The Wingham Advance-Times, 1962-01-10, Page 4• Vgi(Ip ,X?''c)hle The Wingilsa•nt Advrraroe-'I`ittates Weelneetli y, 3101. 10, l% '• 1R EE. !',l T • ..1101at FM IT . n C3 t -i N J D TANtJAlt t` SPECIALS. Singer Rall -o -magic vacuum, $49,50; de - 111x0 Model, $74.95; Golden Glide Model, $98,95, These priees apply to present stoek only. Fully ,guaranteed, George Henderson, phone 6G5. 16b i3LECTROLux SALES AND SP+,R.- V'ICTJ:-•-Authorized dealer, H. A. McDermitt, Fordwich, phone 59-31, Contact Mrs, L. McDoug- all, phone 553W, Wingham, for s.ervier. Arrange for free demon- stration. 29rrb n'ILTI)R QUEEN .Sales and Ser- vice, repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all Intakes for sale. Robert K. )?eck, Varna, telephone Hensail 69682, 16rrb DRAPERY CLEARANCE SALE of Caya Fabrics. Save up to le price. Regular up to $5.50 a yard, now clearing from $1.95 and up. Made up "free of charge." Tailored to the -highest custom standards at Smitty's Shopping Centre, Han- over. 10-17-24-311, SPRr:`tG SALE -- It's sale time at Armitage' of Wingham with their annual Bond Made - to -Measure suit sale. And here's your chance to really roll up the savings on a Bond quality tailored to measure suit -when you order a. suit from ARMITAGES. During this sale you get trousers absolutely FREE. Prices are, $55.95 to $69.95 and no more. So now -right now Get your under in atARMI- TAGES. Sale ends Feb. 24th. You don't have to take delivery of your suit now -you can take It in April, May or June --but your order must be in before closing date of Feb. 24th, and remember the special sale offer --- Extra trousers are yours FREE at ARMITAGES in Wingham. J10-F21h REAL ESTATE FOR SALE DWELLING in Bluevale for sale, 3:r -acre of land, small barn, oil furnace, 3*piece. hath. Priced for quick sale. Can be purchased for half cash. Dudley E. Holmes, In- surance & Real. Estate, Listowel. Phone 4-70. W. N. Campbell, Salesman. 10b CAR FOR SALE 1957 BUTCKC 2 -door hardtop for sale. Power equipped with radio, automatic, black and white leath- er interior, Phone Teeswater 392- 6048, lir' LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -5 BULLS for sale, 3 Angus and 2 Hereford. George Harris. R, R. 1, Bhtevale, phone 804R2, Wroxeter. FOR SALE -14 pigs, 10 weeks old, weaned, Noah 5. l3yler, R..R. 1, Wroxeter, Ont. ifh FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT --2 bed- rooms with garage, vicinity of Public School. 'Available Feb. 1., Apply Box 7, Advance -Times, lob FOR RENT Entirely separate four room apartment with three piece both.. No small children. Available Feb, 1st, Apply Box 9, Advance- Times. 10''' BED -SITTING ROOM and kitchen for rent, furnished and heated, Utilities paid. Garage included. Available Feb. let. Phone 262. 10b SALES HELP WANTED OPPORTUNITY We need a new Dealer in Huron County to serve consumers. Experience and capi. tal not essential, Write Dept. A -453-0A3, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal, 10b APPLIC."ATTONS WANTED APPLICATIONS Will be accepted for two firemen for Win harp and District Fire Brigade, by the secretary, until January 15th.- •R, Sinnanion, Sec., Wingham, Ont, 27-3.10b WANTED WAI'TEEb.--A heated bedroom, by woman, Apply Box 8, A,dvanee. Tithes, 10" WANTED - grandfather's dock, full size floor model. Apply Box 5, A,dvanee Times•, 10" aTA'TrbING H.AI#,DV'bOOTI( 'TT11t BER WANTED -Preferably hard maple and basswood. We also buy Inge and limited quantities of Other spteles. ,7sittiee T. Craig & Son,. Auliilrii, phone 526-7220. 10474 SE.RVICE COMING EVENTS LEGION BINGO every Thursday in Lueknow Legion Hall, 8.45 pan. sharp. 12 regular games for $10, 3 share the wealth and one spee- iai. for $50.00 must go tiro limit for calls). Proceeds for artificial lee, Marie) AUCTION SALE of livestock, grain and feed, for Gordon M. Greig, I.,ot 34, ('an. A. Howick Township. on Thursday January 18, 1062, commencing at 1 P.M. Gordon Jackson, Auctioneer. Full list will appear next week, 10b CARDS OF THANKS Q ykK , `Y AI ISCEIL .4NEOUSS CUSTOM snowploughing. /tumid C'ongram, phone 1079. 29 -Jin II? YOU ARP THINKING of fin- ancing a ear, be sure to eurdart your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R:1:. 2, Wir:g- ha1'n, phone 703!'43. 13:20-:.13:101) CAR OWNERS, Farmers or'1'rnek• Br's are you interested in getting improved performance from your motor? Let us tell you burr you can save DOLLARS by using u remarkable discovery 1Imt will make your motor vur•k hette'r last longer emit less to rtut. For free information write Mitchell Specialties, Box 277. Mitchell, Ont. 111-17 I wish to thank all those who re - Membered me with bows of fruit, flowers, cards and other kindnesses C U R I E while I was in the hospital. - Wil- bert Hodgkinson. 10`•` Many thanks to friends and neighbours who remembered me with visits, flowers, Bards and gifts, pay 51; Night 636 or 716 also Drs. Crawford and McKim, AMBULANCE WINGHAM and nurses on first floor, while a patient in Wingham Hospital. Mrs. Ethel Willits. 39' We wish to convey our sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us by our friends and neighbours dur- ing our recent bereavement, Also thanks to the staff of the Wingham Hospital for the kind and thought- ful fuI care en our mother while she was a patient there. -The Inglis family. 10b My sincere thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives for their visits, gifts of flowers, treats and cards sent me -while I was a patient in St.( Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks 1 to the County ni,en, and all those who helped at home, also to Drs. I Corrin and Street and nurses who attended me at Wingham Hospital. -,Jim Fitch. 101, The family of the late Albert Walters wishes to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation for the many acts 'of kindness, floral tributes and messages of sympathy from their friends, neighbours bours and relatives during their sad bereave- ment of their beloved husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. G, L. Fish, pallbearers, flower bearers and to all others who helped in the home or in any other way. 10' DEADST'OCK WANTED DEAD ANIMAL Disposal Act -We have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm ani- mals under the above Act. For free removal call collect, Wing - ham 378, Palmerston 123W or Elmira, Mohawk 9.5564. Gordon Young; (Elmira) Limited, License 100-0-61. rrb DEAD STOCK WANTED FRESH, DEAD, DISABLED COWS, HORSES, $7.00 each MINK HORSES, 4e lb. A. LORENZ DURHAM 'a)l long distance DURHAM 493 entleet F15rrb ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Farmers! Are you interested in getting the best and highest cash prices for your dead, old, or disabled (horses and cattle? If so, phone Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) -- or AT%•VOOD 356.2622 COLLECT License No, 103081, DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL -- DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Kirkton 48R10 nem] Animal Licence No. 97-C-01 Sny3rrb MARLATT'S. Dead Stock Service $100 per 100 lbs. Paid for Dead Caws and 1iorselt over 500 itis, More for sick and disabled Cotes and fioirsess Ocean!. in g to size and condition. POlit PROMP'r SERVICE PLEASE CALL cou,n 'I'' Brute Marlatt Brussels Phone 1 i3 24 HOUR SERVICE' LH 1 iNSE tMTo. $8 -CJ- ii, 54-R.1',-61 INCOME TAX RETURNS STANLEY J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Phone 336 LUCKNOW, ONT. Piddle Accountant since 1914 t+ Meow• S SINGER January Clearance PORTABLES and CABINET %LODELS, like new Completely reconditioned 90 clay money back guaran- tee if not satisfied, From +39.50 up. Limited quantity. Singer teams available George Henderson PHONE 605 - %%'INGH.AM WANTED LIVE WiIIT FOWL ANY QUANTITY CAMPBELL SOUP Company Ltd, LISTOWEL, ONT. Phone 900 Collect OIL FURNACES CLEANED AND REPAIRED by a qualified furnace man PRICES REASONABLE H. N. GOWDY & SON (i3ORRII. Phone Wroxeter 2201%'1, (iollret 27-3-10-17b BILLS TO PAY? Did you spend too much money at Christmas? I•iave .you 12 boors weekly and a car? l3ecosne an AVON REPR15EN'PATI%'k7 hi a profitable territory near your home. Openings in Turnberry, East Wawanosh, Morris 'l'wps. Write MRS. E. BELL 11413 ALBERT S'1'., WATERLOO or phone caeca 511, 5-0751 before 8.30 a.m. TIm WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL F1RE INSURANCE CO. head Mire, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD Oi' DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, R. R. 2. Auburn, V3 'e -Pres., H'rson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar. R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Gnderieh; Ross McPhee, Rr 2 3, Atrt)trrn J'irrnaldl Ma.eTtay, Ripley; John 1{, 14J'act,c'nnnn, I.. R. 3 (bxlerieh; Prank Thompson, R. R. 1, I•#olyronri; Willinm Wlg;ina, Ft. R. 3, Auburn. For information nn ynur insur- ance, call your nearest direeinr who is also an agent, or the secretary, Dureln Phillips, Dungannon, phone Dunganno+i 48. Jne15/62 W TADS!H Pt- CJ N A L..., T'AN.I SERVICE I''OR ALL OCCASIONS rail Lee's Tw'd, for long or short trips. Phone 185. 4rrb IN MEMORIAM 111AXIr4';h.TaI.--1n loving rnemory of a. dear mother and wife, Clara Maxwell, who departed this life on .Tanuar'y 12. 1945, P We know that she is happy In our Saviour's horn' above, (lrow'rrlg fairer as she lingers In the sunshine of His love, I. vingly remembered by family unci husband, ("hnr'les Maxwell. 10'", CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FAi%M .s-roc1(, and INTI'I.11.:ti1;N"1,S will be hent Wednesday, January 17th, 196;;, at the farm of Canieroti Walsh, 1 utile south of Belgrave ou No. 4 Highway at 1 p.m, Massey Harris 14 tractor, equipped with ;r. Super 0 loader; 3 furrow plough ((`sisio: John Deere 8 ft. eultivator, 4 years International power mow- er; International side delivery rake; International hay loader; John Deere 8 ft. binder, used 5' years; ('o -op Universal milking machine; Massey Harris No, 1] electric -cream separator; rubber tired wagon; 16 ft. flat rack with half rack, • 1800 bus. mixed grain; 20 tons loose hay; 1700 bales. 8 sections roost pits, 6'x2'x14'; 0 range shelters, 12 Dur- ham and Holstein cows; 20 beef cattle including 2 years, yearlings andcalves; cILs, 1Hereford bull with papers. Tomas - Cash, Cameron Walsh, Prop.; George Powell, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 10' ` .NOTICE, TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN HENRY KING. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village. of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on the twelfth day of December, 1961, are required to file proof of sante with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of January, A.D. 1962, After that date the Executrix will tae! ri !„ d to distribute the estate hiving regard only to the claims of, which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 271111 day of December, A.D. 1961, ('R:IWT"ORD & HETHERINGTN, 1%ringham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Exerutrix, 27-3-101) BIRTHS 1"fl 1HOLSON - At Winghn.m Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, t January 3, 1962, to Mr, and Mr,. p Kenlreth Nicholson, R. .R, 3, t Lurkno\v, a daughter. NtXON - At Wingham General Hos- pital, on. Thursday, January '1, s 11162, to Mr, and Mrs, John Nix- f 00, R. R. 5, Brussels, a son. i LAMONT - At Wingham General w Hospital, on Thursday, January 8 4, 1902, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles h Lamont, R, R. 2, Holyrood, a son, Y a New Mayor Outlines' teontinued front. page One) say that the rural population is de- creasing and that if business life in the eommtrrrity is to manila in sound position it is imperative that more industry should locate here, Mayor Hetherington expressed the opinion that proposals to set tip a zoning by-law should be thrown out, This type of rigid eon - trot does not allow the flexibility required by a small community. Restrictions of this type, 1]e felt, would do more harm than good, Coun(,illors Speak Eaeli of the councillors remark on the mayor's address and for 1 most part they agreed with wh had been said, with only a fi minor reservations, Councillor Callan said the to is spending from $10,000 to $15, a. year on streets arid. if the ni or's plan was feasible be was for Councillor Nesmith said he w in agreement with the mayor to large extent and that if old opi ions were challenged it is all f the good of the community. Ii disagreed with the mayor on a few points, but pointed out that he knew Mr. Hetherington had been speaking to create discussion, Mr. Nasmith said he shuddered when he thought of the cost of the sew- age problem. As to the paving a plan, h � � L felt it mighttake l good a deal of selling to have it approved by the Department of Highways, but it sounded like good business. He disagreed with the mayor in his suggestion to throw out all planning control, particularly re. Iative to the planning board, but he did not disagree with his think- ing on the zoning by-law, Councillor Crawford said he en- joyed listening to the older mem- hers, and he would give consid- 1 enation to the projects which had been mentioned. Councillor Williams agreed with most of what had been said, artd in particular with the proposal to do something about the arena. Councillor Cruickshank suggest- ed that action should he taken soon on the matter of sewage, if the town expects to obtain the fed- eral grants which are to expire ed 1 thea, under the present system, In his time on couneil, he went on, the arena has caused eons}derable trouble, but note everything is paid off, and It would appear' to be the time ko consider improvements to the front of the building. He pointed out that $4,000 had been. spent on a, new roof for the arena Last year, Coining' back to the Street pt'.ob- lem, Councillor' Callan disagreed with the reeve on costs. However Councillor' Nesmith pointed out that in the ease of the southern parts of Oathertne Street and. Car- ling Terrace, there would be eon- sidertrbl{' cost on drainage before paving e.meld begin. Mayor Hetherington eoncluded the discussion by stating, "I'm not saying that the street program of c'omp1L'te paving has to be carried out, but I throw it in for eon- sidera_tion• I hope the public works committee will give the idea consideration,,, }t!, Communications at Clerk William Renwick rend a ,w, number of letters, Ones indicated the first meeting of the Maitland tot Conservation Authority will be 000 held on li ebrneu'y 8th at Wingham, ay. Another from the County of Hur. it. on Emergency Measures officer as requesting a meeting of municipal - a ities in the area, and was left for a]_ the mayor and clerk to deal with. or A letter requesting the town to ' join the Mid -Western Development Association was filed. The report of the police chief was read, and several councillors complimented the police force on its efforts. Committees Set Up The mayor and Councillors Cal- lan and Nesmith were named a striking committee and brought in the following slate of committees, which was accepted by the cot;n- cll. First named in each cast is the committee chairman: Executive and police, the mayor,1 TCerr, Callan; public works, Ne- smith, Callan, Kerr; finance, Cal- lan, Hetherington, Nasmith; pro- perty, Adair, Williams, Crawford; fire and band, Williams, Buchan- an, Adair; cemetery, Crawford, Bu- chanan, Adair; welfare, Kerr, Cruickshank, Hetherington; in- dustrial, Buchanan, Nesmith, and Cruickshank; recreation, Cruick- shank, Williams, Crawford. next year, and he also thought ac- tion should be taken promptly on the arena problem. He said that the council is be- hind the effort'to obtain more in- dustry, and that Councillor Puch_ einem had worked hard on this neat- er. He also agreed that zoning roposals should be scrapped for he time being. Industry a Problem Councillor Buchanan, the chair. an of the industrial committee, aid that Wingham has not been ortunate enough to obtain a new ndustry, but that he has been meting ,hard on the smatter. He aid that numerous prospects hal ern followed up -during the past - ear and they all seemed to lead to dead end, Other communities SMITH Jim and Mary Frances (nee Currier are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Heather Maureen, on January 4th, 1962, at Victoria Hospital, a sister for Kevin, McGOWAN -Doug and Betty Anne McGowan are delighted to an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, t Mary Beth, on Thursday, January 4, 1962, in Ottawa Civic Hospital, it sister for Mark. th 13TGc1S -At Wingham General Hos. pital, on Fieday, January 5, 1062, be to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Biggs, R. ea R. 2, Wingham, a son, VOISIN At Wingham General Hospital, on l.er•iday, January 5, 1962, to Mr. and Aft's, .Xenneth Voisin, of Greenock, a daughter. it are making all kinds of offers to obtain industry, he said, and Wing - ham will have to make the most of its attractions. He concluded by saying it had been a pleasure to work on the Riverside Parks Board, and explained that the wa- ter in the Howson pond was low in order to protect completed work from a spring freshet, but it could be filled to a proper level. when is danger was past. Reeve J. Roy Adair said, "May- t'm old-fashioned, but when I me on council 13 years ago, the town was in debt, and since then we have tried to pay as we go." He did not agree that it would necessarily be wise to debenture for street improvement, as he felt would cost considerably more. GoLL.AN ... At Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, January 10(12, to Mr, and Mrs, Grant Gol- lan, of Lueknow, a daughter. ADAMS At Wingham General Hospital, an Sunday, January 7, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, James Adams, R. R. 2, Bluevalc, daughter, HAMILTON- -At Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, January 7, 1902, to Mr, and Mrs, Donald Hamilton, 11. R. 3, I,ucknow, a non. DIED I'OCOC7K Howard Chrisolni, surf. denly in Ottawa, Monday, Sana- ary 8, 1002, Howard' Pocock, (133 Edison Ave., beloved husband of Annie Piekell, deal' father of Dorothy. Marilyn and baron Funeral service at Tubman T'rru- Oral Winn, Thursday aftltrneon, • TRACK LETTERING • COMMERCIAL SIDNS COX SIGN A COMPLETE SION SERVICE PH. 518, WALKERTON Committee Reports Councillor Callan reported that the police cruiser needed a new siren. Council agreed to this ex- penditure. Councillor Nesmith, reporting for public works, Said the committee is following the policy of frequent snow removal on Josephine St. He said council 'would be the target for other problems of snow remov- al, particularly plowing the side- walks. He said he (lid not wish to comment on sewage now, as it should be the subject of special dis- cussions. The clerk reported that he had contacted the engineer, as instruct- ed, to obtain the total costs for the two phases of the sewage plan. This amounted to $253,277,00, which worked out to a total annual esti- mated cost of $27,365.00 as compar- eel with $23,000,00 for the first phase, Council agreed that a spec- ial session would be needed to dis- cuss sewage and felt that a repre- sentative from the Water Re- sources 'Commission as well as the engineer should .be on hand, • Reeve J, Roy Adair, reporting for the property committee, said a meeting would be held shortly to consider the arena problem, and he would then report to council, Councillor Buchanan, speaking on welfare, said a number of Iran. scents had been given overnight shelter and he was glad that the ratepayers could send such people to town authorities, By -Laws Several routine by-laws were approved, which covered bank loans and applications for h(gh- way grants. Under anothei, the following appointments were made: Library hoard, A. :D, ;r4stcW(!il_ Ilam; Wingham General hospital, DeWitt Miller; planning board, JRet K/NDS OP OB 'PRINTING VI (1IIA1M[ ADVAN'(16-TIi11i1S ROCK AND SALVAGE. WANTED TO Bt Y - SALVAGE CAST, STFIII.IL, BRASS, COPPER AND BATTERIES S Jg+irest cash ))ricers paid for 0141 pewter, silver plate and old' feather arks PHONE 144 - WINGHAM Cul Berle, three yeentS, and (,un- elilor D. (.; Nasmith and Mavor Hetherington. Clerk-tr't'astirer t'Y1n. Renwick was re appointed, ae were Police Chief ,tomos Miller u'el ('on. stable William Waite, Named to Uw Community Centre Board 'for two years were Willls Hall (Legion); Jack Gorbutt Jr„ (Kinsmen); T. A. Currie (Lions Club); Cal Burke (Busine;ae As. sociation); Bill Conlan (Melva tion Committee), as well as Oona chlor Al Williams and Reeve Adair for a on'e-year terra. Recreation Committee appoint. ment5 were (as follows; Jack (dor. Mitt Jr'., Mrs. Harold Wild, 'William C'onton, Lloyd t?asernore, Mike Willie for two-year terms and Councillors Cruickshank and Len Crawford for one year. The long session of council con- eluded when the mayor said it was understood that the reeve was running for the wardenship of Hu- ron County and lie wished him ev - ery success, and stated that if he \vas successful he would he a c'1Y'- dlt to the community, _i•IIIsIJIINIJJsrllaI11aInNJIJ*lllsiliaiJlslli■instil■ II.ill*IiI*t,l$ ll�illieingillwilliilll, 1 Y HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST w , Now at whole newgolden ■ world'of SIGHT and • # �. )i SOUND, See our HEARING-A1D GLASSES, ! N lightest in weight, • Pho.ne 37 for appointment 71rI*!l!/iIiIMIIIINIUrrUI*IIli�llli�lllrrlli*Ifl■Iif■Illy ilei I�ulrlu■IilMln■mwm■i I J 1111*lilies -rillllll■JIIMIII■III$IIi■III*III*I IlIlilill IiIJII)rlJINIliUIII■.*illril1)111'llrlIIIlIJlwilJMIJJ i• Wanted to Purchase ii. A MODERN THREE BEDROOM HOUSE fill • iii IN WINGHAM, $10,000 to $14,000. i Buyer will consider trade for Listowel home, N Tii ALSO WANT D- E AG GOOD BUILDING LOT. i :. W. NEIL CAMPBELL , PHONE LISTOWEL 1243 i :representing DUDLEY E. HOLMES ill i INSURANCE AND REAL,ESTATE a • LISTOWEL, ONTARIO - • PHONE 470 g Tivi■lil■JII■r1i■ili■IJI*III■III■iioiil■IimmuIII■III■III*III■iiiinJIl0IlI1•inaill■IIID it 9 and smile .-. smile -'smile! We replace broken auto glass, grills. bumpers. Smooth out wrinkled fenders, restore factory finish. EXPERT BODY REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. FREE ESTIMATES. DRIVE IN YOUR TROUBLES IMAM BODY SHOP Sid Adams PHONE 746 WINGHAM If you have a car problem, we have the answer. AMBULANCE Service CALL - S. J. WALKER PHONE 106 Day - 189 Night BUTLER, DOOLEY and CLARIKE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Trustee in lia,rkrtiptey Licensed Municipal Auditor 3(1 West Street- JA. 4-8253 QODERICH ONTARIO A. H. MCTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NO'I?Af1' PUBLIC TllESWAT'ER - ONTARIO 'tel. 392-7373, Tecswater Wroxeter -Every Wedneschl a('terndoh, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. Frederick.. F. H O tnLlt h Phnn.B,,. R:O. Cato( E, Hotnuth, R.O. Mrs. Viola H. Hontuth, OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 1141 HAl't'IstCilt, OntlEt.rio J. 13. ACTESON, D.C. or, of Chiropractic X -Ray 1VR.OXI.TER Phone 120 hours: Monday to Friday, i.0-9,30 Evenings: Mod., Tues, and Thurs., 7-9 CRAWFORD & HETHERINGT N 0 1 Barristers, Solicitors, 1rto, Wfnghain, Phone 4it J. 0. CRAWFORD, QC, R. S. IHCTHERIN(1TON, Q,tJ, 1 J. T. GOODALL J;:tIlfl TER, SOLICiT7'OIt, NO'i'ATIV, Etc. Office -..Meyer t3foek, %'Vinghatn PHONE 14 ILLCAt9FANT General Insurance and Real Estate Braker JOSEPHINE .8'I'IIFE1b . Phones 115 and 31 1 i s e. • 0