HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-03-22, Page 59PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1989. Classified Ads CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.75 for20 words, additional words 11c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. HELP WANTED PERSON REQUIRED to work full-time on a mixed farm - Beef and Dairy. Some experience with machinery preferred but not required. Must be physically fit. Room & board could be provided. PHONE WAYNE KENNEDY 482-7301 FULL TIME POSITION AVAILABLE MONDAY - FRIDAY The applicant we are look­ ing for must enjoy dealing with customers, be neat in appearance and take pride in their work. Responsibilities will in­ clude wrapping fresh meat, servicing deli counter and helping to merchandise meat counters. We are willing to train. APPLY IN PERSON BRUSSELS LEGAL NOTICES I, PAUL FORBES, WILL NO longer be responsible for any debts incurred other than by me, on or after March 8, 1989. 12-1 I, LAURA MARIE FORBES, WILL not be responsible for any debts incurred by my husband, Paul Steven Forbes, after March 22, 1989. 12-1 NOTICE OF APPLICATION UNDER THE PITSAND QUARRIES CONTROL ACT[R.S.0.1980] I, Clarence Yuill, Belgrave, Ontario, NOG 1E0, hereby give notice of application for a licence to open, establish or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: S 112 of the S1 / 2 Lot 15, Concession 4, Township of Morris, County of Huron, consisting of 20 hectares more or less. The estimated amount of sand and gravel to be extract­ ed annually is 50,000 tonnes. The operation will be an intermittent operation with a portable plant installation. The last day upon which objections may be filed with the Ministry of Natural Re­ sources is April 29, 1989. Objections and/or requests for a hearing are to be made in writing and directed to: The Wingham District Office Ministry of Natural Resources RR #5, Wingham, Ontario. NOG 2W0 Clarence Yuill Dates this 15th day of March, 1989. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS THOMPSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Village of Blyth in the County of Huron, Retired Civil Servant, who died on the 16th day of December, 1988, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 8th day of April, 1989. AFTER that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 16th day of March, 1989. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES 217 Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario. NOG 2W0 Solicitors for the Executors. 12-3 PERSONAL RICHARD: MEET ME AT THE usual location (Brussels Hotel) on 13, 14 and 15 April for an evening of enjoyment with The Mercey Bros.-Joan. 12-1 RELIABLE CANADIAN & ORIEN- tal Ladies (all ages) seek house­ keeping opportunity, exchange for shared accommodation, new loca­ tions, companionship, etc. Request further information (604) 547-2020 anytime (7 days). 12-lp Do you know 1 io\v to reduce the risk of getting AIDS? Practise safer sex. Get the facts. Let’s Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS Hotline 1-800-668-AIDS CAREER TRAINING FREE: 1989 GUIDE TO STUDY- at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditioning, Book­ keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secre­ tary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide W., Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 12-lp YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH ... Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Established in 1978, job search assistance available, daytime, evening and weekend courses. Course Fee income tax deductible 1-800-265-0400. 12-lp LEARN AUCTIONEERING AT the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class June 10-17/89. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, RR #5, Woodstock, Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115.12-lp TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAINING for class “A” licence. No experi­ ence necessary. Proven job place­ ment assistance. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training, Guelph. 1-800-265-7173. 12-lp TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES ON SCENIC Trent-Severn Waterway & Rideau Canal aboard Kawartha Voyageur; private staterooms; all meals; free brochure from Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough. K9J 7H7. 12-lp TRAVEL HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES: Immaculate cottages on Halls Lake, Hwy. 35, Minden. Available on a weekly basis for May and June from $175. Glengarrian Resort (705)489-3779. 12-lp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START NOW! AN EXCITING career in fashion awaits you. Earn extra money! Be independent. It’s fun, easy and profitable. Call Collect (416) 632-9090. Ma Cherie Home Fashions. 12-lp HOTTEST BUSINESS IN CANADA Guaranteed inch loss ensures high profits. Add Eutopean Body Wrap to tanning, toning or beauty salons. Canadian made Toning Tables $24,800. 1-800-265-1922. 12-lp DICKIE DEE ICE CREAM, CELE- brating 30th successful season, is selecting distributors for 1989. Small investment with excellent return. Call Brian at (204) 783-3434 days, (204) 663-2889 evenings. 12-lp TENDERS WANTED HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T.[HC]89-07 Replacement of Roof Shingles, Rain Water Goods and New Ice & Water Shield at Zurich 0H1 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00a.m. local time, Wednesday, April 5,1989 by the Huron County Housing Author­ ity, 48 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario N7A1M5. [519] 524-2637 from whom details and specifica­ tions may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY AC­ CEPTED. /T\ HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T.[HC]89-08 The Supply of all labour and material for one [1] annual cleaning of all carpets in corridors and common rooms in O.H.C. buildings at locations specified. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00a.m. local time, Wednesday, April 5,1989 by the Huron County Housing Author­ ity, 48 The Square, GODERICH, OntarioN7A1M5. [519] 524-2637 from whom details and specifica­ tions may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY AC­ CEPTED. Drive off with A Bargain in the Classified Section. TENDERS WANTED /t\ HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T.[HC]89-09 For Janitorial Services and Snow RemovalatQueenSt., Blyth 0H1 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, April 5,1989 by the Huron County Housing Author­ ity, 48 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario N7A1M5. [519] 524-2637 from whom details and specifica­ tions may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TEN­ DER NOT NECESSARILY AC­ CEPTED. GRAVELTENDERS HULLETT TOWNSHIP Tenders wanted for the supply­ ing, crushing and delivering of approx. 20,000 cu. yds. of 5/8 granular “A” gravel for the roads in Hullett Township, and must be capable of 1,200 cu. yds. or more per day. Work to be done to the satisfaction of the Rd. Supt. 10,000 cu. yds. to be completed by June 1, 1989 and the remainder by Oct. 15,1989. The tenders must be in the hands of the Rd. Supt. by 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, 1989. They must be accompanied with a certified cheque for 10% of the enclosed bid and must be ap­ proved by M.T.C. Tender forms available at Rd. Supt. office, Londesboro. James F. Johnston, Rd. Supt. Londesboro, Ontario. NOM 2H0 523-4404 BIRTHS VINCENT. Neil and Joan, RR 3, Wingham, welcome with love their first child, a daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, 7 lb. 1 oz. born February 25, 1989 at Wingham and District Hospital. Proud grandparents are Harold and Edith Vincent of Bel­ grave and Robert and Muriel Osborne, Ripley. Great-grand­ parents are Ralph and Ella Scott, formerly of the Kincardine area. ENGAGEMENTS SMITH-McCUTCHEON Mr. and Mrs. David McCutcheon are pleased to announce the en­ gagement of their daughter, Karen Lee, to David Larry Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith. The wedding will take place Saturday, April 1, 1989 at Melville Presbyter­ ian Church, Brussels. 12-lp gtoght’s All in the CLASSIFIEDS TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF EASTWAWAN0SH Tenders for 5/8” “A” Gravel Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 o’clock noon Tuesday, April 4,1989 for crushing, hauling and spreading approximately 25,000 Imperial Tons of Gravel on the north end of the Township. Contractor to supply and set up Weigh Scales. Option: May be Tendered that contractor to supply Gravel. Tenders to be submitted on Township Forms obtained at the Municipal Office. Lowest or any Tender not neces­ sarily accepted. All Tenders subject to the approval of MT0. Ralph W. Campbell, Road Superintendent, Township of East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Ontario. NOG 1E0. CARD OF THANKS GILLIS. Many thanks to all my family, friends and neighbours for their cards, telephone calls and visits during my extended stay in Stratford General Hospital. A spe­ cial thanks to Grey Township Council, Reeve and co-workers. It was very much appreciated. - Harry Gillis. 12-1 VINCENT. Neil and Joan wish to thank Dr. Gear and Dr. Hanlon and all the wonderful (kind, caring and courteous) obstetric nurses for the safe arrival of Margaret Elizabeth. Thank you also to family and friends for the visits and gifts for both mother and daughter. Special thanks to Grant, Allan, Marion and Terry for assistance at home. 12-1 LAPP. Thank you to our friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, gifts and flowers sent to Bradley and myself while at home and in the hospital. - Thank you, Helen and Bradley Lapp. 12-lp WORK. I wish to convey my thank you to the owner, employees and staff of Brussels Livestock Inc. for their quick and thoughtful action in getting me to Wingham Hospital. Also thanks to our neighbours, friends and family for their con­ cerned calls, cards, flowers and treats. Special thanks to Lloyd Wheeler for getting Marg to the hospital. Thank you all. - Graham Work. 12-lp BAEKER. The family of the late James (Mac) Baeker wishes to say a very sincere thank you for all the enquiries, cards, flowers and the donations to the Cancer Society. Friends and family are needed at a time like this and are really appreciated. Thanks again, Beth Baeker, Bonnie, Jim & William Bradley, Shari Baeker, Karen & Dave Hastings & family, Bob & Barb Coleman & family, & Susan & Don McNeil & family. 12-1