HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-12-22, Page 17THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1989. PAGE 17. Hullett students tell Santa their Christmas wishes Continued from page 16 For Christmas I would like some Tonkas, remote controlled vehicles, three jack-knives, three stereos, puzzles, 12 watches, computer, nintendo system, the whole set of the Ghostbusters, 70 pairs of binoculars, three hundred calcula­ tors, three hundred boxes of pens, twelve thousand boxes of candy, three VCR’s, VCR tapes, 160 of them and oil for my daddy’s car. By the way how is Rudolph and all the other reindeer doing? Yours Truly, Matthew Kindergarten, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I would like a remote control Barbie car and a Barbie Doll and hair stuff. I will leave milk and cookies out for you and an apple for Rudolf. I hope you and your reindeer have a good trip. Say Hi to Mrs. Claus for me. Say Hi to the reindeer for me. Yours truly, Ruthanne Huzinga Hullett Central. Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a remote controll car. How is Rudolf. My family is getting a new T.V. for Christmas. I would also like some new Lego. How are all of your reindeer. Yours truly, Kevin Kindergarten, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like a doll, a Cabbage Patch doll, a dog, a Barbie Doll, Beach Blast Barbie, and a new panda bear, a pretend pumpkin, glasses, new clothes, new glass, a dish, and a new dw, stuffed animals, especially a squir­ rel and wind. Yours truly, Gabrieli Mitchel Grade 1, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, Hi! My name is David. I would like a big Power Wheels car and a train set. How is Mrs. Claus? Is Rudolph’s nose still glowing? I hope it is so I can see it on Christmas Eve. I better go! P.S. I drew a picture of a Power Wheels car, its battery and two people sitting in it. Yours truly, David Parkinson Kindergarten, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I would like to have a doll and a new pair of mittens, a new bike, a walkman, a hat, checkers, a puzzle with Santa and a Christmas tree, a sweater, two books, a glass cat and dog, two Barbie Dolls, a new snow suit, a pair of p.j.’s from my mom and dad, and a new room and a watch! How is Mrs. Santa Claus and all the reindeer, and you, and your elves? I will leave out water and cookies and carrots for the reindeer. Bye. Yours truly, Serena Westerveld Hullett Central. Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? What I would like for Christmas is a Barbie Doll and a colouring book. I have been a very good girl this year. How’s Rudolph and the other reindeer doing? I bet you are pretty busy making all those toys and getting ready for Christmas. Say hi to the reindeers and Mrs. Claus for me. Yours truly, Sarah Datema Grade 1, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, Hi, my name is Dana. I would like a barbie doll for Christmas. Also I would like a barbie car. I would like pink p.j.’s so I can keep warm at night. I also would like a very very big teddy bear. I would like a real ice cream set so I can make some ice cream and a big set of markers. I can’t wait until Christmas. I love you. Yours truly, Dana Prouse, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I would like a ghostbuster guy. I would also like a ninja turtle because it’s fun to play with. Could I also have markers for school because I don’t have any. I would like all these things because I would use them and play with them. Oh and could I have (also) a toy dinosaur. Yours truly, Blair Trewartha Hullett Central. P.S. Please fill my stocking. Dear Santa, I would like a big teddy bear for Cristnas. I would also like small doll. How is all of your raindeer doing say hi to then for me. Is there lots of snow over there if their is can you send some over here please. I hope you have a merry Cristmas and a happy new year. Yours truly, Amy Wilts Hullett Central. Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I would like a blue toy truck, a toy dog that walks and a book to read. I would also like a computer with a joystick and a pair of mittens. A control airplane and a deck of cards are also on my list. I’d also like a scarf and a baseball bat and a play gun. I have been a good boy. My sister, Lisa, wants P.J. Sparkles. Yours truly, Jeff Carter Kindergarten, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, So how are you and Rudolf doing? I promise that I will put out a treat for you and the reindeer. I think I’ve been pretty good other than a few things. What I want for Christmas? I want Little Miss Dressup, hush-a-bye Baby and clothes. Say hi to Comet, Cupid, Donner Blitzen, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vickson. And es- peshily Rudoulf. And say hi to al1 the elves and remember Twinky Yours truly, Shannon Scott Grade 4, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I like you very much. For Christmas I would like Barbie Jean Barbie and the Ken, the game Mopely, some colouring books, and some crayons. My baby sister wants a Cabbage Patch doll. My sister Melissa would like Super Star Barbie and the Ken. Yours truly, Katie Snell Grade 3, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, My name is Christopher. For Christmas I would like more cars, P.J. Sparkles, Baby Grows for Elizabeth. For my other sister Melissa, I would like a playhouse kitchen. I would also like Ninja Turtles and a video game, chess and battleship games. Before I forget a Ghostbuster Slim Bucket, Play treehouse and a Chrismas Tree for when I’m older. Yours truly, Chris Kindergarten, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I want a turbo hopper, I want the ghost buster base. I want some slime too. I want a turbo racing car set. I want the ghost buster back pack and the trap. And I want some dinky cars. And I want the Mac­ Donalds food set. I want a toy computer. I also want a new cabbige patch kid, a spiked hair one. I also want a toy lawnmower. I want a new video tape. I also would like a new typewriter. Gray Yours truly, Gray Grade 1, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I would like everything for Christmas. How are you and your reindeer. I also would like a radio for Christmas. I will leave cookies and milk out for you! I will see you at Christmas. Yours truly, Darren Armstrong Grade 1, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I want a Barbie Doll, play dough factory, dolls, a teddy bear, a little play horse, a real drum, a toy panda bear, dinamite game, a toy solider, and an abc puzzle. Thank Santa for the a barbie, two panada bear and aprent Christmas tree. Thank you for, some mallows, a barbie doll, a typewriter, a com­ puter. How is Rudolph Santa Claus? I am going to leave out some milk and cookies and a carrot for Rudolph. Yours truly, Vheetta Grade 1, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I want a transformer. Thank-You for everything you gave me last year. I wish you luck in your big trip. May I have a snow shovel to dig in the snow with, and a little teddy in my stocking. I’ll leave you some cookies and milk. How are your riendeer? And I want the puppy dog. May I have a kitty cat. Yours truly, Christopher Kindergarten, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, How are you and our elves and raindeers. I am fine. I have been a good girl this year. I wood like Oopesy Daisey for Chrismas. And I will leave you some milk and cookies and a picture like last year. And in my stocking I would like a bralit with my name on it. Bye now. Yours truly, Courtney Rutledge Grade 3, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, Hi how are you I’m fine how are your raindeer. For Christmas I want a dress. On Sunday, Dec. 3 I am have Christmas with my grampa. On Christmas night I will give you milk and cookies. In my stocking I want a book. Bye Santa Yours truly, Amanda Anderson Grade 4, Hullett Central. Dear Santa, I want a Barby car for Christmas and a Barby doll. How is your reindeer? How many girls and boys do you think are going to be good WALTON 887-6023 1-800-265-9685 this Christmas? I am being very very good.! How old are you Santa? How old are you Mrs. Santa? I love you Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause. You are kind and Generous and nice. I hope that all the girls and boys will get a present from you. Yours truly, Christina McClure Hullett Central. P.S. I love you. Dear Santa, I am Tiffany, I am six years old. How are you? Is Rudolph’s nose still shining? How’s Mrs. Claus. I would like a Sweety Pup, Little Miss Dress, and Barbie Power­ wheels. My sister Megan wants a P.J. Sparkles also, and a Sweety NOEL Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays to one and all! Doug Kirkby Ron McCallum Bill McClure KMM Drainage Walton A s we celebrate this joyous season. I would like to take this opportunity to offer greetings to all the residents of Huron County. On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I want to wish all a happy and prosperous New Year. I look forward to continuing to serve you in the New Year at Queen's Park and in my three riding offices. •-----—------------------------------------• EXETER...2350170 GODERICH... 524-9444 WINGHAM...3572463 TOLL FREE...ZENITH 14730 It’s the perfect opportunity for us to send you all our holiday best... along with our thanks for your patronage. Kitty, toy pots and pans for my toy kitchen. Well better go. Bye, Bye, Bye. Yours truly, Tiffany Reinhart Grade 1, Hullett Central. Dear Saint Nick, It’s me Melissa Medd writing again for another great year. I think I’ve been good (I hope). I’ve decided not to be greedy this year. I’ve been wondering about two questions. Don’t your elves get tired of working day and night? Well anyway give them my best and the reindeer. Speaking rein­ deer here’s another. How do the Continued on page 18 Jack Riddell MPP HURON PARLIAMENTARY ASSISTANT TO THE MINISTER OF NATURAL RESOURCES. DUNGANNON 529-7951 529-3133