HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-29, Page 11When an adverse witness preced
rQ tiach answer with "I think," the
)neyer lost: patience and insisted
the third time that the witness
LAO he court anal jury "what you
lrnow, and not what you think."
Whereupon the witness quietly
replied: "I'm not a lawyer; 7 can't
talk without thinking." if ighwilea
of Happiness,
"I'd move heaven .and, earth to
, break 100," said the duffer golfer
I o., 1,e I,:ruged away in it seed trap .
"Try heaven,"adviserl Ids partner,
"you've already moved enough
earl h."
. .... . ua
MOD LS: 2.Door Sedans, 2-boor Hardtops, 4-Door Sedans, 4- boor Station Wagon, Coiwertibliii.
OPTIONS; 6 or V.8 engines and 3 Horsepower choices. * standard, Automatic, 4.speed Floor stal
and Overdrive Transmissions • Power Steering • Power Brakes *Reclining Seats • Bucket Seats • Radio
(push-button or manual) Near Speakers • Hill Holder•• Back.up Lights ••Windshield Washers
Phone 181 Wingham, pot
witigitame Noweagognag62 Id BV STUDEBAKER ~
• •
t4,•-.• •
charge, and an attendance of 29.
Miss pickford introduced the
Chums to Bob Rintoul, who invest-
ed them. The new Cubs are Bob
McGee, Jerry Marks, Tom Irwin,
John Broome, Mike Walden, Leslie
Thompson, Bob Shaunessy, Steven
Langridge, David Gibson, Wayne
Carter, John Leitch, Randy Hafer-
rnehl, Glen Dundas, Jim Casemore
and Barry Gardner,
Bill and Bob conducted the
games while Barbara tested the
boys on their work,
Brad Elliott passed exercises;
Norman Morrie, Mark Fisher pass-
ed growing things; Pete McCarter,
God Save the Queen and Ken Ait-
chison, patron saints.
Xen Aitchison was presented
with his First Star arid all the 'boys
joined in the Grand Howl at the
close of the meeting.
670/15 WAS '26,50
NOW 19
95 NNE
Go safe, go sure through
slush, mud or deep snow,
Get Suburbanites, Made
only by Goodyear, See us
today and save!
P4e, Will1Ploigia MIrlulce•TImes, Wk4aws40, Nov. $9. 1 1 rage legaVINI
Why settle for a 4-cylinder
Tempest engine when LARK
gives you a choice of 6 or V-8,
with high gas economy 'and
horsepower up to 195? Why be
content with Tempest's 2" less
headroom, nearly 51/2 " less 4-
.door sedan rear legroom? Just. extra legroom in the•LARK, plus
more top horsepower available,
much more braking area? Justa
sample of the way the LARK
outdistances 1-85—at far lower
To everyone considering the purchase of a new
car of any make. Compare the LARK with any
other car at any price and you will find it offers
the most satisfying basic value of all.
a sample.' of LARK's big lead
over Tempest—at prices start-
ing $560 less. •
Check the Falcon vs. the LARK BUICK SPECIAL? and you'll find Falcon's wheel-
base is 31/2 " shorter, it's a nar-
rower car, with less headroom,
legroom, hiproom. Falcon has
only 85. to 101 hp instead of
LARK's 112 to 195;, Falcon
doesn't offer 3-speed Automat-
ic transmission or dual head-
lights. Just a sample of the
LARK's superiority over the
Falcon—yet LARK prices start
$37 less.
it. Invitatio4-
price. Just a sample of how
LARK outvalues Corvair—at
prices starting $37 lower.
Why pay prices for 1-85 starting
$856 higher than LARK's when
you'll find 2" extra front and
rear hiproom and up to 51/2"
Why pay full big car prices for
Plymouth and Dodge when
LARK gives you inches;more
headroom and legrporn • both
front and rear-4" more rear
legroom in the 4-door sedan?
With full V-8 power and Auto-
matic transmission the luxuri-
ously carpeted and upholstered
LARK Regal can ,be,,,yours for
less than a stick shift Plynouth
and Dodge Six. Just another
example of the LARK's.ability
to give you more big'car com-
fort than the bigger,carsthem-
selves—for less money:
Why let Valiant's mere $36
lower base price deprive you of
hundreds of dollars in addition-
al car-value you get in theLARK?
Compare LARK's 112 to 195 hp
range to Valiant's 101 to 145;
LARIC's 4-door with a 61/2" long-
er wheelbase; LARK's many
inches of added room-in every
interior dimension. LARK's
higher, wider doors, flush
floors, and safety padding at no
additional cost, J ust a sample of
LARK's many big advantages
over Valiant.
Here's a hint from the Ontario
Department of Agriculture that will
help you get out of those icy spots
this winter. Carry a 50-lb, bag of
chick grits in the trunk of your
ear Grits are cheap and don't
tree2e as sand frequently does. The
grits are also easy to eloan up if.
they get .spilled In the trunk. Be-
cause of thvir sIoryntes$ they allow
better traction' on tee.
prize for the largest pike, club president Ab Nethery, Tommy
Parker, holding his trophy for the largest speckled trout caught
during The year and Harry McArthur, who presented the tro-
phies.—Advance-Times photo.
m-757 .....
cii Yoeman 268, men's high triple, ',Fe" Mac Ritchie, 714.
0 - 0 - 0
Men's Town League
Well, Burkes team came up with
another big win, defeating the
Rockets 7-0, This gave Burkes top
place, although Mac Ritchie took
high triple for the night with 699.
The Hydro team defeated Lees
5-2, with Ken. Saxton of the latter
team, getting high single for the
night with 298.
CKNX defeated the Mustangs 5-2
with Bill Stephenson and Ilap
Swatridge both having a real good
Watch for—
Thursday Evening, December 7th
Details in Next Week's Advance-Times
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tom
kr go) (.2- PT Oh) 0 (2.5) 6-) 25) (0 ft4"15)
/5 45 65 78 /Q4 104 129 /414 /69 /Er4 /69
For some reason, keeping score
seems to confuse an astonishing
number of people, including some
who have been bowling for years.
Basically, you score the value of
the pins you knock down with
three balls from each frame, Under
the National Scoring System, va-
lue of the pins is:
2 2 •
-3 3
The left corner pin must be
knocked down in each frame. If
left standing, there is no score for
that frame.
The rules for scoring and sym-
bols were explained in an earlier
column, But to illustrate how the
.system works, here is a sample
game, The count for each individiV:
al frame is indicated by the figure
in the brackets; the cumulative
score by the large figure.
Frame 1: Joe knocks down all
pins, with three balls. Score 15. If
you 'wish, a dot and a horizontal
line may he placed in the small
square to help you keep track of
game details. They indicate an "er-
ror" in not bowling either a strike
with the first ball, or a spare with
the second.
Frame 2: First ball knocks all
pins down for a "Strike", Mark X
in small corner. Next two balls
bowled later will also count in this
Frame 3: Joe knocks down all
pins with. two balls for a "Spare",
Mark small square with "/". The
15 points from these pins are add.
ed 0 the earlier 15 in frame 2, for
a frame 2.score of 30. For frame 3,
he's entitled to 15 plus the count
he' gets on the next hall..
Frame 4: First ball picks out
headpin. Mark "HP" in small
square; add 5 points to frame 3,
for frame 3 count of 20. The other
Pack A- Cubs
Penny Gerrie and Barry Pick-
ford were the leaders for Pack A
last Tuesday' night when 22 boys
turned out for the meeting at the
Scout House.
Following the opening ceremony
Miss Gerrie gave tests while Barry
conducted the games.
Norman MacLennan passed the
test on cleanliness for First Star,
completing his tests in that series
and was presented with his First
Star. He then went on to pass
Walking the plank in Second Star
requirements and earned his swim-
mer proficiency badge as well,
Donald Collar passed Second.
Star fire-lighting; George, Miller
received his artist and guide pro-
ficiency badges; Brian Miller his
guide, while Rodney Furness, Ran-
.Eirick and Doug Cameron pass...
ed throw and catch, balancing,
summersault, leap frog and hap-.
ping. Randy Elrick and Doug Ca..
moron passed telling the thne
and Monty Tempi on n, walk
ing the plank,
0 -0.0
rack B Cults
It Was a special night last Thurs.
day for 15 Churns who were invest.
ed into the rack. The ceremony
took plate following the usual op-
ening with Barb Pickford, Bill
Crawford and Bob Aintoul in
Ladies' League
League leading Corvairs' dropped
three points to the Ramblers while
the Larks and Falcons took three
from the Darts and Comets. High
single went to Comets' Zelma Her-
tog with a 285 while high triple
went to Corvairs' Roberta Seddon
with 656.
Standings : Corvairs 21; Ramblers
17; Falcons 17; Larks 17; Comets
13; Darts 11.
0 - 0 - 0
Commercial Bowlers
Just as when Christmas draws
near a lot of folks loosen up and
spend money more freely, so it was
at the bowling lanes last week,
when quite a number loosened up
and really sent the pins flying. As
a result there was a bit of a shake-
up in the team standings. Not
many points separating first and
last teams, just positioned differ-
Ruth Lott came up with the la-
dies' high single, a 204, while Hilda
Stainton had the high triple, 517.
Mery Templeman took the gents'
high single with a 285 and Ernie
Walker the high triple with 638.
Team standings: Dodgers 47,
Braves 43, Orioles 41, Red Legs 41,
Pirates 40, Tigers 38.
0 - 0 - 0
Men's Inter-Town Bowling
Last Saturday the Wingham
team, sponsored by Brophy Bros.,
traveled to Clinton only to get
beaten 7-4.
The top Wingham howler for
five games was Ted English, with a
1137, followed by Jim Wild with
1111, and Ray Walker with 1103.
The high single on the Wingham
team was Ted English with 266.
The high of the day was Dave
Reid of Clinton, with 288. Next
Saturday the team is at home,
playing host to the Zurich team.
0 - 0 - 0
Lloyd's B. ter, W Bowling
Buzzards 2680, Hawkeyes 2673,
Blue Jayes 2614, Eagles 2590, Car-
dinals 2426, Craws 2209.
Ladies' high single, Joyce Cro-
thers 263, ladies' high triple, Ann
Yoeman 616, men's high single, Ce-
Draw Winners
The winners of the Lucknow
Royal Canadian Legion draw held
on November 10 were Lazy boy,
Lloyd Saunders of Lucknoi,v; tran-
sistor radio, Dr, Mel Corrin, Luck-
now; portable electric mixer, Ed.
Scrutton of Goderich; stainless
cooking ware, Joe McMillan. Luck-
Bridge Club
North and South: First, A. M,
Forbes and Mrs. G. Gannett; sec-
ond, Mrs. H. Campbell and Art
Wilson; third, Mrs. J. H. Crawford
and Mrs, R. Dundas.
East and West: First, Mrs. R. H.
Lloyd and 0, Haselgrove: second,
Mrs. F. A, Parker and J. H. Craw-
ford; third, Mrs. G. Cameron and
B. Ortlieb.
Wingham Club Wins
Bridge Tournament
Twenty-eight members of the
Stratford Bridge Club visited the
Wingham. Club last Friday even-
ing fora return tournament match.
Wingham. won by a score of 1921
to 1900.
North and South; First, Mrs, T
R. Nichols and Mrs, F. Strat.
ford, 182 points; second, Mrs. B.
Dundas and 0. Haeelgrove, 179;
third, Mr. and Mrs, Gibbons, Strat..
ford, 1763 4
East attd West: First, Mr. and
ages, C, Hodgins, 157%; second, F.
Ellis and 13. Dixon, Stratford,
Ifid%; third, 1Vtra.Mothering-
ton And Mrs. G. a Boss, ltOth.
Measure the LARK 2-door
against the comparable
Rambler Classic 2-door Club.
Sedan and discover LARK gives
you a 1" longer wheelbase,
more interior room, choice of a
6 or V:8 instead of only a 6, a
112 to 195 horsepower range
rather than 90 to 138, Plus
padded instrument. panel and
dual headlights at no extra
charge. These are just a sample
of the many LARK advantages
over Rambler, and LARK prices
start $147 'less,
Why step down into Corvair's
deep floor wells when the LARK
has high floors flush with door-
sill, up to 9 inches more leg-
room; bigger, wider doors to
step through? Corvair's extra.
price 101 hp engine is smaller
than LARK's smallest 112 hp;
and. Corvair can't offer LARK's
power options and 3-speed
Automatic Transmission at any
Why pay a $722 premium for
-the Buick Special when a LARK
is bigger in every way—bigger
in every interior dimension, in
braking power (172" vs. 129"),
in optional available top horse-
power (195 vs. 185), in wheel
size (15"vs. 13")? Just a sample
of the many big ways LARK's a
better buy for far less money.
Why compromise with a Chevy
It or Acadian when LARK offers
you the choice of a 6 or V-8
cylinder instead of a 4 or 6,
more room in every dimension,
and the riding comfort of multi.
leaf springs and full coil spring
seats unavailable in the Chevy
II and Acadian? Just some ex-
What use is Comet's 1" longer
wheelbase, 7" longer length,
when LARK gives you more
room in all-interior dimensions
—5" in rear 4-door sedan leg-
room alone? LARK offers up to
100% more horsepower, larger
bonded brakes, and full power
options that Comet hasn't got.
Just a sample of LARK's con-
vincing superiority over Comet
—and LARK prices begin $135
less than Comet.
amples of LARK's ability to out-
value the Chevy II and Acadian.
LARK prices start at $37 below
the 4 cylinder Chevy II and $62,
below the 4 cylinder Acadian.
Why buy a Fairlane or Meteor
that's 9" longer than a LARK,
when it's narrower inside and
has less legroom and head-
room, smaller 13" or 14"
wheels, a smaller 6-cylinder
engine, a smaller V-8, smaller
choice of models and options?
Just a limited list of the ways
LARK beats the Fairlane and
Meteor—at prices starting $185
under the Fairlane, and .$299
under the. Meteor.
SPORTSMEN MEET—The annual ladies" night of- the Wingham
Sportsmen's Association was held at the Legion-Home on Wed-
nesday evening. Here the guest speaker, Ed, Meadows, chief
conservation officer, of Hespeler, Ernest Ackert,' who won the
Chief Bowling Instructors
Double Diamond Advisory Council
two balls knock down all except
the right corner pin. Count 13.
Frame 5: All pins down with the
first ball for another strike. But
Joe's foot skidded past the foul
line, and he's charged with a foul.
Mark X in small square and "F"
in the corner of "Total" space.
Frame 6: Joe's first ball takes
out No. 5 and both No. 3 pins,
leaving two corner pins standing--
called "Aces Up". Mark "A" in
small square. Next two balls miss
entirely. Add total of 11 to strike
in frame 5, for frame 5 count of
26, Because counter pin was left
standing in frame 6, he gets no
score here. This is a "blow", indi-
cated by two diagonal lines across
Frame 7: All pins down with two
balls for a Spare. Count 15 phis
Score on next ball.
Frame 8: First ball knocks down
No. 5 and left hand No. 3 and No.
2 pins. Called a "chop-off", marked
"c.o.", Add 10 to frame 7, for a
frame 7 count of 25. Other two
balls knock down remaining pins
for frame 8 score of 15.
Frame 9: A strike.
Frame 10: First ball knocks down
No. 5 and No. 3 pin, called a "Split',
marked "s" in small square. Second
ball knocks down No. 2 counter
pin. Add 10 to frame for a frame 9
count of 25, Final hall knocks down
remaining pins for frame 10 count
of 15.
Total: Score for game would oe
184 points. But the foul in frame
5 means 15 points are subtracted
from this. Final score is 169.
We hope this example helps to
solve any, scoring difficulties you
may have. If you have other kinds
of bowling difficulties, hints or
helpful suggestions for bowlers, we
would he glad to hear from you.
Write us, care of The Wingham
Next: Four Ways to Aim
An f.)(goillefil inelin1.41 4$J 'having
an ail (Vial (N "Winn eit voitoe for
he num !a Rh Zitallfg famllY
---Reprerit at ivr..-----
Caniukt Lift,
° utone 40e
Team Standings.
Burkes, 44; Hydro, 42; CKNX,
33; Mustangs, 26; Lees, 25; Rock- 1111111ifillilliellet1112111,11117111111119111111111111111 ets, 19. •
Town of Wingham
For acclamation to serve you as reeve for
another term, I have made every effort to
promote the best interests of our town and
can promise that these efforts will be con-
tinued throughout the coming year.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks
for the confidence you have placed in me
and offer my best wishes for the Christ-
rnas season and the New Year.
J. Roy Adair, eeve.
Citizens and Taxpayers
t 4
-op -
Wingham Tire Service
Brophy Bros.