HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-07-19, Page 22PAGE 22. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1989.
Riddell announces more
Waste Management
Young stars
Introducing themselves totheircaptiveaudienceare (from left to right) Lisa Stamper of Wingham,
Caitlin Cochrane-Chick from London, Pamela Stamper from Wingham, Heather Morton from
Belgrave and Jenny McDonnell from Blyth. The girls presented the play ‘The Gang at the Beach’
which they wrote in the Youth Workshop at the Blyth Festival on July 14.
Bly th Scout group plans for next season
The 1st Blyth Group Committee
for Scouting met on June 1 at Blyth
Public School.
The bake sale in April grossed
$166.30 and the bottle drive in May
grossed $269.65. Through pledges
for “Trees For Canada” $596.54
was raised. Thirty per cent of this
goes to Huron District Council
leaving Blyth with $417.58. Group
Committee members and leaders
expressed their thanks to the
communities of Auburn, Blyth and
Londesboro for supporting these
Three more tents were purchas
ed for the Cubs for upcoming
camping at a cost of $325.05. A fire
extinguisher was also purchased
for $37.00. Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Sparling donated a propane cook
stove to the Cubs and Jim and Effie
McCall donated a dining tent. The
cooks for Cub Camp were very
Carol McDonnell proudly points out the quilt that was unveiled at the Festival on Sunday. The quilt
consists of 454 Blyth area residents names of many years ago. Many familiar names to the community
are visible, such as Laidlaw, Hallahan, Radford, and Dr. Milne. Blyth octogenarian Nora Kelly
remembers the quilt being made when she was a little girl.
Beaveree on May 27.
Cubs had a final lesson in
campfire building before camp.
Jim Howson gave the boys a tour of
the Fire Hall and showed them the
rescue unit. Seventeen boys, two
leaders, one helper and three
appreciative of these donations.
Beavers finished off their year by
having a sing-song at Queens
Villa and presenting the residents
with Canadian Flags that they have
made themselves. Nine boys, one
leader and five helpers attended
MNR office won’t sell
licences after July 31
Effective July 31, the Wingham
office of the Ministry of Natural
Resources will not be selling hunt
ing and fishing licences.
“In order that the Ministry is not
competing with local licence issu
ers, we will not be issuing hunting
and fishing licences out of this
office after July 31”, said District
Administration Supervisor Orville
Crawford. This approach brings us
into line with other Ministry offices
across Ontario. Because of the low
relative numbers, plus the need to
keep records, the Ministry will
continue to issue raccoon licences,
raccoon dog licences, bait fish
licences and trappers’ licences.”
Anyone requiring hunting and/
or fishing licences locally can
purchase them at the Canadian
Tire Stores, Wingham Sales Arena
Ltd., Hook, Line and Sinker, ABC
Sporting Goods, Oldfield Pro Hard
ware, Brussels and Maxine’s Snack
Bar, Auburn.
A total of $289,746 has been
allocated to various townships in
the Huron riding under Environ
ment Ontario’s Waste Manage
ment Improvement Program.
Goderich will receive a $225,000
grant from the Ministry of Environ
ment, and Wingham is eligible for
a grant of $22,800. The money will
be used to defray costs associated
with the final closure of existing
landfill sites.
Five additional townships are
also eligible for grants. The Town
ship of Seaforth will receive
$16,026, Usborne will get a $12,000
grant, Turnberry is in line for a
$6,900 grant, Hensail will receive
$4,770, and Hay Township is
eligible for a $2,250 grant.
The announcements were
by Environment Minister
Bradley last week.
“These initiatives have
extremely well received,”
Bradley said. “They offer munici
palities an opportunity to become
actively involved with my Ministry
in meeting provincial requirements
designed to protect the environ
The Waste Management Im
provement Program is designed to
assist local municipalities to up
grade their waste disposal sites in
accordance with the provincial
part-time helpers attended the
Benmiller campout May 26 - 28.
Scouts attended Sarnia District
Camp May 5 - 7. They did not
attend the Huron District Camp at
Benmiller. Scouts hope to do some
canoeing and camp during the
The Huron District meeting on
June 6 at the Clinton Legion was
attended by chairperson Trish
Thomson. Huron District Beaveree
on May 27 at -B.enmiller was
attended by 158 boys and 72 adults.
Huron District Campout, May 26 -
28, had 508 registered.
Over the past year, National
Council has been debating changes
to Section uniforms. The Beaver
uniform will remain the same. All
other sections will be required to
wear tan shirts and navy pants or
shorts. Cubs will put badges on a
sash similar to the Scouts. These
changes will be phased in over the
next three years.
Boys, leaders or any interested
person can design a new crest for
the Huron District Camp at Ben
miller with a deadline of Dec. 15.
Several information nights for
sponsors, group committee and
new leaders have been planned for
the fall.
Huron District President for the
upcoming year will be Tom Chap
man; 1st Vice, Jim Thomas; Trea
surer, Cathy Semple; Secretary,
Jan Wiggelsworth and District
Commissioner, Janet Cameron.
Even though the sections have
ceased meetings for this year the
work of Group Committee carries
on. Facilities have already been
booked for next year’s meetings.
Beavers will meet Tuesday night at
the Legion from 7:00 - 8:00. Cubs
will meet at the Blyth Public School
on Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9:00.
Scouts will also be at the Blyth
Public School but on Tuesdays from
7:30 - 9:00. Registration for ‘89-’9O
will be on Monday, Sept. 11, 7:00 -
8:00 in the Blyth Public
A recent addition to the
Committee is Rev. Dave
who will be the chaplain
sections this coming year.
Blyth Broomball league recently
donated a truckload of beer cans to
Blyth Scouting for a total of $105.
All sections are still in need of
leaders for the coming year. Please
show the youth of this community
that you care about their future by
becoming a leader now.
for all