The Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-22, Page 9'14`
walITI:CIITIRCIT Mrs. D. Hill,
vice-president of the W.M.S. of the
l'ariethyterian Church, presided on • sign f(.168'
wainesday afternoon last week for
a meeting at her home, when. 20
gathered, airs. 11111 gave the
van. to worship and led in prayer.
airs. (lieirge aleKagtei read the
or-riot:toe lesson, and spoke in the
nicallialloa period of Siaemon's
words on kind/lose. Mrs, limber) led it) the t ;lad Titling:: pray
call with a Bible veva(' einitaining
.the word. "kindnese" and Mrs. Jae.
McInnis and Mrs. Victor Emortion
bad charge of the study honks, "In-
to All the World Together", telling
how by missions we provide for
educe:lion and medical aid in for-
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin read a poem,
"Just a Little Kindness" and Mrs.
Dawson •Craig .condumed a woe. on
kind deeds from the Bible.
Mrs. Russell Amos presided for
the election of officers, with Mrs
MU giving the repart. .of the won.
Mating commttee, conaisting lac
IVire, H111, Mrs. Anarew Gaunt and
Mrs. liawson betia. 'rho folloydna
mrs, .10Mo:ton Cann tendered her
rettianatien pretadent of the so
elety, cm sepow of imw3,3, awl
Mrrl, Walter Lott It'd. In the e ttar Dam," me;
toe,/ prayer. Al answered the. roll wire ores., Mrs. Donald Ross; See„
13 the report:
Past pros,, Agra .1, ("mall pros.,
bliss, 'Victor Emerson; first vita-
-11.AFER EF:11
NA -
Minter No
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Every Sc!
'9n. Sunday with their mother, Mrs.
Dowling, Who has been a. patient
in Victoria Hospital, London, for
the past Week.
Mrs. J. O. Gillespie spent the
weeks-end at Wroxeter, with Mrs. J.
F. McLean,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston,
Bobby and Mary, of Parkhill, visit-
ed on Sunday with his mother in
Lueltriew and with. Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Conn, .acid her mother, lairs.
Will Conn, who returned home on
Saturday after spending two weeks.
with Mr. and Mrs..Hardie Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs, -Hellen/1 Icaileoner
and sons, of Sarnia, spent the
week-end: with his mother, Mrs..
Ceeil jaeleorter, and with. Wingham
Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Pernott and
children, Of Goderieb, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Johnston
.Mr, Leroy Aintoill. spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cordon Rintoul, and left on Monday
to take a transport of 14: head of
Shorthorn cattle on Tuesday from
the Gardbouse Farms, at Milton to
the International Fair at Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs, R, Chapman have
purchased Mr, Garnet Farrier's
house beside the United Church.
Mrs. Irene Patterson, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her bro-
ther, Mr. Chas. Taylor, and with
her mother, Mrs, Wm, Taylor, a
patient in Wingham Hospital.
Murray Gaunt
Speaks to W.f.
crowd gathered in the memorial
hall here last Tuesday evening for
the annual potluck supper for the
husbands and families of the In-
stitute members,
After a bountiful sup-per, the
president, Mrs. Dan. Tiffin, was in
the chair for a short business
meeting, and the program which
followed. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Farrier and Wayne played several
musical numbers; Evelyn Brooks
sang a solo, and Mrs. J. D. I3ee-
croft gave a reading,
Kirk Beecrof t
Chairs Meeting
*With prayer,.
• Witighaut Advanee-Unes., Writneslay, Nov. f.,14 rAwe .r4owtow
I)• the children's aid office. Also re.- Is MEETING THEME
Band of the United Church met In
the S. 5, rnoni of the church on
Sunday afternoon with Kirk Bee-
croft, president, presiding, All re-
peated the Mission Band pledge
and read the 100th Psalm in unison,
"Can a Little Child Like Me?"
was sling, and Mrs. Moore led in
a Thanksgiving Litany. Mrs.
Moore's seniors then studied their
chapter from 'the study book "The
Children Across Canada." Mrs.
E, W. Beecroft's class heard the
missionary story, "Timmy's
Team." The meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs, Moore.
Mrs. It. 1). IvIcilacizialci; trezei,,
Ewart McPherson; library and lit-
erature, Mrs, W. It. Purdon; suit-
Ply, Mrs. D. Hill; ;student see,, Mrs.
Elroy I,aidlaw: Missiorr Band, Mrs.
Earl Caslicit and Mrs. Hugh S'irril)-
Saha SUMS., pianists. Mrs, Andrew
Gaunt ana Mrs. Donald Ross.
Mrs, Emerson thanked Mrs. Hill.
for welcoming the ladies to her
Mime awl all sang "Breathe on Me
Breath of God" and Mrs. Frank
Omit or closed• the meeting with
prayer. The hostess served hunch.
;told the Vagabond: "If a. pig
emild pray, he would devote his
entire prayer to mini and swill;
inlet should pray .for other sorts a
$20000 Surplus is
Clerk-treasurer John G. Berry
'forewLst a possible 420,000 aurplus
at the end or 1962, in his report to-
the November session of Huron-
County Council on Monday.
At tha present time, he said, the
county highways account shows, a,
deficit .of slightly more than $78,-
(40 but should en=d the year with.
a balance. Expenditures in this
department pile Up sharply in the
summer months and revenues, are
not. in until the end of the year.
Highways expenditures to the end
or September were $028,000.
Mr. Berry said. -that the cost of
highways is a constant problem and
the program will either have to
be reduced or the funds inereaPed
--to medt costs.
County revenue until the end of
September was $402,200 and ex-
pendituree were $382,000,
-Children Promoted
;From Little Helpers
At St. •.Pattl's Service
A number of children of St.
Pael's Anglican. Church junior con,
gregation received their quarterly
attendanee reemais at the morning
service on Sunday, Rev. C,. 'F.
.Johnson presented the certificates
to the little ones and hymns, psalm
and Scripture focused on youth and
Mr. Johnson also gave out cer-
tificates to the children promoted
from Little Helpers, He was as-
sisted by Herbert Fuller, Those
who have been promoted are Laura
Deneau, Mark Douglas, Douglas
Elliott, Carol Higgins, Bradley
King, Jeffrey Lockrirage, Trudy
Macl(ay, Dana Metcalfe, James
Saint, Debra Salter, Brian Shrop-
The parents of infants 'who had
recently been baptized were also
presented with certificates and the
Little Helpers took their yearly of-
ferings to -the altar. The junior
• choir sang "Praise Him, Praise
Him" as an anthem.
-1111111 BAZAAR • '
LAit.b.l.r..,Ea— The November meta
Ong of the 'W.A. of Mciiitosh tin-
ited Church was held in the base-
ment Tuesday afternoon -of last
week With a good attendance, The
Meeting opened With a hymn. Mrs.
Eldon Renwick took -charge of the.
devotional period in the ;absence. of
Mrs, Howard Pace.
Scripture was read by MM: Ivan
Haskins, followed by a realatiq by
Mrs, E. Renwick. The president,
Mrs, Bert Wylie, emnliteted the
business meeting the ininutee
and reports were read. Mrs, Ken
wick, closed thetneeting with Pray.
Following the closing a Very NM-
cessful bazaar was bold whirl] re
alizecl a nice sum, Luneh want
served by Miss Prances Toe:Jilt Mrs.
Harvey-Wright, Mrs. Ts'an Thethiht;
and Mrs, Cli.ffIoc
ristance, while adding very little to
the weight.
The peOatiartreie of laminated fa,-
'arias depande on the outer oholl,
however. Sinee all neeesaary
warmth is in the "wear of the
sandwich, the outer fabric, Can bei
as light and thin as anyone would
wish, but it must also be strong
rinse the foam has Tittle strength
of its own,
Washahility also depends -on the
corer (soul if the f.ibrie it. one If.o-
teryiene which has proven washa-
bility, there's no need to waery
about the lesolation. The- foamed
phietie won't nett, crumble or de-
teriorate no matter how often, It Is tan also he safely -dry.-
! oil nrosi.
IS:; Pa, the wind and water resist.
tune). la laminates, thia also de..-
Pemla en the miler fahvie. The foam
itarlt 1:, porous that'!: why it traps
body lwat it can't he counted
on to i,ecp coat lbe wind. ..For at
c.ittt tar the chilly blast%
a t iebtly Virtiteii or bnit outer shell
is a ate..easity 1"'i' a raincoat, the
fatale Lilt-dd lie shower-
COULTES—On Wednesday, Novem
ber 15th, •in Wingham General
Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Coultes, of Whitechurch, a daugh-
ter, Debra Ann.
keep 'em
C f
"We Service
Gill• Television
Radio and
32 New Features now' Incorporated into
every Philips Tv Set — Such things as auto-
matte, control of picture size that makes the
b-st in viewing Nen,dire. Every test proved
for the area.
Please everyone with a New
We Sell"
ee.a. \11--
A ' kks
The property committe of Huron
County Council on Monday was
4 directed to investigate the possibil-
ity of either ,adding to the present
county building in, Goderich or con-
structing a new building on land
owned by 'the Town of Goderieb
which is under option by the coun-
ty. .
The committee was also author-
ized to engage an architect to pre-•
pare plans for the proposed build-
ing or investigate an addition to
the present court house,
Reeve Frank Walk= of Getter-
Leh opposed an addition to the pre-
sent court house, stating it would
spoil the design of the build tug, Be
also objected La any deceatrellza.
Hon of authority and said there
would be more efficiency if hill of.
flees were kept together,
An addition 4:0 1,14,,- c'oun't house
would mean that the county would
have to secure more land from the
• town. Reeve Mel Grath. of Clinton
-suggested the old Clinton post of-
fice as a possible building which
could lie used for county purposes
Clintanal request, for a new post
office is approved.
Further recommendation was
that in planning for a new build-
ing the following offices lie trans-
ferred to or incorporated in the
new etructure: Huron Comity
Children's Aid Society, probation
offices, detention • home, juvenile
and family court judge's office and
family court room, magistrate's
quarters and the Huron County
Library. It was stated that for
some time the property committee
has had under consideration the ad-
visability of making more office
space for certain offices within the
courthouse, At present the Sur-
rogate Court and sheriff's office
are in. need of more space, as does
quired is an office for the Emer.
probation officer is also located in
temporary quarters.
Ask for Gifts for
Hospital Patients
Members of Sacred Heart Cath-
olic Women's League met recently
for their • regular meeting. Card
parties will be held again this year,
commencing after the. New Year.
Proceeds from one of the parties
will he directed -to the buying of
gifts which will be presented to
those patients in the hospital who
are on the lists -of the CW.L. vis.
ici ng • committee.
The December meeting will be
held in the -form of Cr Christmas
party, Mrs, C. Robinson, Mrs. W.
Templemah and Mrs. L. Statism.
mire appointed a .Conatittee which
will plan. the party, Gifts will be
-eXellanged -between the members,
Tn addition, each member is to
take a small item which will fur-
nish the hospital patients with
hospital patients with tihristmea.
Another lode of clothing has been
Sent to the Theban missions, The
Meeting closed with prayer, after
r r•,PA71,0MV,1,147411%/MiOrnMitOMIRI1,07010.0SPEOVOTRUIPM/ZIMS1000004/0/011AMICRAMIOANWINIO , which WW1 WA-1 Ut'ved.
-D. Craig; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs, 1
Wm. ltintoul; Home Helpers, Mrs, forteseepl 0'r County Mr. Laverne Dowling and 411 w
and Mrs. Robert Aiteheson visited
Mrs: Farrier introduced Murray ,„
Gaunt, -who in an interesting and
humorous way accompanied his
slides of his recent trip to Ber-
muda, Mrs, Ezra Seholtz present-
ed him with a remembrance from
the Institute and thanked him for
his address,
04: s,11
; gency Measures Co-ordinator, The
Farrier presided for the meeting
of the village gnatzp of the WIVIS,
United Chureh., on Wednesday last
in the S. S. room with sixteen
ladies present. The theme of the
Meeting was "Building for Peace,"
and Mrs, Dan 'Tififn read Scrip- ,
turn referring to this promised
peace. Mrs, Ezra Scholtz led in
Mrs. E. H. Groskorth was in
charge -of the study book "The l
Turning World" and showed that t.i
peace could only come as a result
of evangelism and that the Spirit
of Christ can trensforra the world
through Faith, She spoke on "The
Hotteeliold of Faith," Mrs. Ezra a.
Seholtz and Mrs, Dan Tiffin sang a
"I Conie to the Garden Alone,"
and "I•Te Welke With Me," Mrs. .1.
G. Gillespie gave ,a reading on
Christian 'Stewardship.
Mrs. Seholta invited the ladies
to her home for the Deeenalier
Meeting and thii village ladies
were appoihted to bring in a slate
"of officers at the next meeting,.
The president, after A short busi-
ness vocr.t Meeting, aloSed the Meoting . :. ,,. , .
There's a new trim look to coats
arid jackets this .fell due to it
"'sandwich" approveh to cold-
weather fabrics: a thin layer of In-
sulating foam. between two layers
of cloth,
Called "laminates" or "foam-
banks," they've sparked an entirely
new concept in outerwear, TI,
to he thud. warmth was syn onymous
with Widnes:1 and winterwear was
usually rough and heavy. Now
smooth, knit jerseYa and fine woven
fabrics are being given the warmth
of heavy blanketelotic anti cola-
weather fat-Jamie have taken. ow
Hummer comfort and eleeltaree.
The tweret lies in Si thin layer of
flexible polyurethane Diem, a lit",
hiet of the plastics: ledwary. LA-
lianated - or bowled to Ow ,:ittlia•
fabric!, it is made up of millious
tiny air cell:: which provide a
downy soft insulation. it also nP.I't
'the fabric': "hotly" end wriniae
• just what
she wants
Beads, bangles and
baubles ... sure
'to please every
Christmas belle.
A very gifted group!
of every style
and price ranue
fie- mem.atiop HER...cvEnyoNE
pieces — $3430 44
.4aSkaoaPairatAWsakatealk • IVIV-Pfis.*