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The Citizen, 1989-08-02, Page 23
THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1989. PAGE 23. Theatre review Classic play brings new laughs for Stratford audience BY USA BOONSTOPPEL After watching Friday night’s performance of “The Relapse” at the Avon Theatre in Stratford, I knew it was a success and the boisterous laughter of the titillated crowd affirmed my opinion. “The Relapse” is a story of many different kinds of love. There is real love, pretended love, adul terous love, lustful love and self- love about which the two intertwin ing plots of the play revolve. “The Relapse” of the title refers to Loveless, played by Nicholas Pen nell who. though he desperately tries, cannot remain faithful to his wife Amanda, who is played by Wenna Shaw. When Amanda in vites her flirtatious cousin Berin- thia, played by Goldie Semple, to live with them. Loveless once again relapses to his libertine ways. Berinthia then enlists the help of her former suitor, Worthy, played by Geordie Johnson, to seduce the virtuous Amanda whom he has a secret passion for. In the meantime, Sir Novelty Fashion, the newly created Lord Foppington. bedecks himself in a humorous episode to visit the ‘Red Hot Lover" people of London (where the play is situated) to acquaint them with his new title. Here, he encounters Amanda and makes a pass at her which earns him a sword in the chest. Lord Foppington isn’t too popu lar with his brother, Young Fashion, either. Young Fashion has just arrived in London penniless and beseaches his wealthy brother for funds: But the stingy Lord Foppington will not extend funds to his younger brother. The thwarted brother devises a plan to introduce himself as Lord Foppington and marry his brother’s betrothed who is not wanting for money. These events lead to the confus- sets Playhouse afire “Red Hot Simon” was the description that several critics in dependently hit on in referring to Neil Simon when, at the end of 1969 his ninth big hit in a row opened on Broadway, “The Last Of The Red Hot Lovers”. This “hot hit” by the talented Neil Simon runs at Huron Country Playhouse, on the mainstage, from August 1 to August 12. “The Last Of The Red Hot Lovers” is about a mild man who yearns for one big fling in his middle-aged, tranquil and faithful married life. Guy Sanvido plays the 47 year old Barney Cashman, who has been married twenty-three faithful years, prior to which he had only one premarital sexual experience consisting of a 15 minute profes sional engagement with a 44 year old tart in Newark. Now, at 47 Barney has heard about sex and freedom and feels that life is passing him by and that death is relentlessly creeping up on him. Barney decides that in the moral climate of his time he is obliged to undertake a foray into adultery. Barney’s battle to join the sexual revolution unfolds in three disastrous and unavailing acts. He is too decent a fellow to be a Don Juan, no matter how hard he tries. His first mistake is to invite his three partners in sin to meet him in the neat and respectable apartment of his mother on afternoons when ,she is away. The atmosphere is ridiculously unsuitable, and his air of a little boy’s sneaking into naughtiness while mama’s away is increased by a tight schedule: Mother is due home at five o’clock. Barney keeps adding other mis takes of strategy and tactics with the three willing ladies who have accepted his invitations to Mama’s apartment on various Friday after noons. His first attempt is with a regular patron of his restaurant with a passion for fish and husbands other than her own. She smokes, she drinks, she uses four-letter euphe misms for four-letter words with a tough abandon. The tough seafood lover, whose cynicism and hard ness conflicts with Barney’s sense on delicacy and romance, Is played by Marsha Nicols. Dreamland superb Continued from page 22 approach that jumps frequently from past to present, and may be confusing for some. This seems to be a common tendency in theatre today, and one does wonder why. Is there a reason a play can’t follow in chronological order or is that no longer considered art? Nonetheless, “Dreamland” is one of the most entertaining, well- produced plays at Blyth this sea son. Shelley Hoffman will play Bobbie Michele, who plays another poor candidate for a memorable exper ience. Bobbi is freaky, spaced out and overwhelms the middle-aged Romeo with her compulsive, non stop outlandish chatter retailing her past adventures. Barney makes his third and final attempt at sinning with is wifes best friend, Jeanette Fisher. Jenny Turner takes on the role of Jean ette, who shows more interest in lecturing her host on the sinfulness of the present-day world, and in telling weepily of her own misery in marriage than in anything else. She is so depressing that she almost offers the wages of sin without the actual labour. “The Last Of The Red H6t Lovers” has been called one of Simon’s most human comedies and joins a list of stage successes that include: “Barefoot In The Park”, “The Odd Couple”, “The Star-Spangled Girl”, “California Suite”, and “Biloxi Blues” to name a few. “The Last Of The Red Hot Lovers” runs on the mainstage Monday to Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday matinees at 2:30 p.m. of the play, John such a fine job in humour stands the ing ending where adulterers are discovered, advances are rejected, beds are made and all receive their just desserts. The writer Vanbrugh did 1697 that the test of time, but it is the actors in this Stratford production that earn a standing ©vation. Lord Foppington is played by Brian Bedford, an actor with con summate skill. When he came on stage, resplendant in his outlan dish attire and his pretentious attitude, I laughed. When he said “stop me vitals” followed by a piggish snort, I laughed even harder. In fact, every time he came on stage, I laughed. Mr. Bedford stole the show. Watching this award-winning ac tor, you are immediately aware that he is at home on the stage, especially the Stratford stage. This is Mr. Bedford’s ninth season in Stratford since his Stratford debut in 1975 and he is well-worth seeing. The only other actor in the production that equalled his per formance was Goldie Semple in the role of Berinthia. She earned herself many a laugh with her excellent portrayal of the danger ously flirtatious and uninhibited Berinthia. Along with these fine actors, the play had those extra touches that made this production a first-class one. The set design was really phenomenal. It was beautiful and very grand. It’s designer, Michael Eagen should be commended for his imagination and creativity. He pulled out all the stops. The play even featured a moving ship which had a magnificent effect on the appreciative audience. The audience received another treat when a canine star, Max the dog, in a clever bid for laughs trotted on stage to fetch a killed duck from an exploding gun. Even the names of the characters in the play are a treat. For example, the surgeons name is Syringe, a farm hand is called Hayseed and a nurse is called Compliant (she wasn’t exactly virtuous). The play’s fault lies in its ending. It leaves the unprepared viewer hanging in midair. Upon further research, one discovers that ‘The Relapse’ is a sequel to another play which doesn’t allow for an uncon ventional ending, but it’s not fair to the unknown watcher who is ex pecting a funny finale to the production. If the viewer knows about the ending, then ‘The Relapse’ is Faultless. The play is an excellent choice for a well-spent evening on the town. Huron riding gets grants Minister for Disabled Persons Remo Mancini has announced that Egmondville United Church in Seaforth will be receiving a grant from the Acess Fund in the amount of $50,000. The church had applied for the funding in order to assist them in making additions and alterations to the existing building which will provide for easier access. The project will include addition of a lift and handicapped washroom, stair renovations, addition of a ramped sidewalk, and parking space. The Huron County Library Board has recently been the recipient of a $2,200 grant from the Minister of Culture and Communications to assist with the purchase of video cassettes for the library. ■■bob wj -■ -■ wj J wnJ mJ mJ mmJ mbommm mJ mJ mmJ wj wsbsmJ Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information S Playing from Friday to Thursday, August 4 to 10 “ 1 1 I DOUGANDTHESLUGS^i. LIVE AT 8 M. & G. CENTRE SAT. AUG. 19 9-1 ADVANCE Call 887-9403 TICKETS $10.00 887-6072 today INDIANA JONES ENDS THURSDAY FRI.-THURS. JULY 28-AUG. 03 FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 P.M. SUN.-THURS. 8 P.M. for VERNA PERRIE & ROB WILLIE Fri., Aug.49-1 B.M.&G.CENTRE SWEET SIXTEEN” TRACY Aug. 8th/89 Showtimes: Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and 9:15p.m. Sunday to Thursday - One Show each evening at 8:00 p.m. PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA THURS., FRI., SAT. 5P.M.-12A.M. BLYTH INN EAT IN OR TAKE OUT 523-9381 Love Mom, Dad, * Ryan & Jeff PARK THEATRE 2 PARENTAL « GUIDANCE GHOSTBUSTERS II F LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE INFO. HAVING A PARTY? ASK FOR YOUR FREE HURON________________ CqL'XTERMEASI.'KES ’89 driver! COASTERS Available at all Huron County LCBO Retail Outlets AUGUST 4 - 7/89. FUNDS FOR PARTY KITS PROVIDED BY SPONSORED BY: HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT A REFERRAL CENTRE Bctttoni^ (DEAS & INFO RECIPE BOOK & Brewers’ MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE CXNX RADIO