The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-12-20, Page 6HIGHER PROFITS with HIGH GRADE DON'T WASTE DOLLARS BECAUSE OF LOW GRADES You'll find that the SHUR-GAIN 6 step Hog Feeding Program is the plan that helps to provide top grades and highest profits for you. It provides all the nutrients needed for each step of growth. Drop lb anytime . we'll talk about HOG FEEDS . HOC GRADES AND HOG PROFITS. I CRAM FEED MIL The 1V1iighitila Ailviume-Tinit:s, Wednesday, Dee. .41, itait Institute Affecting Rev. 1). Sinclair gaNns the mesSRg(' at the -Christmas meeting of th- Women's Institute last Thiirstize. The PrograM conveners were Mrs. rt. Powell, Mrs. J. Halliday. Mr-% IL ft.:mg-ram. Mrs. H. Carmichael, Mrs. M. Mae- La man and Mrs it. Shiells judged Christmas ()aka' brought in by mem- bers. Mrs, N1.. Lapp* got the prhn). The roll call was an exohange of gifts. There was a display o f dresses made at a dressmaking course. ; The hostesses tr'e'e Miss Johns, Mrs. W. T.° Lapp, Mrs. .1, Finnigan and Mrs, v. , beth, murray, Pri'm Itaptal.). 0714; Gras-it,.... 'F ,Iyana. Jeffray. Marjorie, Mn'vt.y. l',..eith (vim t,), ,17.13; Krdti -,e, Royemar:„ 87.4; Smith. Msrlem.. 117.r.; ,„%jec.c.".'at. :Ova. C7.2; Ftr,.w Iorett, S.-:a ma, Faye, (equal), 07.1; L raratt, Larrz., Montgomery, Ja- qaeline 1 15L1i1!I 6:9: Lowe, Moult:. lao, 06.5: Mason, Peter. 66.3. Third I.I.w flonnl Ilona-. Brian INI•ta..K.: nz'o, I loria «.iriti::1) 65.7; Ca mem», Von:lame, l"ox, ;lames (equal) 0.:1; Wt.o'cock, Ian, 65.2: Cassidy, Cravme, 64.9: Broome. meo..h, 648; Srol!.-es, 1,,rnda, lit,,,::: ("eider, Lloyd, MI di( y, Catherine. legiut)i, 14.3; a AvaiL, Douglas, Wbitily, .1 (.an (equal, Oil; Rich). Juan, 61.4 I; Ha:II:Ilan, Mary Eden, Tie; tine (It al he (equal], WO; Rosa, Liuda 1::1]; (Ian/mini, I),:nald. 63.54 Cronin, Pat riek, Shinn, 1--0.11t-...-110-, , ((multi, C-11; 11-,wo, Tftentas, 62.8; theeis 1,11,ii,,,, 63.4; tlib,sta. .1,4m, 62.3; Reda:Lek, David, TIettimeIfer, 11.conactl It ittrtn, 1,aulinc., 1tail- . mer, b..att•en "-00:1(1, 61 I ; P.;,a,r ("hail'!,' :, h.,:tant, .1,,a ,a-to, '1-quail, 616; 11,1,)1ileer, 1),)telliv, 611; F'aiiil, .1a,•queline, 60.1; Ireland, Barry, 011 re Jalai:l, Wittlanl, 60(1; )Pass: (7,,uner, Patrivia, inividson, ' Douglas, (h al,. r, Carl, Ihtrksesa, Catlit'rhIt'. 1 tql WAD .19.:3: Morland, Dale, 58.8; V:in the Kemp, John, 58.5 Evan La., (lit A a, N 1 enolson, Joseph, 1 (equal), 55.1; Seliefter, Ronald, WI ntrton, Doi, ads - ( equal), 57.6 ; Warwick, Thomas, 57.5; Holt, Anne, 57.3: Coleman, Robert, 56.9; Cole- Man, Susan, 56.0; Martin, Marilyn, Wheeler, David (equal) 56.1; Scott, Douglas, 56.0; McNee, Dale, 55.7; Watson, Mary, 55.4; Du'Vries, John, 55.2; King, Joseph, 55.1; Currie, Bruce, 54.8; Ballagh, Douglas, 54.5; de Yong, Mary, O'Malley, Joan, (equal), 54.3; McNeil, Donald, 51.0-; Fitch, Ross, Huether, Brian (equal) 53.5; Fear, Bruce, 52.8; Workthan, Bonnie, 52.6; Hayes, Philip, Kel- lington, Larry (equal) 52.5; Arkell, Peter, 52.0; Gaunt, George, 51.9; Crothers, David, 51.7; Foxton, 'Con- nie, 51.6; MeWhirter, Nancy, 51.4; Gadke, Sharon, 51.1; Mair, Mat- hew, Thompson, Archibald, (equal) 50.4. Below. the line: Culliton, John; Schneider, Borten; Schiestel, Geo.; Peterson, Luanne; Redmond, Gwen- dolyn; Hallahan, Joseph; Chittick, Lynda; Donaldson, John; Work- man, William; Benninger, Mary; Cardiff, Frances; Bridge, William; Hopper, John; Caskanette, Wilfred. Coulter, Reginald and Tunney, Kathryn (equal); Krohn, Ruth, Furness, Robert; Stacey, Danny; Rich, George; Stokes, Lauretta; Brooks, Wray; Stacey, ' Thomas; Hitchings, Ronald;, McKay, Don- ald,; McKee, David; Metcalfe, Ro- bert; Wesenburg, Frederick. Not ranked; O'Malley, Linda, ab- sent. 711,1; Ellington, Eleanor, Slimier, try Wal, Willi:cm (equal t" 1:0..k, 09.5; Crawford, S•tra, etle':I regnrtlt 09.1; TtL7,1/ .Tana s, 63.3; Hues ton, L; Ice?. Ti' IT" (C(.10:17 6+.3; Mem). jean, Smith, Walter, (coal) .61 a; la, 08.1; Pollook, Elizabeth, 67.8: Canuabell, Douglas, h6.7; MeCallum, Hugh, Scott, Koith, I equal) 6141; Grainger, ri.olwrt, 60.4; -Cameron, Barbara,' Sanders, 1,,0 (equal) 66.3. Third Class Honors: Harkness ,Ltelt„ 05.0; Ilismayer, Stanley, 05.7; Shackleton, Patricia, Matta, Gail Riley, Sharon (equal) 57,3; Robin- Haskins, Gw''"1"' • Laiditt".' Wili;.Tle:171r" 'T"" " " ""41 Seeorel Class Honours,: Redillan, -ti„ 71.6, Christmas Theme f ficers Installed Pox W ,111 S. Meeting fAt Evoling Guild WIIIITEC',HURCH-The Nvms. Of Airs. R. P. Ritter chaired her the Presbyterian Church met on; Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. Andrew Gaunt with nineteen.; ladies and. three -children present,.! and With the president, Mrs. Victori VMerson, presiding. Carols were sung through the meeting. Mrs.! Etneraon told the aim and purpose Of the WMS work and all led responsive reacting of the Seripture. Mrs. James Melimis led in the, Meditation asking "Have we the Christian spirit. teday?" Mrs. Ean-! erson, Mrs. McInnis, Mrs. I), Craig arid Mrs, E. Caallek led in a serviee of dedication, lighting their eatellea; from the one central light - as. Christ, the Light, aild each read a! verse front "0 Little Town Bethlehem." Mrs. Flimrabn iii; prayer. The roll ()all Wt0i answered by a' verse- of Scripture or a Lama with. the word, "Star," Mrs. D. Hill led; in. the 'Glad Tiding prayer. Mrs.' Frank Coulter gave as reading,; "Citristlnas in Your Home" and: MrS. Wesley Tiffin told the story of the Three :Kings. /tell's. Emerson had charge of the topic and told the story "A Stranger Shares Our Christmas." The meet- ing closed with prayer by the presi- dent, and Mrs. Gaunt served lunch. Mrs. Emerson invited the ladies to come to her home for the .Tannary • meeting. Pteiteed ,eft f IOSTON, LOS ANGELES GRADE IX LONDON THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Complete international News Coverage The Christian Science Monitor Ono Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper far the time checked. Enclosed find my check or 'money order. 0 1 year $22. 6 months $11 3 months $5.50 Name Address City zone ::; 1.1,1111e, Allister, Willis, Jo i tn,ig0.3; lIamiliton, Virginia, 86,2; (1ri1- ,1:iani) 63.1; (lurk, Susan, 62.8: I La b.% Dztvtd, Mofbtt, Maine (t.qUall Tien, 02.5; Meyer, Elaine, Mink, ,halm 0 (1110,11 02.4; King, 11..trele., ;11 ). mat+ James. (equal) (12.31 Harrison, Allan, 62.1; Boyd, William. O'Malley, Dennis (equal) 62,0; Ye/ \Villiam, (11,4; Armstrong, Del, ,lottws)na, Anne tequal) 4;1.1; Biggins, Robert, 011.4; Tiffin, Bovin, (11.1. Pass: Gibbors, Sheila, Pease, El- gin (equal) 59.7; Searson, John, 59.1; Cameron, Jack, 59,3; Stokes, Carole, 58.7; Douglas, Brian, 58i; liallahan, Raymond, 57.9; Camnbell, Ralph, 57,8; Snell Shirley, 57.7; Sin-. namon, Douglas, 57.6'; Moore, Doris, 57.3; Bannerman, John, Ostrom; Robert, Taylor, Patricia (equal) • 57.1; -Cardiff, Victor, Ross, Lois (equal) 56,4; Thompson, Graham, Robinson,136,2; Garry, 56.0; Clark Terrence, 55.7;., Johnston, Keith; 55.6; Rintold, Gordon, 54.6; McAr- thur, Kenneth, 54.4; Chambers, Ro- bert, 54,3; Kirton, James 53.6; Ed- Sharon, 64.2;Davidson Brent, Ross ward, John, 53.3; Workman, Ron- Marilyn, _Tiffin Joan (equal) 64,0; all, 52.9; Fisher, Murray, 52.6; Wright, June, 63.8; Donaldson O'Malley, Richard, 52.4; Milton], Gayle, Finnigan Lynn (equal) 63.7; , Donald, 52.3; Benedict, Martin, 52.1 Hand Edward 63.6; Buckle Robert, Moffat Donna (equal) 63.5; Paulin, Baird, Shirley., Jacklin, Patricia (equal) 50.9; Michel, Sandra, 59.7; Doris, 63.2; Chapman, Garry, 62.8; Ross, Sheila, 62.7; Kieffer, Georgina Irwin, Richard, 5-0.3; Cleghorn, Ron- ald, 50.0. Tunney, Mauna Lynne (equal), Below the line: Parkinson, Lynn; 62.2; Harris, Glenn, Strong, Joanne, Thomson, Jill; Rhin, Betty; Staple- (equal) 62.0; Congram, Charles, ton, Lloyd; Whitehead, Nora; Hick- 61,8; Henderson ,Janette, Lee Don- , ey, Calvin;eaLogan, Barry; Bridge, all (equal) 61.7; Parker Bruce, 61,5; Ii-eland,.Robert, 61.4; Merit- Quincy; Heimpel, 'Joyce; Benninger Dcanis; Richt, Wayne; Sanderson, ley, Sharon, 61,0. Brian; Whitby, George; Cameron, Pass; oraig, Mary, Hallahan, Brian; Mathers, Robert. LenOra• Ann (equal) 59.8; Mulvey, Peter, 59.7; Ballagh. Shirley, .59,5; Kilpatrick, ,Karen,Krauter, David, (equal) 59.2; McArthur, Susan, 58.8; Adams, James, 58.7; Hotchkiss, •• Ruth, 58.0; Millen, Rosemary,' Wil- kinson, Sharon (equal) 57.8; 'Robin- san Carol, 57.7; Grant Phyllis, 57,6; Mears, Benny, 07.5:. -Hotchkiss Het- en; 57.2; Elliott, Nancy, (Z.8aWylie, Marlene, 56.7; gathers, Brenda, ,Tif- fin,_Barry (equal) 56.0; Deyell,-Di- anne, 55.0; Morrey, Margaret, 51.8; Thoinson, Dale, 54.6; Renwick; Ju- dith, 54.5;,Pletch, Max, 54.4; Ritchie' Donald, 53.8; Martin, Marl'ene, 53.7; vidspn, Joyce, 30.7. • Below .the line: Peanhek,. Anne; Bitton, Frank and Edgar, Donald (equal); Moffitt, Marjorie; Smyth, William; Ballagh, Bonnie:' Heil, 'George' (equal); O'Malley, Mar- Carol; Jacklin, Marlene' and Skim), garet; Hall, Barabara; Fetch, Wayne; Edgar, Davey, GRADE' XII Special. Commercial Second Class Honours: Haugh, Alberta, 74.3; Miller, Linda, 73.77; 41 Greenaway, "Carlon, 70.7; Griffith, Deanna, 70.3; Craig, Kathleen, f4 Licnel; T«t; Pecarity.. kg, Bee; nry, Wa -me; M Bruce frqurhIJ; Templentan, Gary, Are-stro tg; Not flanked:• • (writing less than Posit' rot ri,.K1001)y, 78 ri; C'ettlettor;/li, 00 3; Howar.f, Itaatc'd 52.7; •W:141, .11410 Lt2.0; Hannan. Joyce. GRAM XIII First Clam Honourn: Hamilton, Wary, 91 1 ; Zinn, Elizabeth, (4 Sat jeosi Vtrjan, 762; th- wint10:1„1:511(., 75.8. 14erond llommrs: MacDon- ald Drove. 71,3; litalgias, '.11 3, 1:ittr,, Barbara, 72.1; Galbraith Pm!. 1.1; 1'Cleva, 70,0; r, FL! tv. 11,11,, Putout/its, Lots I ',film! C9 8; Niarlit t Put-001a, 67.4; Graltuier, Ruth, 66 8, • / Third Class Ihtiours: I`ointa$,, Ihaq(lits, 65.7; Torld;1111, 06.4; Miirmy, Donald, -111 subjects/ 64.4; YOug..10-1111 63.8; Ilumler, la, Mriet/onald, Gloria (equal) Mt; 4.-1,cy,..N10 4nore, Lookridgi!, Douglas, 1t3.11; Meckley, John, 62.3; Adams, 113,^ron, 61.0; Hubbard, SIM- ron (6 subjects) 60,5; A nderson,,,, - Karen,. Chamn /y, Marilyn (5 sulk j(t'ets) (equal) 0,2; Jardin, Lyman, lari)jvetlo (UJ.0. Pass: Burrell, Elizabeth (5 sub.- ject51, Fuller, Barry (equal) 57.07 Gaunt, John 50,0; Stitekey; Lyrinp, 55,9; Palmtr, Nancy, .Vivian, Roy, Ieritialt 55,4; Carmichael, Peter (5 subjects) 55.0; Robinson, Cameron, (5 subjects) 5,1.1; lieu, Murray, (6 subjects) 54.3; Bioman, Roger, Smith, Donald, (equal/. 54,1; Mc', Kibbon, Walton 51.0; 'Dunlop Greer; 53.9; :[Girton,' Elaine, 52,0;. son, David, 52:1; Sehnurr,.Jerald, 51.9; Jefferson, Mary, 51.1; p'Mallojr 50,3,Michael," Below the line: Jones, -George; MacKay, Malcolm; CaMpbell, John. R.; Donaldson, Robin; O'Malley., Kathleen; Thomas, Douglas; Grant Kenneth; MacInnis, Eugene; Sta- FOR Y uR Christmas Turkey TRY LA! LA S PLEASE ORDER FRESH NEW YORK DRESSED . ArIP YOUR LOCAL MEAT MARKET A or OVEN-READY FROZEN at YOUR MEAT MARKET or at RED FRONT GROCERY tAir When a Star shone brightly over flethlehem, the Christ Child was born, We relive, at Christmas, the wonder and glory again as we share with all too the joys and blessings of the season. WILFRED WHITE (equal) 77.1; McKinney, Norman, 76,8; Taylor, Robert, 76.5; Beattie, Robert, Ross, Sonja (equal), 76.3; Doubledee, Irene, 75.9; Merrick, Donald, 75.2; Ortlieb, Linda, 75.0. Second Class Honors: Hoover, Sylvia, 74.9; Jacques, William, 74.7; Hopper, Marjorie, Walsh, Carol, (equal) 71.1; Breckenridge, Dale, 74.3; Hutcheson, Elizabeth, Wenger, David (equal), 74.1; Cameron, Rod- ney, Musgrove Robert, Smith Rob- ert (equal), 73.2; Herd, Rosemary, 73.1; Jardin, Bonnie, 73.0; Bernard, Irma, King, Jo„Ann, (equal) 72.9; Beecroft, David, 72.7; Smith, Gor- don, 72.5; Smith, Donna, 72,3; Al/en, Stuart, Gibb, Carl (equal) 710; Bat- es, Bruce, Van Donkersgoed, Hank (equal), 71.9; Hastings, Dianne, Southam, Mary Ann (equal) 71.3; English, James, 71,1; Hanna, Cath- erine, 70.9; Craig, Patricia, Russell, Peter, Scharbaeh, Elizabeth (equal) 70.4; Beecroft, Ronald, 111013urney, Hugh (equal), ,70.1; Nickel, Donald. 69.9; Fear, Wendy, 69.6; Dauphin, William, Gibbons Wayne, (equal), 69.3; Bitton, Judith, Elston, Wayne, Mel3urney, Carman, Mawhinney, Marilyn, Robinson, Clayton (equal) 69.1; gathers, Connie, Henderson, Lawrence (equal) 68.9; Zinn, Larry, 68.8; Armstrong, Andrew, Nether- inton, Wiflitim, Ritsema, Elizabeth, (equal) 68.7; Adonis, Bonni e, 68.6; Pletch, Keith, 68.4; Hall, 'William, Wiltinit, Clearge, (equal) 68.1; Sehoeman, John, 68.(1; EellY Ritza- Receives I:Injuries WIIITECHAIR(111 Mr. and Mrs. John lie Boer and family visited last week at the home of his bro- ther, Richard rh. Hi x,f laity- vale. Mr. Is. Boer had an itecident while drawing out umlaute. He was out in the field met turned on time paver take off of his iraetor. His clothes got caught in the, wheel and while h.e was able to turn it al, his clothing was ripped from his body nod his leg bruised and broken at the ankle. Although this was one of the cold days last week to was able to drive to .the barn. he was able to drive (...1 Ilse barn, pltal, GRADE X First Class Honors: MacLennan, P,renda, 86.1; Suit Li, Floyd, 85.8; Casagrande. Ruth, 85.4; Schaefer, Mary Ann, 84.9)); Cameron, Sandra, 84.6; Procter, Joyia), 83,9; Dinsmore, Gall, 83.4; Itotanson„James, 83.0; Ireland; Myrna, 82.3; 'Kerr, George, 81.6; Stadelmann, Louis, 80.9; Den. eau, Jamas, 80.8; Press, Russell, 80,6; Alcorn, Frederick, 80.4; Campbell, Harold, 80.0; Haugh, Mary, 79.0; Bone, Keith-, 78.8; Thompson, Mary Helen, 78.5; Proc- ter, Murray, 76,9; Douglas, Wayne, 76.4; Winger, Rath, 76.3; Woods, Lorna, 7(1.1; Rintoul, Donald, 75.4, Second Class Honors: Phillips, Mary, 74,4; Bieman, Douglas, Proc- ter', Faye, Smyth,. Doreen (equal), 74.3;A1right, Lynne, 73.6; Coultes, lArayee, 73,4; Kerr, Esther, Mitch- ell, William, (equal), 73.1; Reid, (Catherine, 73..0; McTag'gart, Doug- las, 72.9; Machan, Glen, 72.4 ; Green, Martall, 71.9; Millen, Shirley, Ross James ((vial), 71.7; Jamieson, Mary Lou, 70.1);' Taylor, Donald, 70.4; Currie, Helen, 70,3; Sleight- holm, Elgin, 70.1; Edgar, Catherine, Noble, Dorothy t c,qual: .60.5; s, Alan L'1; boxl on, .Gera Marvin, 67.1, (I fiv.:1it t i. .I'I Muli'innon Jo:with. Third Class Honours; Alatt•ar- Lane, Joan, 05.7; Smith, Donut., .13.8; I'm'.': Nesbitt Mary; Mu.Oee, Helen 623; thni'llt N.nre•tY, MeT.,...,cot, :Murray; Davidson, Jack, 60.2, Jeff cr: rot,. I mom al, t tot ; Logan l'ass:Hyridtrain, :Gwendolyn, 0,7.2; ,•p or ( Fru-Ara; joi Results of Examinations for Fall Term at Wingham DRS. final meeting as president of St. Paul's Eveniag Guild. last Tuesday when the December meeting was held in the parish room. • Miss I). Comber was appointed to purchase a, bond, whieh will be later used for renovations in the church kitchen. The Guild math' a sal/tit:trait:a donation to the 'board of ntanageinent. to hi' used in build- iag a r4mon for the Altar Gadd in tin. Omuta)]. of. the church. This (.e..tra :wave has been made avail- able through removai of the plpea tit the old organ. Rev. C. Jadinson installed the 1963 officers. Mrs. Johnsual is the hotiorary president; Mrs. Herbert president; Mra. Main Pox- ton, vita.; Mrs. Andy MaeTavisli, :L od Atn-:;; I hit unto Comber re;e:ti m yr. Mrs. 1'-‘014.1* took over the chair. The only new business brought be fore tlie .taleeting was the invitation Laird party, which will be held .1 WI. 17th. Mrs. J. Parkinson's group was in eharge of the refreshments and while lunch was being served Mrs. Clarence Wade played the plan() for carol singing. First Class Honors: Ross, Doris, 93.0; Madill, Glen, 91.6; Millen, El- izabeth, 90.7; Vogan, Ronald, 90.4; Kerr, Brian, 90.3; Deyell, Thomas, 90.1; Elliott, Douglas, 89.9; Spry, Susan, 89.6; Gowing, Rosemary, 89.3; Mitchell, James, Reynolds, Wendy (equal), 89.1; Ellacott, Thomas, Gibson, Darryl, (equal), 88.7; DeBruyn, Sigberta, 88.6; Burns Pamella, 88.1; Schirmer, Roelie, 87.7 Campbell, Robert, 87.3; Nasmith, James, 86.7; Harrison, Ward, Scott, Barry (equal) 86.3; NOble, Valdeane 86.1; Wilbee, June, 84.7; Wilson, Gale, 83.7; Crewson, Robert, Patti- son, Doreen (equal) 83.6; Walters, Kenneth, 83.5; Davis, Frederick, Norminton, Susan (equal) 82.9; 'Purvey, Linda, 82.7; Wright, Howie R2.5; Mahood, Linda, 82.4; Smith, Cora, Wright, Janette (equal), 82.1; Deyell, Ronald, McIntyre, Heather, (equal), 81.9; Deleeuw, Leonard, Millen, Robert (equal), 81.7; Elliott, Alma Jane, 81.0; Forsyth, Judith, 80.9; Higgins, Anne, 80.6; Wight- man, Ross, 80.5; Callan, Judith, 80.3 Moses, Margaret, 79.9; Nicholson, Margaret, Vanstone, Joseph (equal) 79.6; IVfeTaggart, Ruth, 79.0; Don- aldson, Nancy, 78.7; Cantelon, Kar- en, 78.6; Henderson, Janis 78.3; Lo- gan, Ralph, 78.0; Meehan, Darlene, Nicol, Noreen (equal), 77.9; Pace, Phyllis, 77.7; Adams, Robert, 77.3; State Charles, '(`hacker, Beverley Third Class Honours: Penner, Di.. none, 0,3.3.; Plant, (Holm 02.8; Jack- Macray. 111.5. PrAss: IMerkley. Jennice, 58.0; Inrkby 1)tanne, 370; Scott, Marian GRADE XI First Class Honours: Caslielf, Wayne, 91.8; Reynolds, Susanne, (equal/ 65.3; Llinn, Robert, Gral; . 89.3; moor,,, Elw i n,1"Th)lnintOn, 't pg ter in, Donna. Mar. 10 Cl au di a ((via )) 87 .8; ]Martin, t Morrtimm, JIIR„ 64.9; WayB (1. -873; Thalgins, Kathleen, Jc-a 0(1Y, ;108 enh, 04.7; Chettleburgh, 87.0; McKibben, Judith, 85,8; "'1-1 "' (4'6.; 'T'1111' (11,1; Powell Thomas 85,5; Mundell Hugh Galbralth, Jack, 64,0; Baird, Leo 85.0; patriot( 81.0; licuaer- , 1tard, (. (mites, Ruth, Iowans,Ste- Non, Gail, 83:7; Thornton, ;Atha, ith1'11 tl.1.1.11111) WO; Ildnaban. Jan", 1 t;1 5; Itnustetitler, Helen, 81.0; Dal-63.7; 1'tum(1g, Fraser, 63.5; 01144- 1 Unmet. ElivabeLlt 11111e; PM/v.0r ,malt', Mather): (Liao. (equal) i i k,100 0 „ (1,0111t D 84:,5; Coultes Linda goltzte, Collide, 02.6; Van de X-0-)111 793; Sh u lman, Larry, 78,2; Noble, Marie, 77.8; 11/feKague, Utah, 76,7; Auders(ni, Itelen, 70,3; Canron, Brenda., 70.2; Coultes, Marie, 75.8; McKtita,-y, Adeline, 75.7; Hamilton, ,}le,'., ClassHonours: Scott, Richard, 74.0; Ross Patricia, 73.8; MacTavish, Kenneth, 73.5; Camp- bell, Marilyn, 72.7; Strong, Paul, Whitfield, Donald, (equal) 71,3; McPherson, Grant, 70,8; Campbell, John, 70.7; Hollinger, Helen, 70.4 McIntyre William, Robertson Carol (equal) 69.2; Adams, Philip, 69.0; Hetherington, Robert, 68.8; Busby, Harry, 68.5; Templernan, Linda, 68.3; Chapman Barbara, 68.2; Sew- ers, Brian, 67.0; Miehie, Ruth, 66.8; Goldthorpe Elizabeth, 66.3; Searson Robert 66.0. Third Class Honours: Riley San- dra, 65.3; Bronson, Raymond, 64,6; Farrier, Wayne,, 64,3; 'Edwards, Absent: Watson, George. GRADE XC COMMERCIAL First- Class Honors: Cummings Sandra, 78.5; Armstrong, Edna Mae 76.9, SecOnicl, Class Honours: Paulin, Frances, 71.7; Machan Gail, 69.8; Carter, Elizabeth, 67.7; Scott, Nan- cy, 07.4, Third Class Honours: Elliott, Sharon, 65.8; Horton, Sharon, 65.7; Slating, 65.5; Webber, Lin- da, 64.2; Craig, Alexander,. 63.7; Johnston, Mary Lou, 63.4; Thatiker, Barbara, 62.6; Sehiester, - Judith; Law, Peter, 52.6; Robinson, RusSell, (11.8; Colvin, Jane Amu), 00.3; Ben., 52.8; Adams, Elizabeth, 52:2; Greig, 4 ninger, Shirley, 60.0. - ' Melville, 51.8; Hallahan, Rosemarie t;,1 Pass; ' Lapp, Mary -Joan, 59,8; Howe, Betty Jo Ann (equal) 51.7; it Johnston, Linda, 59.1; Warwick, Sanderson,. Elaine, 51.4.; Thompson. Margaret, 58.8; de. Yang, Ronnie, lthrry, 51.0; Shaw, Edith, 50.8; Tia.•, 58.5; Allan, Margaret, Stokes, 1011z- alaith (equal) 58.3; Ten pas, Di. anne, 58,2; Yen, Faye, 57.5; Me- Glynn, Ruth Anne, .57.1; Gadlte, Patricia, 50.6; Ross Shirley, 55.7; Rodin an, Joan, 5.1,2; Finley, Caro- line, 53.8; Morkley, Francis, 53.5; Devries, Naylor, William (equal), 52.8; MacDonald, Sandra, 51:5; Pinch, Margaret, 51.2. Belpw the line: Black, Lila, We's- enburg, Meryl, Lott, Freda. GRADE XiC COMMERCIAL First Class Honours: Chittick, Joan, 75.9. sa.» 14 'illiarn 569; Horton, Tanet CeceLia, 55.2; McDonald,' Of -abeth, iletrtvter, Al; ItirIon. Oak'; (;eyrie, 52,11; Renwick, Connie, 52.1; Ritchie: Shirley, 50.0 helot the lint': Jaques, Nancy. 55:0; Currie Ann., 51.7: (lark, Dawn Lite, 52,1; De:titer, 51.3. GRADE XII First Class honours: Tr.rur,, Bar- bara, 85.8; Coultes, Murray, T:f • fin, Hilda (equal) 85,3; Cruilvihanic -Julia, 84.8; Conn,- George, It »ye eantira (equal) 83 3; .1.111. lea Kaaren, 82 OW a n, T)' is 80.5; Troupe,. D0018, 80.3; Merrick, Beth 752; MacLennan, -Sandra. 77.8; Martin, Owenilolyne, 70.5; Lapp, 1.1. Ly A nit, /Strong, Jolt, Vaal Doniteragood, belt - (equal) 70.7. Second Class Ilonours: Garry, 74.2; Cardiff, Anne, - 73:4; Wightman, Anne, 73.7; ;'t,p11,41:4. Evelyn, 73.2; Moon', Muriel, (); Strong, Alex, 71.8; MeT,taillan Sit ray, SnrY. Douglas (equal) 71.7; Dieltert,„ Rrinalc1,-70.7; Rh g, Nary, 70.5; Smith, Rae, 611.8; John, '00.2; Gurney, Jean, 68.3; Mut... Key, Lucille, 68.2; Connolly 'Yvonne 07,8; Lottttit, Carol .67,3; Mitehell, Angela, 60.5'; Currie, 33avry, . CY-Malley,. Helen, 60.2; Purpur, 66.0 ,Third Class Hanna's: Crawford', Carol, 6,5.8; McDowell Ronald, 65.2; Hardie, Neal, 6'3.8; Mecutchiton, Da- vid, Thomas' Gerald (equal) .63.5: MacTavish, Donald, 63.0; t eeeroft: Jil.net, Penner Richard (equal) 62.8; tieirra'y';•Williarn 62.7; -Shinn,. Glean 62.5; Dalrear, Dianne, Jardin Paul (equal) 62,0; Dietrich, Gerard, 60.6; Choke, Nadine, Madill, John, Pron.- ter, Donald, (equal) 60.5; Clark, Linda 60.4; Reid, Jane 65.3. •Pass: McDowell,. John, 59.8; For. tune, Douglas, 59.6; Millen Thomas, 59,3; Taylor, Ruth (4. $11bjcets) 59:0; Shackleton, Mary B., 58.0; Ferguson, Lynn, 57.6; Harrison, Kenneth, 57,2; Bateman,' Donald, Stobo Donald (equal) 57,0; Harris. Leone, McDonald' Allan (equal) 56.8;- I-Iollenbeek, Robert, Rhame, Corrine (equal) 56.3; Ritchie, Mari- lyn, 55.5; Wocks, James, 55.3; Yuill James 54.4; McBurney Wm. 53.7; tia, Paul. frg-'=-4$414M-1.14.-"I`cnrat%!'41.441%....f-‘1 .-.LFZe=.11',V.LF.4%M"IfgeZ7tItMe.4r"a2fZeZUL''0.; PIA "?, OUR OVEN-READY TURKEYS IVOR CHRISTMAS ARE FROM 4 OURTI.Ann AND PROCESSED 1W RIVERSIDE CO., LONDON, l'' 4 11 -,-PINDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION AND GRADING. q NEW YORK Dnicssim ARE DRY ricium) At' ME FARM. 'il.v..vmn,im.,,,mnm,v,i;irszvvg,nnnniT.,,,in.".*-sm,.:VPAnVirV,,MIN 4114)..14,f44.1fiM).14),Mtne.)1f4e4rZed.W.AWArl'eXitUa:1)WX.e4lef&V, V P ti tENMAL CONTRACTOR THr. MAIN LOBBY of the new Toronto-Dominion afternoon when M)out 500 interested patrons WINGNAM Bank building is shown above. The new estab- visited the building and were served coffee and lishment was, officially opened last Saturday lunch by the hank staff. AgitiavihtojtoWitrfiMAtmArmszogmio.