The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-22, Page 11DELMORE At 13elmorn the Women's litstl• tare gala tly moht was held I n the community halt with a good atten- dance. The president, Mrs. Fred Doubledee, presided, lug am abbantr4Eiturs • .0.1ii.%%111311 • SCI.VMS • 1.WI91 X44 .1)4001. lkiel••••*vo Wigs mil1,1404. PRAM rOloOls, WIWIIAN,-fiNTARIO, ,WEL/Ng NjValttEft, 22, 1951 LET THOSE MIDDAY 8E ERASER., JUSTCALLONUS, WELLCOME co., INHASTE! HEATING OILS 0011 GASOLINE '" MOTOR. OILS-GREASES P11,1193 WINGHAM smodiatialstsixdowirliwumilllin Ill vomit, tint • ix‘ri a aps RHEUMATISM: Forsoothing relief from.dieumatic, sclatic..artnritie pain use Rums. raps. Disturbing pains rained 14 itidney and Bladder Irritations, nuirelyrelteved byfiumacap's Septic.action. See Your Druggist. 111111411111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111 CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON .. • ... • • w•so.wooasorx.x%. MANUFACTURED FOR GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS OF CANADA, LIMITED BY VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMITED, LUTON, ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE FROM COAST TO COAST t-162C ii SLEEK NEW LINES Take a peek at the style that's the absolute peak in its class. And you got bigger windows, roomier trunk, more riding room , greater Mile-appeal I SIX PASSENGER ROOMINESS. Room for the kids to squirm in ! in fact, this is the kind of car space that's ideal for family comfort, NEW PEP... NEW POWER. Envoy's Econo-Power 4-cylinder engine squeezes gas for extra go. FOUR DISTINCTIVE WAYS TO GO ENVOY Glamorous Envoy Custom Sedan, glitter. ingstarof the Envoy line ... tops in lookS, leader in value! Adventurous Envoy Spacial... high fashion „. real Convenience and driving ease ... at an economy price! COLOR-KEYED INTERIORS Envoy stylists reached out and brought in a rainbow when they applied their skills to these Glamor- crafted interiors, Luxury crafts- manship'... and extra comfort! Sumfilled Sherwood Station Wagon ... lots of "go" on the road .. lots of space for your load I NEW INSTRUMENT PANEL How right at your fingertips can a panel get? Harmonizes with the beautiful interiors perfectly, but is as functional as can be. Beautifully simple) Extra-Thrifty Envoy Standard .. all of Envoy'sdependabilityand luxuryfea tures ... for a price that's rock-bottom lowl (Whitewall aril Optional at extra rail) COMPLETELY NEV( STYLING! ROOMIER THAN EVER! HERE TODAY ANOTHER GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Chamney and Mrs. William Hardy.31IMMIAIMIMINEVILWRINNIMMI The Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Vie company wilk the outstanding dividend record A girls' double trio sang two se- lections, led by Mrs. Marie Doug- las. Bluevale Institute hidies sang two very much appreciated sane- Letnumbers. Master Peter John Pace gave two of his usual. splen- did readings., Mrs. Mary Wallace the speaker for the evenin, George •. Gear, agricultural representative for finale .county. His subject War; "Parm Management" aryl he brought out several interesting points, especially for the men pre- smt. Up u`so .explained hew the introduced recorded experiences of the farm- er members are used for the Infor- mation for the betterment of those less experienced, Mrs, Pirnerson spoke briefly on behalf of the Whitechurch Insti- Lute and It boufitiful lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Presbyterian 1V.N.S, Mrs. William Gurle opened her home for tile annual rnreti-g the Presbyterian WMS last Thurs., dly ereorm. Mr- A. Mundell, president was in the chair. The meeting was opened with a call to 'rship, a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Elmer .Teffray had charge of the topip 'Vim Younger Mission Churches in charge of the WMS," - Mrs, Mundell, conducted a ques- tionnaire of 20 'questions on the work and officers of the WMS. This proved interesting and instructive. Roll call was answered by an item of interest -from the Glad Tidings, The following officers were elect- ed for 1952, as presented by the nominating committee: President, Mrs. Alvin Mundell; 1st vice-pros., Mrs. 'T' F gennpdy; 2nd vice-Wren., Mrs, D. McPherson; secretary, Mrs. N. Zinn: asst. son. Mrs F. Jeffray; treasurer, Mrs Ken. Dickson; ex- heroin 'fund, Mrs. Harvey Balla,qh; supply, Mrs. 'James Struthers; wel- erme aryl welfare, Mrs. Elmer Bat- high; Glad Tidings, Mrs. Wm. Curie; literature and library. Mrs. r'gri Nickel: Program cOnverer, Mrs. John Dickson; auditors, Mrs. 71• Baltagh and • Mrs, •F • Jeffrey: Iiixplorers, Mrs. R, IVIeKa.gue and Mrs. Wen. Struthers; C.O,C., Mrs. Glenn Appleby, The meeting closed by singing "Rise un, 0 Men of God," and prayer by Mrs, Code. Dedh;ettion Service A special feature of the church service in the United Church here on Sunday afternoon was the dedi- cation of the beautiful golden oak communion table in memory of Rev, Harold T. West, a former minister THERE WAS PLENTY OF ACTIVITY in the Kindergarten class at the Wingham Public School last Wednesday when parents called to see how their youngsters were progressing. The class had NOTICE Town of Wingham Municipal Election. Nomination- Meeting A meeting of the Electors of the Town of Wing:ham for the nomination of candidates for this Offices of MAYOR,. REEVE,. DEPUTY REEVE, SIX COUNCILLORS, PUBLIC UTILITIES COM- MISSIONER and FOUR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES WILL BE HELD ON Friday, Nov. 24, 1961 at 7:30 o'clock in the evening and 'until 8:30 bumedlatety after the close of Nominations, at 8:$0 o'clock Candidates will address Me electors Should a poll be demanded or required, the same, wilt be held oil MONDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1961 between nine o'clock in the moaning mid six, o'clock in the afternoon' WILLIAM RENWICK, Town Clerk. MRS. D. JEFFERSON CONDUCTS Continuing WEDNES.-THILIES. NOVEIVIDER 22-23 Ingrid Bergman - Yves Montand. Anthony Perkins in "GOODBYE AGAIN" DONNYBROOK - The November meeting of the anti Ladies' Aid was held Tuesday afternoon, with a fair attendance. The call to worship was given by Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, who had charge of the W.M.S. meeting. After singing a hymn the leader read Psalm 34 and led in prayer, which was fol. lowed by the Lord's prayer in ord.-, son. ADMITTANCE. IT'S STYLED RIGHT...SIZED RIGHT) ...BUILT RIMILPRICED RIGHT! TO PERSQNS IS YEARS OF ifiE OR OVER 7.15 Med 945 pan. FR1DAY-SATURDAY NOV. 24-25 Double Bill Program Mrs. Stuart Chamney moil t. her_ aid, Mrs. Ray Hanna read a pa per on Christian stewardship. Mrs, Stuart Chamney gave the secre- tary's report and the financial statement. Business was attended to and the offering received. Mrs. .john. Hildebrand gave a reading. Rev. C. W. Lewis gave a short talk about the duties of the United Church Women, - Mrs. Wt's Jeffer- son took charge of the chapter in the study book. After the singing )f- a hymn Mrs. Jefferson closed the meeting with prayer. • Mrs. Thompson had charge of the Ladies' Aid and opened with a hymn. Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Thompson gave the meditation, followed by prayer, Mrs. Edward Robinson read the secretary's re port and a Psalm was read in tint. son, Mrs. Thompson closed with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Stuart, "THE, TRAPP FAMILY' and "THE BOY WHO STOLE A MILLION" Envoy Custom Sedan MON.-TUE.-WED, NOV. 27-28-29 Gina Loilobrigida - Anthony Fran.. ciosa - Ernest Borgnine in' "GO NAKED IN THE WORLD" CinemaScopc MetreColor • (Adult. Entertainment) 7.18 and 9.15 p.m; who passed away last spring. Mt West, who now lives near Trento,i, was present for the occasion, trio provided special music. A corn- munion service was observed. Rjv.i Howard Pace was in charge. First Prize Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKague's Hackney brood mare, "April Show- ers" took first prize in her class just completed a project on 'Indian headgear and it didn't take the tribe too long to line up for the camera. Mrs. William Elliott is the kindergarten teacher,—A-T photo. at the Royal Winter Fair in Tor- onto last week. Belmar° Berries The Belmore Berries were hon- ored at their eighth meeting by the presence of the home economist, Miss Gilchrist. A demonstration of different ideas for centre pieces, using fruit, was given by Mary Elliott, Norma Harper and Muriel Haskins. Some of the other girls brought dessert. ideas which could be taken to the Achievement Day, !Mary idadie gave a talk on dif- ferent fruit drinks and showed a variety of these. They also discuss- ed Achievement Day and were giv- en a sample quiz to do. The .president, Mary Elliott llianked -Misg. Gilchrist for coming to. 'the meeting. A very attractive limeh WAS served which consisted of the different kinds of fruit bread each. member had brought with her, The meeting was closed with the singing of the national an- them. AIIDS ARE READ AT AUXILIARY MEET BELGRAVE Mrs. J. H. Ander- son welcomed the members of the Evening Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Unit- ed Church to her home on Wednes- day evening. The president, Mrs. G:ifford Logan opened the meet- ing with prayer and a hymn. Rou- tine reports were read, penny mi- lord:ion received and there were five home and six hospital visits to the sick and shut-ins recorded, The groon decided to send the missionary for prayer a Christmas earn. Cards of thanks were read from. Mrs. Ted Fear and Miss Clair McGowan of the Children's Aid So ciety at Coderich, thanking 1,11, group for their donation of $10.00. it was announced that, the alloca- tion for next year for Belgravr Church would be $000.00. The of- tering was received anti dedicated. Mra, Ross .Anderson and her group were in charge of the pro gram, the theme being "Thr Church ard This Day". Mrs. Om- eron Walsh read the Scripture les son and Mrs. Anderson led in pray, yr. "Family Life Golapse or Re' v r Y" from Ur, study hook ''Sig mils of the Sixties" was read b; Mrs. Anderson, Mrs, Ralph McCrrs, and Mrs. Kenneth Barbour. Th- story from the study book, "Hasten the Day" was "into the Sunset", and was read by Mrs. Gordon Pos. man. Mrs. Aitrierson eoeditetrd ar Bible quiz and lunch was served. Silver Star M. Band. Met Sunday Morning FORDWJGH The Silver Star Mission Band of the Fordwich Un- ited Church met Sunday morning in the church basement. The meet_ beg wets centred around a Remem- brance Day worship theme. The inelnbers purpose was repeated arid Douglas Harding read the, Scrip tel Bitilulny greetings were sung to Mrs, Ben Gibson, Douglas Hard- ing and Birk, Mllier, Classes ciie loped, for their studies. Mrs. Robert Gibson took the' Juniors on an im nginary "Cross Canada Trip" in group discussion. Several short stories and Dorms were read by the Juniors. The next meeting will be in the feint of a Ghristnins party, The wan from The Mutital Life Often. lie bowls 220 which compares favourably with the rest of the team. ie looks forward to this weekly recreation because he Ori.joyti being with people. At work, helping people to plan for a future of financial security is his prime concern. X-Xe's an expert at it—a VIP St.trano0 counsellor. A valued, friend. Moto Stratford Phone 139 gingham, Ontario Wing tit61.24 Breath Witt: Bank of Montreal Building, Stratford. G. W. Leath, Branch Manag ,