HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-22, Page 18ANNETTE'S NAIR STYLING P11.21"r11)Millr • The wingliam Tira.tA ragts SI:00cm Wrci.. Nov. 19W . . Imodumimax.woolow LYCEUM Theatre Wingham, Ontario 1\VO. ShOWN, t,tkeh Sigla .oninlenelng,,, at 7.14 p.m. *OMISSION --03e. •Vit• •• 30c Gift of .Nioney To Newlyweds. ihrebet, .1 - ang• h o't r ; Li t; hy• • +I ' ti •.-t FC41'1;,. 1'14%111W" /Or vt•ry !itr;•,•• crowhi, h hi.oritaf hind Mrs. • i Nar.,. -rt• h.:. writ thP r 11117:;1r1 I 11 .00ti• t re •ta addr, t! •1 Ita ,y to 11' n-'' r •deil .,villa • l.y hut Coolt and .• •• vd. nift trout the .J14;1401' 4a71.4)iization. Weekly Ettcllre w,•re al :h.', •,•htlitar wec••1;, hiclith• 1.11•111 tho cell on VVe,ia, pven ,ng. 111;.;a. urn., .2...iner.t v,•••!••• ("4 11'0„ Mc 11;:1 • f`f )(et t'S. 0.11, A roxnantiv vomehly about it . it•';z• v.•••ni to Mrs. .less junior and his pretty colleague ‘;I:,• :ma I.t tvi.; ,Nove Ky *vitt! ,•'erf.' 1111111111•111WIMERE _ ,XV...4rti414112nkilZetifa and ,fotherth lumbar. 4 4 motT Sails give APPLIANCES from Pattison Radio and Electric MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING FOR MOM :13111.11S,-F111.-SAT. NOV. TomMy Sands - Fabian - ,lim ling in "LOVE IN A GOLDFISII BOWL" (Atha xrat,outlymi•ut. Give her a Labor - saving ELECTRIC APPLIANCE FROM OUR BIG STOCK - The Best in Town , Drop in Saturday, and Look Around 4Z;104,14W.14'W.F40413cM0aMAMli AND DON'T FORGET THAT WE ALSO HAVE l * SOMETHING FOR EVERY MEMBER OF • rnentator and Mrs. Scott Clarkson, right, is the club leader.-Advance-Times photo. THE FORDWICH FRUIT FANS displayed this ex- hibit at the 4-H Club Achievement Day held here on Saturday. Audrey Ruttan, left, was the corn- Yfr. ,4 "t* Red Phone: rocery ront Our Prices Are Lower THE FAMILY. MAKE • YOUR CHOICE EARLY WHILE YOU HAVE TIME TO MAKE A WISE SELECTION -004i*T40.1414,Z4z4f.'4;-:::.'4.V.ZZ&.::"4,Z4ozz4.74m14a0A,,,om.v200 P ISON Shopping is ; Radio and Electric - Easier Before the Rush! • Li' ;$40.,:l.70-N2r..an.70,M,w,‘,F•,,;.•7,0t.P.-0t.7.0tZ•hn,74.tri..V.V7o1,S7Alrelr.g7t..V1%.,"%rg.70%47,000.ri .701-VV.VV",1,12; Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery 21.,-114, AVERAGE- Fresh Frying CHICKENS each 79c Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR .10-lbs. 79c KLEENEX, regular or chubby 3, 49c Beehive CORN SYRUP 2-lbs. 29c 12c OFF OIAN't- CHEER Powdered Detergent 69c "Serving You Since 1935" STARTED YOUR liiisbnas 'ID TIME YOU 'DID! ROBIN HOOD deluxe CAKE MIX (all flay- • ors)-buy one at regular price and get 1 Free • treasurer; centre, Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, .Clin- ton, Huron County Home Economist vicJ Mrs. Howard Harris of Fordwich, zone presi- ' dent of the W.I.-A-T photo. ' DISTRICT OFFICERS of the East Huron Zone of the Women's Institute presented awards at the 4-H Achievement Dayo,,he)d, at the. high school last Saturday for theHomemaking Clubs. Left is Mrs. H. Rhame, Gorrie, district secretary- WESTON'S--le OFF-- Brown and Serve TWIN ROLLS 25c JUST BAKE AND wittvtc- Farm House Frozen APPLE PIE ....each 39c Swanson Macaroni and Cheese PIE, 8-oz. ..21c 10-oz.- York Frozen French Cut GREEN BEANS .21c York Frozen SOLE FILLET lb. 45c 1.0 OFF - Blue Bonnet MARGARINE ..3-1b. pack 81c Lihby's Choice PEAS, 15-oz. 2/33c moz.- Green Giant Fancy CORN NIBLETS 2/39c WAX TURNIPS (41/2 to 6" size) 3:25c Ont. WASHED CARROTS, 20-oz. cello .3/25c .. t%.T.4?-4f:41,4:,,,,, Please no telephone orders for town de- W.I. ENTERTAINS DISPLAY OF UM', AT 1111ONVIEW AT ONTARIO MUSEUM 4 if as so2 4 ST. HELENS-On Wednesday af- ternoon over 30 ladies from the St, Helens W.I. and friends en joyed bus trip to Clinton, where this group played host to the sen- ior citizens at their November birthday party. A dazzling display of the cartifs riches will soon be shown in 4,49w mineral and geth gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum, UniverSity of Toronto, finanded by a $7p,poo grant from the International Nick- el Company of Canada, Ltd, • The vice-president, Mrs. Ross Gammie, addressed the senior citi- zens who bad assembled in the TV SLEEPWEAR SLIPS . A number one item on nay gift list See our wonderful selection, generousiy yet daintily- trimmed with lace. The exhibit will show gerns,,.61d nuggets, crystal clusters and 'bril- liantly colored minerals., The "sp4ti- room. There were 12, residents ce- mons will be drawn from ,the lebrating their birthdays in No- seum's immense collections,..w,hicl, vember and each received a corsage, a"re among the finest in the 'world and a gift. With Mrs, William Rutherford at I The Department of Minert&g3, the piano; everyone joined in a of the ROM now serves reseaYch rousing sing-song. The program consisted of readings by Mrs. jim Aitehis.on and Mrs. Frank Mc- Mrs. Gordon McPherson delighted the Scots with her High- land dances and a °108 were sung by Mrs. DeBoer and janiee Gaunt. Loree Gam/Me gave a recitation. The program closed with the sing. ing of "Abide with Me". Lunch was served by the St. Helens ladies along with a birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston expressed their thanks and appreciation to the group and told how much this party meant especially to those with no close relatives. The la- dies were conducted on a tour of the new building. • • . lovely and practic:11 gill frmo cosy flannelettes and souggledowns to beautiful Sheers in gowns or pyjamas. Everyone agrees . . . The best gilts under the tree came from, EDIGHOIFFERS. What's more you'll enjoy shopping in the wonderful new atmosphere of our newly renovated store. Priced frotn $2.98 workers around the worlld, as well as students at the University -.`of Toronto, the visiting public, and mineralogists in industry. In announcing the grant; ,Dr. V. B. Meen, head of the m.useurn't Earth Sciences Division, said: th coital:ruction of the new exhibits 'W aS also coming at a time whet the interest in mineralogy is great- ter than ever before. The new gallery NAll be deSigned to illustrate the variety,.the rich- ness. and the fascination of Ou, new materials that make up' the earth's crust. The exhibits,"4ill include material from the Le6,nird Collection of gemstones,, the Andre Do'vfman Collection of minerals and the IVIaeIntyre -Porcupine:Col- lection of gold ore and nuggets, There a r no other collections in Canada comparable to those at tht ROM. Over 70 per cent of the world's known minerals arc repro- seated in the more than 200,000 re, gistered specimens, The museum has collected in Canada, the Un- itod States, Central and South Am- erica, Central Europe, Africa, Asia, Scandinavia, the IVIediterranean and the Pacific. In recent years Dr. IVEeen has- travelled to mire than 30 countries in search of rain. •and special attention has been given to the collection of:p.re- eions geMs, Exhibit designer John Hilien says that his plans call for a . gal- lery to please and exeite the'eye, like a great jewel box. Dramatic lighting willl be `Used in the eidilh- its which will be installed :in a darkened gallery.. Constriteti6 will begin early in 1962. . Tho mineralogy collections ar the Royal Ontario Museum wore hewn) at Victoria College, Cobourg, at the end of the 19th century, at'',the Provineial Museum, Toronte, and with the purchase by the liniveraity of Toronto of one of the collettions P"'esrernliebrl.edInby1.0t1h2e, ,wlahte(In ipthr.e was established, these eolieetions wore brought together. Under the direction of Dr, L, Walker', first director of the Itoyal Ontario, IVIns- emu of Mineralogy, and tit A, 15. Coleman, first director of the ROM of Geology, the collleetionS grew in size and importance. Private don , livery after 12 noon on Saturday 7.70',70,7-70*0;'.,;20;70420: 23:1X•PiiiZA Priced from $2.98 HANDBAGS • 0 • Akexcellent choice of top qualits liagt:t. plaSties and fine, leathers. riuten FRO:11- UMBRELLAS.. . . Here is another practical and es- sential item which makes a most satcycicesptbilae (gollfotr.s rit0:18%.i.svelepci(triasoiln jo4.f. Price $3.98 and.$4.95 $2..98 to $11.95 n7.O;',P;`,`.5,77;.W.i.thht.'0T,V.,174n7.0h: Oit:•Mt.th:AMIgatuttEigtfiM`Wi:14*:',$4 'oVely sheer Hosiery, Panties, Scarves,,:Gloves, Hankies, Ap rons and many novelty items at $1.00 anl less. Christmas Shopping 1961 at laffibbons Rexall Drug Store ';,V700,•;e7.0,7,017-07AV,7•;*-.7.:4;;T:0;70,' 0,Z,%14M'AZIok:4‘.. 041404 '4104 ;,=,,',4*CUO4'.`01:tfiat4;1140.4'..;*;1/, DONNYBROOK Mrs. Elgin Joshing, Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain of Londesboro visited Monday, with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jefferson and family Mrs. Cecil Chamney of Wingham spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family. Mrs. J. C. Robinson of Wingham spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Charles Jefferson and Mr. Jeffer- son. ,LET US HANDLE YOUR MALE THIS CHRISTMAS DRESS SHIRTS . . Of superb quality from such mune bramis 14S Arrow and Forsyth, Priced from $5.00 - will feature - FAIR PRICES • QUALITY MERCHANDISE - PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE EASY SELF SELECTION - FABERGE Perfumes, Colognes and Bath ReqUisites Made in Canada for Canadians ELIZABETH ARDEN Quality Cosmetics LEATHER TRAVELLING SETS for men and ladies: Fine BUXTON Billfolds, Clutch Purses, KeY Cases Monogram in Gold Leaf 0 4 r e to kit;119'.. 041 SPORT SHIRTS . In it real man's oltek;e of pattern and siyle, Price $5.00, $6.00 and $7.95 kOzAMil4e4,14';34:fo.;;WrZ1414.14:04 HANDKERCH EFS , Plain or initialled 50c -- Package of 3 in smart plastic container $1.00 CAN LES ST HELENS Mr, and Mrs. ordon minor am Larry of London were week oral visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chester Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. ler. Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Webb returned from Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday to the home of his daiu,th- ter, Mrs, E, W, Rice and Mr. niee, Misses W. D. Rutherford and Isobel Miller spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre awl Donald at Richmond Hill. Mrs. Annie Brown of Ripley visiting her niece, Mrs. Gordon, Lyons arid Mr. Lyons. BELIMAYE 'kg WILL ADD ATMOSPHERE TO YOUR TABLE AND LIVING ROOM CARDS 11USTCRAFT CARDS 37ihire4,111M3'41,46=1:',415M11-4:`;414'thfoth.fingh=434..14.10;Vhillint17.11.7NZIZAW,70001V,V, 0* Belts and Jewellery, Sox and Ties, from $1.00 .4>M7A,V)ti,'ZiM107.,;"*Via;nt;"-;1 Fine Quality Billfolds from $3.95 'Counter Cards" for SPECIAL TITLES. "Bulk Patk"-25 cards of a kind to a box, 12, 14, 16, 21, 50 assorted cards to the box -- All prices, each card a masterpiece of design and taste. Men's Smart Gloves $2.98 and up .W.VPAMPIAN.Z17.11=-..0,7W Pyjamas, regular or polo style $3.95'to $5,95 oplupAnnz-corzomz.-x2,-.0 DRESSING GOWNS . Stnart selection hi cheeks or authentic tartons PENS SHAFFER PENCILS Fine Canadian-Made Precision Writing Instruments l-hWAP.',A37-Anth.7047.0;71.01141VZIWIl SOX and TIE SETS • WITS filFTS 61FTS Mrs. Doris Watts left by plane from Detroit last. Wednesday for her home in Spring Valley, Cal., at, ter spending the past two months visiting with her brother„in-law ors and the mining industrieS .finve Made important eontributiona over and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BY YARDLEY - SHOLTON - OLD SPICE - STAG ••• BACHELOR For Unhurried Casual Shopping handsOme gift for hint. $2.95 and $330 $8,95 to $13,95 NC.Ve•VAilt43*,4,UU&W'aZge41.1MUUtfoa%"04;.^141,04.U.144.4WALIOCht tligAl thattd44044e4 Be in Wingharn for Santa's Visit -Saturday,November 25th the years. When moving heavy furfilture. slip old woolen socks over the legs to prevent marking floors. If fiat& tore has flattened the pile ,e;:t a rug, steam it for a few minutes either with a stearn iron.or with a folded wet cloth iiitclor a dry iron. EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) LTD.. ions Air THE REXALL DRUG STORE Smith and other relatives. Quite a number from the district attended the ROyal Winter Fair in Toronte laSt week. Mr. and Mrs. Clare VanCamp and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carapbell and family visited on: Sunday with mr. and Mrs. Ronald' Campbell and tophen at London. "The Priendly Store It4V410-0020 ke-ZeW!ci.WW.-44‘44-444 . :11."0":-%-krO.fOrik-11021r,1421,44tirklitt