HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-12-06, Page 16PAGE 16 THE-CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1989. Letter to the Editor Reader wants enforcement not backwoods wimping THE EDITOR, At risk of offending the elected officials of Morris Twp. council I feel compelled to reply to a reference made to my establish­ ment in the Morris council news report of Nov. 15. (Clerk instructed to send Karl MacNaughton a letter suggesting he obtain a box to put his garbage in). This reference would suggest to the public that we leave our garbage outside unprotected from the elements and animals until pick-up day. NOT SO. We came to Walton Nov. 1988 and purchased the Walton Inn (Sage Hotel) property and spent six months renovating, refurbishing and cleaning up the place. When we opened in May 1989 we had in place a covered garbage bin con­ structed of wood to blend in with the surroundings, not one of those ugly steel boxes with some com­ pany name stamped on the side. Perhaps the council members should take a trip down to this end of the township to see that Walton is still on the map. My complaint to the Clerk was only way to address the original complaint (dogs running at large) is to have all the ratepayers on the Morris side of Walton (no pick-up on the Grey or McKillop side, except what’s carried across the road), leave their garbage in dogs- running-at-large proof containers so the contractor can spend extra time retrieving same. This is sure to raise the contract price next time it comes up for tender. Now in order to simplify things, would it not make good sense to simply enforce the By-law prohibiting dogs running at large. Before I came to Walton 1 was By-law Enforcement Officer for eight years for the Village of Lucan and realize that councils are gung- ho to pass certain By-laws but tend to be wimps when it comes to enforcement at the risk of offend­ ing the right people. Come on Morris Twp. Council: get off your duffs. Your township has been back-woodsy long enough. It’s nearly 1990. YOURS TRULY, KARL MACNAUGHTON, WALTON, ONTARIO. Long service this (first time): When 1 set the garbage at the curb on pick-up day (she called it dump day) from this protected, covered, blended-in wooden garbage bin, the dogs that run at large in Walton tear it to bits. The clerk said she would relay the message to the animal control officer. This person never called or came to see about the complaint at this time. Next week same thing, only this time I cleaned the garbage up twice. Low and behold to my surprise the following day, after the fact, the animal control officer showed up and tried to pass the buck. He suggested that I leave the garbage in the bin and have the contractor remove it on pick-up day. Makes reasonable sense to do this if all factors fall into place on pick-up day. (No vehicles parked in front of it, now snow removal, etc.) The way I see it one bag of garbage is the same as 10 and the Mrs. Higgins chosen new Pres, of Belgrave UCW nating committee’s list of officers for the next year as follows: Past President, Mrs. Ross Higgins; President, Mrs. Gordon Bosman; First vice-president, Mrs. James Hunter; Treasurer, Mrs. Les Shaw; Stewardship and Finance, Mis. Glenn Coultes; Secretary and Com­ munications, Mrs. Ross Anderson; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Harold Vincent; Church and Society, Mrs. Norman Cook, Mrs. Albert Cook; World Outreach, Mrs. William Coultes; Christian Development, Mrs. Clarence Yuill, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, Mrs. John Roberts; In Church services, Mrs. Mike Cot­ trill, Mrs. Laura Johnston, Mrs. James Lamont. The Social Committee includes Mrs. Florence McArter, Mrs. Laura Johnston, Mrs. John Camp­ bell, Mrs. Les Shaw, Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mrs. Lome Campbell, Mrs. Les Vincent; Leadership and Develop­ ment, Mrs. Dorothy Logan; Ar­ chives, Mrs. Olive Bolt; Auditors, Mrs. Lloyd Michie, Mrs. Ronald Cook; Pianist, Mrs. George John­ ston; Nominating Committee, Mrs. Robert Grasby, Mrs. George Proc­ ter, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. Sam Pletch. Three Blyth firemen, Don Craig (second from left), Jim Howson (centre) and Clarence Bailie (second from right) received 25 year pins from the Ontario Fire Marshall’s office in a ceremony in London November 10. Accompanying them werecurrent firechief Paul Josling (left) and retired chief Irvin Bowes (right) and the firemen’s wives. carrot NAME CITY POSTALCODE I HAVE ENCLOSED MY PAYMENT OF 19.00 WITH THIS ORDER Give them a gift every week of the PER YEAR IN CANADA Please send a Gift Subscription for “The Citizen To an attractive Christmas gift subscription card too! ....................................J