Wallace, $208,00; N, Wade, affidavit, $1..00; Harriston Review, advertising, $4.45; R. H. Carson & Son, stove oil, $22,03; Roy Strong, building inspector's fees, 1961, $60.00; Wes. Galloway, repairing office floor, $4.00;" Wroxeter Telephone Co., tolls, $8.30; Wingham Advance - Times, advertising, $3.24; Clifford R, Locking, fox. bounty, $4,00; Stan- ley Wolfe, fox bounty, $8.00; Craw- ford & Hetherington, legal fees, $20.00; The Municipal World, sup- plies, $20.06; Harriston Review, The minutes of he meeting of December 15th and spacial meeting of December 22nd wore read and adopted on motion of Strc„rg and Gibson, King -Strong -That the borrow- ing bylaw No. 1-62 for the Town- ship of Howick for the year 1962 as read the first and second time be passed, Gibson - Strong - That the hor-. rowing by-law No. 1-62 for the Township of Howick for the year 1962 as read the third time be fi- nally passed. Gibson -King •-•That by-law No. 2.. 62 of the Township of Howick for the year 1962, appointing clerk as read the first and second time be passed. Strong -Inglis _..-That by-law No. 2-62 of the Township of Howick for the year 1962, appointing clerk its react the third time he finally pass- ed. King -Gipson That we engage Roy Strong as building inspector for the year 1962 at the same rate as 1961. Strong -Gibson That the reeve and clerk be instructed to sign he application for statutory grant under the Highway Improvement Act. Gibson -Strong -That we instruct the clerk to call for Lenders on the Harkness' and 'Renwick drains. election bills, $7.22; County Of 'fenders to be in the hands of the Huron, tax arrears collection cleric by 12 o'c'lock noon Feb, 2nd, charges, $257.40; Relief accounts, with repo8I1 01' I11!1 of contract $470.40; A. Gibson, relief adminis- price. King -Strong - That we juin the A8800iaLion of Rural Mutricipal1Ik's. Gibson -Strong That we join the Wingham Hospital Board. Strong -King That we, appoint Robert Gibson as representative 1.0 the Wingham Hospital Board. Gibson -King '!'hat we appoint Lo the Pioneer• Pau'lc Committee: Ivan Haskins, Hartwell Strong and Warren Zurbrigg. King -Strong - That we appoint members of the Community Centre Boards as follows: Belmore Ivan Haskins, James Inglis, Kern Dick soar, Fred Doubledee, Wm. Mork - ley, Clark Renwick, Mrs. Harry Mulvey; lrordwich • • Hartwell . Strong, Robert Gibson, Anson Demmerling, Boyden Devitt, Kon Graham, Garnard King, Ira Schaef- er and Mrs, Wm, McCann, sec.- treas.; Go'rie - Robert Gibson, Hartwell Strong, Mrs, H. Temple- man, Harry Gowdy, Wilford King, Gordon Moir and Norman. Wade; Wroxeter -- Ivan Haskins, Frank King, Jack •Ciarlce, G. L. Dobson, Jas. Dolg, Gilbert Howes and Mrs, c'uretta Newton. Strong -Haskins• --That the mem- bers of the Howick Township Municipal Recreation Committee he as follows: Robert Gibson, Frank King, Ken Graham, Harry Hastie, Walter Renwick, Dave Neilson and John Sinnamon, Gibson -Strong- -That we appoint Ivan Haskins as member to the Saugeen Valley Conservation Auth- ority, King -Gipson --- That we appoint Hartwell Strong as member to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. Gibson -King ---That Ivan Ilaskins attend the Listowel District Fire Area meetings. Gibson -King -- - That we appoint Ivan Haskins as relief administra- tor. King -Strong That we instruct the clerk to order eight copies of trator, $21.30; Association of Rural Municipalities, membership, $1.5.00; Wingham Hospital Board, member- ship, $1.00; Recreation Committee, grant, $80.60; Road acocunts, $1,- 599.98; total • $2,830.08, Strong - Gibson -That we do now adjourn to meet again on February 5111, or at the call of the reeve; '4V. 1'l, Whitfield, Ivan Haskins, Clerk. Reeve. t)iscuss Reasons For Keeping Sunday On. Sunday •evening the Presby- terian Young People held their meeting in the Sunday School room. Helen Currie was in charge of the meeting, A toboggan party was arranged for .Ian. 19th at 7.30. Mary Phil- lips, Helen Currie and Edna Arm- strong were appointed as a lunch, committee. After the business was taken care of, a discussion was led by Betty Ann Lapp. The topic was "What to do with Sundays; why should we keep Sunday and how should we keep God's clay?" Some of the points brought out at the discussion were taken from the Bible itself such as: "And God blessed th<' seventh day and sanctified it; ,because that in it he had rested from all his work which. God created and made." Genesis 2:3. "And he saki unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath." Mark 2:27. In Matthew 12:10-13 it states that it is lawful to do well on the sab- bath days, such as a doctor's duty. WANT TIME TO PAY? C,a K ALL LAMPS In Currie Furniture Annex NOT LESS THAN 25% 1- * CASH AND CARRY COME EARLY WHILE SELECTION GOOD MORRIS COUNCJL NAMES OFFICERS `-('ho Morris Township :council nut in the township hall on ,fan. Atli with all the members present, The following signed tie demo -ra- tion of office: Reeve, Stuart Proc., tel'; councillors, 'Walter Short reed, William Aston, .fames .Mair and 1tosa Smith. TOY. Anderson of 11olgraavo 1.111 ite(i. Church .eomiticted a devotional period, J)(ntes Muir 411+1 Walter Shortreed, 00 behalf of the council, expressed alrpreelalion .to Mr. An - 110'8011 for coming out to the .meet 'f'J11)11)1.(:$ elf tic' last meeting wt'r('0 relui01001 a 101)1<')1 ern 11101110) of'WOW' 811(11t reed 1((Id 11088 Snalllt, Shortreed Mali' That I.he 00 plication for It tile' drainage 10101 be approved. Mail' - 1,l$Lon `Mitt we pay the rrtenaitet'sllllr feu for the Ontario Association of Rural Municipal. ides. Shortreed - 1Yfair That Boss Smith he eta;' member on the Mait- land Valley Conservation Authority for 1962. Elston -Mair That By.law No. 1, 1962, appointing township of- ficials, poundkecpers, livestock val- uators, fenceviewers, weed inspec- tors, gradermen ant] truck driver be passed as read the first, sec- ond and third times, Shortreed - Smith - That By-law No. 2, authorizing the treasurer to borrow up to $60,000 from the Im- perial Bank of Commerce in Wing_ ham be passed as read the first, second and third times. Elston - Smith •-- That James Mair be a representative on the Brussels Recreational Committee for 1962. Mair - Shortreed - That William Elston and Clara VanCamp be representatives on the Belgrave arena board. Smith -Mair- That Walter Short - reed and Stewart Procter he rep- resentatives on the Blyth Fire Area Board, Elston - Shortreed • That Stew- art Procter and Ross Smith be representatives on the Wingham Fire Area Board. Mair - Smith- That R. H. Coup tes be the representative on the Wingham Hospital Board. Smith -Mair That the printing contract for 1962 be given to the Blyth Standard at $184.00. It was agreed that the council salaries be set tip as follows: Reeve $250; councillors, $175 each. Shortreed - Elston That the general accounts as presented he paid. Shortreed - Smith- That the roar] accounts as presented by the road superintendent be paid. On motion of William Elston and .21(0108 Mair the meeting ad. jonrned to meet again on heir, 5111 at 1 ,p.m. General Aeeon.nis County o1' Huron, collecting tax- es, $343.63; Town of Clinton, dehen ture on high school, $135,66; Muni- eipal World, supplies and soh SCriptions, $34.59; Relief account, $144.46; Hydro !Electric, Belgrave street lights and Walton Street lights, $72.07; Callander Nursing Home, $92,75; Mercury Blueprint- ing Co., drainage level, $60.77; Brookhaven Nursing Home, $185.50 Ontario Assoc, of Rural Municipal. ities $15.00; Post Publishing House, advertising, $4.00; Pinecrest Manor Ltd., $92.75; Harry Wright, Burke Drain, $14.50; Lloyd Wheeler, Burke Drain, $12.00; Victoria. Hos- pital, drugs, $36,80; R. H. Coultes, hospital board member, $60.00. Road Accounts Wm. McArtei', mileage and wag. es, $118.87; Jos. Smith, $57.50; M -1 Craig, $119.60; Clarence White, $97.90; Bryans Welding, repairs, $25.31; J. C. McNeil, oil, $78.59; Top- notch Feed, salt, $30.00; Wingham Tire, two tubes, $45.56; Glenn Snell, snow plowing, $464.75; Bel - grave Co-op, salt, $12.50; Ideal Supply, brake fluid, $19.80; Saw- yer -Massey, blades, $53.17; Listowel Transport, freight, $2.91; Walter S. Scott, insurance, $23.52; Morris Township, Turvey drain, $168.75. The following appointments were made under By-law No, 1-62: As sensor, Jack Brewer, $600.00; clerk, George Martin, $775.00; tax collec- tor, George Martin, $350.00; treas- urer, Nelson Higgins, $500.0.0. Poundkeepers, Ca r: 1 Johnston, Stewart McLennan, Ross Turvey, Mel Mathes, John Bowman, Stan ley Hopper, Robert Yuiil, Mervyn WINOHAM Segt4 Furniture PHONE 51 GROUPS NOW UNITED MRS. MACLENNAN TO MEAD ORGANIZATION Mrs, K, M. MacLennan was el- ected president of the United Church. Women of - the Wingham United Church at the inaugural meeting held in the Sunday Schoc„ room of the church last Wednes- day evening. Other officers are: First vice_ pres., Mrs, DeWitt Miller; second vice-pres., Mrs. Ross Vogan; re- cording sec., Mrs, Thomas Jandin; corresponding sec., Mrs, Frank Ma_ dill; treas., Mrs. Lloyd Hingston, Porfolio secretaries and commit- tees, conveners first named: Chris- tian citizenship, Mrs. Donald Mc- Taggart, Mrs. H. Crawford, Mrs. V, Haines; community friendship, Mrs. bid. McBume y, MissJanet Murray, Mrs. G. C. Moffat, Mrs. Stewart Beattie; co-operation, Christian education and mission- ary education, Mrs. Russell Zur- brigg; finance, Mrs. Charles Hod. gins, Mrs. Donald McKay, Mrs. Walter VanWyck: flower, Mrs. Jack Reavie, Mrs. T. G. Husser, Mrs. George Howson. Literature and communications, Mrs, W'. 13. Cruikshank; manse, Mrs, Nelson Underwood, Mrs. 1I. P. Carmichael, Mrs. Frank Hopper, Mrs A. G, Gjhson; membership. Mrs. Keith McLaughlin, Mrs. How arc! Walker; nominations, Mrs. Kenneth Wood Mrs. N, Ihuier wood, Mrs, W. J. Hamilton; press and Publicity, Mrs. Newmann Kent. ing, Mrs. W. .1, (lever and Mrs. 1' lw00cl Irwin. Program, M'rs. 'Ilau•oid Burrell, Mrs, W. D. Clark, Mrs. W. J. Greer; social functions, Mrs. R. i'.. Bennett; stewardship and recruit- ing, Mrs, (1. W. 'Tiffin, Mrs. N. McLaughlin; supply and soelal as sistance Mrs, N, McLaughlin!, !Mrs. l.dighoffer, Mrs. G. Richardson; periodicals, Miss Irene Paton. Unit leaders, Mrs. Vernon Reid, Miss Leah Robertson, Mrs. Jack Gorrie, Mrs, ,lack Reavie, Mrs. W. I. Roulston, Mrs, Harold Burrell, Mrs. Harry McArthur, Mrs. Ken. neth Crawford. Representatives to Huron Pres. byterial, Mrs. K. M. MacLennan, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. Ross Vogan, Mrs. Russell Zurhrigg and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin. The meeting was attended by some 125 ladies of the congrega- tion who were received by Mrs. T. G. Husser and Mrs. W. D. Clark. Rev, T. G. Husser presided, and after calling on members of the provisional committee for their re- ports, conducted the election. Tho worship service' was conducted by Mrs,_ Charles Hoaigins and Mrs. Andy Lunn, Mrs. George Guest and Mrs. Jack McKim sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs. W. W. Currie, A candlelighting ceremony was conducted by representatives of Pipe, Robert (•rasby, Wm. MiOtnt. cheon, Ernest Michie, Robert Bird, Wm. Craig, George Blake, John Nesbitt, Rae Huother•. Livestock valuators, Vert Oarniss and Thomas Miller. Weed inspee tor, Gordon Nicholson. x enceviewers, Northwest Harold Procter, U. Casemore, Bert Has tings; northeast, Wilfred Warwick, Wm. Peacock, i''r:tuk Sellers ; southwest, .lames Wilson, Bruce Smith, Chas. South; southeast. Kenneth 'McDonald, .111018 Smith, 'f-l:n.tvey MCCuteheon. (1r'sdernu n, .108. Smith. $1.1:1 per 110111'; Mel Craig, $1.15 per ianm•; truck driver, Clarence W101e, $1.10 per 11011r; labor wallas, $1.nu per hour, Stewart Prfeter, Wove, George Martin, Clerk the former organizations, who also gave short 'histories. Mrs. W. J. Greer gave the history of the Wo. )nap's Association; Mrs. W. J. Roulston the Woman's Missionary Society; Mrs, Thomas Jardin the Evening Auxiliary and Mrs, George Guest the Young Woman's Aux- iliary, Mr. Husser closed the meeting with the benediction. - Student Teachers A. t Public School For the second time since the opening of the fall term, student teachers are at the Public School here. They are attending Strat- ford Teachers' College. The teachers this week are Don- na Gilchrist of Walkerton and Ju- dith Halward of Belleville with Miss P. Johns in Grade 2 and Beth Thompson of Londesboro and. Eva Verhoef of Clinton, teaching Grade 5 under Mrs, E. Webster. Mrs. Robertson's ' Grade 1 pu- pils are being taught by Margaret Wightman of Belgrave and Karen McDonald of Teeswater. Mrs, CI "Walsh has Sandra Finnigan and I Barbara Brindley of Goderie.h teaching her Grade 8 class. '1'lhis method of gaining practioal teaching experience while attend- ing 'Teachers' College is most val- uable t0 the students, The 1.'i'inglaaiu ldVa)LC-1t» l'ama's, 'Wednesday, Jan, 11, 9f, Virgo Plv. ]E.TFJLL LINE by H. 11, P. Johnston your telephone- monager 10 MINCI'j F S lr Oft WIC FRI(341 OF L Dill you cail your family or friends by long distance over the ('hristmas• holidays? Isn't it amazing how quickly and smoothly Bulls go through., nowadays , . , how clearly you hear that fanrilia'r voice at the other clad? it's almost lint► talking face to face! And, i1' you called someone' in Ontario a11(1. Quebec, siatiou-to.,station after 9 p,m., you also round that you cooler make use of err new "Night -Economy" Plan, Yes, this exciting nett long distance plan gives you double value on station to-stati(n1 08118 on ten minutes. or more within Ontario and Quehee, The first five minutes, are charged at low night rates; there's no extra charge for the second. five minutes. (You get tear minutes of long distance time for the price of five). From then on, every two minutes you talk will only be charged as one minute, Increased. automation enables us to pass on to you the econo- mies of station -to -station calls -giving you the lowest: cost long distance plan ever offered to Bell Telephone customers; Be sure to take ad- vantage of this low cost pilar;; call someone tonight after 9:00 p.m. on. our Night -Economy Plan. /An amazing new home intercommunication, service known as Home interphone was introduced by our company recently and is available to telephone customers 402 here in Wingham, With Home Inter- phone you can answer the door, cam-. municate from room to room, call all members of the family to the phone and check on sleeping and playing (,11- infants. All this is accomplished by using regular telephones in the home plus built-in microphones, small wall - mounted loudspeakers and a special two-way door -answering unit. If 1 you're alone, ill, Or dressing, you can find out your visitor's business easily, safely, without embarrassment. You also have regular telephone service from any phone, and calls on the Interphone circuit can he answered "hands-free." H e m e Interphone makes the telephone more useful and convenient than ever before. Mrs, Vanee Sanderson points out that you can get double value on long distance.ealls after 9:00 p,rm. 111, Interested? Why not give us a call at 344 and ask us about this fascinating new service? :S :1 5, January is a bad month for tires: Houses become hot and dry with the extreme cold, and heating systems are taxed to the utmost. Every year at this time fires take a tragic i:oll of life and property. We would like to take this opportunity to remind our fellow citizens in Wingham of this ever present danger. Heating apparatus should be checked. to make slue it is working properly, It is also inrporta.nt to keep matches and lighters well away from children. The danger of fire should be impressed upon youngsters at an early age. And finally, it's very important to write clowtt the number of the Fire Depart - hent in: the front of the pyrone book and make sure everybody, including the baby 5112(x, knows where it is. 111 the event of /'ire, phone the hire Department imaueclialt'ly - every second K INIMMIN■IMI■AMNISOMMIUMMINKMMIl:MOMMNENMW hti lTa� 1111 ■ 1!11 1 -FOR-' OUSIN EISMEXIMMINS Ni ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ NINIIIIINNIZNEN SENIOR C TIZE S - OF THE - TOWN OF WINGHAM There will be heated apartments for single persons and for couples. Each apartment will have Electric Range and Refriger- ator-, and shared free automatic Washer -Dryer. RENTALS will be approximately $42.00 for single persons and $52.00 for couples, including heat, water and caretaker services. TO QUALIFY PERSONS MUST BE: 1. 60 years of age or over. 2. Physically able to care for themselves. 3. Livi'rtg on a modest income. Interested persons please contact Fred Tel'ilplenlnll or Dr. Stewart Leedham, DEVELOPMENT BY TWIN PINES APARTMENTS ■ ■ ■ ■ Ymmomm■mm iumMiffmamomiiummum ummilminommomiiiimuisim