HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-01-17, Page 3IOW dick=uf liknow ICC 1:13114.1 Iauvtawhera tiara' bt•t'n a.tntt it ;ow ails worked out for the Litela i7 and District Lions Club to haunch the campaign for the in- qailalrou of ;artificial ice In tate Lucknow Arena, A llticaitutun MO; Live of $LN;tlal) ha!: becu :lei to complete the pro.- jeet winch it i:: punned to have carried out under the k''ederal-Pro.. viuciat Winter Works Program. This program makes possible gen emus gnvlratttlell1 grants on labor and material, apart from provin.. clad assistance under the Qom - Inanity Halls Act. 4 • AGAIN N t.6 2 INCREASED DIVIDENDS FOR UTUAL LIFE POLICYHOLDERS The Mutual Life of Canada policyholders are accustomed to Mg dividend:;. The company is famous for its outstanding dividend record. The increased dividends that will be paid to policyholders in 1962 will further reduce the low net cost of their insurance. The Mutual Life has been providing policyholders with insurance coverage at the lowest possible cost since 1869 and has been 'applying the same principles to group insurance oiiice the company entered that field. 1 You can share in the dividends that go with Mutual Life of Canada policies. Your nearest Mutual Life representative will provide complete information on the advantages of Mutual Life of Canada protection. The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY O1' CANADA, The company with the outbtandiltg dividend record • ML6z-2i CAPPING CEREMON,Y— Mrs, Janet Fielding, Reg,N., director of the CNA training school at the Winghanl General Hospital, is shown cap- ping student Kay Andrews of Auburn while looking on is student Marjorie Alton of R.R. 3, Lucknow. The ceremony was held last Wed- nesday afternoon:. -Photo by Cantelon. 9FF CFI S NAMED AT !MURAL \V1t()Ni';'J'J'lt The 1'1114t meeting of the United ('haaeh Women was held ou January 911i in the church school room, with Mrs. Stanley Gallaher and Mrs. Eldred Colliers in charge. The devotions were eenlredl around the topic, "God's Creativity". The opening hymn was '"1'he ('hnre•h's One Emu uo,lotion"; follow. ed by Scripture read by Mrs. How- ard Wylie. Mrs, Eldred 1 Gatl:hers gave a short reacting, followed by prayer !cd Ily Mrs, 1''rcd Taylor. "Praise the Lord, Ye 'leavens Adore Him", was the sceon(i .hymn, followed by prayer. Mrs. 'Taylor gave 11 short reading on "The Purpose of The United ('iutt'eh Wooten". '1'hc' secretary's report was react by Mrs. Archie Miller, 11.14 teals lIic HIM(' of officers: Pres., Mrs. Stanley Galiahcr; vice !;res., Mrs. Vernon Hupfer; record - Ing sec'., ',qrs. Archie Miller; cor- responding see., Mrs. Harvey Coup. land; treas., Airs, William Wright; te • HOW MANY J E1til.' THEIR SAVINGS IN A BANK ? .Probably all of them /There are 10 1-il.illioni savings deposit; accounts ill tiie cli;l,rl;IAi'ed batiks, by fat' the most popular type, 'J.1hey are used by au 'tl11'tfi or people— wage,earners, businessmen, housewives, farmers, students.: -a wIio 1t.11ow t11.Oil` money h safe, earns good. interest, Lind.is available whenever Heeded, And they like the efficiency and court;eriy of the dime11 and WO 1). who serve them/Your nearest branch ii the place for your savings—and the one place you can do a,il. your banking,. Tin CHARTERED LIANAS SERVING YOUR, COMJLYJ. J.''9 •'Ie - Clinton Nursing ;'i/iss /;lama' Sicilia Howe Closes IIs Shower Hostess l;linton Nursing Home, which WIt(tiE'l'1;1'. • A miscellaneous shower was; held for Miss Mary Louise Moffat of RR. 1, Wingham, recently w'1(on gitmds were ente"r- tained by Mitis Elaine• SI.atia at her home in 14'1''isel ('1', (.mine:; and come:;(;; were enjoyed and an 1111l'0('I.iw' hat was made for the bride -In -he. by het' sister, kl- ainc lloffal, from the many bows Intel ribbon;; (L,eorating the gifts, bas been operated by Mrs. 131)'k MacDonald for the past Iwo years, closed recently. The last five pa lients at the home were. moved out. to Iiuronview, the county home sor the aged, This made eight new resident', at iluronview since the start. 'il the- year. The number of residents there has been steadily increasing, with nine new ones lit December of hist year. representative 011 board of stew- ards, Mrs. William liar!.; represen. tative on official board, Mrs. (llenii McMichael; pianist, Mrs. Ronald McMichael; asst., Mrs, G. L. L)oh son; finance, Mrs. Don McLaugh. 1111; flowers, Mrs. Charles Me('ut chcon; nominations, Mrs. Eldred Calkers; program, Mrs. Ken 1';d - gar; social, Mrs. Lloyd Townsend. Community friendship and visi talion, Mrs, William McLean; press and publicity, Mrs. Cecil Yeoman; supply and social assistance, Mrs. G, L. Dobson; stewardship and re.. emitting, Mrs, Jack Clarke; liter attire and communication, Mrs. James Sanderson; Christian cdu cation and missionary education. Mrs, Leslie Douglas. Unit leaders, Mrs. James Stainer. son, Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs. Glenn McMichael. A motion was made by Mrs. Ar. chic Miller that these officers he accepted and was seconded by Mrs. Howard- Wylie, The president, Mrs. Stanley Gallaher, conducted the business. The allocation for 'the United Church Women was read by Mrs. Howard Wylie. 11 Was de'- c'ided that the. first Wednesday of every second mont11. at 8.15 p.m. sharp be tine date for the joint meetings. A motion w'08 made that four (relegates from the group attend the inaugural meeting in Clinton United Church on. Jan. 241h. Rev. .1'red Taylor gave a, Lalk on "The Church and Its Mission". The meeting• closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the cant m1ttce in charge of the meeting. The nest meeting will be held in March. Following the meeting there was an inaugural service Sunday loot. tang when the new officers and 1110 new organization were dedicat- ed. The installation was conduct- ed by Rev. Taylor. WROXETER Air. :acct (11 . 111/beri Mowbray and fancily. Kitchener, spew, the week end 11l the 11(11(11' o1 Mr, and Mrs. Iiarvey 11('1111.. 14i8s Nancy Newton, fsntdoll was a work enol visitor with her mother, Mrs. 11. Newton. Mrs, 1'I:ironce Whit and family, Brussels. viait,'(1 the 1'0rmer's mo- ther. Alis. Mary Ovington on Sun- claay. Messrs. Huss mud Wallace 'roman and Mrs. Jessie Koch spent Sunday With 111'' tatter's brother, Mr. Lloyd Sago, will is still 1a patient in the K.\C Hospital, They were accom- panied by henry ;ago, Listowel. Miss Bonnie Edgar, Waterloo, was a1, week -111(1 visitor at the home of her 1:irents. Air. and Mrs, Ken IN( iga r. we are sorry 111 1100r Mr's, Geo, (Gibson, low•o, ha. the misfortune to fall al her home last h'riday, breaking her hip, and 18 now in a Jian(ilt(in hospital. -Mt'. Gibson spent the week end in Iiamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Iron Gibson and Ilona, Mnnittou, spent t.he' week- end with 11r. and Mrs. Ira Mc- Lean. '1'111, 14yutpality of the vuimnttnity is extended 1.11 MIS, Everett Cath - ors, whose fnother passed away suddenly Monday morning. Mr. John tiupfer 1u1,11 Miss Hazel Spurting were Friday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Button in Wingliauil. Receives Award Charles Harold Richards, 53, of Killdeer 1'reseent, i.e'ltsi(1(', head of the mathematics department of 1';nsI Vot'Ik collegiate, has been framed nialhenad1114 anxl science teacher of the year Ily the 20,0(10 member Association of Profession- al Engineers of O))1111io. The litre(' year alrl award is wY.a MAL: ]3arbara 1VIycrs appears to prefer alder melt al hough the object of her affection doesn't '11,0111 loo happy over it. He's officially classed by the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto as an architectural ornament in the foi'nl of Yen Lo, The Decider of Lite in Hades, and dates back to China's 16th century Ming Dynasty. Acknowledged as being among the finest in the world. the museum houses relics of the world's storied past valued al well over $100 million. The museum is high on the list of points to visit: recommended by Canadian National agents in "Maple: Leaf" tours and Educational Trips for students, The 'i'Vingheas ,P_dvancA-'L`iues, f e(taees(lay, Jam. 17, 190 Jago Verna. Judged by .a slu:0a1 .coteinalttre• from towhees nominated acro: the province by the various din tricts of the {)ntario i4'•coladnry School Teachers' Federation, Mr. ltit'lutttl:'i, 1t tc'ri:'It''r for :';"i years, heado n :;Miff of 1.t t''ae iic'r:; and ho himself 1 c':u'h::, nun Isom ilit:i to four Jt1lades, Mr. l:ivh;arel,; r'„ a :.'(11 of Mr(s. Fred J h'11:irc1:I, of 1.1;,111. Alexander's Hrdware SPECIAL T11L!IIMIMY, MID AV, SA'I'(•I(1)A1 ONLN PYREX. —, Specials 9" RIB L'J.A'1'ES, reg. 511c', at 8 -az, 11IL('ASCRIti(,i ('•tit's, reg, 49e, at 10 -au, MitiAS UJtUN(t (I11,8, .reg, 80e, at Yl,-ou, AJJ';ASI'KINO ('i 1'S, reg, 141.91), rel S'I'O(`•IC (I' AT MIS M% 1!' (1 WATCH -1 FOR OUR WEEKLY SPECIAL Service for your convenience BRING YOUR CREAM ANI) EGGS TO THE MAITLAND' CREAMERY We 'have 11 man :at the door to later your fresh(. and I';ggs Producer Prices on all Gay -Lea Products Ml'. FOLLOWING (1A1' -LEA J'RIOJ)1 (''I'S ARE FOR. SAL Al''.'1111: OI''I''I('i'; L;L1 1 dl (.11E.ESE. Ji(!'L'I'I'lI(. 1.(11(1*; INSTANT MILD POWDER, J"J(.l.Slll FROZi:N (l'i'•i'I' CHICKEN 1J()I.i,ANI) GOUDA ( lIEi'SJ'; Plain nr Silieed CO-OP DAIRY CLEANER 4I'E('JAL IN'J'1(OI)I'('roux Oi"l"l';it YOGURT, regularly 19c, 8 -oz. jar . .. o ... 16c United Dan & roam co-operati PHONE 272 ' - W 1NGHAM I'I'l.l'J;JL ('t"I"i'I:I.(, llanar;t•r Meet Your Best Friends Financially * .1 'they're the Men from iuveotem .. w able and vzilling to be your best friends financially. They'll show you how to turn modest: but regular savings into a useful cash reserve for future opportunities, emergen- cies or secure retirement. They'll show you many ways to grow richer through Investors investment pro- grams designed to fit your =bi- tions and your resource& rind out about the great variety of Investors Syndicate programs avail- able to you. There is no obligation, Ju8t Call or write: Investors ‘1?Ipa L E1l 1 0 0 0 lie OV CANADA, (AMSTED Shod Oflk.t Winnipeg . Offices in Principal Chia 11 'Phos. A. Jaedin 1'lu'ne '117 tVi n;;'hain Emerson IVO 1'hone 331W 11a rri;atoit Bruce D. 7.11(•1''aul Phone 1(79 Listowel 1n11111in11nlAiu11111n1Inl111ul1151ul9nl11nl111l1n11111111uJ!ITIt'li El I'm 1104111X11111110111r131IE1—. SO M TVII N '1 .1 of U 11.14 l(I' I',\ AI)I)l';1) ,Yi' uIi • KENS ALIGNMENT NT Hit A � a t� � ex1.�.� `"1�" ._:. ,.. Al :MI .1={:J 11,11,1: TI 't'IJIS IS O("11 BRANi) Ni';W BM: 1071.1* BRAKE DRUM 1(TER h volt lid'; FINISH1N(1 i '011i':O 101.thi•:ou1 11ti :This operation trill bring Worn drams hack to o1,%% ('o1141ii1(411. w wt., ('A.N 111ANtLE Ii 1t A1(1'J)1l('ilS VOR ,11.1. 11.11,41'.s OI'' ('All$ AND LIGIi'C 'fil,l'('K", DRUMS TURNED WHILE YOU WAIT KEN'S ALIGNdE° T Phone 355 Diagonal Road - Wingharn Ii GFI til 114 lit !i p111j11IMIIIIIIIIIIICIm11Irlllulll*i11mlIIwUlAll!m1I1siltuII Mllllfill'N1Ili>31II'All1l.Iil!*Ili*flat,;