HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-12-13, Page 8PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1989-
Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677
Walton UCW elects
new slate of officers
Bd. of Ed. takes no smoking stand
The basement of Duff s United
Church was beautifully decorated
in the Christmas Theme for the
U.C.W. December general meet
The tables were all set with
green cloths and Christmas table
centers and candles for the pot luck
supper. Marie McGavin played a
medley of Christmas Carols on the
piano prior to the meeting.
Walton II unit was in charge of
devotions. A warm welcome was
given to all the ladies present by
Marilyn McDonald who then led in
a sing-song. Marilyn read a poem.
Barb and Sarah Lamble favoured
the group with a duet accompanied
by their mother at the piano.
Assisting Marilyn in a dialogue
on the Christmas Story interspers
ed with Christmas hymns were:
Helen Williamson, Margaret
Craig, Kathleen Williamson, Max
ine Houston and Pearl McCallum.
This was concluded with an impres
sive lighting of candles by each of
the ladies. The U.C.W. purpose
was repeated un unison. The
offering was received and dedicat
ed with “We Give Thee but Thine
Own”. The favourite Christmas
carol, “Silent Night” closed this
part of the meeting and prayer was
given by Marilyn.
The business was conducted by
Olene Dennis opening with prayer.
Marilyn McDonald read minutes of
the executive meeting bringing
members up to date on coming
events. Members brought items to
be sent to the Friendship House in
Goderich. Olene expressed thanks
to Maxine Houston for all the
corsages she had made and given
to each one present that were worn
that evening. Dorothy Sholdice
presented the budget report for the
coming year. Leona presented Bon
nie Cole-Arnal with a gift on behalf
of the U.C.W.
Marion Godkin of the nominating
committee brought in the new slate
of officers for 1990 as follows: Past
President, Olene Dennis; Presi
dent, Dorothy Sholdice; first vice-
president, Marie McGavin; secre
tary, Doreen Hackwell; assistant,
Marjory Humphries; treasurer,
Duff's schedules
annual meetings
Rev. Bonnie Cole Arnal officiat
ed at the service Sunday morning
at Duff’s for the lighting of Advent
Organist was Glenda Carter.
Greeters were Mary Humphries
and Helen Williamson. December
ushers are Keith Wilbee, Emerson
Mitchell and Laverne McClure.
In Coming Events, Sunday, Dec.
24 there will be regular morning
services and a 7:30 p.m. service at
Leona McDonald; unit leaders,
Walton I, Phyllis Mitchell; Walton
II, Maxine Houston; nominations
Oelen Dennis, Viola Kirkby, Mar
garet Craig, Marilyn McDonald;
Communication Co-ordinator,
Kathleen Williamson, Melva Fra
ser, Helen Craig; Stewardship and
Finance, Marie McGavin, Olene
Dennis, Leona McDonald; Leader
ship and Development, Viola Kirk
by, Phyllis Mitchell, Maxine Hous
ton; Church in Society, Marie
Courts, Audrey Hackwell, Maxine
Marks; Christian Development and
World Outreach, Mary Humphries,
Heidi McClure, Gloria Love; Ar
chives, Edith Wey, Doreen Hack
well; Social Functions, Karen Hoe-
gy, Alice Searle; Music, Marjory
Humphries, Margery Huether and
Marie McGavin; Auditors, Doreen
Hackwell, Margaret Bennett.
U.C.W. representatives to
Manse Committee of the Official
Board are Marie McGavin and
Pearl McCallum; U.C.W. Repre
sentative to Offical Board, Dorothy
Sholdice; Communion preparation,
Viola Traviss, Mary Humphries.
Marie Courts made a presenta
tion of a U.C.W. pin and a Heritage
Book for Annie Reid to Edith Wey
who will deliver it to Annie who is
back in Stratford Hospital.
Olene Dennis presented the
lighting of candles for the new
executive to have new light to be
ever in your heart to lead the
U.C.W. and thanked all for their
help in the past two years. She
asked Dorothy Sholdice to take the
chair as the new President. Doro
thy accepted her new office and
asked for everyone’s help in the
year, ahead. Dorothy now asked
Olene to come forward to present
her with a life membership in the
United Church Women and the pin
was pinned on by Marie McGavin.
Although taken by surprise, Olene
made a fitting reply. A card of
wedding congratulations was sign
ed for Charles Swan, a former
minister at Duff’s who was married
on November 25.
The next general meeting will be
held in the New Year, Jan. 8. The
Benediction closed a lovely Christ
mas meeting.
Walton. Annual meetings will be
following a pot luck luncheon after
church on Sunday, Jan. 21 at
Bluevale and Sunday, January 28
at Walton. Please note that on Jan.
28 the service times will be
changed with Bluevale having the
early service at 9:55 a.m.
Articles for Survival Through
Friendship House may be left in
the box in the kitchen until Decem
ber 17.
Following a recommendation
from the Executive Committee at
the December meeting of the
Huron County Board of Education,
the trustees voted to make all
HCBE buildings smoke-free effec
tive January 1, 1990.
Bill 194, which was passed by the
provincial legislature, is an act
prohibiting smoking in the work
place. It was the understanding of
the board that if no action was
taken on their part then the Board
buildings automatically become
smoke-free as of the beginning of
the new year.
“Even though we knew that it
would pass without our action, we
as a board felt that we needed to
take a stand on no smoking,” Past
Chair of the Board and committee
member John Jewitt stated.
“We also recognize that there
will be difficulties enforcing the law
in schools as far as students
smoking on the grounds, but some
schools have already done it suc
cessfully in this area and should be
congratulated on their efforts.
Trustee Graeme Craig of Walt
on, who also served on the commit
tee, pointed out that the vote was
unanimous. “It was pretty compre
hensive; an idea whose time was
right,” he said.
The Committee considered the
Board’s responsibility in promoting
smoking cessation programs but
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have not reached a decision on
starting a program of their own.
“We recognize that there are
community programs out there,”
Jewitt says. “This does not mean
that in the future if we see a need
for them we won’t implement one.
We will do what we can to help.”