HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1989-02-22, Page 3THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1989. PAGE 3. Andy Lubbers [right], presents a cheque on behalf of the Blyth Broomball League to Murray Musty, chairman of the Blyth and District Community Centre Board to be used in the purchase of new chairs for the auditorium. The cheque for $1000 was from proceeds of the league’s annual broomball tournament in January. Harv McDowell heads Blyth Horticultural Soc. The Blyth Horticulture Society meeting was held on Feb. 14 at the home of Harvey and Ferne Mc­ Dowell. Marjorie East presented new slate of officers for 1989 and Bev Elliott installed officers as follows: President, Harvey McDowell; 1st Vice, Mary Walden; 2nd Vice, Harve McCallum; Secretary, Alma Madill; Treasurer, Vera Hessel- wood; Directors for one year, John Hesselwood, Dan Mclnnes, Alvin Snell. Gene Snell, Graeme Mc­ Dowell; Directors for two years, Jack Blake, Reta Blake, Sheron Stadelmann, Yvonne Youngblut, Sheilla Wallace. Plans were discussed about what flowers to order for the coming year and membership cards were distri­ buted. Blyth. People Ruth Doherty and Murray Srim- geour had the high scores when the weekly Monday night euchre party was held at Blyth Memorial Hall February 13. Doris Laidlaw and Don Buchanan had the low scores while Rena Watt and Harry Crich had the most lone hands. Bert Daer won the special prize. There were seven tables in play Wednesday night for the Lost Heir party at Memorial Hall. Effie McCall and Jeff Wittich had the high scores, Dorothy Daer and Gordon Murray, the low. Margaret Nesbit and Jeff Wittich won the special prizes. February guests with Mrs. Jean Gray and brother Harvey McCal­ lum of Trailer Village Mesa, Ari­ zona were Alma Madill, John and Bev Elliott and Robbie and Carole Lawrie. 'Love is...'sermon theme Greeters at Blyth United Church on Sunday were Fred and Hanny Meier. Ushers were Stewart and Mil­ dred Ament, Debbie Craig and Mary Walden. The scripture read­ ing I Corinthians 13 was read by two members of Grade 4 class, Jennifer Brigham and Abigail Ramirez. The choir sang “Make Me a Blessing” with special solo part by Grace Poore. Rev. Ramirez’ sermon was en­ titled “Love is ...". In Corinthians I 13, Paul first of all describes what love is not. Love is not eloquence or the ability to speak in tongues. Love is not to be mistaken for an abundance of faith. Love is not being religious or fanatical. Love is not envious or boastful but rather Love is kind and patient, it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Perfect love is the utmost self-giv­ ing of oneself for friend and foe. Following the message Rev. Ramirez assisted by Adeline Camp­ bell conducted the induction of the new elders and several new com­ mittee members. The congregation was reminded of the skating party this Saturday, Feb. 25 at 4 p.m. with a pot luck supper to follow at the church. NOTICE The Saga will be closed for holidays from Feb. 24 - March 13 The Saga Gifts & Selected Crafts BLYTH 523-4331 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-5:30 Closed Wednesdays LEWIS BREAD 675 G. LOAF ■ CHAPMAN’S ICE CREAM 2 LITRE 1 BLYTH SUPERMARKET WE DELIVER IN TOWN [523-9332] NO SATURDAY DELIVERY OPEN MON.-SAT. 9 - 5, FR1, NITES ‘TIL 9 P.M. PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING SAT., FEB. 25, 1989. WE HAVE MANY, MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS IN ADDITION TO THESE .... _ MEAT SAVINGS SCHNEIDER’S HAM STEAKS 175 G- ■ B WW.—.........—— SCHNEIDER’S REGULAR OR RED HOT WIENERS 450 G. 1.69 AGAIN WE’RE FEATURING SAVARIN T.V.DINNERS 11.5 0Z. PKG. SAME AS LAST WEEK SCHNEIDER’S dcce STEAKETTES 249454 G. GROCER¥SUPER SAVERS 'post..... HONEY COMB 2.59275 G. BOX KELLOGG’S FROOT LOOPS 425 G. BOX 2.99 DELI CUTS 1.59 OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE OR MOTT’S FROZEN APPLE JUICE 12.5 0Z. TINS 1.39 SCHNEIDER’S MEAT PIES 250 Q 1 AQ ! SCHNEIDER’S SLICED SIDE BACON 500 G. O2.29 ___________„_______________ SCHNEIDER’S Fl CHICKEN 900 G. i GENERIC SEASONED COATING MIX CHICKEN OR PORK140G. ./□ SCHNEIDER’S SMOKED COOKED HAM 2.89 LB. GENERIC CHEESE SLICES 2.69 TURKEY BREAST U'VV LBI. 1 20’s 500 G. SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER 500 g 2.09 BRAVO RED KIDNEY BEANS ftQ 19 OZ. TIN .VW ~ delmonte assorted PINEAPPLE _ 14 OZ. CAN QQ SARAN WRAP -i /in 15 M. ROLL 1 COCA COLA ZSOML. 2/1.09 PLUS DEP. FRANCO AMERICAN CHICKEN GRAVY ,69| SOCIAL TEA COOKIES __ 350 G. PKG | FLEISHMAN’S MARGARINE 2 TUBS 1 LB./ QQ (~ LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE .UU LIPTON ONION SOUP 1.18 PANTRY SHELF STRAWBERRY JAM 500 ML. 29 rBLUEWATER HADDOCK FISH a S CHIPS 283 G. PKG. KRAFT “DILL” CHIP DIP 1.59 GOUDA CHEESE PRODUCE 04.89 2.29 LB. LETTUCE "7Q• / W head ORANGES■ DOZ. «LB. LB. ................. ..................