HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1961-11-15, Page 12ONE DAY, A CURE—Kirk Clouthier has muscular dystrophy; He's everything little boys are, but he lives in a wheelchair. He looks to Firefighter Harry Wilson as all Canada's firefighters look to you to help finance Canadian researchers in a race against time. The Muscular Dystrophy. Association of Canada's annual appeal for funds will be carried out in Wingham on Monday evening, 'Nov. 20th by members of the Wingham Fire Brigade. AU lovely than ever. selection and lacy, front a bigger and better $2.98 to . $5.95 AA.0,0~/AAAr e.• GOWNS and 'PYJAMAS.. New designs and ,beatttiful, shades, 'from, Cosy ilituielettes and eituggledowns to lovely. .sheets. • • .- . $2.98 to $4.95 Edward Powell, 36-year-old Turn- berry farmer, was removed to hos- pital in Wingham, and later to London, with a broken left leg as the result of a mishap on Sideroad 10 and 11, Turnberry Township, just before the noon hour on Sun- day. He was walking on the edge of the road in front of his farm pro- perty just vest of the Sixth Con-, cession, when he was struck by a pick-up truck driven by Jack Willits, 42, of R.R. ,1, Wingham.. Mr. WHIRS_ was accompanied by his wife and two daughters .at the time. The accident was investigated by Provincial Police Constable Mur- ray Fridenburg of the' Wingham Detachment. (4 .---7-.- l'---: : -,-, FOR A MORE ATTRACTIVE YOU LET US SUGGEST —•_. -------.1 COLD -WAVING iSwo NAT US WILL TOP TUE REST! What better, ON; than. in attractive big from our scleetiett of plastics and fine leathers. ' PRICE $3.95 to $11.95 BLOUSES . Choose a pretty blouse. from. our fine colicetion.of cottons, "Terylenee" and Arnels. PRICED from $2.98 to $5.95 HE'LL LOVE YOU FOR THESE PYJAMAS Polo style or warm flannelette, in smart colors anti designs. • $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95 4, SPORT SHIRTS-..., Never before has there been a More handsome selection. See our terrific selection, of knitted styles• and fine cottons in famous name brands. $5.00, $6.00 and $7.95 BELTS and JEWELLERY by Hickock For a real mall.'d '. PRICED from $1.00 TIES and SOX . , Ow usual fine selection. PRICED from 0..0 STOP WISHING for pennies from heaven! A/ Get cash NIAGARA when you LIMNS need it. Up to $2500.00 sometimes more. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 807 10th SL, Hanover Telephone 810 112 Ontario Street Stratford; TeL 271-0010 ANNETTE'S HAIR STYLING P11.21"ZiggIL;511T Brewers' Warehousing Company Limited, operators of Brewers' Re- tail stores in the Province of On- tario, 'opened. it's 295th Outlet on Monday. The •new store is located on Josephine Street, Wingham, and is -located ,in the remodelled pre- mises ofCtinningham Motors: .A feature of opening day was -an official reception at -which -guests toured the new. premises and at- tended 4 'special luncheon- at the Royal Canadian Legion .Horne. '• 'Brewers:-Retail buff brick exter- iors,; along.."with 'red, White and black eye•:identifleation mar- km 'have bee.oriie land- marks to thousands' .Of Canadians throughout the Pitvince... The Wingh.a.m. store is one -of -the few in the Province . to 'have a' Pole Mounted illuMlnated bull's eye with a flashing "open" sign. Modern. materials haVe been em- ployed. successfully in refttrbishing. the store with birch plywood' being used on the interior side walls. The rear wall of the retail area is cov- ered with green Formica paneling With 2-ilia' birch 'Colored Formica splines, Acoustic ceiling, stainless steel counter tops, .attractive ter- razzo flooring and fluorescent strip lighting have all.. been utilized to create a. warm .friendly atmosphere for the retail section of the store, 'A large 'refrigerated area is lo- cated' directly' behind thj sales area and ensures that all brewers' pro- ducts Will be properly chilled be- fore 'being sold over the counter to customers. The store's asphalt covered park- ing lot. has "ample space for ap- proximately ,11 cars. Manager of the Wingham store is Mr, P. 'Vath. This store is a unit of the Hanover Stores Group in charge of A. Girodat, District Manager is R, Herrington of Kit- .cherier, Store hours will be JO aril. to 0 p.m., Monday to Saturday inclusive with extended hours to 9 p.m. on Saturdays. During the , winter Months this store will be closed on Wednesdays and will be cloSed 'during the lunch period frorn i pan. to 2.30 p.m., Monday to Friday 111- °1:wive, W. King of R.R. 2, Wingham, The Shaw ear was pushed into the 'back of the Metcalf vehicle, Damage amounted to about $250 to the 'front end -of the King car, With minor damage reported on the other two vehicles. The accident was investigated by Constable William Waite of -the Wingham police force, 5, 19611 7#6. 6 Thri, Wifrt Advines-Times, Wed.: 110Yeraber •rgwnn.n. People Who Shop In Wingham. Read The Advance Times .yceum Theatre' WINGHAM, ONTARIO .11'WO SUMS EACH NIGHT COMIIENCING AT 7.0(1 MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 2:00 Wednesday, November 15 — Last Showing sec. 1/1" alpo1 Folding. FLOOR Aluminum Aluminum WALL SASH ' AWNINGS TILES DOORS. LUMBER — BUILDING — CUPBOARDS Telephone 260 Wingham "THE NM Of NAVARONE" Commeiteing at 7:00 p.m. Red Front Grocery °Thur,-Fri.-Sat. Double Bill Nov. 16-17-18 READ SKELTON in GOOD WEATHER prevailed for the, November 11th service at the Cenotaph. The Legion pipe band is shown as it led the parade of militia members, veterans, Scouts and Cubs and Legion iIAN" "TILE FULLER BRUSH Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the. Upkeep Delivery Auxiliary down the main street prior to the services at the mon- ument on Diagonal Road. The fine weather produced a good crowd of citizens for the service.—A-T photo. ea, PERSONALS LUCILLE. BALL in "THE FULLER BRUSH G1111," Two great comedies on the one bill 0 Is.,.•1;zer,o,..404144:7410 „44‘14 Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE, 6-oz., .89c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP, 1'0-oz....9/$1.00 Monarch PASTRY FLOUR 7 lbs. 57c McNair's SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. 53c ONTARIO NO. 1 POTATOES,'50 lbs. 60c AMMITAIM111=1••••• CONRON, C.L.U., Insurance Agency ;JOHN STREET, WINGIIAM — PHONE 722W MANUFACTURERS LIFE. S. A. SCOTT, Salesman. The time to do something about the weather is now! You can't stop weather damage to your home and property . . but you can pre- vent financial loss duo to storm damage. Insure , . . to be sure. Consultation without obligation on your insurance requirements. all a U a U W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST N • BREWERS' RETAIL OPENED MONDAY WEEK-END ACCIDENTS LEG BROKEN WHEN MT BY TRUCK Be an Early-Bird Shopper' il Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and 1 i SOUND. See our HEARING-AID GLASSES, ill ii i lightest in weight. . ii I I . i Phone 37 for appointment iii .-.41tommatisinumnornumummtmitlawrocuistiniatinummoi:, and Mrs. F. A. Parker, I —Mn and Mrs. William J. Stew- ' art, of Wicklow, N.B, and son, Wil- ' liam, of Lancaster, N,B., are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris. Mrs, Stewart is a sister of Mr. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Harris and Mr. and Mrs, Stewart and William spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Del- , mage, of London. I --Mrs, Robert Peters, of Brant- ford, Mrs. Dorothy Peters and son, Ian, of Peru, South America, spent part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tuck, --Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton and John MacNaughton spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, William Hawx- by at Listowel. --Mr. and Mrs, Scott Reid visited with Mrs. Reid's mother, Mrs. Herson Irwin, on Sunday, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. —Miss Susan Bennett, of Lindsay, was a week-end visitor with her friend, Miss Barbara Hall. —Mrs. Maddox, of Midland, visit- ed on Sunday at the home of her brother-in-law, Mr. Stafford Bate- son, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bateson and family. Mr. French, also of Midland, called at the Bate- son home and visited with friends in Brussels. —Mrs, Carl Lott is visiting thTS week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Henderson, and Mr. Henderson, 'in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Den.eau and family spent the week-end in Lon- don with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holmes and family. —Mr. Robert Young, of Sarnia, was a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Young, over the week-end. —Rev. and Mrs, C. F. Johnson left on Monday for Toronto, where he officiated Monday evening at St. George's Church for the baptism of their grandson, Kevin Ronald, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Riches. They remained in the city until Wednes- day to attend the funeral of Mr. Johnson's brother-in-law, Mr. H. G. Goff, who passed away suddenly on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, C. A. Gregory, of Lindsay, were week-end guests with her sister, Mrs E. Eclighoffer, and Mr. Edighoffer. --Mrs. Clifford Summers, of St. Lambert, Que., and Mrs, J. L. Peg- fern, of Port Credit, visited last week with their mother, Mrs, Geo. Cameron, Sr. While here they took their mother on a motor trip to Detroit, where they spent a few days. —Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bennett and John, of Lindsay, spent the week- end with Mrs. Irene Sperling. —Mr. and Mrs, Roy Trigger, of London, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Manuel, Frances Street. —Mr. and Mrs, James Waddell, of Listowel, were visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Wenger, on Monday. A nephew of Mrs, Wenger, Larry Dowd, of Britton, accom- panied by Miss Sharon Keeso, of Listowel, visited at the same home on Sunday afternoon. —John Hanna, MPP, will attend a "Meet the Premier Night" at the special events buildings at Queen's Park, London, on Thursday 'of this week, when the new premier, The Hon. John Roberts, will be on hand to greet the public of Western On- tario. York PEANUT BUTTER, 16-oz. Mason „ .39c HEINZ STRAINTED BABY or JUNIOR FOOD, 5-oz. .....3/32c Red Rose TEA BAGS, 60's . .. .... .83c Solo MARGARINE: lb. 25c, Schneider's PURE LARD lb. 22c York Frozen Mixed VEGETABLES .2 lbs.. 53c SWANSON FROZEN 12%-oz. MACARONI-CHEESE DINNER 45c Farm •House Frozen • CAKES, chocolate, banana or orange, with Free Frozen Apple Pie. 39c Grand Valley Tenderized HAM ........lb. 69c Grand Valley BOLOGNA (in piece) —lb. 29c Fresh Crisp RADISH, 8-oz. cello 2/19c Virginia YAMS . 2 lbs: 25c Florida Juice ORANGES, 252's ...... . :doz. •39c Check these tor Smart Gift Selections: SLIPS .. TONGUE-TWISTER By way of illustrating the num- erous different pronounciations of "ough," a professor of English at a leading university has come up with the following: Though the tough cough and hiccough plough us through . . . t Now who was that who said Eng- lish wasn't the most difficult of all languages to learn? —Mr .and Mrs, Harold Foxton, Mrs. David McKay and Heather, were in Scarborough over the week- end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nelson. Mr. Foxton took in the Royal Winter; Fair. —Mr. and Mrs. Harper and daughter, of St. Catharines, visited with Mr. H. Treneer on Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. Morey O'Laughlin and two children, of Sarnia, and Dr. and Mrs. John Hay and three children, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with their . parents, Dr, Don't overlook dry atmosphere as a cause of house plant failure. Be- sides being injurious to the plants themselves, dryness invites such in- sect pests as red spider mites, fern scale, and thrips, A simple humidi- fier (a pan of water on a radiator) will help, although this seldom pro- vides enough moisture in' the win- ter. Spray the plants occasionally with slightly warm water. —Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and family, of London, were guests on Sunday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mowbray, and family. --Mrs. Mason, of Stratford, is a visitor with her sisters, Mrs. Minn and Florence Barber, —Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Craw- ford, of Detroit, spent the week- end at the home of the former's I mother, Mrs. Alex. Crawford. HANDBAGS , .. EDIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited :,THE FRIENDLY STORE" Zetiand Crash. Another accident.occurred at the westerly approach to the Zetland bridge at 7 a.m. Monday when a car driven by Marlow James Crow: ston of Kincardine, crashed the barricade on the highway which detours traffic to the temporary bridge. Mr, Crowston was not in- jured, hut $300 damage was done to the car. The accident occurred at a time when the area was cov- ered by dense fog. The driver stat- ed he did not see the yelloW flash- er on the barricade until it .was too late to stop. The mishap was investigated by Constable John Parkinson of the Wingham. OPP Detachment. Hits Bridge A late model car driven -by John 'Metcalf and owned by the driver's father, Herman Metcalf, of 'RR, 2, Wingham, was damaged to the ex- tent of $400 on Thursday evening of last week when it collided with the sloping girder of the Lower Town bridge on Victoria Street, The delver was not injured, but the bridge was damaged to the extent of $50.00.. Icy road condi- tions prevailing -at the time were blamed for the accident, Night Constable Ted Whitby of the Wing- ham po,Ice investigated. Chide Reaction No injuries were reported in -a Saturday evening collision on the Main street of Winghtun, when three cars were involved in a chain reaction accident. The situation arose when. a, ea: owned and driven by John Harold Metcalf stopped his vehicle in ,front Of the Cameron billiard parlor to let Out a passenger, week.. The group shown above looks over the second ear, driven by HerveY huge eir conditioning unit used to dooi One part Ito a stop Shaw, of na, 2 Bluevale, also tattle but ,as struck from. the of the warehouse. A.T photo, rear by a third ear, driven by Jas. A GOOD CROWD OP VISITORS was on hand for the official Opening of the Brewers Retail Store on Josephine Street on Monday of this 1,