HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-07-19, Page 12PAGE 12. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1989.
Golden day
Martin and Catherine Baan of RR 3, Walton were honoured at an Open House this past Sunday at the
Brussels Mennonite Fellowship Hall to commemorate their golden wedding anniversary. The couple
were married in Gouda, Holland on February 22, 1939.
Morris discusses landfill concerns
Baans celebrate
golden anniversary
Ross Goll and Calvin James,
attendants at the Morris landfill
site, attended the meeting of
Morris Council on July 3, to discuss
various concerns about the site.
Mr. James suggested that signs
should be posted, that recycling
materials must be cleaned and only
newsprint will be accepted in the
paper bin. They also requested that
No Trespassing signs be posted as
people are dumping at unauthoriz
ed times.
Council advised Mr. Goll to
unlock the gate at 9 a.m. when
Mr. James arrives at the site. He
should then go to pick up the
tractor as at the end of the day. He
should leave with the tractor at 4:45
and close the gate at 5:00 p.m. Mr.
James requested a key for the
Council mentioned that Mr.
James had been hired for the
recycling bin, while Mr. Goll was
hired to look after the remainder of
the garbage and help people back
up to the face of the site.
The attendants were asked how
the proceeds from scrap steel that
are kept in a separate bin and sold
to a company in London are
divided. The gentlemen advised
that the proceeds are split 50-50
between Mr. James and Mr. Goll.
Reeve Fraser informed the at
tendants that council was pleased
with their work and told them to
keep it up.
The progress at Brown’s Bridge
was discussed, as was the construc
tion on the 7th Concession. It was
also noted that the driveway into
George Taylor’s and Roy Brenie’s
homes in Walton needed additional
gravel as the lanes are too steep.
Following a motion by Clem
McLellan it was decided that $33
should be granted to the Seaforth
Shower held for Debbie Clark
On June 4 the attendants of
Debbie Clark of Wingham held a
bridal shower in her honour at the
Legion Hall in Wingham.
Lori Appleby welcomed everyone
to the shower, then introduced the
special guests. Corsages were pin
ned on the bride-to-be, Debbie
Clark, her mother, Carol Clark and
the groom’s mother, Lillian Apple
by. Tharon Riley explained the
“Debbie” game which everyone
played as Debbie opened her gifts.
Terry Armstrong. London, aunt
of the groom read a poem she had
It was decided that a letter be
mailed to the Ministry of Natural
Resources in Wingham advising
them that Council had received the
information concerning the propos
ed improvements to the fish habitat
in the Belgrave Creek, Blyth Brook,
and the Sunshine Creek in Morris
Township. Council wished to ad
vise the Ministry that they feel that
agriculture should have priority
over fish in prime agriculture areas
and that the municipality should
have authority to repair any muni
cipal drain which requires repairs,
even if the fish habitat is disturbed.
They also stated that they believe
too much emphasis is placed on the
protection of the fish habitat and
requested a reply from the Ministry
of Natural Resources.
A ratepayer in Morris Township
asked that her views concerning
the financial status of the Wingham
Day Care be mentioned. The
ratepayer believes that Morris
Township should be responsible for
their ratepayers and the Town of
Wingham should not have to pay to
subsidize out of town children. She
stated that the Centre is a credit to
the community and should be
treated as such.
A letter was received from
Heather Keetch, the Morris ap
pointee to the Hospital Board. Mrs.
Keetch is moving and advised
Council that she could no longer
retain her position. The name of a
possible candidate was mentioned
at that time by Reeve Fraser.
Bert Elliott and Wayne Riley
advised Council of the discussions
of the Wingham Fire Board con
cerning the hiring of a full-time
deputy chief. The Board has made
no decision on this matter. It was
also mentioned that there is a
problem in the department to find
interested people to man it.
written titled “The Ballad of Larry
and Debbie”. Lori Appleby then
read the poem which she had
written to Debbie, and the gifts
were opened by Debbie assisted by
her bridesmaids.
Debbie thanked everyone for the
lovely gifts and a lunch of cake and
ice cream was served by the
attendants Tharon Riley, Lori
Appleby, Lianne Swanson, Brenda
Howard, Lynn Howard and Melissa
On June 29, Thelma Johnston,
aunt of the groom, held a “Surprise
Dan Hallman, Andy Hallman,
and Ann Hunter have expressed
interest in purchasing the property
at Lot 15, Concession 6. Council
advised them that they would be
notified when the property was
listed for public tender.
Canadian Agra has agreed to
deed to the Township of Morris
Part 3 on the survey plan for that
same lot. This is the land to the
high water level and east to
Sideroad 15-16. The Huron County
Board of Education has agreed to
quit claim of Part 2 to the Township
but request their pro-rated portion
of the sale of the property. Wayne
Riley made a motion that the
Township accept the offer of Cana
dian Agra Inc. and the Huron
County Board of Education to deed
Part 3 and 2, respectively, to the
township of Morris and authorize
Alan Mill to proceed as soon as
possible with the execution of
property. This was seconded by
Clem McLellan and carried.
A grant of $1500 was given to the
Recreation Committee for payment
of accounts in July, 1989.
Road accounts in the amount of
$33,685.17 and general accounts
amounting to $31,655.61 are to be
paid in full.
Councillor Deloris Souch men
tioned that she had been disappoin
ted with the grass cutting this year
and did not feel that the mower was
working properly. Road Superin
tendent Lloyd Michie stated that
the mower had been damaged and
parts were on order.
Following adjournment the Re
creation Committee met with
Reeve Douglas Fraser chairing the
meeting. Grants of $500 to the
Walton Sports Club and $1,000 to
the Belgrave Community Centre
Board were authorized by the
Shower” at her home in Blyth for
Thelma pinned corsages on Deb
bie and mothers Carol and Lillian.
Kelly Cook and Danielle McDou
gall conducted a couple of contests.
Diane Anderson gave a humorous
reading. Kelly then read the
address she had written, to Debbie
before she opened her gifts.
Debbie then thanked everyone
for the lovely useful gifts. Lunch
and a social time were then enjoye J
by all.
An Open House was held at the
Brussels Mennonite Fellowship
Hall on Sunday, July 16, 1989 in
honour of the golden anniversary of
Martin and Catherine Baan of
Walton. Two hundred people were
there to commemorate the special
The Baans were married on
February 22, 1939 in Gouda, Hol
land then immigrated to Saskat
chewan where they lived until
1946. At this time they returned to
Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677
Former resident honoured
at community shower
The basement of Duff’s United
Church was tastefully decorated in
blue and white streamers and bells
for the bridal shower for Patricia
Hackwell of Toronto, formerly of
Walton. The community attended
along with former friends from
surrounding towns.
Sandra Sholdice and Cathy Ryan
were in charge of writing names of
guests on the cameo cloth as they
arrived. Dorothy Sholdice was mis
tress of ceremonies for the program
Guests visit Gulutzens
On Sunday, July 9, Clint and
Judy Emmrich, Jamie and Katie;
Ruth Thamer, daughter Ruthie;
Steve and Darlene Radford, visited
at the home of Alex and Pauline
Gulutzen to help them celebrate an
anniversary with a beef barbecue.
Visiting with Gerald and Berva
Watson recently were their daugh
ter Ann and husband Sal Cureri
In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O.
1980, Chapter 337, Part 4, and in the matter of the lands
and premises set out below, in the Province of Ontario:
Notice of Intention to Designate.
Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the
TownshipofGreyonthe26thday of June, 1989, decided
to designate the lands and buildings, set out below as a
propertyof historical value in interest underthe Ontario
Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337, Part4. Short
statement of the reasons for the proposed designation.
The former Knox Church Moncrieff, part lot 31,
concession 16, has been recommended for designation
for historical and architectural purposes. The Church
was officially opened in 1912 and remained in operation
until 1976. The off-set cornerstone brick-work on both
the main building and 60 foot tower contributes to a very
solid and unique appearance. Other unique physical
features include the cedar shingle roof and stylized
thistle emblems in each keystone above the windows on
the upper level. The auditorium has a sloped floor an a
unique tongue and groove cathedral style ceiling.
DAY OF JUNE, 1989.
Brad Knight, Clerk-Treasurer
Township of Grey
R.R. #3, Brussels, Ontario.
Holland and remained there for two
years. In 1948 they again came to
Canada and took up residence at
their present location at RR 3,
The couple have four children:
John and David, both of Walton,
Nellie of Blind River, and Jerry of
New Hamburg. They along with
their spouses, grandchildren,
family, friends and neighbours,
congratulate them and extend their
best wishes for the future.
that consisted of contests by Pat
Nolan and Ann Ryan. Readings
were given by Viola Kirkby and
Phyllis Mitchell.
The guest of honour, her mother
and the groom’s mother were
presented with corsages and were
seated at the front when an address
of congratulations and best wishes
was read by Cheryl Fraser. Patricia
received many beautiful gifts and
made a fitting reply. A lunch was
served during a social time.
and daughter Marisa of Richmond
Vance Stevenson of Whitby
spent last week with his cousins
Ron and Chris Stevenson.
Kendra Shortreed spent the past
week at camp near Goderich.
Don’t forget lad’es, anyone go
ing on the Institute Mystery Tour
is to be at the Walton Hall by 7
p.m. this Wednesday.