HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-12-06, Page 13.111e Winghara AdVanee-lrimes, Wednesday, rec. 6, 1961Page nirteen ou pi Es, cLun fins Tbure,(sqdnacyri tev:,intiitlig3.7Incoutphleeschurch . towlanee. The minutes were read Ill SALVATION ARMY ' bY Mr:;. Jahn Donaldson and a . . . . . . . alma business period was held. The Presbyterian Couple ;' Club. The roll was called and the ar- beid the November meeting on feting received, Mrs. Jerry Smith A TIP OF THE HAT TO HARRY MERKLEY AT THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE FINE, MODERN e 1 ront Grocery Where we were very pleased to have had the opportunity to install the entire MEM SYSTEM Howard Fuller PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 392 W INGHAM. 1 CONGR TULATIONS to HARRY MERKLEY ON THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW ront rPANZIIMMV•AVATIM7'61,7%,AV:4 YORK TRADING LIMITED WHOLESALE GROCERS KITCHENER ONTARIO J SHIRLEY VOLLMER is shown at one of the automatic check-out stations in the new Red Front Grocery which is having its official open- ing this week-end. The check-out counters are motorized so that the customer's groceria..s can be moved through as quickly as possible. „.„ THERE IS A BIG DISPLAY of frozen food and frigerated food cabinet to the left and the three- dairy products at the new Red Front, Grocery, rack dairy display on the right. The two units Here are the two display cabinets with the re- take up 28 feet of space. e .1fgalm';;;A: U ELECTRIC Wit Industrial, Commercial, Home and Farm Wiring Motor Re=wind and Repair PHONE 474 WINGHAM THE BABY FOOD SECTION in the Red Front. Grocery is a sample of the complete stock of staples carried by Harry Merkley in his newly- opened store. This display has more than a hundred cases of cans within easy reach of the customers. :Hydro Sends Posters To Ontario .Schools - A. new program of electrical safe- shown by Larry Kent of his ty, designed especially' for, elemen- wt,mea,thy, N ovemb er 22 mar k_ Lary and.secondary schoel students ed the beOnoing of a new era `in the province, nas been' launched in Ontario provincial politics and by Ontario 'Hydro. in more than twelve years the In co-operation with the Depart. Ontario Legislature opened its merit of EduCation of 'Ontario, Hy- Session without Leslie F, Frost dro 'has produced a series of safe- in command. In his accustomed ty posters to be displayed on school place was the Eon. Jdhn P. Ro- bulletin boards at appropriate harts, the new prime minister who had been elected last month to succeed lion. Mr. Frost as the leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, and who early in. November, with his Cabinet, had been sworn in as Her Ma- jesty's Clovernmont, The efficiency pal electrical utilities and Ontario school inSpectors, Department of Education officials, local munici- ecutiv e eouncii will give aggres-tHydro's regional and area offices, sive vet seasoord leadership to our great province. • ' • • Among the (.l tinges in Cabinet Portfolios was tie, of the mem- ber for Grenville-Dundas from highways to municipal affairS,i succervling there the Hon, W. K. Warrender, became MinisteR of Labor. These Portfolios arel. considered two of the most dif-- Penit in the government and the moving of two seasoned ministers to fill them would seem to in. dingle the new government's con- cern in these areas, While' the house sat ror only three days (luring the first week of the Session, its organization for the Session was well 'under way. A new deputy speaker, Keith Brown, M.P.P. for Peterborough, was elert,.1 5n(1 the committees of the House were struck with ex- perienced members as chairmen. A few Bills were introduced and nor legistlative machinery began slowly to turipn its long session- al grind. As usual, the opening of the Legislature was most colorful and the Lieutenant Governor and his most charming lady carried out their vice-regal duties in their usual cordial but efficient man- gave the offertory prayer and Mrs, .1n41 it ANNA Isaac read the Scripture, 11 dtB11 tiV The highlight of the evening was a very interesting talk and film re- REPORTS cent trip to Bermuda. "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" and "Faith to Faith" were sung by Mrs, Casemore and John Donaldson Jr, Everyone joined in singing "The Lord Is My Shep- herd". Lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac, who were in chdrge of this -meeting. CONGRATULATE WINGHAM'S NEW-MODERN SUPERMARKET THE MERKLEY IC E D FRONT ON THEIR OFFICIAL OPEN1Nfi times .ditririg, the current school year, The posters cover three as- pects of electrical safety of par- ticular importance to young people The poster's point to the damage that can result from throWing stories • inR shooting at ,.!;inaidators on hydro poles, the hazards of fall- displayed by the new prime mini- en hydro .lines, .and the dangers stor during the opening days of ,of flying. kites- and model planes the Session attested to the smooth close to hydro• lines. transition of government from 'tile Three copies of each. poster will Frost to Unbarts administration. be sent to the 6,934 elementary The speech from the throne in- schools and 474 secondary, private die-ated that Mr. Itoharts was pre- and special schools- in the province, pared to build carefully and well Copies will also be Sent to all Ori- on the foundation so well laid by tario elementary and secondary Mr. Frost, The mixture of experi- enced ministers with younger mi- nister:4 ensures that the new ex- ner, The Governor's reception af- ter the opening gave everyone an opportunity to meet the new prime minister. and Mrs. Robarts and was one of the largest (and longest) in recent memory. All of. us who have served the people of Ontario under the lead- ership of Mr. Frost experienced a most nostalgic, even sad, feeling as we participated in these events without the Frosts. During his long period of leadership both Mr. and Mrs. Frost had endeare0 themselves to all .of us; the growth and prosperity of Ontario during the period of the Frost government will remain one of the bright spots of our provincial history, and Mr: Frost's vision and leadership has set a mark indeed by which.: all his successors can and will undoubtedly be judged. It' will be niy endeavour again during the 'course of this Session of the • '5Mtario Legislature'. to bring to' you, 'through the kind- ness of your ,editor, as in the past, weekly reports en, all the high- lights of tjhe Legislature. These, I ,do trust, will' in some measure allow you each to participate in our Legislature's activities. EXTENSIVE STORAGE SPACE takes up a 30 x 40 foot area at the back of the new Red Front Gro- cery. Part of this warehouse space is pictured here, as well as the overhead oil furnace- heating unit that is suspended from the ceiling. , atulations BEST WISHES FOR _CONTINUED SUCCESS TO RRY MERKLEY THE 4FFICIAL OPENING THiE. ront Gtocery We are pleased to have been chosen to install the COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND 'LlfiliTINfi About Nazareth . . Nazareth, the clioaen city mid one of Christendoms holiest places, was once so insignificant that the term "Nazarene" was applied to Jesus Christ in derision. When Jesus callei His first dis. ciplc s, Philip of Bethsaida was chosen an, Philip happily infortnel Nathanarl, "We have discovered the One about Whom our scrip tures speak. He is Jesus of Naza, reth, .the Son of Joseph." And Na.. thanael replied. "Can onvtliing good come out of Nazareth?" But when Nathanael came to jostle,. Jesus spoke to him and Na.,. Himmel exclaimed, "Thou art the Son of God; Thou art the Xing 'o't Israel." Nathanael returned to Na- zareth in the company 'of a fON ehoSeti disciples as Jesus was begin His ministry it the land We loved so well. THE MEAT COUNTER for packaged Meats at the Red Front Gro- cery is shown here and runs for 10 feet, at the rear of the store. Another service counter, not shown, it placed next to this unit, providing eight feet Of display space.