HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-03-08, Page 7THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1989. PAGE 7. Walton W.l. shows cooking skills Compiled by Mrs. Betty McCall. Phone 887-6677 Fog hurts dub's dance Due to the fog the crowd was just fair for the dance sponsored by the Walton Area Sports Club on Satur­ day evening held at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Cen­ tre. Tickets had been sold by committee members. Door prize was won by Betty McCall. Tickets were sold on another prize during the evening, it was won by Ron Clarkson. The Ian Wilbee Orche­ stra supplied music for the danc­ ing. Lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served during the evening. Cranbrook Compiled by Mrs. Mac Engel. Phone 887-6645 Women study Burma The World Day of Prayer service was held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Stevenson. The service on the theme “Lord, teach us to pray,” was prepared by the Christian women of Burma. The president, Mrs. Stevenson was leader and was assisted by readers Mrs. Leslie Knight, Mrs. Joe Smith, and Mrs. Jack Knight. 11 tables at Friday Euchre party In spite of poor weather condi­ tions on Friday night 11 tables of Mrs. Murray Crawford gave a most interesting presentation on Burma, using a map which added to the interest. The main crop is rice which is one of their main foods, often eaten with chicken. Other products include precious stones and rubber. Eighty-five percent of people live on farms. The men eat before the women. The roads are poor. It is a socialist country. In the business it was decided not to enter names for the 75th anniversary book. The annual meeting is to be in Stratford, Tuesday, March 7. All repeated the Mizpah Benediction in closing. Lunch was provided by Mrs. L. Knight and Mrs. J. Smith. The Walton Women’s Institute catered to a beef dinner for Cook’s, Division of Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd., Walton on Wednesday, March 1. Approximately 18 attend­ ed the dinner and Producer meet­ ing and Crop Planning Seminar held at the Brussels Community Centre. The Institute appreciated the extra help from several in our community. UCW changes meeting March 1 did come in like a Lion, some places worse than others as the storm was reported quite bad in Goderich as the speaker for the LJ.C.W. meeting couldn’t make it that evening. It is re-scheduled for March 22. Everyone is welcome to People Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig have returned home recently from an enjoyable month’s holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig at Deland, Florida. Cranbrook people see 'Grease' Mrs. John Saxon and Mrs. John Vanass were in Toronto where they attended the play “Grease” in which Adam Hagedoorn had the lead roll. Several people from the com­ munity attended the Brussels fi­ gure skating carnival. Anyone who has not seen Peter MacDonald skate has really missed a great show. Peter and his partner Kerrie put on a beautiful show and we wish them lots more success with their skating. Darryl Vanass took part in the Cubs Church Service at the Brus­ sels Anglican Church recently. Garnet Starr and Joyce Brown of Wallaceburg visited Don and Mrs. Cotton. come out and hear Judy Lee from “The Survival Through Friendship House” The Institute noon luncheon will beheld next Wednesday, March 15 as of press time the menu will be beef, etc. Notices will be put up later this week. The Family and Consumer Affairs meeting to be held that same evening. Marlene Roberton, Public Health Nurse will speak on ‘Foot Care’. Roll call to be answered by: Name a remedy in your medicine chest. ANNOUNCING FAM 1988/89 BRUSSELS BULLS Murray Townsend #30 Goal Murray comes to the Bulls from the Clinton Minor Hockey System where he played Midget last season. Extremely quick on his feet with an excellent glove, Murray was leading the league in goals against average before being side­ lined by injury. Presently Murray attends Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton THIS PLAYER PROFILE IS BROUGHTTO YOU BY BRUSSELS 887-9740 Euchre were played. Winners were: high, Ruby Steiss, Jack Cox; low, June Jacklin, Stan Alexander; lone hands, Lois Hart, Lloyd Smith; lucky table, Ross Stephenson, Iona McLean, Harold Bragg, Marjorie Metcalfe; tallies, Dorothy Cox, Jim Arm­ strong, Audrey Adams, Eluned McNair. It was a Hall Board euchre and members of council, Reeve Leona Armstrong, Deputy-reeve Graeme MacDonald and councillor Helen Cullen were in charge. The Fore­ sters will host the euchre March 10. Grey Council signs fire agreement Grey Township Council held its regular meeting on February 27 and passed a by-law authorizing a fire agreement with the Village of Brussels. Under the agreement, the Brussels Fire Department will provide first call coverage to Brus­ sels Livestock Inc., the Graham Survey and other areas in Grey Township that are within reach of the fire hydrants. Under the terms of the agree­ ment, the Village of Brussels will be paid $500 per year stand-by and $350 per hour firefighting. Council reviewed the Workers’ Compensation Board coverage for the fire department and the amount of coverage was raised to $23,000 per man from the present $22,000. Grants of $500 each were ap­ proved to the Cranbrook Commun­ ity Centre Board and the Moncrieff Community Hall Board and a grant of $100 was made to the Wingham and District Community Living Association. ROASTS T I meaty soup stock' BRAI SING RIBS 6S9kg 2.99 1 795 B B a i BONELESS & LEAN STEWING . BEEF 1.99 PLATE ^1.29 CENTRE CUT (bone in) 3 95kq_ — BEEF SHANK T« 79 'meaty soup stock’NECK BONES „...O9 1 693 73kg ■ a ib EMA IS SUPPLIED ANO SERVICED BY ELLIOTT MARR ANO CO ITO 'N ASSOCIATION WITHOSHAWA FOOD'. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIE S TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS PRICES EEC! T I si FROM MONDAY MARCH 6TH UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY MARCH 11 TH 1989 ALL BEEF IS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF STEAKS BRAISING&STEWINGflIXsJ OAMriCCODAlU - BLADE STEAKS The next regular meeting of Council is scheduled for Monday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. CROSS RIB _ __ STEAKS 2.29 CAP ON PRIME RIB STEAKS 3.29 STANDING PRIME RIB ROASTS SEMIBONELESS CHUCK SHORT RIB . _ _ or BLADE ROASTS 1.69 CROSS - RIB ROASTS 439kg 1.99 BONELESS BLADE ROASTS ^2. 29. BONELESS _ SHOULDER ROASTS.. 7.99, BONELESS BRISKET POINT ROASTS . [ t A i II \ Jr? y/ll / I\k 1 fix I 11 ir IL/ Ly1'IrPp// 61 2.79. SEE THIS WEEK S FLYER FOR MORE MONEY SAVING ITEMS!