HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-08-09, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1989 Classified FAST DEPENDABLE HIGHLY VISIBLE RATES 20 words or less only $3.00. Additional words 12c each. Extra billing charge 50c will be added if not paid the following Wednesday. DEADLINE 2 P.M. MONDAY IN BRUSSELS. 4 P.M. MONDAY IN BLYTH. ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE O BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEAN- er, brand new. Phone 523-9193 after 7 p.m. 32-lp CUCUMBERS FOR SALE. PHONE 527-2650. 31-2 HIGH PRESSURE WASHER 500 lbs., extra 25 ft. high pressure hose. Phone 523-9523. 32-lp NEW AND USED SATELLITE systems for lease to own or rent with monthly payments. L. & A. Southwest Satellite, RR 2, Clinton, 524-9595. 12-tfn BUILDINGS - FACTORY INVEN- tory, 28 x 40 $3,986; 40 x 60 $5,450; 46 x 90 $8,900; 60 x 20 $17,000. Clear Span Widths from 20 feet to 240 feet. Call now 1-800-668-4338 or (416) 792-2704. 32-lp PORTABLE GRAIN AERATOR dryer. Stable cleaner drive unit. Call 887-6875. 32-1 STEEL BUILDINGS “SUMMER Sellebration” on Quonsets and S. Series straightwall. Payments, lease or purchase, we have a plan for everyone. Call Future 1-800- 668-8653. 32-lp LASER CONCEPT TREATMENT centres. Licenses now available starting at $3,000. STOP SMOK­ ING and LOSE WEIGHT. Ancient acupuncture/Auricular therapy. New, soft laser technology. Exten­ sive corporate training and certifi­ cation. On-going support and edu­ cation for future uses. Amazing return on investment. S. C. Marke­ ting, Your Success Connection, (519) 652-5321. Ask for Ian. 32-lp CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1989 GUIDE TO STUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book­ keeping, Electronics, Legal/Medi- cal Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. 32-lp YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH ... Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-265-0400 - Cambridge. 32-lp TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for class “A” licence. No experi­ ence necessary. Proven job place­ ment assistance. Market Institute of Professional Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173 . 32-lp COMING EVENTS BRUSSELS AGRICULTURAL Society is taking a bus to C.N.E. for Queen of the Fair Competition (if enough interest) August 16/89. Seats approx. $12. Contact Barb Mutter 887-6117 or Jim Hunter 357-1420 to reserve a seat. 30-3 DON’T MISS BLYTH FESTIVAL Gourmet Dinner - Saturday, August 12, 1989 at the Blyth Community Centre (Tickets $20.00 per person). Please call Box Office for more information or tickets - 523-9300/9225 . 31-2 F FREE FIREWOOD - MOSTLY poplar, to be cleared by mid-Sep- tember. Call 887-6306. 32-1 250 CEDAR FENCE RAILS AND one circular saw. Phone 357-2706 in the evening please. 32-2p LOVESEAT AND MATCHING chair, flowered pattern, in good condition. For information call 887-6915. 32-1 A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. New types, steel & wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers (416) 626-1794. Leave message or call collect after 6 p.m., weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochures. 32-lp DIVERSIFY FOR SUCCESS! Ex­ cellent add-on service for toning, tanning or beauty salons. European Body Wraps International detoxi­ fies and tightens soft tissue and skin - used internationally. Sum­ mer special (before August 15th) on starter kit $1,995. S. C. Market­ ing - Your Success Connection. 1-800-265-4634. 32-lp LEARN AUCTIONEERING AT the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: October 20 - 28/89. For information contact: Southwestern School of Auction­ eering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 32-lp GARAGE YARD SALE GIANT YARD SALE - AUGUST 12, 9 a.m. Four Seasons Campground, Auburn. Rain or Shine. 32-1 2 REGISTERED TREEING Walker coon hounds, 7 years old, also a kennel with insulated dog house. CB radio. Phone 526-7281. 32-1 1 JACOBSON LAWN MOWER, 12 h.p., 3 gang, cuts 84”. Nice shape. Phone 291-1709. 32-2p NORITAKE CHINA SALE! TER- rific discount on current patterns. Delivered well packed, insured. Specify your Noritake pattern. For price list, shipping details, call Alexander’s, “The Noritake Ex­ perts”, Toronto. Toll free: 1-800- 263-5896 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. EDT. Clip and save. 32-lp CARD OF THANKS ALEXANDER. We wish to express our appreciation to the Brussels Fire Department and Grey Town­ ship Fire Department for their quick response to the fire which otherwise would have been costly and disastrous. - The Alexander Family of Ethel. 32-lp FOUR SETS OF GREEN SHEER drapes (84 long x 66 wide). Phone 523-4223. 32-1 TURNBERRY UPHOLSTERY, Brussels - sofas and chairs, recov­ ered like new! Free estimates, pick-up and delivery. Workman­ ship guaranteed. Call 887-6073. 30-4 BEST BUILDING BUYS - SAVE thousands while supply lasts - all steel and wood/steel models - excess stock clearance - straight­ wall and quonset types - PARA­ GON STEEL 1-800-263-8499 (24 hours). 32-lp BE A PROFESSIONAL! Aesthetician, electrologist, nail technician, pedicurist. Courses full and part time. Financial assistance to qualifying students. Enroll now for September. Contact: Gina’s School of Aesthetics and Electroly­ sis. Toronto (416) 782-5737, Water­ loo (519) 886-2090. 32-lp MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE, Saturday, August 12, 9:30 - ? Hwy. 4, second farm on left, south of Belgrave. 32-1 GARAGE SALE - AUGUST 12 AT 9 a.m., 1/2 mile south of Diesel Car Diner or 6 miles North of Brussels on County Road 12. Rain or Shine. 32-lp COMING EVENTS COMMUNITY SHOWER AT THE Cranbrook Hall for Verna Perrie, August 16 at 7:30 p.m. 32-2 YARD SALE: SATURDAY 8 TO 4, at Today’s Variety in Londesboro, weather permitting. Spaces avail­ able for anyone wishing to join. Many interesting items for sale. Phone 523-9790. 29-7 YEAR-OLD HENS, DRESSED and bagged for freezer, averaging 6 lbs. $4.25 each. No Sunday sales. Phone Len Hordyk 335-3468. 30-3 PORK: HOME GROWN, GOV’T, inspected. Sausage $1.80/lb., Pat­ ties $1.80/lb., Ham Steak $2.70/ lb., Butt Chops $1.50/lb., Brad and Trish Thomson, 523-9723. 31-5p FACTORY SUMMER SALE - Steel Buildings. Quonset “S” 20 x 40 = $3,823 with sliding doors. Straightwall 30 x 40 = $5,450 with endwalls. Other sizes and styles available - Low Prices. Pioneer/ Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). 32-lp BOVEN. Thank you to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for all the food, visits, cards, prayers, flowers and other help we received in the passing away of dear Albert. A special thank you to Rev. Lammers for being here at this time and to Herb and Henry for taking care of all the necessary arrangements and so much more. It is greatly appreciated and will always be remembered. Thanks again. - Helen, Michael, Laurie, Casey, and Kelly. 32-1 BLYTH FESTIVAL YOUNG COM- pany performs “Christmas in Clover” at the garage on Dinsley Street: August 10 (11 a.m., 7p.m.), 11 (11 a.m., 7 p.m.), and August 12 (11 a.m., 5 p.m.). Tickets on sale at the door. 32-1 LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT Lions Club Dabber Bingo every Sunday, Lucknow Community Cen­ tre, 7:15 p.m. Doors open 6:15 p.m. Air conditioned. Wheel chair acces­ sible. Potential prize board over $3,000. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go. 14-tfn HAY STRAW 25 ACRES OF BARLEY STRAW IN swath. Call Andy Henry 335-3240. 31-2 HELP WANTED CHICKEN CATCHERS PART- time and full-time work available now! Also special student hours available. Call free 1-800-265-3034. 01-tfn 1977 TENT TRAILER, ASKING $400, needs repairs. 1978 Chrysler Cordoba, as is. asking $1,000 or best offer. Call 887-6924. 31-2 EXCELLENT ROASTING HENS around 5Vi to 6 lbs. $5 each. Freezer ready. Limited quantities available this year. Order now for pick-up August 14 18. Call Rick Forbes, 482-3127 (after 8 p.m.). 29-4 BEFURT. Herb and Teresa are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Evan Alexander, weigh­ ing 8 lbs. 7 oz. on July 24 at 7:59 a.m. at K-W Hospital, a brother for Christina and Ryan. Spoiling privi­ leges go to grandparents Eric and Bernice Prescott, Brussels and Wilhelm and Margaret Befurt of Ethel. THE BLYTH LEGION would like to thank the following donors who gave prizes for our Golf Day held on July 29: Labatts, Rieders, Huron Tractor, UCO Auburn, Radford Auto, Blyth Festival, Lawrie Decor­ ating, N. D. Cameron, Elliott Lapp, Clare Vincent, Manning’s Sports Shop, Wingham Golf Club. 32-lp THE FAMILY OF LEE AND LILA Rintoul wish to invite everyone to a reception to celebrate their 25th anniversary on August 19, 1989 at the Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing 9 - 1 a.m. Best Wishes Only. 32-lb PART-TIME CARING, RESPONSI- ble person required to care for 6 month old child in my home. Light housekeeping duties, starting Sep­ tember. Call 887-9648. 32-2 SHERLOCK-MANNING 40” UP- right piano in excellent condition - walnut case. Tuned every year. No conditioning needed. Phone Shirley E. Vincent 523-4474. 31-2p PEACHES AND PEARS - MUST pre-order. Phone 887-9483, Karen Bowles, Lot 26, Con. 12, Grey, RR 3, Brussels. 31-2 HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL Notes, stories of the history of Huron County, $2.50 at The Citi­ zen, Blyth or Brussels or The Saga, Blyth. 49-tfn O BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROW FOR IT! $$$ RAISE BAIT- worms at home. Guaranteed mar­ ket. Odourless. Low investment. We train! Representatives throughout Ontario. Early Bird Ecology (1975) R.R. #1, Smithville, Ont. LOR 2A0. - (416) 643-4251, Alliston Area (705) 435-7463, North Bay Area (705) 776-7084. 32-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Restaurant in scenic tourist town. Escalating sales over eight years. Licensed, fully equipped, paved parking. Seating: Dining Room 82, Patio 38, Banquet Hall 92. Inquir­ ies: Granary Restaurant, Box 263, Eganville, Ontario. K0J 1T0. 32-lp SMITH. The family of the late Evelyn Smith would like to express their heartfelt thanks to their families, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, charitable donations, cards, and sympathy received during our re­ cent bereavement in the sudden loss of our mother, and sister. A special thank you to Lenora Davi­ son and Vera Badley, to Rev. Lorenzo Ramirez for his comforting words, and to the ladies of Blyth United Church for serving lunch after the funeral. Special thanks also to all those that brought food and baking to our home, and to the Tasker Funeral Home for their help and understanding in our time of sorrow. - The Charlie Smith Family and Gordon McDowell. 32-lp BLYTH LIONS DABBER BINGO, every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Blyth & District Community Centre. $300 Jackpot must go. Over $1,000 in prizes. 43-tfn DAIRY FARMER LOOKING FOR experienced part-time help. Phone 529-7670. 32-1 FALL HELP WANTED - FULL OR part-time waitress or waiter and cook. Apply at the Classic Restaur­ ant, 523-9623. 32-1 four Message Comes Across In the Classifieds AUGUST 11, 12 AND 13 - NEW Dungannon Fair and Family Fun Days, featuring horse and antique tractor pull, beef barbecue, antique car show, toy show and sale, dances, midway and much more. For information or tickets call 529-7432 or 524-7990. 29-4 BARTENDER, FULL-TIME. Apply at The Blyth Inn, 523-9381. 32-2b ENJOY BARBECUED PORK chops, and fresh Ontario produce and listen to area entertainers at the 6th Annual Jack Riddell Family Barbecue and Talent Show on Wednesday, August 16 at the Riddell Farm on Highway 83, midway between Exeter and Dash­ wood. Dinner served from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Adults $12; elementary school aged children $5; pre­ schoolers free. For tickets or infor­ mation phone 235-2853, 482-3407, or 357-3855. 31-2 % CALL CITIZEN CLASSIFIED AT 523-4792 OR 887-9114 24 HOURS A DAY QUALIFIED MECHANIC RE- quired to take over shop. Various terms available including possible partnership. Brussels area. Phone 887-6361. 29-4 WANT MONEY! WANT TO HAVE fun! Ladies, our Home Lingerie Company wants you! No deliveries. Earn $25-$30+ per hour. Seen on Phil Donahue Show. Full/part-time positions available. Call 1-800-265- 8541 or 519-273-5308. 32-lp TELEMARKETING DIRECTORS - no experience necessary. Will train. $750/week, plus. Car a must. Extensive travel. Immediate open­ ings. More iformation: -(416) 476- 2307, Phil.